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Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1)

Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
State University of Medan, Medan 1,2)
E-mail: 1) 2)

This research aims to find out the improvement of the students’ oral language
skills using comic strips and board game as an instructional media in terms of its
physical feasibility, design, color, material, images and text by using role-playing.
The subject was the 1 st grade students of the English department of Unimed,
consisted of 30 students for the field trial. This research was use classroom
action research by Kemmis and Taggart. It was accomplished in two cycles. Each
cycles consisted of four steps: planning, action, observation and reflection. The
first cycle consisted of one meeting including giving material and pretest. The
second cycle consisted of one meeting, given material and post-test. Based on the
students' assessment, it was showed that the mean of pre-test was 52 and the mean
of post-test was 88. And the higher score was 92. From the data, it indicated that
using Comic Strips and Board Game in learning Oral Language Skills was
effective, and the data concluded that the students’ have the improvement in
speaking. The results showed that comic strips and board game were very good
and feasible to be used as a media to learn oral language skills.

Keywords: comic strips, board game, media, oral language skills.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam

pembelajaran Oral Language Skills dengan menggunakan Comics Strips dan
Board Game sebagai media yang dirancang dengan berbagai design, warna,
materi, gambar dan text yang mengunakan metode Role Playing. Subjek
penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Unimed
semester 1 yang mengambil mata kuliah Oral Language Skills dengan jumlah 30
orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kemmis dan Taggart. Yang dilakukan
dalam dua tahap. Pada setiap tahap terdiri atas empat tahap: Rencana, kegiatan,
observasi dan Refleksi. Pada tahapan pertama terdiri dari satu pertemuan yaitu

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
memberikan materi dan pre Test. Pada tahap kedua terdiri dari satu pertemuan
yaitu memberikan materi dan Post Test. Berdasarkan Hasil penilaian lembar
jawaban siswa menunjukkan rata- rata nilai Pre Test mahasiswa 52 dan rata- rata
Post Test mahasiswa 92. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media dalam
pembelajaran Oral Language Skills sangat efektif berdasarkan data menunjukkan
adanya peningkatan nilai.. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Comic Strips dan
Board Game merupakan media yang sangat bagus dan dapat digunakan sebagai
media dalam pembelajaran Oral Language Skills.

Kata kunci: comic strips, board game, oral language skills, media.

INTRODUCTION Language Skills Subject is more

Oral Language Skills is often done by finishing the exercises
subject of the study which is the on the textbook. So the students did
combination between two skills, not practice speaking.
listening and speaking. Listening and To overcome this problem,
speaking are always in integration, the lecturers need to find the
so lectures should teach these two effective way to teach Oral Language
skills in an interacted way. Although Skills. The lecturers should create a
the students may know how to listen media to make students speak up.
and speak in the language, they may Many media can be used including
still not be able to communicate in games because many researches said
this language mainly because these that this media is effective to use in
skills are not used in integration. Use teaching speaking. Using game for
of media and real life situations learning Oral Language Skills
could naturally lead to the subject will be effective way to make
integration of skills. student speak up and speak well.
Learning media is used to The Lecturer can use Comic
support the material taught in the Strips and Board Game as media in
teaching-learning process. By using teaching and learning process.
learning media, it is expected that According to Hornby (1995:486)
the connection among the lecturers games is an activity that you do to
and students can be built in order to have some fun. Comic Strips and
complete the purpose of learning. Board Game consist of pictures
The researcher has done a which are good for teaching as
brief observation and interview the Thornbury (2007:25) states that
students, based on interviews found visualizing is the best way to teach
that students who were passive in the new word for all subjects. By using
learning process complained because a picture, the attention of students
of a lack of confidence, will be more focused. It means that
pronunciation and grammar. The pictures can create their inspiration
activities in the class did not give and motivation to know the content
them the opportunity to explore their of the message of those pictures.
skills so it makes them difficulties in Comic Strips are collections
speaking. In the class the lecturer as of pictures which have stories and
a center of the learning and Oral consist of one or more title and

JURNAL DARMA AGUNG Volume 28, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020 ; 313 – 327 314
theme. It is an art work that contains (2020), Purba D & Sihombing H
about characteristics, events in (2020).
picture form which can be
humorous, adventurous, etc and it is THEORY
usual take place on books or Oral Language Skills
newspaper. Oral Language Skills is one of
Board Game is one of games the subject matter which learning
that can be used in teaching about the two main skills in second
speaking. Using that game will help language learning, they are listening
to improve speaking ability and also and speaking. The goal of teaching
make the student interest to the oral language skills is to improve
lesson. Board Game is a fun game to student communication skill in order
do in class. to be able to express their thought,
Comic Strips and Board ides, or feelings, and learn how to
Game encourage the students to follow social rules in communication
active in the class, entertain them, activities.
teach the language naturally, and According to Nunan (2003) in
promote fluency. So this media Kayi (2006), the main aim in
makes students confidence to speak teaching speaking is to prepare the
English so they can speak fluently. learners to be able to : 1) Produce the
The important of this activity that the English sounds and speech patterns;
students directly play the media 2) Use words and sentence stress,
through role playing so it makes the intonation patterns and the rhythm of
teaching learning process naturally. the second language; 3) Select
Thus, the researcher is appropriate words and sentences
interested in using Comic Strips and according to the proper social
Board Game as a media for Oral setting, audience, situation, and the
Language Skills, especially for the subject matter; 4) Organize their
grade 1 of English Department thoughts in a meaningful and logical
Students, as an initial effort to help sequence; 5) Use language as a
solving the problems in learning means of expressing values and
process. The media is expected not judgments; 6)Use the language
only as a tool for lecturers to deliver quickly and confidently with view
the material of the lesson, but it will unnatural pauses, which is called
also invite the students to participate fluency.
in using it. It is expected that the Teaching Oral Language Skills
Comic Strips and Board Game can is a very important part of second
be the alternative to improve the language learning. The ability to
students’ speaking skill. communicate in a second language
clearly and efficiently contributes to
The ability of students to the success of the learner in
learn to absorb material using the university and success later in every
media images on the internet is very phase of life. Therefore, it is
dependent on their desire to absorb essential that lecturers pay great
the learning material Damanik D, attention to teaching listening and
Panjaitan J & Simangunsong I speaking. Rather than leading

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
students to pure memorization, There are some characteristics of
providing a rich environment where good media as proposed by Sudjana
meaningful communication takes and Rivai (2009:4). They are:
place is desired. With this aim, 1. Match with the teaching
various listening and speaking objectives
activity can contribute a great deal to Learning media are chosen
students in developing basic based on instructional
interactive skills necessary for life. objectives. Those instructional
The activity in oral language skills objectives include
subject make students more active in understanding, application, and
the learning process and at the same analysis.
time make their learning more 2. Support the content of the
meaningful and fun for them. materials
The materials that include facts,
Teaching Using Media principles, and generalization
The problem for most need media in order that the
students to learn English is lack of students will understand the
interest. They perceive English as material easily.
something difficult to understand. It 3. Easy to obtain
is important for teacher to find a Media that are needed by the
teaching media that can attract teachers should be easy to get.
students’ attention, because it will be At least the media are easy to be
easier for teacher to deliver the designed by the teachers.
material when students pay attention 4. Easy to use
to their teaching. There are many kinds of media,
Media is derived from Latin but the important thing is that
and is the plural of the word the teachers do not know how to
"medium" which literally means use the media, they are useless.
"intermediary" that is the Therefore, good media should
intermediary of the message source be easy to be used and they are
by receiving the message (Susilana not too complicated.
and Riyana, 2009: 6). Media also 5. Match with the students’
means tools that can simplify the job intelligence
(Rusman, 2013: 159). Media attract Media should be appropriate
the students’ attention. It becomes with the students intelligence, so
supplementary verbal information the materials can be understood
and illustrates relationships in a way easily by the students.
that is impossible with words. Media Suyanto (2007:102) states that there
can be interesting to watch are three kinds of Media:
challenging, and reinforcing (Davies, 1. Audio Media is media that
1980:193). From the definitions of contaion recorded text to listen.
media above, it can be concluded It means the audio media has
that media can ease the process of sound which is listened by us
delivering message, particularly and to mean as thinking that the
from teachers to students. content message in audiotape
from such as vocal cord/tape

JURNAL DARMA AGUNG Volume 28, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020 ; 313 – 327 316
recorder and video compact disk are panel, lettering, word balloon,
which can stimulate thought, thought balloon, caption, sound
feeling, idea of the stuents in effects, borders, and gutters
teaching and learning process. (Yomtov, 2014: 5). Panel is the most
For example: Radio, Audio basic element of a comic. It is
tapes/cassetts, etc. defined as a single image in a
2. Visual media is term used to sequence of images. It has various
include teaching aids which types such as square, round,
depend on the use visual triangular and the like.
communication There are several advantages
channel.Simulation of visual of using comic strips as media in
media fortunately give students learning speaking. As stated by
result of teaching and learning Carry (2004: 58), in comics,
more effective and efficient as readability measures are determined
good as possible as like re- not only on words alone, but also on
remembering and knowing the pictures. Here, pictures support the
material, according Levie and words to make speaking becomes
Lenzt (2013: 192). Visual media more comprehensible. Second, the
are able to make easily pictures are used not only to aid
understanding and unifying of comprehension but also to facilitate
remembering. vocabulary teaching. They help the
For example: flat material ( students a lot to memorize and recall
pictures, flash cards, maps, words. Csabay (2006) explains that if
charts, cardboard figures); a word, expression, or concept is
Three-dimension materials( accompanied by a picture, the learner
Realia, puppets, models); will memorize and recall it more
Projected material (Slides, easily. Besides comprehension and
overhead projectors, film strips) vocabulary, Csabay (2006) asserts
3. Audio-Visual Media is media further that grammatical competence
that can be seen, touched, and can be improved as well. With the
listened. help of comic strips, new
grammatical points can be
Comic Strips introduced and practiced. With the
Comic Strips is an art work that use of comic as a medium in
contains about characteristics, events teaching English, the students do not
in picture form which can be realize that they are learning English.
humorous, adventurous, etc. They learn English in more
According to Gavigan and enjoyable and interesting ways.
Tomasevich (2011:9), comic strips
are short form comics which Board Game
generally consist of three to eight Board game can be offered as
panels. They usually appear in a teaching aid to teach English. It is
newspapers. Board is the popular types of games
Basically, a comic strip has among the children. Board games are
the same essential elements as a well known almost in all of societies
comic book page. Those elements in the world. According to Pritchard

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
(1994), the origins of board games flexible, meaningful and
came from China, India, or Nigeria. communicative way.
The examples of popular board 2. Involving friendly competition
games are monopoly, snakes and and keeping students interested
ladders, and luda. This type of the in learning the language.
board game mainly involves moving 3. Helping students learn and hang
markers along a path (Lewis and on to new words more easily.
Bedson, 1999). Board games are a 4. Motivating and challenging.
kind of games that can be used in 5. Learning a language requires a
teaching language. Rahmawati great deal of effort.
(2012) states board games are also 6. Encouraging students to interact
been used to teach children basic fact and communicate.
and information about the world in 7. Creating a meaningful context
which they live. In the board game, for language use.
there are some materials needed by
the player such as, counters, dice, Using Comic Strips and Board
game board, and cards. Game in teaching Oral Language
Board game gives many Skills.
advantages for the lecturer and the In order to achieve the goal
students. The advantages of board of English teaching-learning, the
games for the lecturer are helping the instructional process should be
lecturer to get the students involved designed to meet the students’ needs
and get more positive proactive and also accommodate their learning
responses, enhancing students’ style. Lecturers are expected to be
motivation because it is contrast with creative in developing the materials
the regular class exercises, and and also the media to support the
adding students’ interest to what they teaching-learning process.
do not normally find interesting. Through media, the students
Whereas, some of advantages of can increase their idea and creativity.
board game for the students are the It can even encourage them to speak
board games provide rich learning more. Nowadays, the needs of media
opportunities and improve their in language learning become an
learning ways, connect to the real life important thing. The media can be
situations, encourage the use of used as one way for solving the
authentic materials and guarantee problems in speaking. Pictures and
fresh content, enhance their the variations, as what is included in
motivation as they perceive them as Comic Strips and Board Game as the
fun and enjoyable, help them to be examples of visual media, can help
more creative, tap into the emotional lecturer teaching Oral Language
side, etc. Skills to the students.
According to Carly (2010: 21) there Comic Strips and Board Game
are many advantages of using board design should adopt the learning
games, such as: theories so that it can meet the
1. Bringing real world context into students’ needs and learning styles.
the classroom, and increasing Moreover, the teaching media should
students’ use of English in a also be tested and evaluated.

JURNAL DARMA AGUNG Volume 28, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020 ; 313 – 327 318
reflection self that collectively do
RESEARCH researcher in a social situation in
METHODOLOGY order to improve reasoning and
The Subject of Research justice of there on social or
The subject of this research was education practice. Based on theory
the first grade students of English on Classroom Action Research, it
Department at Unimed in academic concluded that the classroom action
year 2018/2019. There were 30 research is working, the application
students and learn Oral Language and activities to fact finding in solve
Skills. the problem of social situation in
improving the quality of action and
The Source of Data analyze to the treatment. Thus, it
Arikunto (2002) states that involved four steps, namely:
data are the result of the fact and planning, action, observation, and
number that can be substanced to reflection with each of these
arrange the information. Data refers activities being systematically and
to the rough materials researchers self critically implement and
collect from the world they are interrelate.
studying; they are the particular that
form the basis of analysis. Data Technique of Collecting the Data
include materials the people doing The data were collected as
the study actively record. In other follows:
words, data are the information that 1. Observation
gained from the subject of the The first technique used to
research. Here, the data were the collect the data was
existing materials and the student’s observations. The researcher
need. enters to the class and observed
Moreover, the data sources are the the situation. It was reported in
subject from which the data can be the form of observation sheet.
gained (Arikunto, 2006). Therefore, 2. Test
the source of data is the subject that The researcher will do a Pre-
becomes the source of information to Test and Post-Test. The pre-test
the researcher. The sources of data in is before the learning process
this study were teaching learning using the media to measure
process activity using the Comic students’ understanding in
Strips and Board Game speaking. Post-Test will be the
second test after the teacher
Research Method gives treatments to the students
This research will apply by using comic strip and Board
classroom action research by Game.
Kemmis and Taggart. This research 3. Interview
intend to improve students’ Oral Interview is a conversation
Languge Skills by using comic strips aimed get information, usually it
and Board Game. According to consist of two person or more.
Kemmis and Taggart stated that Interview was conduct to get
action research is a form research information about students’

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
problem and interest in learning the learning teaching process,
English. the problem faced, and the
expected solutions. The
Technique of Analyzing the Data comments and suggestions from
There are two kinds of data in the lecturer were also described
this research, namely qualitative data qualitatively.
and quantitative data. 2. The quantitative data
1. The qualitative data The quantitative data were
The qualitative data were collected from the tabulation of
obtained from the interview with the students’ achievement in
the lecturers based on the speaking skills. The result of the
interview guide and the score from the Instrument of
observation. The data from Writing the Dialog and The
interview and observation were instrument of Speaking.
about the classroom condition,

Table 1. Instrument of Writing the Dialog

No Aspect Criteria Score

1 Content The dialog covers all information needed

2 Vocabulary The student uses appropriate vocabulary

3 Grammar The student uses appropriate grammar.
4 Spelling The student uses correct spelling.
The student uses correct punctuation
5 punctuation (including capital letters, question marks,
exclamation marks)
Final Scores (=sum of all scores : 2)
Score: 1= very poor; 2= poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

Table 2. Instrument of Speaking

No Aspect Criteria

1 Content The student covers all expression needed

The students uses appropriate vocabulary

2 Language
and grammar needed by the speech

JURNAL DARMA AGUNG Volume 28, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020 ; 313 – 327 320
The student uses appropriate intonation
3 Pronunciation and pronunciation, he/she says the
sentences, loudly, clearly and correctly.

4 Fluency The student speaks fluently

The student uses body language to support

5 Performance
his/her dialog

Final Scores (=sum of all scores x 4)

Score: 1= very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

To determine the feasibility

of the media, researcher used Likert Finally, those data were
Scale in analyzing the data. The changed into percentage of data. The
researcher used the Likert Scals. formula used is as follow:
Total Score (n)

Maximum Score (N)

After that, the data were was the data were described
transformed into qualitative data qualitatively, the range percentages
with highest percentage of 100% and and the quality levels are as follow:
lowest percentage ≤ 55% The next

Table 3. Range Percentage and Quality Level

Percentage Category
86% - 100% Very Good
75% - 85% Good
56% - 74% Fair
≤ 55% Poor

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION observation, and reflection, as

Research Findings follows:
In this study, the researcher 1. Planning
would like to describe the result of In this step, the researcher
cycle I and cycle II, as follows: evaluates the syllabus, lesson
plan and the existing oral
Cycle I language skills materials used
The results of cycle I was for the students.
categorized into: plannning, action, 2. Action

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
The first cycle was conducted behavior and what the students‟
the lesson by using the usual problem during the teaching
media, such as book. learning process. From the result
3. Observation of observation, It was found that
The observation was done to the some students’ faced
observe how the student’ difficulties in speaking.

Table 4. The Result of Writing the Dialog

No Aspect Criteria Score

1 Content The dialog covers all information needed 2

2 Vocabulary The student uses appropriate vocabulary 3

3 Grammar The student uses appropriate grammar. 3
4 Spelling The student uses correct spelling. 3
The student uses correct punctuation
5 punctuation (including capital letters, question marks, 3
exclamation marks)
Score: 1= very poor; 2= poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

Table 5. The Result of Speaking

No Aspect Criteria

1 Content The student covers all expression needed 2

The students uses appropriate vocabulary

2 Language 3
and grammar needed by the speech

The student uses appropriate intonation

3 Pronunciation and pronunciation, he/she says the 3
sentences, loudly, clearly and correctly.

4 Fluency The student speaks fluently 2

The student uses body language to support

5 Performance 3
his/her dialog

Final Scores (=sum of all scores x 4) 52

JURNAL DARMA AGUNG Volume 28, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020 ; 313 – 327 322
Score: 1= very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

Table 6. The Result Range Percentage and Quality Level

Percentage Category
86% - 100% Very Good
75% - 85% Good
56% - 74% Fair
≤ 55% Poor

The researcher administered the students’ could improve

speaking test to the students in order speaking by using Role Playing.
to know the students’ ability before The researcher used the strategy
using the Comic Strips and Board to make the students’ more
Game. The result of the pre-test interested and developed their
showed that the students’ speaking creativity and also more focused
skills was still low. Which means in the material using Comic
that their average was under 55%. Strips and Board Game. The
The students’ who got point up 55 researcher also created the
were 8, and 22 students’ supportive situation in the class
unsuccessful. during teaching learning
Cycle II 3. Observing
The aim of second cycle was
to improve the students’ score in The activity of students’ was
speaking. The researcher added some observed. the result showed that
activities in the second cycle that most of the students’ did not have
have done while teaching Oral problems anymore about the
Language Skills in four steps: meaning of the words. They liked to
planning, action, observing, and read the Comic Strips and Board
reflecting such as follow: Game. They were active during
1. Planning In this phase, the teaching learning process and more
researcher begun by identified enthusiastic than before.
the problem and the alternative It was showed from the mean
to solve the problem, the of post-test in the second cycle was
researcher use the same material 88. And the higher score was 92.
and using the Comic Strips and From the data, it indicated that using
Board Game. Comic Strips and Board Game in
2. Action learning Oral Language Skills was
In this cycle, the researcher effective, and the data above can be
explained more deeply about the concluded that the students’ have the
material in supposed the improvement in speaking.

Table 7. the Result of Writing the Dialog

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
No Aspect Criteria Score

1 Content The dialog covers all information needed 4

2 Vocabulary The student uses appropriate vocabulary 4

3 Grammar The student uses appropriate grammar. 4
4 Spelling The student uses correct spelling. 5
The student uses correct punctuation
5 punctuation (including capital letters, question marks, 5
exclamation marks)
Score: 1= very poor; 2= poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

Table 8. The Result of Speaking

No Aspect Criteria

1 Content The student covers all expression needed 4

The students uses appropriate vocabulary

2 Language 4
and grammar needed by the speech

The student uses appropriate intonation

3 Pronunciation and pronunciation, he/she says the 5
sentences, loudly, clearly and correctly.

4 Fluency The student speaks fluently 4

The student uses body language to support

5 Performance 5
his/her dialog

Final Scores (=sum of all scores x 4) 88

Score: 1= very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = avarage; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

Table 9. The Result Range Percentage and Quality Level

Percentage Category
86% - 100% Very Good

JURNAL DARMA AGUNG Volume 28, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020 ; 313 – 327 324
75% - 85% Good
56% - 74% Fair
≤ 55% Poor

The average score of the mean of pre-test was 52 and the

result of speaking was 88% and it mean of post-test was 88. Based on
was categorized as Very Good. the data qualitative, it was taken
from the result of observation and
Reflection interview. It was found that the class
The feedback process from ran effectively and the students more
the action that has been done which active while learning. The students
taken from the result of interview, focused and paid attention to the
observation, and test. The researcher lecturer when the lecturer explained
concluded that most of students’ about the lesson. And the students
score improved from the first test to were enthusiastic and interested in
the second test. It means that Comic learning English. Then, there was the
Strips and Board Game were improvement of the students’
effective and suitable in improving English score. It could be proven
the students’ speaking skills. from the result of observation that
the students could activate in
DISCUSSION learning.
The research was conducted
to find out the improvement of CONCLUSIONS AND
students’ Oral Language Skills SUGGESTIONS
through comic strips and Board Based on the results and
Game. The comic strips and Board analysis of the research, some
Game were one of many media conclusion and suggestions are
which can be used by the researcher described as follows:
in teaching English especially to help
the students in Speaking. Conclusions
The research that had been 1. Generally, the existing Oral
done by the researcher indicated that Language Skills material was
comic strips and Board Game were less relevant with the needs of
effective or could be used in the first grade students of
teaching. It could be seen from the English Department. In term of
improvement of students’ score from topics, they are not relevant with
the Cycle I and Cycle 2. The the speaking activities, it makes
improvement because of the lecturer the students are less motivated in
knew how to control the class. learning English. In term of
Besides that, comic strips and Board practices, they are not well
Game helped the students to designed, the practices do not
understand the material easily. Based help and ease the students to
on quantitative data could be seen promote their speaking skill, and
the students’ achievement in as a result their speaking skill is
speaking. It was showed from the low.

Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)
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Puan Suri Mira Annisa 1), Rafika Dewi Nst 2)

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