PLC - Professional Learning Record Chart 2021-2022

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Professional Learning Record due: April 24, 2021

Name: Jing Gong

Part of your development as a professional is to engage in learning beyond your coursework and your CSL/practicum experiences. One of the Standards of
Practice is the “Commitment to Ongoing Professional Learning”. After attending a professional learning community session at the Faculty or in your schools and
the community, take a moment to reflect on the learning that took place.

Date Title Description* Learning: Key points
Sept Creating Your AEL zoom For the 2021-22 school year there are school ● AEL options
16, - Available based or community AEL. Teacher candidates ● reach out to schools yourself for
2021 are expected to be an active participant in classroom placements through the
creating their AEL and work with the principal
Practicum Office and their PED 3151 ● outside classroom experiences are
professors to be prepared for their welcomed as well
experience. For all AEL teacher candidates are ● AEL is not evaluated nor a practicum
expected to meet the expectations and
deadlines identified by the Faculty and the
specific experience. Teacher candidates are
responsible for all costs associated to the
experience. (School-based AEL is not
PRACTICUM. Expectations may be similar
except that AEL is not evaluated
Sept Responsibilities of zoom Over the course of Year 2, teacher candidates ● AEL creating own experiences
23, Teacher will prepare in a variety of ways for their April ● make sure to allocate time to reach
2021 Candidates & Alternative experiences. As you are creating out
Time Line - your own experience, your planning begins in
Available early September. To guide you, a list of
expectations, documents and the time frame
can be found below.
Oct 7, PARTNERS zoom/Step ● Resources for members ● OCT
2021 EDUCATION - Anne, Ryan ● OCT ● professional conduct
Planning for Reyes ● Professional conduct ● License teachers
Career in ● Faculty presentation ● dealing with complaints
Education OCT ● regulation in the public interest
● source of support for student well
being and learning
● create an equitable learning
● grooming term
● abuse

Oct 14, TRAUMA zoom ● Professional conduct ● 50% ACE

2021 INFORMED ● Trauma in schools/students ● affects behaviour & learning
PRACTICE ● Impacts on learning ● long term effects
● role of educators schools (teachers are
not psychologists)
● UDL (Universal design for learning)
● What is trauma - 3 “E’s” of trauma -
refers to event, experienced and
● trauma refers to an event (series of
events or set of circumstances)
● that is experienced by an individual as
physically or emotionally harmful or
life threatening
● that has adverse effects. Trauma can
be intergenerational
● students do not act out for no reason
Oct 21, TEACHING zoom ● Breakout rooms ● Growing success
2021 STRATEGIES & ● (Room 4) Assessment & Report Cards ● Improve student learning
APPROACH ● (Room 6) InnovatED - The future of ● Sandra Herbst (Practical tools for
learning and teaching descriptive feedback)
● Attachment to technology
● re-adjusting after learning from home
● not being able to work together
● nerves and anxiety

Nov INCLUSIVE zoom ● culturally ● Gender terms

11, PRACTICES ● responsive ● Do you call out discrimination?
2021 ● pedagogy ●
● anti-oppression ● Democratic Classrooms
● Room 3: Grow! Educators Equity ● Barriers for teachers
Toolbox ○ over reliance on direct
● Room 2: Islamophobia instructional methods
○ educational policies
○ standardized testing
○ community values
○ parent groups
● Barriers for students
○ marginalization
○ classroom does not serve long
term interest of students
● Seminar vs deliberation
● Anti-oppressive Practice
● it is impossible to teach honesty and
reflectivity without a clear
understanding of the social construct
of identity
1. Create a safe space
○ welcome all ideas (agreements
and disagreements)
2. Embrace marginalized voices
○ strategically facilitate differing
pinions (let everyone speak)
3. Allow everyone to be heard
○ change up discussion methods
(discussions in large groups,
small groups, individual
through journaling one-to-one)
● Teaching students how to disagree in a
kind and respectful way
● Islamophobia demographic, diversity,
● The right of women in Islam
● commentary on perspectives and
● Muslim’s around the world %
● choosing between career or identity
● identity not welcomed in the

Mar 3, PARTNERS zoom This PLC is organized by our local teacher ● Unions provide equal opportunities
2022 IN EDUCATION federations and the TELC (Teacher Education (sick leave, maternity, equal pay etc.)
Federation Day Liaison Committee). ● Unions fight for equality
● “if it matters to you, the union is
probably fighting for it”
a) About Your Union (ETFO- K-8 elementary
● Collective Agreement
teachers in the public board) presented by
○ negotiation
Zaiba Beg, ETFO Provincial.
○ maintenance
b) What Can your Union Do for You? (OSSTF- ● working conditions (everything you do
High school teachers in the public board) in day to day work - are consistent
When you get hired as a teacher or education with requirements)
worker, you’ll automatically join one of the ● representing members - advocacy
major labour unions. But what does a labour ○ advocate for and with them
union do for you? In this presentation, you’ll (teachers)
learn about the role of OSSTF and how it ○ support when their are
supports you in your future career as an challenges or differing
educator. Learn about the role of a labour viewpoints on how the CA is
union in contract negotiation and applied
maintenance, support for working conditions, ○ Advice on collective
support for employee issues, and involvement agreement issues, also
in the community and political environment. professional issues
○ example: maybe give specific
c) All About OECTA- OECTA (All teachers in language to use with
Catholic boards) This workshop provides an administration
overview of the role OECTA plays in advancing ○ meeting with administrator
the role of Catholic Teachers at the local, ○ advocacy on your behalf with
provincial and national level. It also includes senior board staff
information on the hiring practices utilized by ○ up to 3 days of special leave
Catholic school boards in Ontario. with pay shall be granted in any
school year by the principal for
matters of urgent and/or
essential personal business
including, but not limited to,
one day for the moving of
personal effects. This leave
shall be in addition to the
leaves provided for in article
○ additional leave without may
be granted by the principal in
extenuating circumstances
● “SHALL BE GRANTED” → meaning it
will be without any conditions
(defined by the collective agreement
● the union can get involved if the
principal denies the leave
● Representing members - discipline
○ also represent members during
discipline proceedings
○ Local level - advice, supporting
members, guidance on process
● Representing members - workplace
○ support members through
personal conflict
○ mediation - formal or informal
○ support through employer
resolution processes -
respectful workplace policy
● Supporting members - professional
○ professional development
○ professional advocacy
● advocate for professional judgment

Mar NEXT STEPS PLC zoom AQs and ABQs- Definition of AQ and ABQ,
10, Relationship of the PDP program with OCT, =en-CA
2022 How to register for a course. Presenter: Benoit
Laberge, PDP, University of Ottawa ● NTIP learning themes (building mentor
web, mentoring for mentors, support
for all teachers, differentiating
How the New Teacher Induction Program
(NTIP) Supports Beginning Teachers (P/J/I/S) professional learning, fostering
principal encouragement)
NTIP is a school-based program. The learning ● Instance when you felt that learning
focused relationships new teachers form with was accentuated due to learnding
students, mentors, colleagues, principals, conditions (think about what made
parents, and community partners are integral the difference in those conditions) -
to their professional growth and ultimately e.g. when strong relationships are
the learning of their students. build, it accentuates learning - when i
feel supported the feedback allows me
In this interactive session we will explore: to reflect yet still feel confident in my
● Building a mentoring web (broker, one
● NTIP Goals to one, group, information, online,
● Induction Elements at a Glance communities of practice)
● NTIP Roles & Relationships ● Roles & relationships (structure,
● NTIP Strategy | Teacher Performance environment, trust)
Appraisal ● mutual opportunity (personalized,
● Resources that are available to new reciprocal, non-evaluative, trust,
teachers deprivatized)

*The description may be copied from the outline in the posting for this event.

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