LOM Biogenic Junaid

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Master of Science in Technology of Biogenic Resources at TUM

Summer Semester 2021

Letter of Motivation

Imagine chilly cold winter mornings without soothing hot water for shower. No hot water available to brew a perfect
cup of coffee. No hot water to keep your sweet little home warm. It is not a nightmare. That’s the story of 70% of
population of Pakistan.

Pakistan is among few countries with well-established pipeline network for distribution of Natural gas for households
needs. However, only 30% of population has access to Natural gas for daily use. Rest of the population particularly
in rural areas still thrives on medieval era fuel sources. Wood and cow dung cakes are utilized for meeting household
energy needs resulting in rapid deforestation. Provision of natural gas via pipelines is economically not feasible in
these far-flung areas.

I am working at SSGC that is natural gas Transmission and Distribution Company. During my field visits I have seen
numerous villages without natural gas. One thing that got my attention is the fact that being an agricultural country.
We are blessed with ample bio resources and may be utilized for production of biogas. Developing on this idea with
the help of a local NGO, I along my fellow engineers, setup a small biogas generation plant. It provides adequate
amount of gas to meet the needs of 6 houses. However, initial cost for such plants is still out of reach of majority of

I always believed in Paul Auster’s saying “To leave the world a little better than you found it. That’s the best a man
can ever do”. My goal is to devise and invent novel and cost-effective techniques to produce biogas from available
agricultural waste. I will bring improvements in current designs to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency to
utilize the resources at its fullest.

My background in mechanical engineering in general with the amalgamation of Technology of Bio-genic resources,
especially, Renewables Utilization, Energy process Engineering and Biogas Technology will aid me in turning my
dream into reality. I aspire to set up a design and manufacturing firm in Pakistan. Which will provide services
pertaining to design and fabrication of cost-effective small scale bio-gas plants for households and electricity

Being the technical geek of my school and an enthusiastic participant in science fares I have developed my practical
skills during my teenage. Pursuing my interest, I successfully secured admission in Mechanical Engineering at NED
University of Engineering and Technology (NEDUET). My under graduation has been a quite extensive and diverse
experience of my life. The final year thesis proved a steep practical learning curve for me. I learnt Analytical and
simulation skills during my thesis i.e “Numerical analysis of multi-element airfoils with and without ground effect."
in which I performed CFD study of multi-element airfoils under a different set of conditions. I also computationally
studied various high-lift airfoils for use in multi-element airfoils arrangement. During my project, I learned various
software as well, ranging from ANSYS Fluent to SimScale. Moreover, my research work in university enabled me to
co-author a technical paper and it was presented in an International conference.

I have been part of various extra-curricular activities throughout my under graduation period. These activities
provided me with an opportunity to improve my communications, interpersonal and technical skills. For instance. I
along my team represented NEDUET at Formula Student UK 2017 and won two awards as well. As a design team
member in the FS team, I worked on the design and development of hybrid monocoque chassis as well as aero-
package of car. Additionally, I have also been the active member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
NED chapter, I was also appointed as the chairperson of IMechE NED student chapter in my final year. I organized
many seminars and events, industrial visits, technical seminars and competitions including RC plane flying
competition PRPOPELLAIR which is about designing, fabricating, flying UAVs. I learned how to tackle difficult
situations. Managing last-minute challenges. How to remain calm and composed in tense situations.

Being the centre of research activities in Europe and an international research region places Technische Universität
München (TUM) into an astounding position for study and research. I realized while working in my country that local
universities and labs do not have state-of-the-art equipment and tools to carry out sophisticated research,
commercialization and fulfil the development requirement of the local Energy sector. MSc Technology of Biogenic
Resources with its research-intensive curriculum and TUM with its entrepreneurial culture will provide a perfect
platform for me. To do something for my fellow countrymen.

Beside theoretical study, I will endeavour to acquire the latest information on bio-genic science and technology.
Besides, I will continue to improve my experimental skills, including the skills of operating new instruments. All those
efforts are designed for just one purpose – to develop myself into a leading specialist who can make important
contributions to the country’s fledgling cause of Bio-energy engineering sector.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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