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32 Best Nigerian Foods For Lowering

Blood Pressure
Here are the best Nigerian foods for lowering blood pressure


1. Mango

The secret is in the phytochemicals which act as natural blood thinner.

Mangoes are a great source of both fiber and beta-carotene, both of which have
been deemed effective at lowering blood pressure.

2. Berries
Berries AKA 'tiny but mighty'–are full of antioxidants and fibre.

Less I forget, they’re low in calories too.

Blueberries for instance are low-glycemic, high in fiber and loaded

with resveratrol, which a study published in Hypertension Research

has found effective at reducing blood pressure in animal test subjects

So, next time you want something sweet, juicy, and good for you, reach
for blueberries, grapes, or strawberries –and don't feel guilty!

You might be asking:

Can I find berries in Nigeria?. Yes! In major supermarkets and farmers


3. Avocado
Avocado is a unique type of fruit.

They are rich in nutrients, minerals, fibre, and vitamins.

Avocados are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help to
consume toxic fat.

Half avocado mixed with tomatoes makes a great breakfast. You can add
avocado to your salad as well.

4. Olive And Olive Oil

“Extra Virgin olive oil” is probably the healthiest fat on the planet. It CAN help
you to burn fat.

Olive oil contains a naturally-occurring chemical called oleic acid, which aids the
breakdown of excess fats in the body.

According to recent research published in the journal Nutrients, consuming extra

virgin olive oil (EVOO) can lower your systolic blood pressure or the “top”
number of a blood pressure reading that is important in determining your risk of
heart disease.

The bottom line is:

You should start cooking most of your dishes with Olive oil if you’re trying to lose

5. Apples
An apple a day really does keep the doctor away, particularly for those struggling
with high blood pressure.

In addition to the 4.5 grams of blood pressure-lowering fiber you’ll get from each
apple, you’ll also enjoy a healthy helping of quercetin, which has been deemed
an effective antihypertensive, according to the results of a study conducted at the
University Complutense of Madrid’s School of Medicine.

6. Pears

Among the most popular fruits in the world, pears are an excellent source of
fibre and a good source of vitamin C.

Consuming pears everyday can improve blood pressure and vascular function
in middle-aged people with metabolic syndrome.

They are also good at eliminating unwanted water retention. So

whenever you’re craving junk food, reach out for a pear to save you!
7. Bananas
Banana provides the body with Zinc (skin healing), filling fibre,
potassium, etc.

Banana helps you relieve water retention because of the high potassium

Bananas contain plenty of potassium, a mineral that plays a vital role in

managing hypertension. One medium-sized banana contains around 422
milligrams of potassium.

According to the American Heart Association, potassium reduces the effects

of sodium and alleviates tension in the walls of the blood vessels

8. Watermelon

Just half a melon contains almost twice as much potassium as bananas

do, making it a low-calorie, high-antioxidant alternative that can help in
the removal of excess fluids around the body as well as low blood

Watermelon (including seeds) has too many benefits than I can count on
all my fingers and toes.

9. Plantain

A half cup of cooked plantains packs almost 3grams of resistant starch,

a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns t oxi c f at .

Plantains are also rich in potassium. This nutrient can help with high blood
pressure because it helps work against the sodium in your diet

10. Pink Grapefruit

Start your day with a round of zesty pink grapefruit and see your blood
pressure numbers shoot into a healthy range in no time. In addition to being an
excellent source of blood pressure-lowering, immune-boosting vitamin C,
pink grapefruit is a good source of lycopene, which multiple studies have
deemed effective at reducing blood pressure.

11. Lemons

Lemon is a well-known detoxifier.

It’s a great natural weapon against water retention and could help you achieve
a clean bowel.

Lemon juice also contains pectin – a type of soluble fibre that can help slow
digestion and boost metabolism which is great for lowering blood pressure.

Adding lemon to water is also great for shedding bad fat – (it makes you feel
full and it doesn't contain any significant calories).

12. Papaya (Pawpaw)

Papaya contains a naturally-occurring enzyme called “papain”, which aids in

protein digestion.

It can also help in breaking down food faster and easing bloating.

It contains potassium that can help to lower blood pressure and protect your

13. Pineapple

Just like pawpaw, pineapple boasts a digestive enzyme that helps to ease
bloating, settle down your stomach, and even relieve heartburn.

It’s high in natural fruit sugars or fructose, which could keep off sweet

14. Oranges
This citrus fruit, which contains fat-blasting compounds known as flavones,
deserves to be your main squeeze.

Women who ate the most flavones had a much lower increase in body fat over a
14-year period, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes.

Eat oranges sliced or squeeze fresh OJ (including pulp!) to get the best benefit
from the fruit.


15. Cucumber.

Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable that's rich in fibre that helps in lowering

blood pressure

It contains antioxidants such as quercetin and apigenin that helps fight cancer
and lowers your risk of heart diseases.

16. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are essential because they not only make your food taste better, they're
full of antioxidants AND they help you low blood pressure.

One of the easiest ways to manage your high blood pressure is by sipping a glass
of unsalted tomato juice every day.

Studies suggest that tomato juice can not only lower blood pressure but also help
to manage cholesterol level and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

17. Chilli Pepper

Spicy food flavoured with hot chilli peppers contains a natural chemical ingredient
that may lower blood pressure, according to a study.

Scientists have discovered that the long-term ingestion of capsaicin, the ingredient
in chillies that makes them taste hot, can reduce blood pressure.

Also, a single chilli pepper contains a full day’s supply of beta-carotene

(which is great for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails) and twice your
recommended daily allowance of vitamin C – an essential antioxidant that
battle toxins and foreign bodies in the bloodstream.

18. Okra

Okra is a vegetable high in fibre, which helps to regulate bowel function

and encourage the growth of friendly bacteria in the belly.

In addition, it helps stabilize blood sugar levels and lower high cholesterol,
reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Try cooking your okra soup with little oil, then you're good to go!

It is equally contained magnesium which helps in maintaining and

regulating blood pressure level in the body.

19. Cabbage

Cabbage is high in Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Want to know the best parts?

Cabbage is packed with nutrients such as protein, vitamins, manganese, fiber,

calcium, potassium and magnesium etc, it keeps inflammation in check, helps in
digestion, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and keeps heart healthy.

Cabbage extremely low in calories (just 22cal per cup), so you can fill your plate
with the cabbage and not feel guilty.

20. Broccoli

This cruciferous veggie is a good source of three blood pressure regulating

minerals: magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Broccoli is rich in filling fiber and only contains 30 calories per serving.

Also, it's a great source of calcium and an important cancer-fighting compound.

If eating broccoli causes bloating for you then try steaming it first (not cooking
or boiling), which makes it easier to digest while still preserving the cancer-
fighting ingredients
And yes you can find broccoli in farmers market and major supermarkets in

21. Beans

Legumes and beans are big on fiber and can help ward off coronary heart
disease, too. A daily cup of beans can keep your blood pressure in check and
even lower it.


22. Almonds

Scientists have found that eating almonds in your diet can reduce the risk of heart
disease by keeping blood vessels healthy.

Research found that they significantly increase the amount of antioxidants in the
blood stream, reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow.

2.3 Coconut And Coconut Oil

Not all fats are created equal.

Studies have shown that these fatty acids not only keep you satisfied for a long
time but also increases the number of calories burned.

Research reveals that combining coconut with regular exercise helps to improve
baroreflex sensitivity in the heart, while also reducing oxidative stress.

But the idea is not drink coconut oil, but replacing some of your other
cooking oils with coconut oil.

24. Nuts (Cashew, Peanuts & Walnuts)

Because nuts are low in sodium and contain significant amounts of mono- and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, minerals such as magnesium, potassium and
calcium, and antioxidants, they have been suggested as potentially protective foods
against hypertension.

Nuts have a bad reputation in the diet world but actually are excellent blood
pressures lowering snacks.

They containing balanced amounts of protein, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, fibre,

healthy fats, heart - friendly omega-3s, and skin-conditioning vitamin E.

Eat a small handful of nuts as a snack in between meals if you want to lower your
blood pressure.


25. Garlic

Garlic is packed not just with toxin-battling antioxidants, but also a naturally
occurring chemical called allicin.

When digested, allicin reacts with the blood to create a product capable of
killing off many harmful bacteria and viruses that your body may be harboring
– including in the digestive tract and can lower blood pressure

To get the most out of garlic try adding a few raw cloves to your food just
before serving.

26. Ginger

Ginger is incredibly versatile and a staple in alternative medicine.

People have used it for centuries to improve many aspects of heart health, including
circulation, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.

Both human and animal studies have shown that taking ginger reduces blood
pressure in several ways. It acts as a natural calcium channel blocker and natural
ACE inhibitor

A study in more than 4,000 people found that those who consumed the most ginger —
2–4 grams per day — had the lowest risk of developing high blood pressure.

Ginger is delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet with meals.

27. Eggs

Whole egg (plus yolk) is one of the best foods you can eat if you need to lower
your blood pressure. This protein powerhouse can actually help improve both your
cholesterol and your blood pressure while keeping you satisfied.
A high-protein diet, like one rich in eggs, can help lower blood pressure naturally
while promoting weight loss, as well.

28. Natural Yoghurt

Yoghurt contains live probiotic bacteria that aid digestion and also helps to
relieve bloating and discomfort in the stomach.

Yogurt also contains other essential vitamins and minerals which are good for one's
health." "Yogurt indirectly helps in controlling high blood pressure.

It contains magnesium which is good for high blood pressure. Calcium is also there in
yogurt which helps in muscle contraction which is good for the heart muscles.

29. Seafoods (eg. Crabs,Crayfish etc)

Seafoods are jam-packed with all kinds of fat-burning properties, such as calcium and

Add seafoods to your diet because they are the perfect weapon against burning toxic fat
and hypertension causing agents.

30. Mackerel (AKA Titus)

Researchers have found that oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon, sardines or mussels,
could help protect our hearts and brains from disease.

They are found to be rich in an important type of polyunsaturated fat called omega-3,
which has been shown to help lower blood pressure.

Slimmer AND smarter! – sounds great to me

31. Apple Cidar Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an old remedy that contains acetic acid and other health-promoting
compounds. It might be helpful in lowering blood ...

It is awesome in bringing down cholesterol.

32. Dark Chocolate

Studies show that Dark chocolates are high in healthy fats (MUFAs), which can
help kick start your metabolism to burn fat. It may also help by reducing your
cravings for sweet, salty or fatty meals

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