Documentary Film Rubric

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The rubric below constitutes 70 points of your total grade on this project (each member of the group will receive the same
grade on this portion). The other 30 points of your grade will be based on your individual contributions to the overall
Film Title:

Aspect Exemplary Proficient Partially Unacceptible POINTS

Content/ 30 points The 20 points 10 points The 0 points The
Coverage content distinctly Information is content does not content does not
fits/ presents the presented as a present a clearly fit the theme at
theme and is connected theme stated theme, is all. Much of the
creative, with accurate, vague, and some supporting
compelling and current of the supporting information in the
clearly written. A supporting information does video is irrelevant
rich variety of information that not seem to fit to the overall
supporting contributes to the main idea or message. The __30__/30
information in understanding appears as a viewer is unsure
the video the project's disconnected what the message
contributes to main idea. series of scenes is because there
understanding with no unifying is so little
the project's main idea. persuasive
main idea. information/facts.
Video 20 points The 15 points The 10 points The 0 points The
Continuity/ video is edited video is edited video is edited in video is unedited
Editing with only high throughout with few spots. and many poor
quality shots only quality shots Several poor shots remain. No
remaining. Video remaining. A shots remain. transitions
moves smoothly variety of Transitions from between clips are
from shot to transitions are shot to shot are used. Raw clips
shot. A variety of used. Good choppy, and the run back to back
transitions are pacing and types of wipes in the final video.
used to assist in timing and fades
communicating selected are not __18_/20
the main idea always
and smooth the appropriate for
flow from one the scene. There
scene to the are many
next. Shots and unnatural breaks
scenes flow and/or early cuts
Digital effects are
appropriately for
Intro 5 points The 3 points The 1 point The 0 points The
introduction is introduction is introduction introduction does
compelling and clear and does not create a not orient the
provides coherent and strong sense of audience to what
motivating evokes interest what is to follow. will follow.
content that in the topic. __5__/5
hooks the viewer
from the
Audio Editing 5 points The 3 points The 1 point The 1 point The audio
audio is clear and audio is clear and audio is is inconsistent in
effectively assists assists in inconsistent in clarity (too
in communicating clarity (too loud/too
communicating the main idea. loud/too soft/garbled) at
the main idea. soft/garbled) at times and/or the
Background times and/or the background audio __3__/5
audio is kept in background overpowers the
balance. audio primary audio.
overpowers the
primary audio.
Visual Elements 5 points The 3 points The 1 point Some of 0 points The
graphics and/or graphics or the graphics graphics and/or
animation assist animation and/or animations are
in presenting an visually depict animations seem unrelated to the
overall theme material and unrelated to the content. Graphics
that appeals to assist the topic/theme and do not enhance
the audience and audience in do not enhance understanding
enhances understanding concepts. the content, or __4__/5
concepts with a the flow of are distracting
high impact information or decorations that
message. content. detract from the
Graphics explain content.
and reinforce key
Copyright/ 5 points Every 2 points Some 2 points Some
Citations photo, graphic or sources of sources of
music is either photos, graphics, photos, graphics,
original or and music are and music are not
permission for its not clearly clearly identified
use is identified with with references, __5__/5
documented. references, and and permission to
permission to reproduce is
reproduce is missing.


This may not be a perfectly done docu film yet I can say that they’ve given importance on the basic elements of
camerawork. Polishing the overall video will make it more worthy to be seen by many outside the campus.


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