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Data Science

Data Science
• Data is generated everyday and everywhere.
• Today is the age of Big Data.
• Data is ever increasing in size – so it needs an effective way to
understand it.
Big Data
Big Data is data whose scale, distribution, diversity, and timeliness
require the use of new technical architectures and analytics to
enable insights that unlock new sources of business value.
Big Data
The data deluge refers to the situation where the sheer volume of
new data being generated is overwhelming the capacity of institutions
to manage it and researchers to make use of it.
3 Vs of Big Data

Bits → Bytes→ Kilobytes →Megabytes →Gigabytes →Terabytes →Petabytes →Exabytes →Zettabytes →Yottabytes

• Veracity & Validity • Value • Vulnerability

World’s Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks — Information is Beautiful

Data → Information →Actionable Intelligence → Better Decisions → Enhanced Business Value

Facets of Data
Example of Structured Data
Example of Semi-Structured Data
Example of Quasi-Structured Data
Visiting 3 websites adds 3 URLs to user’s log files
Example of Unstructured Data
Facets of Data

• Machine generated data

Graph based data
• Graph based or network data

• Audio, image and video data

Machine generated data

Emerging Big Data Ecosystem

• Data Devices • Data Aggregators

• Data Collectors • Data Users/Buyers

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