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Propósito de Aprendizaje: Que los estudiantes escriban diversos tipos de textos de mediana
extensión en inglés utilizando el verbo TO BE en forma completa y con contracciones al
momento de hablar y escribir oraciones en la forma positiva, negativa e interrogativa.
I´m a Doctor We´re Teachers

Pronouns Verb TO BE (forma completa) Short form (forma corta) contracción

I AM I´m

YOU ARE You´re

HE IS He´s

SHE IS She´s

IT IS it´s

WE ARE We´re

YOU ARE You´re

THEY ARE They´re


1.- She´s a doctor

2.- I´m a student

3.- We aren´t teachers

ACTIVITY A: Write the contracción (Escribir la contracción)

EXAMPLE: We´re from Peru

1.- He is _________________ 3.- She is not ________ 5.- I am not __________

2.- They are _____________ 4.- It is _____________ 6.- You are not ________

ACTIVITY B: Put in AM, IS, or ARE (Escribe AM, IS, ARE, en los espacios en blanco)

I AM an artista and Gustavo IS a footballer

1.- Olinda _______ a secretary 8.- This house_______ one hundred years old.

2.- I _______ not student 9.- My brother and I _______ good tennis players.

3.- My father _______ a teacher 10.- Paola ______ from America

4.- I _______ twenty years old 11.- My older brothers________ not students.
5.- They ______ in the schooll 12.- It _______ often very hot in Brazil.

6.- My Little brother _______ two 13.- Juan ______ thirteen years old.

7.- They______not in the park 14.- I______ Paolo and Federico. We ______ from Italy

ACTIVITY C: Choose words then write in the gaps (Escoge las palabras después escribe en los
espacios en blanco, usa contracciones)

He´s She´s They´re it´s(x2) are is We isn´t

EXAMPLE: My parents live in Spain. They´re teachers

1.- Paul ________ from Germany _________ German.

2.- My sister is a doctor __________ thirty years old

3.- __________ six o´clock ________ are late.

4- Look at the time. Carlos and Mary _________ late.

5.- Arequipa ___________ in Perú. Perú ________ in South America.

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