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Re f a

E : gblack e@s arb

G : Female
A : 44

Big Five personality test

The Big Fi e Personali Tes offers a concise meas re of he e major fac ors of
personali , as ell as he si face s ha de ne each fac or. Fac or scores gi e a broad
global descrip ion of an indi id al. Face scores describe, in more de ail, he speci c
rai s of personali ha make p he broad global descrip ion.

1. C e f he Re

P O -O

A concise look gi ing scores for he Big Fi e Fac ors and he 30 rela ed face s.

P -A -

In accordance i h recommended bes prac ice his sec ion of he repor has been
designed speci call for a more in-dep h look. Par T o incorpora es narra i e and
is al s mmaries.

2. I d ci

High and lo score descrip ions are s all acc ra e. Ho e er, scores hich fall close
o he lo or high bo ndaries ma describe o less acc ra el .


Each of he e fac ors has 6 face s. I is q i e common for face scores o be in

ranges similar o - or close o - he fac or score. Ho e er, on occasions here can be
differences. In s ch cases e recommend ha o pa more a en ion o he face
scores han o he broad fac or scores.

30 P F

Imagina ion Willingness o e perimen

O Ar is ic in eres s In ellec al c riosi
Dep h of emo ions Tolerance for di ersi

Sense of compe ence Achie emen s ri ing

C (
Orderliness Self-discipline
Sense of responsibili Delibera eness

Warm h Ac i i le el
E Gregario sness E ci emen seeking
Asser i eness Posi i e emo ions

Tr s in o hers Compliance
A Sinceri Modes
Al r ism S mpa h

An ie Self-conscio sness
N Angr hos ili Self-ind lgence
Moodiness/Con en men Sensi i i o s ress
This repor ranks o r scores i hin a range from er lo o er high . To enable
o o make a comparison he percen age of people* ho normall fall i hin each
range is indica ed.

*N a ad ki g ai . P ea e e ha di ib i f c e a diffe if
c ai a e bei g ade agai he c a , de g a hic eci c
cc ai a g .

Yo ill nd ha e ha e described lo and high scorers for each of he fac ors and
face s. This has pro en o be an effec i e me hod of ens ring ha people nders and
he personali rai being meas red. People ho score in he middle range ill be a
differing mi re of bo h he high and lo descrip ions - b less e reme.

A :

Ver Ver
R Lo Middle High
Lo High

C 7% > 30% > 70% >

< 7% > 93%
30% 70% 93%

R 7% 23% 40% 23% 7%

The Fac or es score f r hes a a from 50 - abo e or belo - indica es he person s
s ronges personali rai . This personali rai is likel o ha e he grea es in ence
on o r o erall beha io r, mo i a ion, al es and reac ions o life and ork si a ions.
The ne f r hes a a from 50 - abo e or belo - is likel o ha e he ne grea es
in ence and so on.

Score descrip ions are s all acc ra e. Ho e er, if he score falls close o a
bo ndar , he descrip ion ma be less acc ra e.

3. Pa O e - O e ie
A concise look gi ing scores for he Big Fi e Fac ors and he 30 rela ed Face s.

Vis al s mmar of o r res l s Hide face s

O 21

I 20
A 20
D 10

I 40


C 33

S 30
O 60
S 10
A 50
S - 50
D 50

E 51

G 70
A 50
A 40
E 100
P 10

A 24

S 50
A 40
C 30
M 80
S 10

N 34

A 10
A 40
M /C 40
S - 30
S - 100
S 40

The Big Fi e Fac

... ( ) ...

Tradi ionalis - do n- o-ear h -
Imagina i e - open-minded -
prac ical - conser a i e - 21%
e perimen al - prefers crea i e
prefers radi ional o looks and (Lo )
concep al problem-sol ing
echnical problem-sol ing

C ( )

Conscien io s - disciplined -
Spon aneo s - disorganised - ef cien - ell organised - likes
prefers e ible plans - dislikes precise de ail - s rong sense of d
precise de ails - (Ver High scorers co ld be
described as orkaholics)

Reser ed - formal - serio s - O going - friendl - asser i e - likes

q ie - prefers orking alone - orking i h o hers - enjo s direc
a oids direc leadership roles leadership roles

Hard-headed - scep ical - Compassiona e - eager o please -

compe i i e - pro d - prefers good na red - prefers co-opera ion
(Lo )
compe i ion o er co-opera ion o er compe i ion and con ic

No easil pse in s ressf l E periences nega i e emo ional

si a ions - rela ed - resilien - reac ions and feelings of an ie -
calm prone o orr - easil pse

4. Pa T -A e i -de h l k
The face s ha make p he e fac ors describe he dis inc i eness and niq eness
of an indi id al in more de ail. There are 6 face s for each fac or. The scores and
s a emen s in his repor are based on o r pa ern of responses o he Big Fi e
Personali Tes . These scores ha e been in erpre ed b a eam of b siness
ps chologis s.

Resis reading good or bad in o an of he scores or s a emen s. Whe her a person s

beha io r can be described as good or bad ill depend on he si a ion. Wha ma
be described as an asse - sa , s rong asser i eness for e ample - in one si a ion ma
pro e o be a liabili in ano her si a ion.

E en ho gh o r endenc o ac in consis en pa erns is s rong e do no al a s

respond he same a o all si a ions. Therefore, o ma an o is alise o rself in
se eral differen si a ions ha o normall face in o r life. This migh help o clarif
an descrip ions in his repor .

4.1. A ea ea ed: O e e e e ie ce

V a a :O e e e e e ce

O 21

The Face ha de ne O enne e e ience

I 20
A 20
D 10

I 40


Openness o e perience describes an indi id al s pro-ac i e seeking and apprecia ion

of e perience for i s o n sake. High scorers are imagina i e and open-minded. The
like o ork in a challenging, changing en ironmen . Lo scorers like ro ine and prefer
o be con en ional.

Openness is of en percei ed as heal hier or more ma re. Ho e er, bo h open and

closed s les of hinking are sef l in differen en ironmen s. The in ellec al s le of
he open person ma ser e a eacher or s ra egis ell. Ho e er, research has sho n
ha closed hinking is rela ed o s perior job performance in in es iga i e ork, sales
and a n mber of ser ice occ pa ions.

B F P ...
O 21 - .P
- -

P -' - - '- - - -

The follo ing face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range
as he fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o more precisel
iden if s reng hs, limi a ions, coaching and moni oring needs.

... ( ) ...

20% In en i e - original -
Prac ical - ma er-of-fac
(Lo ) imagina i e - crea i e

20% Apprecia es ar , m sic &

No in eres ed in ar and bea
(Lo ) poe r - ar is ic - s lish

Disregards feelings & emo ions - 10% E periences deep & aried
con rolled (Lo ) emo ions - responsi e

Prefers he ried & r e - narro 70% Likes o r ne & aried

range of beha io r - predic able (Middle) ac i i ies - ersa ile

40% In ellec all c rio s - has

Limi ed c riosi - narro l foc sed
(Middle) man in eres s - open-minded

Conser a i e - dogma ic - 60% Read o re-e amine

con en ional - radi ion bo nd (Middle) principles

To ob ain a more precise descrip ion and nders anding of o r beha io r in his area
o ill need o s d o r follo ing scores for he 6 face s of personali ha rela e o
he fac or of Openness o e perience.

N : Yo r face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range as

o r fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o ma imise he
impac of o r s reng hs and minimise he impac of o r limi a ions.

Face fO e e e e e ce

Imagina i n

To imagina i e indi id als he real orld is of en oo plain and ordinar . High scorers for
his face se fan as , no as an escape, b as a a of crea ing for hemsel es, a
more richer and in eres ing inner- orld. Lo scorers are more likel o rela e o fac s
han o fan asise. The are more ma er-of-fac and prefer o keep heir minds on he
ask a hand.
20 .

A i ic in e e

High scorers in his area lo e bea , bo h in ar and in na re. The become easil
in ol ed and absorbed in ar is ic and na ral e en s. The are no necessaril
ar is icall rained nor alen ed, al ho gh man ill be. The de ning fea res of his
face are in eres in and apprecia ion of na ral and ar i cial bea . Lo scorers lack
aes he ic sensi i i and in eres in he ar s.

20 .

De h f em i n & feeling

People ho score high for his face ha e good access o and a areness of heir o n
feelings. Lo scorers are less a are of heir feelings and end no o e press heir
emo ions openl .

10 .

Willingne e e imen

High scorers are eager o r ne ac i i ies, ra el o foreign lands and e perience

differen hings. The nd familiari and ro ine boring. Lo scorers end o feel
ncomfor able i h change and prefer familiar ro ines.

70 .

In ellec al c i i

High scorers for In ellec al c riosi lo e o pla i h ideas. The are open-minded o
ne and n s al ideas and like o deba e in ellec al iss es. The enjo in ellec al
problems, p les and brain easers. Lo scorers prefer dealing i h ei her people or
hings ra her han ideas. The regard in ellec al e ercises as a as e of ime.

In ellec al c riosi sho ld no be eq a ed i h in elligence. In ellec al c riosi is an

in ellec al s le, no an in ellec al abili . Ho e er, high scorers on In ellec al
c riosi do end o score sligh l higher han lo scorers on s andardised in elligence
es s.

40 .

T le ance f di e i

Tolerance for di ersi refers o a readiness o challenge a hori , con en ion and
radi ional al es. In i s mos e reme form, i can e en represen o righ hos ili
o ard r les, s mpa h for la -breakers and a lo e of ambig i , chaos and disorder.
People ho score lo in his area end o accep a hori and prefer he sec ri and
s abili bro gh b conformi o radi ion. The are generall conser a i e in heir
o look o life.

60 .

4.2. A ea ea ed: C cie i e (W k e hic)

V a a :C ce e

C 33

The Face ha de ne C n cien i ne

S 30
O 60
S 10
A 50
S - 50
D 50
Conscien io sness describes ho organised, mo i a ed and horo gh an indi id al is
in life and in p rs ing goals. High scorers are me hodical, self-mo i a ed and ell
organised. Lo scorers are eas going, less foc sed and less inclined o make plans.

The bene s of high conscien io sness are ob io s. Conscien io s indi id als a oid
ro ble and achie e high le els of s ccess hro gh p rposef l planning and
persis ence. The are also posi i el regarded b o hers as in elligen and reliable. On
he nega i e side, he can be comp lsi e perfec ionis s and orkaholics.
F r hermore, e remel conscien io s indi id als migh be regarded as s ff and

People lacking in conscien io sness ma be cri icised for heir nreliabili , lack of
ambi ion and fail re o s a i hin he lines, b he ill e perience man shor -li ed
pleas res and he ill ne er be called s ff .

B F P ...
C 33 - .P
- -

F - - - -
- .

The follo ing face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range
as he Fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o more precisel
iden if s reng hs, limi a ions, coaching and moni oring needs.

... ( ) ...

Easil dis rac ed - ill-prepared 30% Compe en - self-con den -
- ns re (Lo ) reso rcef l

Disorganised - careless Nea and id - me hodical - orderl

Cas al - nreliable - 10%

E hical - principled - dependable
irresponsible (Lo )

Lackadaisical - complacen - 50% Dri en o achie e - ambi io s - goal-

lacks direc ion (Middle) orien ed - en erprising

S -

Lacks self-discipline - 50% Self-mo i a ed - perse ering -

nfoc sed - procras ina es (Middle) comple es asks

50% Thinks caref ll - horo gh -

Has - impa ien - imp lsi e
(Middle) ca io s

To ob ain a more precise descrip ion and nders anding of o r beha io r in his area
o ill need o s d o r follo ing scores for he 6 face s of personali ha rela e o
he fac or of Conscien io sness.

N : Yo r face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range as

o r fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o ma imise he
impac of o r s reng hs and minimise he impac of o r limi a ions.

Face fC ce e
Sen e f c m e ence

Sense of Compe ence describes con dence in one s abili o accomplish hings. High
scorers belie e he ha e he in elligence (common sense), dri e and self-con rol
necessar for achie ing s ccess. The ha e a high le el of self-es eem and end o
feel ell prepared o deal i h life. Lo scorers feel less effec i e and ma ha e a
sense ha he are no in con rol of heir li es.

30 .

O de line

People i h high scores in his area are ell-organised, id and nea . The like o li e
according o ro ines and sched les. The keep lis s and make plans. Lo scorers
end o be disorganised, n id and less me hodical.

60 .

Sen e f e n ibili

This face of personali re ec s he s reng h of a person s sense of d and

obliga ion. Those ho score high ha e a s rong sense of moral obliga ion. The end o
be e hical and highl principled. Lo scorers nd con rac s, r les and reg la ions
o erl con ning. The are more cas al in heir approach o life and ma be some ha
nreliable or e en irresponsible.

10 .

Achie emen - i ing

Indi id als ho score high in his area s ri e hard o achie e e cellence. Their dri e o
be recognised as s ccessf l keeps hem on rack as he ork hard o achie e heir
goals. The ha e high aspira ion le els and a s rong sense of direc ion in life. Ho e er,
e remel high scorers ma be oo single-minded and obsessed i h heir ork - he
ma become orkaholics. Lo scorers do no ha e a high dri e o s cceed, he end
o be con en o ge b i h a minimal amo n of effor and ork. Al ho gh he ma
lack he need o s cceed, he are of en perfec l happ i h heir le el of
achie emen .

50 .

Self-di ci line

Self-discipline, called ill-po er b man people, refers o he abili o persis a

dif c l or npleasan asks n il he are comple ed. People ho possess high self-
discipline are able o o ercome rel c ance o begin asks and s a on rack despi e
dis rac ions. The ha e a high degree of self-mo i a ion o ge he job done. Those i h
lo self-discipline procras ina e, are easil disco raged and sho rela i el poor
follo - hro gh. The freq en l fail o comple e asks - e en asks ha he reall an
o comple e.

50 .

Delibe a ene

Delibera eness describes he disposi ion o hink caref ll hro gh possibili ies before
ac ing. High scorers for Delibera eness are ca io s and ake heir ime hen making
decisions. Lo scorers of en sa or do he rs hing ha comes o mind i ho
considering al erna i es and he probable conseq ences of hose al erna i es.

50 .

4.3. A ea ea ed: E a e i

V a a :E a e

E 51
The Face ha de ne E a e i n

G 70
A 50
A 40
E 100
P 10

E ra ersion describes ho energe ic and en h sias ic a person is hen dealing i h

people. I describes an indi id al s preference for q an i and in ensi of
in erpersonal rela ionships. High scorers are o going and ac i el look for he
compan of people. The higher he score he more likel his descrip ion ill appl .
Lo scorers end o be serio s and reser ed preferring no o be i h a large n mber
of people.

B F P ...
E 51 - .P
- -

C - - -
- - .

The follo ing face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range
as he fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o more precisel
iden if s reng hs, limi a ions, coaching and moni oring needs.

... ( ) ...
60% Friendl - affec iona e -
Reser ed - cool - formal
(Middle) cheerf l

70% Gregario s - needs & likes

bi of a loner - likes o n compan
(Middle) people

50% Self-con den - asser i e -

Q ie - passi e - s bmissi e
(Middle) forcef l - dominan

Seden ar - slo -paced - inac i e Energe ic - b s - fas -paced

A oids risks - composed - 100% Pleas re-seeking - daring -

con en ional - ncomplica ed (Ver high) ad en ro s

10% En h sias ic - cheerf l -

Calm - ranq il - serio s - sober
(Lo ) posi i e - e beran

To ob ain a more precise descrip ion and nders anding of o r beha io r in his area
o ill need o s d o r follo ing scores for he 6 face s of personali ha rela e o
he fac or of E ra ersion.

N : Yo r face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range as

o r Fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o ma imise he
impac of o r s reng hs and minimise he impac of o r limi a ions.

Face fE a e
Wa m h

High scorers gen inel like o her people and openl demons ra e posi i e feelings
o ards o hers. The make friends q ickl and i is eas for hem o form close,
in ima e rela ionships. Lo scorers are no necessaril cold and hos ile, b he do no
reach o o o hers and he are more reser ed and formal.

60 .

G ega i ne

Gregario s people nd he compan of o hers pleasan l s im la ing and re arding.

The enjo he e ci emen of cro ds. Lo scorers end o feel o er helmed b large
cro ds and ga herings. Conseq en l he are likel o a oid p ing hemsel es in
s ch si a ions. The do no necessaril dislike being i h people some imes, ho e er,
heir need for pri ac and ime o hemsel es is m ch grea er han for indi id als ho
score high for his face .

70 .

A e i ene

High scorers for Asser i eness like o speak o , ake charge and direc he ac i i ies of
o hers. The end o be leaders in gro ps. Lo scorers end o keep in he backgro nd
le ing o hers ake con rol. The are likel o be less alka i e and less o going han
people ho score high for his area.

50 .

Ac i i le el
Ac i e indi id als lead fas -paced and b s li es. The do hings and mo e abo
q ickl , energe icall , igoro sl and he ge in ol ed in man ac i i ies. People ho
score lo in his area follo a slo er and more leis rel , rela ed pace.

40 .

E ci emen - eeking

High scorers for his area of personali are easil bored i ho high le els of
s im la ion. The like he brigh ligh s and h s le and b s le. The are likel o ake
risks and seek hrills. Lo scorers are o er helmed b noise and commo ion and are
ad erse o hrill-seeking.

100 .

P i i e em i n

This face meas res posi i e mood and feelings. People ho score high for his area
normall e perience a range of posi i e feelings, incl ding happiness, en h siasm,
op imism and jo . Lo scorers are no necessaril nhapp people, he are j s less
high spiri ed and e beran .

10 .

4.4. A ea ea ed: Ag eeable e

V a a : Ag eeab e e

A 24

The Face ha de ne Ag eeablene

S 50
A 40
C 30
M 80
S 10

Agreeableness describes a person s a i des o ards o her people.

High scorers are compassiona e, frank and co-opera i e. Agreeable people ha e an

op imis ic ie of h man na re. The belie e people are basicall hones , decen and
r s or h . Lo scorers are emo ionall o gh and generall nconcerned abo o her
people. The are independen , self-relian and compe i i e. Some imes heir scep icism
abo o hers mo i es ca ses hem o be s spicio s, nfriendl and n-coopera i e.

Agreeableness is ob io sl ad an ageo s for a aining and main aining pop lari .

Agreeable people are be er liked han disagreeable people. On he o her hand,
agreeableness is no sef l in si a ions ha req ire o gh or absol e objec i e
decisions. Lo scorers can make e cellen scien is s, cri ics, or members of he armed

B F P ...
A 24 - .P
- -

H - - - - -
- - .

The follo ing face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range
as he fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o more precisel
iden if s reng hs, limi a ions, coaching and moni oring needs.
... ( ) ...

Tendenc o be scep ical - 30% Belie e ha he hear and see -

s spicio s - c nical - dis r s ing (Lo ) accep ing - forgi ing - r s ing

Ca io s - g arded - 50% Candid - sincere - frank -

manip la i e - indirec (Middle) for hrigh

Self-absorbed - highl self- 40% Keen o help o hers - considera e

in eres ed (Middle) - sof -hear ed

O spoken - compe i i e - 30% Co-opera i e - complian -

heads rong - s bborn (Lo ) deferen

80% H mble - self-effacing -

Pro d - self-sa is ed
(High) nass ming

Calc la ing - coldl realis ic - 10% Sof -hear ed - nders anding -

hard-headed - o gh-minded (Lo ) easil mo ed - compassiona e

To ob ain a more precise descrip ion and nders anding of o r beha io r in his area
o ill need o s d o r follo ing scores for he 6 Face s of personali ha rela e o
he fac or of Agreeableness.

N : Yo r face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range as

o r fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o ma imise he
impac of o r s reng hs and minimise he impac of o r limi a ions.
Face f Ag eeab e e

People ho score high in his area f ndamen all ass me ha mos people are fair,
hones and ha e good in en ions. The ake people a face al e and he are illing
o forgi e and forge . People ho score lo for his face end o be ra her scep ical
and dis r s o her people s in en ions. The ha e a endenc o ass me ha o hers
migh be a emp ing o decei e hem or be de io s.

30 .

Since i

High scorers for his face see no need for pre ence or manip la ion hen dealing i h
o hers and are herefore candid, frank and gen ine. Lo scorers belie e ha a cer ain
amo n of decep ion of no elling he hole r h in b siness and social rela ionships
is accep able, e en a necessi .

People nd i rela i el eas o rela e o he s raigh for ard high-scorers for Sinceri .
The generall nd i more dif c l o rela e o he lo -scorers. I sho ld be made clear
ha lo scorers are no nprincipled or immoral - he are simpl less inclined o
e press heir r e opinions and feelings.

50 .

Al i m

Al r is ic people nd helping o her people gen inel re arding. Conseq en l , he are

s all illing o assis hose ho are in need. Al r is ic people nd ha doing hings
for o hers is a form of self-f l lmen ra her han self-sacri ce. Lo scorers do no
par ic larl like helping hose in need or ge ing in ol ed in o her people s problems.
Req es s for help feel like an imposi ion ra her han an oppor ni for self-f l lmen .
40 .

C m liance

Indi id als ho score high for Compliance dislike confron a ions. The are perfec l
illing o compromise or o den heir o n needs in order o ge along i h o hers.
Those ho score lo o ld m ch ra her prefer o compe e han co-opera e. The are
o spoken and no inhibi ed abo e pressing heir anger easil . The ma in imida e
o hers in order o ge heir o n a .

30 .

High scorers are nass ming, ra her self-effacing and h mble. Ho e er i is impor an
o nders and ha he are no necessaril lacking in self-con dence or self-es eem.
Lo scorers belie e he are s perior o o her people. The ma end o be ra her
arrogan and percei ed b o hers o be concei ed.

80 .

People ho score high for his area are ender-hear ed and compassiona e. The feel
he pain of o hers icario sl and are easil mo ed o pi . Lo scorers are no affec ed
s rongl b h man s ffering. The pride hemsel es on making objec i e j dgmen s
based on reason. The are more concerned i h r h and impar ial j s ice han i h
merc .

10 .

4.5. A ea ea ed: Na al eac i

V a a : Na a eac
N 34

The Face ha de ne Na al eac i n

A 10
A 40
M /C 40
S - 30
S - 100
S 40

Na ral reac ions meas res he differen a s people ha e of reac ing emo ionall o
he press res and s resses of e er da life. Indi id als ho score lo in Na ral
reac ions are emo ionall resilien and are no easil pse . The end o be calm,
rela ed and rarel e perience nega i e feelings. The cope ell nder press re.
People ho score in he high ranges ha e s rong, o erl -sensi i e and emo ional
na ral reac ions. The respond emo ionall o e en s ha do no affec a lo of people
and heir reac ions end o be more in ense. The are more likel o in erpre ordinar
si a ions as hrea ening and minor fr s ra ions as big problems . These s rong na ral
reac ions can diminish a person s abili o hink clearl , make decisions and cope
effec i el i h s ress.

B F P ...
N R 34 - .

P - -

- - -
- ' - '.
The follo ing face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range
as he fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o more precisel
iden if s reng hs, limi a ions, coaching and moni oring needs.

... ( ) ...

10% Worr ing - apprehensi e -

Calm - rela ed - carefree
(Lo ) ense

40% Shor - empered - irri able -

Eas going - pa ien - e en empered
(Middle) in ense

M /C

40% Pessimis ic - prone o be

Con en ed - pbea - hopef l
(Middle) discon en

S -

Inhibi ed - easil
Sociall con den - self-ass red embarrassed - self-
(Lo )
conscio s - sh

S -

Consis en l s ands rm - self-den ing - Easil emp ed - self-
resis s emp a ion ind lgen

Thinks clearl in s ressf l si a ions - 40% Panics easil - conf sed -

self-con den - poised - clear- hinking (Middle) dependen
To ob ain a more precise descrip ion and nders anding of o r beha io r in his area
o ill need o s d o r follo ing scores for he 6 face s of personali ha rela e o
he Fac or of Na ral reac ions.

N : Yo r face scores ill no necessaril al a s be i hin he same score range as

o r fac or score. Some imes he can be er differen . These differences are a
re ec ion of o r niq e personali . Differences can also help o ma imise he
impac of o r s reng hs and minimise he impac of o r limi a ions.

Face f Na a Reac

An ie

The gh -or- igh s s em of he brain of an io s indi id als is oo easil and oo of en

engaged. Therefore, people ho score high in his area of en feel like some hing
npleasan , hrea ening or dangero s is abo o happen. The ma be afraid of
speci c si a ions or j s generall fearf l. The of en feel ra her ense, ji er and
ner o s. People lo in An ie are generall rela ed, calm and fearless. The end no
o orr abo hings ha migh go rong.

10 .

Ang h ili

This face meas res he endenc o feel angr . (Whe her or no a person e presses
anno ance and hos ili depends on his or her le el of Agreeableness.) People ho
score high for Angr hos ili feel enraged hen hings do no go heir a . The are
easil pro oked and o erl sensi i e abo being rea ed fairl . The feel resen f l and
bi er hen he hink he are being chea ed. Lo scorers are m ch more eas going
and less likel o be pro oked. The do no ge angr of en or easil .

40 .
M dine /C n en men

This face meas res normal differences in he a ha people reac o life s ps and
do ns. People ho score high in his area are prone o feeling sad, dejec ed, g il
and disco raged hen faced i h problems. The of en lack energ and ha e dif c l
ini ia ing ac i i ies ha ma resol e heir problems. People ho score lo in his area
are less likel o e perience hese emo ions. This doesn mean ha he are
necessaril more b bbl , cheerf l and ligh hear ed people, ( hese are beha io rs ha
are associa ed i h E ra ersion).

40 .

Self-c n ci ne

Self-conscio s indi id als are sensi i e abo ha o hers hink of hem. Their concern
abo rejec ion and ridic le ca se hem o feel sh and ncomfor able aro nd o hers.
The are easil embarrassed. Their fears ha o hers ill cri icise or make f n of hem
are e aggera ed and nrealis ic. Ho e er, heir a k ardness and discomfor ma
make hese fears a self-f l lling prophec . Lo scorers, in con ras , do no s ffer from
he mis aken impression ha e er one is a ching and j dging hem. The do no
necessaril ha e good social skills, he simpl feel less ner o s in social si a ions.

30 .

Self-Ind lgence

People ho score in he high range for his face feel s rong cra ings and rges ha
he ha e dif c l resis ing - e en ho gh he kno ha he are likel o regre i
la er. The end o be orien ed o ard shor - erm pleas res and re ards ra her han
long- erm conseq ences. Lo scorers do no e perience s rong, irresis ible cra ings
and conseq en l do no nd hemsel es emp ed o o er ind lge.

100 .
Sen i i i S e

High scorers ha e dif c l in coping i h s ress. The end o feel lnerable. The
e perience panic, conf sion or helplessness hen nder press re and hen facing
emergenc si a ions. Lo scorers feel more capable, compe en and clear- hinking in
dif c l si a ions or hen nder press re.

40 .

5. I c cl i
Some people are na rall more modes hile o hers gladl sing heir o n praises.
Beca se his repor re ec s ho o see o rself, he res l s ma ha e been
in enced in a cer ain direc ion. Yo can also ha e someone else ho kno s o
rela i el ell comple e he es abo o . Differences as compared o he es o
comple ed for o rself ma sa some hing abo o r self-image or he a o sho
o rself o o hers.

Personali rai s are generall considered o be rela i el cons an o er he co rse of

ime. I is herefore iser o look a he rai s ha o ha e and ho he can be sed o
o r ad an age han o r o change a rai . Tha is m ch more dif c l if no
impossible, and req ires rela i el m ch more energ . Moreo er, a cer ain rai ha is
less desirable in some si a ions can be highl ad an ageo s in ano her si a ion, ork
or o her ise. The challenge is nding a hobb , s d , par ner, and home or ork
en ironmen ha is he bes s i ed o o r personali . The be er he be een o r
en ironmen and o r personali , he more a ease o ill be and he be er o ill
feel. This can be ransla ed in o happiness, s ccess or pleasan rela ionships i h
o hers.

Las l , i sho ld be no ed ha his es meas res e of o r personali rai s. A

person s personali canno , ho e er, be comple el e pressed in e rai s. Each
indi id al is oo niq e o de ermine e ac l ho his or her personali orks merel
based on a lis of q es ions. This es gi es o he ocab lar ih hich o can look
a o rself in comparison o o hers and learn from ha comparison. In o her ords,
nders and ha he es s mmari es o r personali i ho an l ima e o al
j dgmen . Tha is heore icall nearl impossible o do.

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