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Brie y explain ONE similarity OR difference between how America entered World War I and how America entered

World War II.

A difference between how America entered WW1 and WW2 is why they enter and their willingness to enter. World War I was entered
because American banks, like JP Morgan, invested so much money into their allies, like Great Britain, that America had to enter to make
sure those they invested in didn’t lose. Many people did not want America to join WW1. For World War 2, America joined because they
were attacked by Japan on Pearl Harbor. Many more Americans wanted to join WW2 than did WW1 because they wanted revenge on

Brie y explain ONE similarity OR difference between the American home front during World War I and World War II.

A similarity between the American home front during WW1 and WW2 is the mass cooroperation by the American public to make the war
effort successful. During WW1, many families started “victory gardens” to allow soldiers to have more food overseas. During WW2, many
women took up mechanical jobs which worked with big machinery so that the work force could be suf cient to supply goods to the
American forces. Both wars required major changes in the way the American public normally worked.

Brie y explain ONE similarity OR difference between American foreign policy after World War I and after World War II.

One difference between American foreign policy after WW1 and after WW2 was the isolation of America. After WW1, America stayed
relatively isolated from Europe and Asia. Even though Woodrow Wilson wanted to get the US into the Treaty of Versailles and the League
of Nations, Congress and people like Henry Cabot Lodge countered it. After WW2, America got into the United Nations and had more

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