English8 2dpart - Ex Jordi Reyes Polinadocx

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STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

Read carefully. If you have difficulties answering a question continue with another one. The exam has a
total of 4 questions.
Take the time to read and understand the task in the writing part. Use a pencil to make corrections easily.
The value of the writing part is 30 pts
The exam has a total value of 100 pts
Total score: ___ /___
Writing part score: _____
Final grade: _____

GRAMMAR (25 Points) Change the following sentences highlighted words

into with the Past Simple or Past Continuous

 While I was  travelling through Central America, I  meet many

wonderful people.
 The robbery of the grocery store happened while I was shopping in
the meat section.
 When we went to that coffee shop, I  did not notice the
surveillance cameras.
 Instead of waking up early, we slept in and  ordered room service.
 I  changed my password when I got my new phone.
 When the police arrived at the scene of the crime, people  was
fleeing the burning building.
 The group  were setting up their tents when it started to rain.

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

READING (25 Points) Read the following article and in your own
words paraphrase the following extracts (below the text)

Will The Monoglot Ever Understand?

"They come over here, live in their own communities and don't even bother
to learn our language . . ."

One of the major challenges of today is to come to terms with the

consequences of globalisation, the shifts of population it engenders, and the
expectations of individuals that they will be able to move to other parts of the
world for work, leisure or simply a better life. As the quote above suggests,
one facet of this challenge is the need to adjust our thinking about languages
and language learning.

English is used to communicate between people who speak different languages.

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

And, as far as globalisation goes, there are two sides to the linguistic coin.
On the one hand, it is bringing us a dramatic growth in the use of English as
a lingua franca. On the other, linguistic diversity is thrust in our faces as
never before, in our cities, on the internet, on manufactured products - even
down to the labels in our clothes. We know there are 300 languages spoken
in London alone, and that's just by residents.

It's never been clearer that the world is multilingual and always will be.
Individuals make their own decisions about which languages they speak for
which purposes, and it is a basic human right that they should be able to do

We might also consider the right - and duty - to learn another language, in
order to be equipped with the skills to participate fully in civil and economic
life in a global society. Both the Council of Europe and the European
Commission are strong on the need for plurilingual individuals ("plurilingual"
is the preferred term for individuals, with "multilingual" referring to societies
or communities) as a means of underpinning a strife-free and economically
successful Europe. Skills for international communication will mean
competence in the mother tongue, plus the standard language of the country
where the individual is living (if different), plus another "foreign" language.

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

Expats are people who work and travel.

And, in case you thought otherwise, the comment quoted at the beginning of
this article is about English expats living on the Costa Blanca in Spain. And
here we have the basic problem for monoglot English speakers: in the
linguistic panorama thrown up by globalisation, it is all too easy to see just
one side of the coin - the one that begins to perceive the whole world as
speaking English. From there it is only a small step to believing that it is their
duty to learn English and ours merely to sit back and enjoy the cuba libres.

This perspective is stuck within a frame of its own making. It is precisely the
experience of learning another language that gives us a wider perspective
on ourselves, on our place in the world, on those who are different from us.
Unless we can break out of this monolingual frame, we start to look like a
declining power. We are dooming ourselves to failure if we cannot see what

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

others see: that in a multilingual world we need to communicate in more than

one language.

My own experience of many years in business and working as an interpreter,

is that for most markets English will not be enough to create and maintain
the level of relationships required with overseas customers. Our most loyal
customers are those we've got to know personally, the ones whose business
we know and understand and the ones with whom we share mutual respect,
liking and trust. Overseas customers are no different.

They want to develop supply partnerships with people they can work well
with, who value their custom and who will go the extra mile to sort out
problems when they arise. How are we going to get to know their business if
all contact is handled through an agent? How are we going to demonstrate
that we value their custom if we haven't even bothered to try to learn their
language? In short, to develop those relationships we need to speak their

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

It is important for teenagers to understand the importance of learning another language.

That is why languages need to be an essential element in the education of

all British teenagers. Government moves to make the curriculum for 14 to
19-year-olds more flexible and relevant to working life have, in the short
term, had a devastating effect on languages as schools and pupils (stuck in
a monolingual mindset) have taken this as a cue to drop languages. There
has been much debate about the unpopularity of the subject and the alleged
unwillingness of teenagers to choose to do languages of their own accord.

This autumn the National Centre for Languages launched a new range of
materials (Languages Work) designed to help schools and careers advisers
to provide proper guidance to students about the importance of languages.
We help bring home to them the need to take a broader perspective on the

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

Some have told us their reasons for not wanting to carry on with a language:
"I'll only be working in the West Midlands", "I'm hopeless at languages", "I
won't need them for what I'm going to be doing." It is clear to us that the
barriers are within themselves; it is their narrow horizons, ignorance and lack
of aspiration and self-esteem that hold them back from language learning
and will hold them back in their future lives - unless we can convince them

Overcoming these barriers would have a fundamental impact on our

economy and on our nation as a whole. It would help to create a generation
that is outward-looking, enterprising, full of confidence on the world stage
and able to make some impact internationally. Above all it would be a
generation that was interculturally astute, not fazed by other cultures but not
arrogant towards them either.

In your own words paraphrase the following extracts from the

article that you have read.

a. … is to come to terms with the consequence of ... .(parag. 1)

It is about matching the terms based on the effect of

b. … one facet of this challenge …(parag. 1)

One step in this process

c. ...there are two sides to the linguistic coin.(parag. 2)

We have a part in each hand when it comes to linguistics

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

d. … is thrust in our faces as never before …(parag.2)

It is something that comes to us without being expected

e. We might also consider the right - the duty - to learn another

language, in order to be equipped with the skills to participate fully in
civil and economic life in a global society. (parag. 4)
We should consider as an obligation and responsibility the fact of learning an additional
language this on the basis of being prepared to be able to coexist in a global society

f. a means of underpinning a strife-free and economically successful

Europe.(parag. 4)
Something that helps to reach a Europe free of problems and with a
positive economy

g. ...merely to sit back and enjoy …(parag. 5)

Just to take a seat and relax

h. This perspective is stuck within a frame of its own making. (parag.6)

That point of view is stuck in its own reality.

i. … will go the extra mile to sort out problems …(parag. 8)

Will do the best to solve this situation

j. … we haven’t even bothered to …(parag. 8)

We have not made an effort in

LISTENING (20 points)

Watch a video about two people’s experiences with mobile phones. For questions 1
to 7, choose the correct option.

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

Attach here the screen (or picture) of % of your correct answers.

WRITING (30 Points)

Write an essay “My safety online” by using Past Perfect tense (minimum 3
times, and highlight them)
150-200 words.
When we talk about safety online we have many things to review, if we had
been in context of technology we may know about the hacking and the theft
to the cloud accounts sync to our devices, to protect our account from these
types of crimes it would be recommended to have control of the permissions
that we give to the apps and websites that we frequent, if we had ever
bought online something with our credit card we have to be sure that any of
the data of our card had saved in the website. Other recommendation could
be to not click or enter in strange websites because this pages could have
some malwares that can theft information from our devices and also

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

generate internal problems, another tip and something that it is almost

obligatory is to have a complicated password that only us can know, a large
and difficult password means a better security in our accounts, lately the
most common error of theft accounts is because the users had been used
poor and easy passwords.

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director
STUDENT´S NAME: __Jordi Jehu Reyes Barrios____________ DATE: _November 8th_of 2021_
PROFESSOR´S NAME: __ MRI. Polina Iashenkova____ __ GRADE: __________ GROUP: _____

Presents Authorizes

MRI. Polina Iashenkova M.C. Mónica Rosales Pérez

English Professor           Academic Director

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