Registration Form For Candidates

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Email: Website: www.ropiangfoundation.


29th November, 2021
An initiative of Ropiang Foundation Trust (RFT) & Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. (BPCL)
Motto: “Better Home Than Homes”

In partnership with BPCL, Ropiang Foundation Trust (RFT) is introducing a comprehensive

residential scholarship for our neediest, weakest students. With “Better Home Than Homes”
as its motto, this scholarship is available to 40 male tribal students from Class IX to Masters
who are admitted to schools/colleges in the Lamka town area, in the following categories:
1. Full Orphans / Half-Orphans (whose living parent is unemployed)
2. Differently-Abled Persons
3. Ration / Health Card holders whose ordinarily resides outside Lamka town area;
4. General (except the above).
The scholarship packages available are as follows:
Category Seats Benefits
1. Full Orphans 15 • 100% free admission fees (wherever admitted)
2. Half – Orphans • 100% free monthly fees (wherever admitted)
(living parent • 100% free mess fees (in RFT’s hostel)
unemployed) • 100% free lodging fees (in RFT’s hostel)
3. Differently-Abled • 100% free library/reading room/wifi fees
4. Ration / Health Card 15 • 100% free admission fees (wherever admitted)
holders who are from • 100% free monthly fees (wherever admitted)
outside the Lamka town • 100% free mess fees (in RFT’s hostel)
area • Lodging fees (@ Rs 200/month)
5. Half – Orphans • 50% free library/reading fees (@ Rs 400/month)
(whose living parent is
6. General 10 • 100% free admission fees (wherever admitted)
(everyone else; • Monthly tuition fees to be self-paid
admission will be on • 50% free mess fees (in RFT’s hostel_
needs’ & first-come- • Lodging fees (@ Rs 200/month)
first-serve) • 50% free library/reading fees (@ Rs 400/month)
Last Submission Date: 5th December, 2021 (by 5 p.m)

Forms are attached herewith. Applicants may also get printed copies from Office of Ropiang
Foundation, 226 – Mission Road, Lamka. Decision of Ropiang Foundation on all matters is
final. Filled forms may be submitted to the office, or to Whatsapp
any query to our liaison officers at +91-880-087-9557 and/or +91-873-094-9670.

Lalgoumang Guite,
Secretary, Ropiang Foundation Trust

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Email: Website:

Registration Form for

Ropiang Boys’ Residential Scholarship

(An Initiative of Ropiang Foundation Trust in collaboration with BPCL)
Motto: “Better Home Than Homes”

Passport Here

01. Name: ___________________________________________________________________

02. Father’s/Guardian’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

03. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yr): ___________________________________________________________________

04. Status of Applicant (tick the appropriate one):

(i). Orphan

(ii). Half-Orphan

(iii). Differently-Abled

(iv). Ration/Health card holder from outside town area

(v). General (none of the above)

05. Tribe: ___________________________________________________________________

06. ID & Number (tick and fill whichever you can submit):

Aadhar Number: ___________________________________________________________________

PAN Card Number: ___________________________________________________________________

Voter ID Number: ___________________________________________________________________

Driving License No.: ___________________________________________________________________

Any Other: ___________________________________________________________________

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Email: Website:

07. Educational Status (tick the appropriate one):

School Student

College Student



08. (i). If school student, which school?


(ii). If college student, which college?


(iii). If graduated, when graduated and where?


(iv). If drop-out, final educational attainment (till what class)?


09. Any government employee in the immediate family:

Yes No

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Email: Website:

For Orphans/Half-Orphans Only

01. Father’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

02. Mother’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

03. Current Residence: ___________________________________________________________________

04. Under Whose Care:

Relatives Others

05. If Half-Orphan, which parent is deceased?

Father Mother


For Differently-Abled Persons Only

01. Nature of Disability (tick the appropriate one):

Blind Deaf

Mute Burnt Survivor

Motor Disability Any Other

02. If any other, specify: ___________________________________________________________________

03. Whether disability is:

By Birth By Accident

04. Whether disability is:

Temporary Permanent

05. Whether applicant requires guide/handholding?

Yes No


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Email: Website:

For Persons Outside the Lamka Town Area:

01. Whether parents are PMJAY/CMHT/Ration Card Holder (tick whichever are appropriate):



Ration Card (IAY Card)

02. Permanent Address: ___________________________________________________________________


03. Current Address: ___________________________________________________________________


04. Distance from CBC (in kms) ___________________________________________________________________

05. Main source of family income (tick whichever is most appropriate)

Government service



Any other


Forms to be submitted (in duplicate – either hardcopy or scanned):

1. Birth Certificate (10th/12th certificates, Aadhar Card, Driver’s License, PAN Card are acceptable)
2. Tribe Certificate
3. Proof of School/College Admission
4. Certificate of Academic Attainment
5. Identity Proof (Aadhar Card, Driver’s License, PAN Card, Voter’s ID, are all acceptable)
6. Character Certificate (VA Secretary/Chairman, SDO, Church Elder/Pastor, are acceptable)

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