BALDERAS OnlinePsychDutyDay2.Insight

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School of Health and Natural Sciences


NAME: Balderas, Shiela Belle P.

DATE/ TIME: April 1, 2022
CI: Sir Martin Manuel
CASE: Abuse/Crisis/Suicidal

My Nursing Insight

Date of duty: April 1, 2022

Shift: 7:30 am-12:00 noon
Day: Day 2
Pavillion: Abuse/Crisis/Suicidal (20-30 y/o)
Activity: Ice breaker, Therarium, 5 senses exercise, Origami, Music therapy, Inspirational
speech, Film viewing
Description of Activity: The activity is for the termination phase in which we focus on the patient
experiencing abuse, crisis, and depression. From the activity itself, it is more on self-
reflection including the activity we prepared in order for the client to let them aware
and know what’s really the problem they are facing and also for the to categorized
what those emotions came from.
Indication: The activity is indicated from the case because we often see that those clients
experiencing abuse, depression and crisis are really difficult to handle they are not
tolerable to engage in heavy activity because they think that this could also contribute
to what they feel most of the time. That’s why we prepare an activity that is more on
self-reflection and positive reinforcement so that patient will be open to us as their
nurses not just by that but also for them to shows them their emotions that they hide.
We come up from this activity for them to have time to relax their mind on the crisis
that they are facing.
Nursing Insight: My reflection regarding activity is really deep. Because like our patient, I also felt
this time most of the time like how can I survive this day? How can I overcome
hardship in life? With this I realized that there’s so much more in life, that people are
always tried their best most of the time because they think that they are left behind,
that society will not accept who they are. But as a nurse, I am very emotional with
this program because I have not just helping our patient calm their mind but I also
figured out what’s wrong with me. I didn’t ashamed from what I felt from so many
years because I know that this help me grow and help me realize that God is with us
throughout our journey. And we must be aware that we are the one who will put our
path into the right direction, it takes time to heal and to bring back to the old self we
missed. But we will be there soon. We will make ourselves at ease, not now but soon.

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