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Presentation On Management

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Guided By:
Prof. Pinky Prepared By:
Canlas Glenn Rimas
• -process by which a cooperative
group directs action towards
common goals.
• -is a set of interactive process
through which the utilization of
resources results in accomplishment
of organizational objectives.
Role of a Manager
• Interpersonal role- go between people.
• Informational role- spokesperson of mgt; staff
• Decisional role- schedule,
staffing, discipline

Skills and
Competencies of a
ü Technical manager
skill- experience
ü Human skill- interpersonal
ü Conceptual skill- problem solving


Management Process



Management Process
Management Process
• Planning
-basic funtion of management; it involves
the collection, analysis and organization
of many kinds of data.
- it is deciding in advance “What to do?”,
“How to do it?”, “When to do it?” and
“Who will do it?”.

Purpose of Planning
1. Planning leads to success in achieving goals and
2. Planning gives meaning to work.
3. Provides for effective use of available personel
and facilities.
4. Helps in coping with crisis situations.
5. Is cost effective.

Purpose of Planning
6. Is based on part past and future thus helping
reduce the elements of change.
7. Is needed for effective control.
8. Provides for improved functions in emergencies.
9. Can be used to discover the need for change.
10.Observes the highest use of personnel.

Characteristics of
ü Planning is purposeful.
ü Planning is process oriented.
ü Planning is hierarchial in nature.
ü Planning is future directed.
ü Planning is multi-dimentional.

Types of Planning
1. Strategic or long ranged planning- “what are the
right things to do”
- usually extending 3 to 5 years into the future.

2. Operational or short ranged planning- “how does

one do things right”
- deals with day to day maintenance activities.

3. Continuous or Rollin plan- similar to operating

plans, involves mapping out the day-to-day activities
Planning tools
• Vission –future role and function “to be”
• Values –is the worth,usefulness, or
importance of something.
• Mission –reason for existence “to do”
• Philosophy –sets our values, concept, and

The Board of Nursing under the guidance of
the Almighty, with its unquestionable integrity
and commitment, envisions itself to be the
ultimate authority in regulating the nursing
profession in the Philippines and to lead nursing
development to its highest level of excellence.

The BON shall unwaveringly pursue the advancement
of nursing development in the country by:
1. providing leadership, information, options,
scenarios and lobby efforts to targeted
decision makers and stakeholders
2. ensuring adherence to professional, ethical
and legal standards as mandated by existing
regulatory laws
3. unifying the nursing sector through good
4. fostering linkages with the domestic and
international stakeholders

The Medical Center envisions itself
to become a Center of Excellence
providing holistic approach to health
care services. A center of wellness, the
services provided shall enable the
people to improve their health and
increase control over it.
The Medical Center, as a public, terteriary
hospital is so maintained as the people’s partner
and improved to provide accessible, quality, cost
effective, preventive, promotive, curative,
rehabilitative health care services to the general
public, especially the destitute. The institution is
also committed to medical, nursing, and allied
health education, training and research.

The Hospital is committed to assume

a vital role in health promotion. Disease
prevention, curative, rehabilitative, and
primary health care in partnership with
public health counterparts, the clients,
families, and communities.
Planning tools
• Goal –Are more general and cover a
broad area.
-It may be short term ( week,
month, or a year) Or long term
( 5- 10 years)
• Objectives –statements that make goals more
specific and measurable and give
managers the ability to evaluate goal
Goal: Increase patient awareness of
department services.

Within 8 weeks,
1. develop and print brochure
2. Provide brochure to patients on
3. Explain to patients which services are
offered within the department and the

Planning tools
• Strategies –denote a general program of action
and deployment of emphasis and resources.
• Policies –general statement or understanding
which guide or channel and action decision
• Procedures –establish a customary method of
handling future activities.

Planning tools
• Rules –required actions which like other plan are
chosen from among alternatives.
• Programs –complex of goals, policies, procedures,
rules, task assignment, steps to be taken, resources
to be employed and other elements.
• Budget –estimate of future costs and a plan for
using one’s resources

Planning tools
Types of Budget
• Operating, or Revenue- and Expense Budget-
income/forcast, salaries, supplies, utilities, repair
and maintenance, educational leaves, etc.
• Capital Expenditure Budget- major equipment and
• Cash Budget- Funds available as needed and to use
any extra funds profitably.

Management Process

Management Process
- is the grouping of activities for the
purpose of achieving objectives.
-the process of stablishing formal

Basic Terms
v Authority- the right to make decision.
v Responsibility- the obligation/ task to perform.
v Accountability- being responsible for the
quality of one’s work and behavior.
Steps in Organizing

1. Division of Works
2. Grouping of Identical
3. Granting of Authority
4. Establishing Responsibility
5. Creating Accountability

Organizational chart
- is a drawing that shows
how the parts of an
organization are linked.
Types of Organizational
• Line-staff relationship
ØLine authority- simplest and most direct type of
ØStaff authority- advisory or service oriented in nature.
• Vertical chart
• Left-to-right chart
• Circular chart

Line-staff relationship
Vertial chart
Left-to-right chart
Circular chart
Principles of
q Unity of command- there can only be one
order. Organizing
q Scalar Principle / Hierarchy / Chain of
command- flow of authority from higher to
lower positions.
q Departmentalization- grouping workers with
similar assignments.

Principles of
q Span of control- Limit the number of people
to be directly supervised.
q Centalization- the staff all reports to one
q Decentralization/ Delegation- transferring
decision making to low position.

Management Process

Management Process
• Staffing
- is a continuous and vital function of
management. After objectives have been
determined, activities for the implementation
identified and grouped into the job, so staffing
is to procure suitable personnel for managing
the job. Efficiency and effectiveness of an
organization depends on the quality of its
- acceptable number and mix of nursing

mportance of Staffing
1. Number and kind of personnel required

2. Selection of the most suitable persons for

the job under consideration

3. Placement, induction and orientation

4. Transfers, promotion, termination

5. Training and development

Patient Care Classification
- according to number of hours needed.
v Method of grouping patients
v The primary basis for scheduling/

Patient Care
• Level 1 1.5 hours per day
Minimal Stable, VS, meds, MGH, OPD

• Level 23 hours per day

Moderate Stable, Some assistance, post op

Patient Care
• Level 3 6 hours per day
Total/Intensive completely dependent; ICU,

• Level 46-9hours per day

Critical/ completely dendent,
Highly specialized continuous monitoring,
increase ICP

Nursing Assignment
ü Funtional nursing- mass casualty; task oriented.
ü Total care nursing/ Case method- one nurse is
assigned to one patient for totality of care during
his or her time on duty.
ü Team nursing- one nurse leads a group of nurse.

Nursing Assignment
ü Primary nursing- one nurse responsible to
the total care of a small group of patient
(4-6 patient) from admission to discharge.
ü Modular nursing- combination of primary
and team nursing.

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