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edTPA Lesson Plan

Name Albert Buchholz

Lesson #, Lesson Title Lesson 3: : To what extent is freedom of speech protected in
Date and Day of the Week 10/12/21
/Grade Level and Class 12th Grade, US Government
Period and Length Period 2, 45 minutes
Materials Needed Writing utensil and something to write on or laptops
Standards and Objectives
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights
gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary
that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to describe as an American, you have the right to speak and write freely. 
Students will be able explain to free speech covers spoken words, written text, silence, and symbolic speech.
Students will be able to understand unprotected speech includes defamation (libel or slander), sedition, fighting
words, solicitations toward violence, obscenity, perjury, and threats.
Students will be able to identify Hate speech is protected, unless the words are likely to cause violent reactions.

Central Focus: Has the Supreme Court properly applied the Bill of Rights to American citizens?

Academic Language Demands:

Des Moines  Christopher Eckhardt Mary Beth Tinker

 Right of expression 

Time Action Rationale

Launch (Motivation) The “Do Now” serves to activate

the students’ prior knowledge
Students will review quickly from what was discuss from last class to about different topics and ideas
jog their memory of the previous material into today’s lesson. discuss in previous lessons such as
the Bill of Rights. The “See,
There will be a Do Now on the board a photo of two students holding
Think, Wonder” is a way to use
an arm band and they will complete a “See, Think, Wonder” of a photo
visuals to stimulate the student
of Christopher Eckhardt & Mary Beth Tinker.
thinking as they analyze the photo
Students will be called upon in class to share what they have put down. of the two students and describe
what they see.

Instructional Procedure (Explore) The class discussion will serve as

supplementary material as
Teacher will then transition to the lesson by asking the students a connector between the “Do Now”

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discussion question of “Should students have certain rights as and the notes section of the lesson.
students”. After the class has had a brief discussion to what they The discussion question will be
believe are their rights of students, the teacher will introduce the court supported by guided questions and
case of the week to the class. stem words to prompt the students
to think and recall any personal
Using stem words such as “Can you define your rights as a experience they may have had and
student” or “What are your rights as students” relate it to the lesson. As by
connecting their experience or
The teacher will then transition into the notes which will illustrate this
hearing and viewing a classmate
week’s court case. The court case of the week is Tinker v. Des Moines
example can put into perspective
Independent Community School District. The teacher will show the
the importance of their student
photo of the “Do Now” and explain to the students who the two
students in the photo are.
Students will be provided by the
Then after the teacher has explain who the two students are, the
notes through PowerPoint as the
teacher will then provide notes about the court case with the class. As a
notes will be bolded with key
class, the teacher and the students will read over the facts of the case
terms and definition for the
which provides insight what is the case and why it was brought up.
students to copy down. The notes
Students will annotate the facts of the case as they read it as a class and will provide sufficient background
the teacher provide further explanation of the case of the implications knowledge of what lead to the
of where the student’s rights violated. court case and why there is a court
case that exist about student’s

The use of the graphic organizer

provided to the students to break
down the information from court
case as a form of chunking. As the
graphic organizer will make it
easier for them to visual
comprehend the main points and
significance of the court case. The
teacher will annotate and highlight
sentences in the text about the
courts case to illustrate to the
students’ important segments they
should note and discuss about. As
the teacher annotate, the teacher
will provide guided questions to
the students to gauge their
understanding and have them
explain the importance of certain

Structured Practice and Application The group placement is place by

the differentiation strengths of the
The students will be place in groups of two to three where they will students. The teacher will pair
complete the questions. students with varying degrees

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Question 1: Does a prohibition against the wearing of strengths together. Students will
armbands in public school, as a form of symbolic protest, violate the be pair with other students to
students' freedom of speech protections guaranteed by the First complement their weakness to
Amendment? Use textual evidence to support your claim. support each other as they work
together to complete the two
Question 2: Do you believe what Justice Hugo Black when questions from the court case.
he wrote he argued that the First Amendment does not provide the
right to express any opinion at any time? Explain your answer with The group assign is a formal
information with of ideas we have discuss before. summative work. The first
question is a summative question
As the students work on the questions in their groups, the teacher will about the court case as it requires
monitor their progress and engage with them to ensure they are on task students to recall their prior
and are answering the question correctly. knowledge from other lessons.
Students should work together in
Once completed, the teacher will go around each group for a class
finding textual evidence that
discussion to answer the questions listed. The teacher will start with
support their idea. The second
question one and so on base on what the groups completed. The
question is a formative one which
teacher will then show a short clip summarizing the court case for the
is an opinion piece to for the
students at the end of class.
students to explain their
interpretation of the First

The group discussion lead by the

students will conclude their
findings with one another as they
explain their answers to one
another. The short video clip is a
quick visual summary for those
who may not have completely
understand the court case. Thus,
by using a visual medium to
convey the message of the court
case to them and as a summary to
the other students in the class.

Assessment following Structured Practice The student’s assignment will

reinforce the idea of what are
The students will be assigned to write one paragraph homework to student’s rights and how they are
complete and turn in through google classroom. Students will need to being violated. Exploring the idea
find and explain other instances of which a student’s right was how this issue is current in our
violated. society even today.

Closure The exit ticket will serve an

informal assessment of whether
The teacher will have an informal formative assessment where he will the students understood the lesson.
have a class discussion about their thoughts about the court case to Demonstrating to see of the
gauge the students understanding. students understood the lesson and

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whether I need to revisit some
points made.


Describe your students.

How does this lesson connect to and build on prior learning or previous lessons?

How will this lesson prepare students for subsequent lessons?

Teacher Self-Assessment and Reflection

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