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Lesson Plan Template (Direct)

Teacher Candidate: Ivonne Cardenas

Subject: Math Grade Level: 2nd Mentor: Crystal Short

Central Focus: Describe the important understandings and core TSW will identify examples of borrowing and distinguish
concepts that you want students to develop over the course of between responsible and irresponsible borrowing
the learning segment/lesson. What are they going to learn?

Standard: Using the TEKS as guidance, what standard(s) do you TEKS…

want your students to master?) (11) Personal financial literacy. The student applies
mathematical process standards to manage one's financial
Deconstructing/ resources effectively for lifetime financial security. The
Unpacking the Standard(s) student is expected to:
Determine key verbs:
Identify and underline key verbs within the standard and/or (D) identify examples of borrowing and distinguish
element(s). between responsible and irresponsible borrowing

Identify concepts and skills students will need to know,

understand, and be able to do to reach proficiency

Lesson Objective: Targets must be aligned to the TEKS and with I can…
the assessment(s); targets should be stated as measurable in
student friendly language. What will students be able to do? Use “I I can identify examples of borrowing and distinguish
can” statements . You cannot change the verb or content. between responsible and irresponsible borrowing
***Reminder - Verb alignment present in standard, objective and

Sub-Objectives: How will you connect to past learning? What key Connection to past learning (previous TEKS)
vocabulary and/or academic language needs to be reviewed or Yesterday, we learned that saving is an alternative to
introduced? spending
If applicable: What images will you use for key vocabulary? What
sentence starters might be helpful? Key Vocabulary/Academic Vocabulary to include in the
● Borrower
● Lender
● Loan
● Responsible borrower
● Irresponsible borrower

ELPS, if applicable: (Put NA if Not Applicable) ELPS

Include #s, letters and full-verbiage 2 ELL’s

Language Objective based on ELPS: (TSWBAT…), If I can …

applicable (Put NA if Not Applicable)
I can identify examples of borrowing and distinguish
Use the format: “ I can…” between responsible and irresponsible borrowing

How will you summatively assess student mastery? ● Students will be given an exit ticket to complete
to assess their learning on being able to
NOTE: The summative assessment might not be a part of this distinguish between responsible and
lesson..You might describe your post-assessment here if it is irresponsible borrowing
different from your IP.

How will you formatively assess student mastery? For formative ● Students will be on the carpet during our lesson,
assessment, just generally describe what you will be doing. I will have students share their thoughts, give me
Specific questions will be included later in the lesson plan. a thumbs up or down to show their
What are your plans for adjusting the pacing of the unit for ● If I notice that some of my students are having a
struggling learners? difficult time distinguishing between a
responsible and irresponsible borrower, I will
have to monitor and adjust by going back and
revisiting the vocabulary words and its meaning
or refer back to a real-life example.

Materials/Technology/Resources needed for the lesson: Materials:

Describe the materials, technology, and resources needed ● Projector
for the lesson ● Exit Ticket
● Anchor chart
● Marker
● Task cards
● Pencil
● Butcher paper
● Word strip

● Projector

Other Resources:
● N/A

Managing Student Behavior Can’t teach them if you can’t Behavior Expectations for the Lesson:
reach them! ● Students are expected to be at the carpet seated
on their spot. They are expected to actively listen
❏ When and how will you establish rules for learning and participate in discussion
and behavior during the lesson? How engagement will look and sound
● Students voices will be incorporated, students
❏ What will it look and sound like if students are will have opportunities to turn and talk, giving
engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? me a thumbs up or down to check for
❏ How will you allow for movement, transitions or brain understanding
breaks to capitalize on engagement and performance
❏ What will you use for an attention signal? Plan for movement, transitions, or brain breaks, if
● Students will be seated on the carpet already. If I
notice that students are getting distracted I will
do a brain break with the kids by having them
stand up and do a few stretching exercises and
then have them come back together seated on the

Opening (describe ❏ Opening: What will Opening, if applicable:

activity): students be doing ● Students will be at the carpet finishing up Green
immediately after the Circle. Once that is done, students will move into
Opening: bell rings to kickstart their carpet spots for our Math Lesson
Estimated time to class? (bell ringers, do
complete’:____2__ nows, seat work) Hook:
Structure (whole class, ● Boys and girls, I have a riddle for you that’s called
collaborative, individual, “What am I?” Now I’m not going to tell you who I
etc): _______ ❏ Hook: What will you do am, that is your job to figure out. So, listen
to get students excited carefully to my word choices because that will
Focus/Anticipatory about learning? Why is help you figure out this puzzle.
Set/Hook/Activate this information
Thinking relevant? How will you I am not a person but a place in this school. I have no doors,
Estimated time to motivate students to so you are welcome to come in whenever you would like.
complete:____5___ learn this material in When you walk in you see rows and rows of shelves. I
Structure (whole class, the set and throughout supply my visitors with lots of choices to pick from. What
collaborative, individual, the lesson? Think about am I?
etc): _______ how this activity is
aligned to the Answer: Library
standards and
objectives. Use I will wait a few seconds and then call on students to share
knowledge of students’ what they think the answer is. Then I will prompt students
prior learning, at the library, what is the purpose of having a library?
personal, cultural, Students share out. Then I say, “That’s right. You go to the
and/or community library to check out books. When you check out books you
assets to “hook” them. are actually borrowing it,so you are the borrower because
you are not keeping it. The librarian is the lender who is
giving you the books. Also, since you are not keeping the
books it can be seen as a loan. The librarian is loaning you
books for you to borrow for a short time and hope for you
to bring them back.

‘I Do’/Content Input I Do/Content Input (modeling): I Do:

(Direct Instruction – During this part of the lesson, the ● Boys and girls, today we are going to learn on
describe activity): teacher will model the strategy or identifying examples of borrowing and
skill that students will learn. What distinguishing between a responsible borrower
Estimated time to complete content knowledge are you and irresponsible borrower.
‘I Do’’:___15____ teaching students based on your ● Before spring break we talked about a bank. Who
Structure (whole class, own understanding? You are can recall/remember what a bank is? I will call
collaborative, individual, literally thinking aloud. Should on students. That’s right, a bank is a business
etc): _______ place that holds people money. When people
include both Tier 1 (examples)
have bank accounts, what can they do at the
and Tier 2 (think aloud)
bank? They can deposit and withdraw.
Absolutely, but that’s not all that they do. They
also offer loans. Since a bank has money, a
person can ask for a loan. What does that mean
Differentiation: to you? Students share. That’s right borrowing
For Differentiation during money from the bank and has to be paid back.
the “I Do” or the “Modeling” ● I’m going to tell you a short story about Ms.C. Ms.
portion,consider if you C was just starting college. College can be really
have any accommodations/ expensive. Ms.C’s parents didn’t have the money
modifications/ supports for it. Ms. C had to take out a loan at the bank to
that need to be addressed pay for college. Who can explain if Ms.C taking
in the lesson based on out a loan was a good decision to make? Student
student need. If not, put share.
NA ● Can you think of a time that you have borrowed
money from somebody? Students will turn and
(Enrichment and talk and I will pick on someone to share. Then I
remediation): Tailoring say “yes, when that person borrows money, they
instruction to meet are a borrower and there’s two types that a
individual needs; borrower can be described when borrowing
differentiating the content, money. I write “Responsible borrower” and
process, and/or product. “Irresponsible borrower” on the anchor chart.
Consider cultural Then I ask “what do you notice about the words I
diversity, gifted, etc. wrote?” Call on students. Students responsible
and then I prompt them that as 2nd graders you
Accommodation(s)- (A learn about prefixes in Reading. A prefix is a
change that helps a student word or letter that is added to the beginning of a
overcome or work around word. You mentioned that you noticed that “IR”
the disability): means “not” or “the opposite of. “ Therefore,
irresponsible is the opposite of responsible. And
Modification(s)- (A we know what a borrower is. Let’s come up with
change in what is being a definition together. Give students a few seconds
taught or what is expected to think and then call on students. Then have
from the student): them tell me their definition and I record it on
the anchor chart. Responsible borrowing is when
Remember, an you borrow something like money and return it
accommodation is not to a place or person back on time or when you
lowering expectations or promise. Then, I will do the same with
teaching below grade level Irresponsible borrower. Have students think and
content/objectives. then record the definition onto the anchor chart,
you borrow something like money and then you
ESL Strategies Document return it rip, late, or not return it at all or in full.
● As a class we came up with definitions for our
ESL Strategies Matrix mathematical terms, so now let’s apply what we
know now by looking at some examples.
● Boys and girls, follow along as I read the
problem. I read the problem and then I said
“Hmmm what do I know first.” Well I know that
Tori wants to buy a TV for $80 but doesn't have
enough so she asks her friend for money. What
happens next boys and girls? Her friend gives her
the money but Tori pays her back $10 for 4
weeks. I have to determine who is the lender and
who is the borrower. Who can tell me who the
lender is and why. I record the student answer
and then I do the same for the borrower. Now I
have to determine if she’s a responsible or
irresponsible borrower. The way to do this for
boys and girls is that I see that she will pay back
her friend $10 for 4 weeks, so I need to create a
chart. I model creating a chart and labeling and
then I fill in the chart $10 in each column. Now
that I have a visual, I add all my money together.
Boys and girls, based on the amount we got, do
you think she is responsible or irresponsible and
why? That’s correct, she is irresponsible because
she only gave back $40. I am going to use my
sentence stem to explain my reasoning.
● Let's look at another example. I will have a
student read the problem. Then I will ask them
what they know so far and what do I need to do
to determine if they are a responsible or
irresponsible borrower. That's right, create a
chart, let's do that. I will have a student come to
the board and fill out the chart. Based on what
we are seeing boys and girls, what can be said.
Turn and talk to your partner. I will call on a
student and then have them share what they
think and fill out our sentence stem.

Differentiation for ‘I do”: Grouping of students, if applicable:

❏ Grouping of students: ● Students will be on the carpet seating at their
What opportunities do spots.
students have to work
independently or
together? How are Differentiation: Enrichment and Remediation:
these groups designed ● I will have a sentence stem on the board for
to increase mastery of students to visually see and use. This will be
objective? NOTE: You most beneficial to my ELL learners.
may or may not have
groups during the I Do
part of the Lesson)
Specific accommodations and Modifications:
● ELL’s learners will have a sentence stem to help
❏ Differentiation - with their writing and responses.
Enrichment and
Remediation: What
opportunities do
students need to
strengthen their
understanding of the
strategy or skill

❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the

Questioning “I Do”: What type of Questions:

questions can you ask students to ● Who can recall/remember what a bank is?
overcome their mistakes? What ● What can a person do at the bank when they have
misconceptions do you anticipate a bank account?
students might have? (Using ● Can anyone describe a time that they borrowed
Bloom’s Taxonomy or Costa’s money from someone.
Levels of Thinking, plan some ● What are some other ways that responsible
questions you will ask student) borrowing looks like?
● Who can explain if Ms.C taking out a loan was a
How will you make sure that you good decision to make?
are calling on volunteers,
non-volunteers, and a balance Plan for calling on students
of students based on ability ● I plan on calling students who are raising their
and sex? hands and students who I have not heard from.

‘We Do’ (Guided Practice – We Do (Guided Practice): During We Do

Describe Activity) this part of the lesson, the teacher ● Now you have a chance to practice with a group.
and students are thinking aloud Around the room, there are four different color
Estimated time to complete together. papers up on the wall. On that paper there is a
‘We Do’’:___15____ task card displayed. This is what you are going to
Structure (whole class, do. First, one person from the group is going to
collaborative, individual, read the problem. Then you are going to solve the
etc): ______ problem by one; showing your work and two;
using the sentence stem when you explain if your
person is a responsible or irresponsible
borrower and why.
● Once, you are done with your problem , so that
means you finish showing your work and have
your sentence stem on your paper. Your next
steps are; you and your group need to plan who is
going to speak and what is going to be said
Differentiation because at the end every group is going to
(Enrichment and present. When your group has done that, and I
remediation): Tailoring have checked in with your group I have a bonus
instruction to meet task card that your group can do. That’s only if
individual needs; you finish solving your problem, you show work
differentiating the content, and have your sentence stem on your paper and I
process, and/or product. have to check in with your group. Remember we
Consider cultural are learning about responsible and irresponsible
diversity, gifted, etc. borrowing so I want to be hearing you use these
mathematical terms.
Accommodation(s)- A ● While you are working in your group I will be
change that helps a student walking around and checking in on each group.
overcome or work around ● Before I send you to your task cards, how do we
the disability: work in groups? Students will share. Then I
proceed and then ask who can tell me what we
Modification(s)- A change are about to do. Have a couple of students explain
in what is being taught or to me in their own words what we are about to do
what is expected from the and then release each group.
student: ● After students complete their task, we will start
with one group to present their task to the class
Remember, an and explain their answer. Once the group is done
accommodation is not sharing, we will move to the next group and so
lowering expectations or forth until all groups share.
teaching below grade level
content/objectives. Differentiation “We Do”: Grouping of students:
❏ Grouping of students: ● Students will work with their station groups to
ESL Strategies Document What opportunities do complete the task cards
students have to work
ESL Strategies Matrix independently or
together? How are Differentiation: Enrichment and Remediation:
these groups designed ● Each group will have different task cards
to increase mastery of
Specific Accommodations and Modifications:
❏ Differentiation - ● Students will have the sentence stem on the
Enrichment and board displayed for them
Remediation: What
opportunities do
students need to
strengthen their
understanding of the
strategy or skill

❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the

Questioning “We Do”: What type Questions:

of questions can you ask students ● How did you come to that explanation of a ______
to overcome their mistakes? What borrower?
misconceptions do you anticipate ● How do you think the lender is feeling based on
students might have? (Using the borrower's actions?
Bloom’s Taxonomy or Costa’s ● What could’ve the borrower done differently to
Levels of Thinking, plan some become a responsible borrower.
questions you will ask student)

How will you make sure that you Plan for calling on students
are calling on volunteers, ● I plan on having each group share out their
non-volunteers, and a balance responses
of students based on ability
and sex?

Academic Feedback “We Do”: Academic Feedback Stems

What type of support or academic ● Excellent job on explaining your reason why the
feedback do they need to person is a ________ borrower.
overcome such challenges? How ● Don’t forget to determine who is the borrower
do you plan to reteach if students and who is the lender in the problem.
are not mastering content?
Plan at least 2-3 academic
feedback stems that are aligned to
the learning goal so that they can
easily identify students who are
meeting those goals.

‘You Do’ (Independent You Do (Independent Practice): You Do

Practice/Assessment of Skill During this part of the lesson, the ● Boys and girls, now that we had the chance to
– Describe the Activity) teacher will monitor students’ practice some examples together. Now it is your
understanding through turn to practice by yourself. I have an exit ticket
Estimated time to complete independent practice. for you to complete. When you look at your exit
‘We Do’’:___10____ ticket you will see it similar to what we just did.
Structure (whole class, You are going to complete this independently and
collaborative, individual, then turn it in to me. Before I let you go, who can
etc): ______ give me an example of what an irresponsible
borrower looks like? What conditions do you
think the item may look like? Students share out
and then I have students go to complete their exit

Differentiation Differentiation “You Do”: Grouping of students:

(Enrichment and What instructional strategies and ● Students will be seated at their table group
remediation): Tailoring planned supports will you employ completing their exit ticket.
instruction to meet to meet the needs of each student
individual needs; in order for each student to Differentiation - Enrichment and Remediation:
differentiating the content, demonstrate learning and move ● I will have four students at the carpet with me
process, and/or product. towards mastery regarding the who will need accommodation in reading
Consider cultural learning target(s)? Accommodations and Modifications:
diversity, gifted, etc. ❏ Grouping of students:
What opportunities do ● The students that will be with me during this
Accommodation(s)- (A students have to work time I will provide them with their
change that helps a student independently or accommodation by reading the exit ticket to
overcome or work around together? How are them since their accommodation is they need to
the disability): these groups designed be read to.
to increase mastery of
Modification(s)- (A objectives?
change in what is being
taught or what is expected
from the student): ❏ Differentiation -
Enrichment and
Remember, an Remediation: What
accommodation is not opportunities do
lowering expectations or students need to
teaching below grade level strengthen their
content/objectives. understanding of the
strategy or skill
ESL Strategies Document presented?

ESL Strategies Matrix

❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the

Questioning “You Do”: What type Questions:

of questions can you ask students ● What are some examples of how irresponsible
to overcome their mistakes? What looks like?
misconceptions do you anticipate ● When an irresponsible borrower returns an item
students might have? (Using or money, how would the return of the money or
Bloom’s Taxonomy or Costa’s item look like?
Levels of Thinking, plan some
questions you will ask student) Describe your plan for calling on students:
● Students will be at their desk and completing
How will you make sure that you their exit ticket
are calling on volunteers,
non-volunteers, and a balance
of students based on ability
and sex?

Academic Feedback “You Do”: Academic feedback stems:

What type of support or academic ● Amazing job friends in explaining your
feedback do they need to reasoning.
overcome such challenges? How ● Think about when you borrowed an item, what
do you plan to reteach if students conditions were the item when you returned it.
are not mastering content? How does that impact you as a borrower?
Plan at least 2-3 academic
feedback stems that are aligned to
the learning goal so that they can
easily identify students who are
meeting those goals.

Closing - Check for Write your Closure using the Launch Frame
Understanding (Describe Planning a Discussion Framework: ● Boys and girls, who can explain to me in their
the activity): How will the own words what we just learned?
lesson end and bridge to Launch Frame Eliciting, Orienting Questions
learning for the future? ❏ Opening statement ● Why is it important for people to be a
What do you want to responsible borrower?
and question to get
reiterate to students? ● What are some reasons that people might be
Based on the pacing of the the discussion described as irresponsible?
lesson and feedback from started (Example, ● What are the responsibilities of a responsible
students, did they master “We have been borrower to the lender?
the objective? Make sure to learning how to add ● How would you compare responsible borrowing
revisit objectives. fractions in this and irresponsible borrowing to a friend?
activity. What was ● Who can explain if it is a good idea or not a good
an important key in idea to borrow money from a bank?
● What are some consequences of being an
adding the fractions
irresponsible borrower?
that helped you?
What have we been Conclusion Frame
learning about ● Boys and girls, we have been identifying and
today?”) distinguishing between a responsible borrower
Eliciting, Orienting and an irresponsible borrower. Tomorrow, we
Questions to ask During the will continue practicing this work with more
Discussion examples.
❏ What eliciting,
probing, and
questions will you
ask during the
Conclusion Frame
❏ Closing statement
about what they
learned in the
lesson and what
they will be
working on next.
(Example - “We
have been adding
fractions in this
activity - In our
next activity, we
are going to
continue this
work…. or
Tomorrow, we will
begin subtracting

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