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__________________ consists of the knowledge, the attitudes, and the sum of the skills needed
to know when and what information is needed - Media and Information Literacy
2. It is a model that attempt to answer the question “who says what to whom, through what
medium and with what effect” – transmission model
3. Communication comes from Latin word ______________ which “means to share” -
4. It is a model illustrating Wilbur Schramm’s depiction of cyclical communication where sender
and receiver have alternating roles in the loop. – reception model
5. This model explains that communication involves audiences as spectators rather than
participants or information receivers – publicity model
6. Another reception model is that accounted for factors that affect how communication are
influenced with source, message, channel, receiver – Berlo’s model
7. It is the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively used
and communicate information in various formats – information literacy
8. The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate and create
information – technology literacy
9. The ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communications in a variety of media forms –
media literacy
10. – 11. Give at least two model of communication under the transmission model
Laswell’s communication model
Shannon and weaver’s communication model
Westley and Maclean communication model

12 -15. List the 4 types of communication model of process.

Transmission model

Ritual or expressive model

Publicity model

Reception model

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