1st Quiz Biology

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1st quiz biology

Sign: you can see (rush)

Symptom: Feel (fever)

 Health and disease: WHO

Health: physical, mental, and social welfare of a person. ( All the dimensions of
men must be in balance.)
Sickness: decreased physical condition that can be an obstacle to enjoy a balanced
o 3 elements that impact in the health:
1. Biological: Physical aspects of the body such as organs, systems, and
their functions.
2. Social: regarding to the interaction with other people.
3. Psychological: mental and emotional aspects.
o Concepts:
1. Professional: in factories, sports.
2. Degenerative: lose the ability
3. lack: something messing
4. infectious: microorganism (viral, bacterial, fungal…)
Modifiable factors:
5. non modifiable factors: genetics (cant be changed)
6. Communicable disease: the disease that can be transmitted
7. Non communicable disease: the disease that cannot be transmitted
8. Disease: severe state of health
9. Ill: to have pain
10. Sickness: less severe health state (obstacle to enjoy a complete
state of balance in health)
11. Inability: not being able to do something
12. Disability: physical or mental limitation.
13. Health services: (vaccines, IMSS)
14. Heritage
15. Healthy behavior: (stop smoking, sleep)
16. Physical environment: (air, noise)

o Ecological triad:
1. Host: any living thing that in natural circumstances let the illness
agent to establish in its body
2. Agent: every power, principle or substance that can act on a host
and will cause damage and illness.
3. Environment: circumstances that favors the pathologic relation ship
between the host and agent.

 The natural history of disease: it’s the natural evolution of any given pathological
process, from it start to its ends, without human intervention.
+Only when HOST, AGENT and ENVIROMENT get together, you have an illness.

o Leavell and Clark’s diagram:

1.Prepathogenic period: interaction of the factors responsible of disease
2.Pathogenic period: reaction of the host to the stimulus.
a) Clinical stage: PRESENT sign and symptom
(sequela, complications and convalescence ------- Death or
b) Preclinical stage: NO symptoms
3.outcome: result
4. Levels of application of preventive measures
I. Primary prevention: health promotion / specific protection
II. Secondary prevention: early diagnosis and prompt treatment /
disability limitation.
III. Tertiary prevention: rehabilitation

o Divison:
1. Prepathogenic period: period in which people are healthy.
2. Pathogenic period: from the start of the disease, even if it has not
shown symptoms.
3. Clinical horizon: when disease first started
o Concepts:
1. Agent= Pathogen: anything that cause damage to the host
a) Biological: Bacteria, virus, fungus, plants, invertebrate,
b) Physical: heat, cold, geographical, radiation, sound.
c) Chemical: chemical substances, toxins, poisons, gases.

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