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Lovely Professional University

Continuous Assessment 2
Mittal School of Lovely Faculty Of
Business Business And Arts

Name of Faculty : Dr. Shabnam Narula

Course Name : Research Methodology
Course Code : MGN206

Dr. Shabnam Narula
Group - 7

NAME of team members: Registration Roll number


Anubhav Awasthi 12000938 RQ2016A03

Ayush Prasad 12004285 RQ2016A10
Mohit Kumar 12009245 RQ2016A13
Lakshay Sharma- 12010339 RQ2016A15
Sanjana Ahuja 12010891 RQ2016A17

Section Q2016


Name Rating

Questionnaire Split-up

Demographics Based (5 q's) Objective based (15 q's)

1. Demographic Information
According to the questionnaire we have divided all the respondents into 4 major categories according
to their current education level i.e. High School Level, Higher Secondary level, Graduation & Post
graduation level.

In terms of percentage out of total 100 %, majority i.e. 74.2% responses were from Graduation level
students, 14.2% responses were from High Secondary School level students, 10% responses were of
High School level students and rest 1.7% from were Post graduation level students.

mean media mode

30 14 90
2. AGE
So basically, here we have divided the respondents into 3 age group categories according to their
current education level.

Age Group No. of respondents

10-15 years 8
15-18 years 16
18yrs or above 96

In percentage terms 80% of respondents were from the age group (18 or above), 13.3% were from (15-
18 years) age group and rest 6.7% were from (10-15 year) age group. So from here we can conclude
that that a majority of responses was from the age group of 18 years or above.

mean median mode

40 56 96

Out of total 120 respondents 54 females responded and 66 males responded to the questionnaire.

So basically, the questionnaire has been divided into 3 major parts/ objectives which are as follows:

i. Objective 1: To understand the effect of online classes on students’ mental and physical health.
ii. Objective 2: To determine the underlying reason behind lack of students’ interest & participation
in online classes.
iii. Objective 3: To find the effectiveness of online classes as an alternative to offline classes.

1. To understand the effect of online classes on students’ mental and physical health.

1.1 To this particular question majority of the respondents (42.5%) feel that
Sometimes they have felt frustrated due to attending online classes, 24.2% students were those who
feel frustrated all the time and 5% never feel frustrated at all.
Frequency No. of respondents
All the time 29
Very Often 33
Sometimes 51
Rarely 8
Never 6

mean media mode

25.4 29 51
1.2 What kind of affects you had by sitting in front of the screens for online classes?

So here we came to know that most of the students around 65% face all the problems like Headache,
Neck & Back pain and Eye strain. There were equal number of students who affected only by
headache and Neck & Back pain.

Similarly, 13.3% students suffered from Eye strain, 10.8% students faced Headache and around 10.8%
students faced neck & back pain.

Frequency No. of respondents

Headache 13
Neck & Back pain 13
Eye strain 16
All of the above 78

mean media mode

30 14.5 78
1.3 Effect on sitting posture

Now a days due to taking continuous online classes and sitting in front of laptops and smartphones has
badly affected the sitting posture of the students.
And the same was evident from this question as Majority i.e. 77.5% of the students who take online
classes felt that their sitting posture has been badly affected.

YES 93 respondents
NO 27 respondents
Total Respondents 120

mean media mode


60 60 93

1.4 Online class makes you feel tired and you fall short of time.
In this question students were asked about the time management and the tiresome feeling after
attending online classes. As we can see from the below chart majority (42.5%) of the students agree
and 24.2% students strongly agree with the fact that Online classes makes them feel tired and they also
face time shortage due to it. Similarly, 20% of the students were neutral about the given statement,
6.7% disagreed whereas 6.7% students strongly disagreed with the same.

Strongly disagree 8
Disagree 8
Neutral 24
Agree 51
Strongly Agree 29

mean median mode

24 24 51

1.5 You feel energetic while attending online classes?

One of the important aspects is that whether the students feel energetic or lethargic while they were
attending online classes. Students were asked a question to select the relevant option to know whether
they feel energetic during online classes. They were provided options as such to know if they agree to
the below given statement or not. Out of total respondents’ majority i.e. 39.2% students selected ‘not
very true’ which means they do not feel much energetic during online classes and 32.5% were those
who doesn’t feel energetic at all during online classes and selected “Not at all true” as an option.
Whereas 6.7% students said they are fully energetic and selected ‘very true’ as option and 24.2%
students selected “Somewhat true” as an option.

Very True 8
Somewhat True 29
Not very true 47
Not true at all 39
Total respondents 120

mean median mode

= = =
30 34 47
2. To determine the underlying reason behind lack of students’ interest & participation in online

2.1 About Focus level during online classes.

All the respondents were asked to rate their focus level during online classes, so we used a rating chart
to know up to what extent respondent are focused. In this chart we gave a rating scale from 0 to 10.
Whereas 10 means fully focused and 0 means not at all focused.

Rating Number of respondents

10 5
9 3
8 13
7 23
6 17
5 23
4 12
3 3
2 7
1 9
0 5
Total respondents 120

The number of students who said they are fully focused in online classes and who gave rating as 10 are
5. Although, 23 students gave ‘7’ rating and 23 students gave ‘5’ rating. 5 students also said that their
focus level is ‘0’ at all.

mean= median= mode=

10.90909 9 5,7
2.2. About teachers, familiarity with the teaching platform
Students and teachers always face problem where they say they can’t understand features of online
learning platform. To understand the opinion of students about the knowledge/familiarity of teacher
towards online platform, we asked them to choose relevant option regarding testing familiarity of the
teachers as per student’s opinion.

Category Number of respondents

Excellent 11
Very good 30
Good 55
Fair 20
Poor 4
Total Respondents 120

As per the chart above 45.8 % respondents i.e., 55 students said that familiarity/knowledge of teachers
is good towards online learning platforms. 9.2% i.e., 11 students said the familiarity is excellent. But
3.3% i.e., 4 students also said the familiarity/ knowledge is poor.

mean= median= mode=

24 20 55

2.3 Concept Clarity

Some students also face issues like unclarity of concepts and a lot of doubts which remain uncleared.
During online classes interaction between students and teachers is difficult due to unforeseen factors
like network issues. We asked students to rate whether they can understand concept clearly and
whether their doubts are cleared or not.

Rating Number of respondents

10 5
9 9
8 12
7 23
6 15
5 23
4 8
3 5
2 8
1 11
0 1
Total respondents 120

A total of 5 students gave ‘10’ as rating which means they can clearly understand the concepts in
online classes and their doubts are always cleared. Maximum students gave rating ‘5 to 7’ under which
23 students gave ‘7’ rating, 15 students gave ‘6’ rating and 23 students gave ‘5’ rating.

mean= median= mode=

10.90909 9 5,7
2.4 willingness to attend
Without feeling energetic one cannot attend classes with full attentiveness. We wanted to know how
students feel when they already know they have to attend online classes.

Category Number of respondents

Fully energetic 9
Somewhat energetic 39
Not very energetic 56
lethargic 19
Total respondents 120

Very few students (9) said they feel very energetic when they already know they need to attend online
classes. 56 students said they feel not very energetic and 19 students said they feel lethargic.
mean median= mode=
30 29 56
2.5 Ease to complete online assignments
Nowadays all the task, homework and assignments are given in online mode through online platforms.
A proper knowledge is required to complete online assignments and to operate word, excel and power
Point. So, we asked students whether they find it easy or difficult to complete assignments through
online mode/platforms.

Level of ease Number of respondents

Very easy 15
Easy 33
Somewhat easy 56
Difficult 20
Very difficult 4
Total respondents 120

A total of 120 respondents answered the poll and 56 students find ‘somewhat easy’ to complete online
assignments. 15 students also said they find very easy and 4 students find difficult to complete online

mean= median= mode=

24 20 56
2. To determine the underlying reason behind lack of students’ interest & participation in online

2.1 Preferred studying mode.

In terms of percentage out of total 100 % majority of the students think that offline is more better then
online classes that is 90.8 % and 11.7 % students think online class if better than offline.
Offline 109
Online 14

mean = 60 median =62 =109

2.1 Participation in online classes.

In terms of participating n online classes 23 % students are those who participate all the time , 27%
participate often , 37 % students participate sometimes , 15 % student participates rarely and 3 %
students never participate .
All the times 28
Often 33
sometimes 45
Rarely 19
Never 4
Total respondents 120

mean = 26 median = 28 Mode=45

2.3 Timely notes

In terms of percentage 28 % students thinks that they always get notes on time , 55 % students thinks
its somewhat true , 17 % students thinks its not very true and 4 % students think its not at all true .
Total respondents 120

mean = 31 median = 27 mode = 66

2.4 Participation Level

In terms of percentage 78 % students thinks that if the class would have been in person than they
would have participated more, 14 % students might participate and 8 % have not participated in offline
May be

mean median = mode =

=40 17 94
2.5 ease of completing assihnments and

14 % students out of 100 strong disagree that assignments and projects are not easy to solve in online
mode , 18 % disagree , 36 % are not so sure if its easy or not , 24 % students agree and 9 % students
strongly agree.
Assignments are easy to solve in online NO OF RESPONDENTS
Strongly disagree 17
Disagree 22
neutral 43
Agree 28
Strongly disagree 10
Total no of respondents 120

mean = median = mode=

24 22 43

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