Phys5420 1802

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has been deprived of a great part of its value by recent

campaigns. Partisanship became intense, and charges of corruption

scarcely any of the Puritan Nonconformists. Many who have

CATILINE); two years later a revolt under Catugnatus was

as entrances; seventy-six were numbered and allotted to the

cakes of sulphur, which show that the mines, at any rate from

that at Delphi (inscr. in Bull. Hell. xxiv. 136 f.).

navy. No further event of note occurred in European waters.

sacerdotal assumptions of all ecclesiastical courts. The

grooves are a constant feature of the family, one running

Ajodhya was one of the largest and most magnificent of Indian

of June 1784. He began life as a soldier, fighting with

formed by the junction of the Devol and Ergene, the Viossa

in A. von Haller's Bibliotheca Medicinae Pract. (4 vols.

the coast engage in the white and herring fishery, which is the

trained and equipped for the duty of collecting the wounded

winds. Wheat and barley were the chief crops, and another

merchandise, was valued at $3,018,894. Alpena occupies

treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle was placed under the guarantee of

scores nothing. Should the record be broken 42 points are

arts. They were of short stature, with dark hair and eyes,

the Fungi in the families Collemaceae any Laboulbeniaceae.

Greece. In the spring of 1903 serious disturbances took

where the union is with a special auxiliary cell, it is of

be supplied to meet the British veterans. Two thousand men,

pursued and killed by his fifty hounds. His statue was often
alloys. The ternary alloys containing bismuth, tin and

called by the Chineans Tcha, by other nations Tay,

Polyneices, who had been deprived of his rights by his brother

a stoa and some remains of temples; these were excavated by the

silver, are to be found here and there in both continents,

assume responsibility for the Congo State, and the bill was

region, the Mat district, the neighbourhood of Dibra, Jakova

the elevation above sea-level is 1070 ft., the river width

justification; and paraphrases of books of the Old and New

mouth. Pop. (1890) 9798; (1900) 9473, of whom 2448 were

amugdale, an almond; the al- for a- is probably due

originally the scene of these incidents (Deut. xxxiii. 8

H. Calefactory, with Z. Factory.

a general right of appeal on points of law to the court of last

complaint. The ground continued to be cropped so long

alphabets. He thus fixes the date at the same period as

were equally busy on the northern bank. De Brazza was sent

people, in their municipalities and ``sections,'' accomplished

Both these soluble hydrates are readily coagulated by

by the continued success of the Aleppo administration in

coast and Great Achin. The physical geography (see SUMATRA)

Maps, and Publications relating to Alaska'', in United States

the gate by which the Goths had made their entrance; nor

F. R. Wingate, Mahdism and the Egyptian Sudan (Lond.

badge of distinction. The acinaces was an object of religious

follows, therefore, except for mechanical losses, that one

C. it yields pyrocatechin (Jacob Meyer, Ber., 1897, 30, p.

as a huge crab that lay floating, face upwards, upon the

and those of this district are hopelessly intermingled. The

the actor is preserved at Dulwich. Alleyn was a member of

of any constitutional requirement to that effect) to advise the

annual amount of these pensions has been latterly about

ADDAMS, JANE (1860- ), American sociologist, was born at

frugivorous birds the gut is strikingly short, wide and simple,

notes and reproductions of the original illustrations.

style of Amir ul Muslimin, "commander of the Mussulmans."

movements of the reform and its forerunners. At the same

life-cycle. Of the thousands of species which have been

dogma. Hutton himself frequently misrepresented the doctrine

of the United States, which is necessarily and to a large

a large trade is carried on, especially in Florence, Pisa and

Brazza, Les Voyages de . . . (1875-1882), Paris, 1884;

October 1710). There is more spirit in his allegorical

Ba-Kundu Ba-Koko Ja-Mbute

of the businesses to be acquired are generally made by

History of the Papacy (London, 1897) is very learned and

corruption. The state endorsed railway bonds at the rate of

The church at Bayham was destitute of aisles either to nave or

grantor; or (4) during the minority of any person who, if

to retain its army in Europe, troops from Spain began to pour

Alexander. Strabo refers to the city as once a rendezvous for

for the benefit of poor artists or artistic engravers.

wall of his prison in the Tower the symbol of a bell with

who mainly resided abroad, is his compeer, and in a similar

south-east, as explained under (2) in order to include the

assembled in the Comitia, but from the time of Diocletian

ground. In about an hour and a half he descended at South

anti-Caesar William of Holland, who had made himself master of

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