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. With the 'comiI1g of King Footb aii �and t h e fall semester" Teke Alum� are again:
ralI, ying, their 'fo·rces for th<:l·goodtilne.. ofall. Tq� Barn.a.c le ,Billa (RUS & MqC!di1MGN)
ar e thirikingabout stowing their sails. for,the summer and ,DotiTAtB0T'l'has: again' ,

.silled home to .the East Bay for winter harbor. ' .Rush Wee.k at the Teke House found
such characters ·as Ed IIWhat,fs 'your name a gain ? DERMOTT;� Torn IiWher({ ,are"you ft'Q!!).?" ",-

01"" -.�'" - •
. MPJtQML ; ,$!,p!LBa�#-,.IIVVha;tJs in;a, maj,Q.r.:z.!LS�ITJI itf th �r .e-.pi..tQ h:iB{?;;t ,:i;he
; ..;l;,�;E:, .};)..�m,'" .. ...

The guest ta.keI;l Otto th�B & B'Circus,that i s) by lt�rank ' SM I TH and Geor ge DOVE turneq,': .
01J:t to' be . Ered SIEGf1,IST IS cousin, Lee ,stugart '(now Pl edge Stugart}. ' ,Fred IS Hr ,
,Korea tQting a gun : ' The S epte,mber Alumni Meeting gave ,the welcom e to ,the �t9'V'{e$t:, ' '
. • ,

IIiembe� pr-esenti,Frank CArurIG. ,On hand for tue event were Vic .SH:j:C}I, 'pap. COSTELLO, '
Roy' CIAXTON., Ivar PETTERSON,SQph GO'rH,. and others 'The· Alums a��.oertainiy 'proud'

• ,

'of:tQe: ·A G,!>iveChapt�r 's ghoice ,for.' ass.ociate membership,Dr. 'Selil!'s' R. "'J�e 'Qf the
U C . English Department
. MysterY ot:the season o6curred when the ,IV'a,r;:PE,T�RSONS·


'and Joe, DeMARTINIS failed to :appear �t the Initiation Dance.' They wer.8 in fine:: ,

\ .

snape at, the Glaretn0ntcoc�tail part,yprecediM the D an ce., and a swell"time w�s' h ad "

bya. host'of aluIl)S thatoou.ldmake 'the 'affa:i,.r.� ',InCidentallY, tke .:Dance was cnap.::
er:oned Qy :;;1,1ch staunch citizens as' the Seth 'BURDETTES, Ed ¥eDERM01''l'S, and Orin'
MAR$HALI.$. SU!ryTise of_ the �veriingwa.s th e announ c eljlen t that Jolm·and Marsta ar e ' ' ' c

nQW Mr.>.& Mr.s.10UNG.' Congratulations t6 retfring Prytanis, SQph' GOTH, ;for·'hfS . : .'
vmn;derful_ work on the Grand 'C'OUI1cil these'· year�. .The ACtSS18 Chapter has plac ed
him, on the rolls and sub j ec t to fine for ITIi s sin g arw of the:l,r"m�ef,;i.ngs�.' P�rfi:llne d '
' >

triangles p,ls 0 go to BO'b IJl.NGSTON, Don ROBIE, and 'the othe,r ,Teke� that' haYe 'been'

sho¥ up at the M0nday nigHt H ouse 'Meetings � ' Hop e'to s�e ev�:rY.cne" at� tris nen '

we!ll b e the re.

> • ,

g�t-together_ -- '



. . we have eight finEil officer s. Among them are enginee r s , . Qus:tness'

This' semester .. �
,,7 <;�# n� s -t- r<;t i 0R :-ma.::jQ
, rs, �>B1ilId, " a;� crb:em:i: stT ;r "1lla�-0f,r � Hpwever,,- eveir"'th0u-gl'cthr3y"'have�e�.·,";: . " :.

� ;' --.,. '-·.?l

d.�,!ersif±ed }n�erests,· �hey are J?u together to brihg strengt�t? the, l:toU�� fJ�; :'
'I'he above mentloned officers Jlm GRIFFIN, pres.;· Dave FRAN€}IS, vl.ce-pres.;. Mark.
.TEMME, secr'etary; Bud SHEER,. t reasur er; 'Bill J)EADy,.hist6rian; Fred LUSK, chaplain,;
,Don' BELFE, sgt .... at... artns l anq Wilber SMITH, pledgetrai·ner.; . -. . " ", : �
- We all f eel ' a certain pride -in the ''flay the memb ership of the house has risen.
In the spring simes-te,+, ;there Were 45 on the house rolls,.l$ of whom were pledges.'
We_now h ave, 56. Of these, 23 can be. attributed to the great work of the rushing

committ ee (in.other words, they are"pledges). Most of the-fellows hoped at the . .

beginning of ru's�ing ,that we would
- ,
get enough pledges to bring the mamQ.ership'aoove
. -


On Thur�¢lilY>I: sep t : 24th,. we had' ;onr formai pledgipg.

, It was a very serious ?pd - .
� ,pcc'O;sion., .T he pledges, were infOrnled as. to th eir status,wh,ati their' ,att1':': '

, t�e f�a:tern�ty wa;s.: yowa.p€J,O"

t.uqe" the',: fraternity shoul;cf :b�:'- wp.a:j:i 'the,. i3.tti t�9-e ot ,

the!(l., and o'tiper.;:ini'ormative rnatters • . ,The p:L��ges.wer.e given their pleage pins',arid ' '.'
. .

. s' -QY
; their' big btothers-
' and then the';r'ound' . of , harid::.sha,kfng c l;tniaied the e';;ent
' , � "
• . •.' ,,-' ,',, '
. ' ..., .- • '. - - � ' .-' t, �. � - .,_. ,'"


- ' Nu Chap-pe:r 's fall in.itiattion was ,held .on)3eptember 27th at the' Elks ClUb in
Berkeley·• . Con,grat}llations were in order for: Earl BOYNTON ,Harry BROCK" Gene�EAALY,

Dr. S._ R. Jayne, T om LaFEHRj, Jack LEHBERG, Ray LOVE, T erry McltRAITH, Doug"PATTON, ' "

and Bob STEVENS'ON. ' . . - .


. - -
, "
, ,

Dr. Jayne, whq' was in itia,te d as an ass:oei'ate, member, will· be


;r ememb er ed 1:>1 thos ,e ,


who have taken his English'cours,es-, , ,·as'· one of ,the, mos."" P(\pil;la r,prof,essQrs' in the/ trn'i..:; ,
, v'8:rsi ty. 'J.'he Ohapter considerSl., i1;. an: honor to welcome him ,into'the bOl1dj' and', 'as '

'Dr. Jayne expressed it, :tlie feelirig is mutual.



, , The in:Lt1atio'n was j:oilQvlE;d bythe traditibn/ilba.nquet:a.t the Chapter'House,


'' " ,
the banqUet, , in tu rn being followed Oy anofuer time-hobior-eel traditionjr
, ,;
, ' - ,

Once a.gain, may we extend a warm and sine'ere welcome to ,al l of the ten 'new
' '
,', initiate�, .. '

,�""""",,� . � ,� �.;e)+.� .... ... ��;;-�: . ..-":;�

" , '


"'The Ini,tj;'ation Ball, always one of the big events of the semester, was held 'at
'the, ChapterHQuse em Saturday" Octop,er 4th. -, ,
, was preceded by. a cocktail party at the home of frate�.A l NEISON"
aftei> WhichW13 returned to theHouse t,o dance to the mlJ,sic of TinyMarEardo� The
, '

affair'wa'Swell' a.ttend'ed and we were particl;\larlyh�ppy,to see. many of_ the;�ilol:�La:}.'U:mst , '"

, Returning to theHouse in thellwe ' s,'smat"hou!'sJ' most of 'us were too tire,d'to
" ,'

say anything but lIit was- a great dance.'" :,: ' .


Again thi s semester the Tekes have activities pianned for everyweekend Hig,h­ "

lig�ting, the full s,emester of ac tivity will be the pledged<�.nce ,'on Noyember 7th and
'the tra.ditional pre...BigGatne partyheld, at the Claremont.'
The semi-a nnual pledge c:ostume dance promises to be bigger and bet ter'than,all
previou,S dances given by the :pledges,. With tl).e p).edge class p.umberinJltw�n:tY�·�Fltee<�
memb'ers" al l eager and able, ,the danc'epromisel> to ,be'on.e olthe top dances�: of t,p-e "


semester. , ' ', ,

' , • " ,

'Never an' event to be shoyed into the, backgrQ1,l:Q.d, . the pre Big :Game·coc,ktai�-party,. ....

is the big oven'b for both the 1). lums and ,the Active Chapter. ' ' ,
,, '

. . The complete social calendar for the montYis of 0c-t0ber 'and N·ovember .is ,a.:s fo1
'"""-'&=�/II�'" .���.,..:
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.,......,.--� ; _.��-W�(!.��,�.��:",. -.: �t---�- -,..tT.-�.�--e-� -:�"':-:�

� -" . . - -' ..
',: " ...".. ---....�.-,�. ... ..... ....�-� ..- '-;�-:'::--:�
.... "'-,
-:� t>'

lO , 'Recot'ci Dance. s '-.�

October : '

" . , ' ', " ,

11 'Open" 'HOl,lSeand.-Re,co:rd, D,artce, f6J:lewing t;he ,S,an Jose game

. .... '"' '.

18 Date Bar..:.13-Q. ' " , _

11; 24 Ope-nHou§'e'and Record Dance following the U.S.C. game

, " 31 Ofr t,o UCLA f
Novem ber 7 , Pledge Dance
II 14 OpQnHouS-e and: Record, Dance following the 'OregonG9ll16
n Claremont rarty' '

" ,
, ..

'21 Stanford G9JI].e ' , t

" 28 ,RecQr,d Danc'e: .�


Q�l...tI.J:l.<!�p;·son" 'Carl' is: '<1 ,

locq). A geology major;, Carl ,is"
'product, from. Albany. ,

in, his l'reshhtanye.�r at Gal., He plays trumpet' iiltheoa.l±forni� Band,anosits. :ttl "',

on the TKE J�zz Gdmoo., ,

. . ....

. ... � -
.- � . .

,- 3 -


Rey B erl'l ' A business admipi$tra,tien major in his f'res'hman year, Roy httil�
from Huntington Park. An active athlete in high school, Roy intends to go out f er
frosh football this s emes ter. He is an ap :t c hoic e for the p ost of athle'tic chair.lo
man that he holds in the pledge .class.

John Bo�qndol' 1\nether lecal man from E1 Cerr;Lto, John is an elect rical engineer­
ing ma.jbr� Jehn is interested in the Sierra Club jand Ski Club, indicating his out...
door natUil:'e,. John p lays a mean clarinet and helps teroun� out .the TKE .jazz group' . /

'. .
Ben Campbell., Ben is a Berkeley freshman in b,usiness administration.' Active
in hign s ti vi ties, Ben was a member of Knights of Dunimas;, an henorary

Edgar Daws en.. Ed is at, Cal on an Alumni S c holarship ..- A freshman frem Niles, .
Ed is in"�pre-MedT-' A -T o w er & - Flame smdent- at Cal -becausEf"of nis outstanding gr a e;';' --�
peint, ave;rage, - Ed is lnterested in bowling. for TKE in intra... mural. .
' 1
Dave Billman, Dave makes his hemetewn in Burlingame. A dilige nt student, nave
is a bu s ines s dm
a inistratien majer pointing towards , ac ceunti ng. A j uni er, Dave is
anether pledge interested in bowling.

Dean Weibel. The p ledge president� Dean is a p r e-legal majer in his sep hOm0l18
year��eanW - as active in sperts in high sCheol, lett ering in tennis . A toastmaster
at banquets in, high s C hoel , Dean has the p o is e to make a fine pledge p rexy.�

Clifferd Ceridono, Cliff is a Be rkeley Preduct in his freshman year. Cliff

playeafootb'aII .and ba s eball in high s ch o ol, b'1;lt , being a mechanic-ai engineering
student, he tIl have his hands ful l studying. He intends tQ participate in c lass

Jerry' Wollter., A so p hom o're at Cal, now in business administration., Terry went
to Piedment High . Scheel.. Vjh:i:le in high schoel" Terry played tennis and was ac't.ive
in drarnatic,s e,

F:red $cnott ., Fred in another fresh pledge here an an A lumni Scholarship.' ,Al­
though, his m!:1jer, mechanical engineering,: d,emands much ef his time,' Fred plans, to.
go. out for F,rosh Bas ketball and Tennis.. Fred was a st e:r ling pJ::ayer in high s e h oel
- . . . ---- ,- .-�-. ��....�. -

-antr'Viilr bear- watcning ..

Don Romeo�. Vi ce-prexy of the pledge class., Don is frosh civil engineering
studsmt .i'r0m'S6uth Gate., He was active in student government in high schoo;L arid·
intends to. be en frosh ceuncil. Den is on "Os1(1"' cemmi t tee at Cal ••

Burtpn Rewe. Burt, a,junier at Cal, is a fores try major.- He attended' Citrus
J.p., '6efote ceming to. Cal.. He 1"$ a boxer and an hener student, hailing frem Gl endor a ,
Califernia •.

Richard Walther.. Dick- is a freshman pre-medical student- at Cal., Working his"

way threugh cellege, Dick-has little time for'extra-rcurricular activities, but is
interested in ther:ifle team•.

Richard - Schuettge.o Dick helds down the office of treasurer in the pledge class'.­
A fr,om .F'afr,-Oaks, Dick is anarchitec tur e major he re at Cal., Dick is inter­
ested , in' iI:\t ra-Jnural s p orts •

-;-- .>

Roger Veritl,lri,. Roger;is a freshman from San Francisco. In hi·gh school, he

played footballbut may change his sport towrestiing. Rage r is a politicapscienc� 1
major at Cal.' i �
, •
Lee ;3hU:gart. ,A -junior from Glenc1aJ,.e,- Lee is 9. forestry major. Further', indic� :/
tion of his outdoor tendencies are his activities: Forestry Club,Ski Club, a.nd. i
, " "
Hiking Club.' ' 1'., " '_.

Jeff Graves� , A sophomore ;from Marin County, Jeff spent 19 months in �the Navy."
While at Marin 'J .C., Jeff lettered in football and, track, A business administ:ra':" .
tion major,.Jef£ p:l.ans, to be an accountant •

1 SJ��YAa,r ·t'r.Q.Ill_S��,.,El'an � _
. Jack GJ;'.auss • . J�<.?k is a�:p:t'e-me?i�l�t1!<ier}t � li
cisoo�, He is out for _ Crew this fall and plans to go out for sWiIDjlling 'in the �pring.
He plays a dance band trombone and adds color to the TEE combo ..

Robin H.arris. A junior .from Shasta College, Robiri was very active in student
government, including ASSG vice"president. In the pledge government,:Hobin ,holdS
the Post of social' chairman... RQbin also should do well in intra-mural bciwling,
with a best of, 249·.

, ,Lee Jarnigan. Lee is a junior 'at Ca;l, having attended Wash�ngton State last , "A. . chern, 'Ihajcir sporting a 2,.3 grade poirit aV'erag�, 'Lee is a.. member of Alpha ' "
Phi Omega, national service, honor soci ' ety • . Lee is interested in Hiking Club at Cal.

Ed.ward Stokes. Another loc�.l product, E d 'is in his freshman year.' From Oak­
land, E&is an electrical engineering maj'oL'. Ed is inter�sted in playing tennis
here ,at Gal.


Friday, September 25th,· the active chapter:played host to the pledge class in
a football �oh�est. The game was held at T.emescal Parle. The actives showed their
superior'strength by biating the pledges -to' the' -tune 'of 2.6-9. As a result of this·
�efeat, the pledges had to pay for beer which was ·the wager on the contes . �.


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