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A compendium of items, important and otherwise, for the active and Alumnae members
of Nu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at the University of California in Berkeley, Cali­
. fornia. Anyone else who cares to read it, is welcome to, too.
Gordon Mattonen, Histor.

MAY 1957

Hungarian �encer Guest of Nu Chapter J After his team won the Olympic fencing championship,
Dan and several other members of the team decided to
come to America to live. T4ey toured the country, giving
exhibition matches to support Hungarian relief and ap­
peared many times on radio and televIsion to speak for the
Hung�rian cause.
Bill Graham, our chapter advisor, heard of Dan's desire
to attend the University of California and approached
Dan with the idea of living in the house.Dan accepted 'the
plan and moved in on March 16.
Today Dan. is studying English and 'auditi�gscience
courses with the hope of being accepted at Cal next semes­
ter. Teke is indeed proud to have this world traveler as a

Alumni News

The Tekes of Nu Ch;lOter recently be2"ah �n�exDerime�t

in international relatio�s by' inviting '�member ' of the
Hungarian Olympic fencing team, Dan Magay, to live
in the cha,pter house. Dan Was one of the several Hun­
garian sports figures who refused to return to Hungary .
'when the October revolt- failed.
Dan was born in Szeged, Hungary in-1932, the son of a
land-owner.During the German occupation his father re­
tained his hinds .and life went on as usual. But in 1945,
following an unsu , ccessful attempt to escape, the Russians
took away �ost of his father's lands.The remainder of the . , .
.. ... �
land was taken away in 1950 when taxes were raised above Santa Rosa has shown a spark of genius in appointing
the profit the land could produce. ED DERMOTT its new Assistant City Attorney. . . .
In 1950 when Dan graduated from high school, he was HERM FISHER writes that BOB FINGADO is now an
not allowed to attend the Universi�y of Szeged because of engineer for the Calif. Hiway Dept.and ther�fore we no
his f?-ther's position. He continued to apply for admission longer have t,o worry about the curves in the future· (roads).
and finally in 1954. was allowed to enter because of his . . . HERM also mentioned that he ran across CARL
superior fenCing ability.,He remained there and studied COl�DES on the Davis Campus - CARL is working for
chemistry until, 1956. ' the Adolph TiechertCohstruction Co.and living in Wood­
During those two years Dan entered many fencing com­ land. . . . Our Roving Reporter FISHER is working for
petitIons in Czechoslovakia, Austria, Italy, France, Bel­ P. G. and E and wiUprobably leave Walnut Grove in five
gium, .and Luxembourg. He won several gold medals for months for an assignment in Fresno as a farm power ad­
both te�m and individual effort and placed third in the visor - how the company will ever get HERM to leave
1956 International competition. Walnut Grove is beyond us... : BILL HEATH has-moved
In 1956 as a member of the Hungarian Sabre team he to San Jose for G.E.Corp.- guess we'll never see hinrany
was gi�e� the opportunity to go to the Olyri:tpic games in more. . . . The U.S.A. almost lost the JOSEPH DEMAR- '
Melbourne. As nearly everyone knows, just �ny IDpnth TINI's to Mexico during their vacation - they spent weeks
before the Olympics began Hungarian 'students revolted south 0 the border and now Irene y.ells "Olai" on the slight­

in Budapest. When Dan left Hungary for Australia, Rus­ est provocation and dances the cucaracha to 'waltzes. . . .
sia had agreed to withdraw her troops and the revolt ap­ Good t o see DAVE KIMBALL back i n the House and
peared to be suc�essful. While he was in Australia, how­ really knocking out the grades � after checking the whole
ever, Hungary was crushed by the Russians.. country, Dave thiriks that U.S. is still the-nest .. .. Will be .

interesting to see the pictures that SOPH GOTH brings Spring Pledge Class - '57
back from his Mexican fishing trip next month - we'd like
to have them notorized, please....Out of the Air Force i.
MAR:g: TEMME - he's now in the Bay area working on
fhe designing of nuclear reactors....DAVE FRANCIS is
out of the Army and has increased the number of Tekes
with Standard Oil Co.... Hear that BILL THOMPSON
is back but so far we haven't seen hide nor hair of him -
he's with the American Casket Co. of Oakland that is re­
putedly a very lively firm. . . . BUD SCHEER is in an
enviable position to check the finances of the House - he
is working for Breese-Warner in Berkeley. ...JOHN
RICHARDSON is with the Army,in Ohio - his family his
increased by a son named Tommy....JIM McMULLEN
is taking his new bride to Army camp in the South in AprL
- anything to have help with KP....BILL HEXNER has
decided to populateConco�d with girls""'";his f�urth daugh­
ter is named Cheryl Lee; .... DAVE STEAD tried to help
out and balance the score with a son Andrew Roger in
the Chapter house. Income from the fund will provide
October _however, BOB HEATH countered with a girl
scholarships to be given each year to deserving Tekes 0;
Sharolyn....Congratulations' all around I
Nu Chapter.
. Congratulations also to BILL. DEADY for the fine work -
Although. small; the spring pledge class has established
he�s doing in scouting the Northern California area fer
itself as a capable, functioning unit.Their pledge work in
likely�ites for Teke Active Chapters his West Coast Ad-
the handbook is being supplemented with special weekly
visory Committee of the Graduate Chapter is most qctive.
reports on interesting features of the "big U" which en-
Also big red carnations for the long hours and tremendous
riches their knowledge and appreciation of Cal.
interest that BILL GRAHAM is giving to the job of Chap-
ter!Advisor at the Berkeley Chapter. . . . SOPH, BOB Pledge car-washes raised the money for their dance
FRASER, HAREY RASMUSSEN, GEORGE DOVE and fund and produced a very successful Roman Toga party.
l T h e inside of the house looked like a Roman temple, an d
GRAHAM �requently meet as the Board of Contro to
m s b o w ls f fr u it and ambrosia were served on "altars" mak-
advise the House on their affairs and :R=-rbb. :=.l:e
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Everyone -1had
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a · ball.
Clayton Ward has been transferred to C hicago.Clayton
is the Traffic Manager for the Southern Pacific Lines. On April 4 the Mothers Club staged their semi-annual
luncheon - bridge party at which the pledges supplied
John Shell has 'sold his business in Los Angeles to return
afternoon 'entertainment for the two hundred women pres-
to the field of research. John is now Research Director of
ent.Sensing a heavy Saturday ,morning work detail that .
the Ransome, Randolph Co. iri Toledo, Ohio" -
. always follows a, house function, the pledges decided to -
Alex Robertson returned from Japan foi' a short visit last spend a more leisurely weekend by sneaking to the warm'
summer: "Bob" is with the U.S.Army Engineers supervis-' beaches of Southern California.They returned as. an in-
ing constmctioy. in the Orient.He and his wife will return separable group and are' now prepared to face the final
to the U. S. this fall. - ' steps of pledging. ,. "

Bob Fraser llas recently been elected a director of the Here is a run-down on our pledges;
California Manufacturers Association.
Don Brettner was born in Evanston, Ill. He lived in
Cht;t Harmon has moved to Reno where he is District
--: Chicago until he 'was a sophomore in high school. He
Sales Manager for Swift & Co. graduated from Santa Ana High (Calif.) in 1954, where
Madison Devlin is the head of the Audio-Visu'al de- he was on the track team.Then he went to Santa. Ana
partment of San Francisco City College. Junior College, where he was Associated Men's Student
The firm o� Corlett(and Spackman have designed and President.He entered Cal in the fall of 1956 and is now a
are currently supervising construction of the Ice S,tadium high junior.His major is chemical engineering, .and he ex-
pects to graduate in 1958.
at 'Squaw Valley where the 1960 Olympics will be held.
This firm recently received special recognition for its work Pete Hendricks lived in Long Beach, where he attended
on the Cyclotron at the University of California. St. Anthony High, graduating in June 1956. While in
. school, he hel� the offices of Soph Treasurer, Junior Secre-
lim McCollum is Director of Advertising and Public
tary, and Junior President, ahd was a member of the Stu-
Refauons for the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. dent Court and the Student Council.He is a high freshman
From an item in the Glendale paper we hear that Ted majoring in political science.
Haig was recently awarded the President's cup for the best
Bill Dozier was born in Santa Ana where he graduated
overall marksmanship of the Southern California Rod and from Orange High in June 1954. While in high school, he
Gun Club. was an Honor Society, Spanish Club, and Science Club
Soph Goth has given a fund to the Nu Chapter Housing member.He also played baseball and basketball. Also at-
Corporation to be used for improvements and additions to tending Santa Ana Junior College, he �raduated in June
1956.Duripg his stay there, he was on the Executive Com­ Soph Goth
mittee and· held the offices of Soph President and Secre­
tary and President of the Honorary Service Club.He came If there is one name in the entire roster of Nu Chapter
to Cal in September 1956 and is now a high junior. Tekes which every member of Nu Chapter will immedi­
Walt Duncan was born in San Francisco, where he went ately.recognize it certainly is the name Soph Goth.We in­
to Jefferson High. There he was the school Judge, a Junicr
tended to 'Yrite a fu�l colu�n story about Soph. We want­
Statesman, and a member of the basketball and swimming
ed to tell Alumnae all the way back to the Class of 1913
teams. Be graduated in J\lne of '55 and came to Cal in the
that the guy hasn't changed one iota. He still is devoted
fall of that year.He is on Circle C and the 130's Basketball
to the Chapter. He still gives undergraduates the benefit
of his friendship', his counsel and help. As noted above,
Carl Lambert was born in Watsonville, Calif., where he
we wanted to do a feature story on Soph but he got wind
graduated from Union Hfgh in June 1956. While in schcol
he was Assistant Student Body Treasurer, Past Master roJ o ur plans and practically forbade us to do so, but that
Gouncilor of DeMolay, on the track team, and in the 'is typical of Soph, isn't it? '
French Club and the Education Club. A freshman here,
he is a politi Cal science major,
. Pete Anderson was born in Minneapolis, Minn. , but he Stanford Falls
attended El Cerrito High School here in the East Bay,
where he was Commissioner of Entertainment, on the Sen­
ior Class COllncil, and played the lead in a number 0:'
senior plays.He is a freshman majoring in political science

"IVi'ldom: Knowing what do do. II

Skill: Knowing how to do it.
Virtue: Not doing it.

Greek Week
. . f .
Though mal}y of th� acti.2',esjeel tha� Qal...t�dition ha3
been unsuccessful as far as keeping the Big C a respectable
color and having orderly panty raids, all of us feel that
� "Greek Week" will be a new and lasting tradition. due to
the recent spirit shown. The activities began on Monday, Those who remember our prize-WInning Big Game fl<?at
March 25 with a talent show, put on by the Greek letter of 1954 will be pleased to hear that Teke has again taken
societies, which had a wonderful turnout. Some Te'ke tal- . a first prize in Big Game decorations.A picture of the 1956
ent was featured. On Tuesday the fraternities and sorori­ pouse decorations which was titled "Stanford Falls," can
ties had � president's banquet which further bolstered the be seen above.
spirit and unity. On Wednesday the Greek letter societies
The Homecoming-Big Game committee for that year
invited members of the faculty over to dinner and infor-.
decided that house decorations would be seen by more
mal talks on topics of their choice. Doctor Fred Stripp, a
people, and be a twist from the conventi9nal floats of pre­
speech professorl, was our guest from the faculty, and the
vious years.Many long hours in the night and through the
house thoroughly enjoyed his easy manner and interesting
day resulted in the finished product only' minutes before
message on segregation.
the judging took place. The decorations were made of
Tl;mrsday was a day we hope the alumni will remember,
for it was then that the "old dads" came back; it made us paper-mache on frames of chicken wire, and there was a .
feel that we really have strength through our active alum,­ real water�fall from the second floor balcony. The display
ni. We thank them for,the wonderful turnout and hope was up for about four days and added much pride to the
our reunions iri the future will be more frequent and even Teke house.
larger: Friday was the "grand slam"; Greek Week was Con­ This was the last game with "Pappy" Waldorf as coach,
cluded with the Pushcart Relays.Forty-two entries of well­ and house and school spirit were at a peak. Having won
oiled, light-weight carts with fancy steering mechanisms the game, we had a top Teke dance that evening.
stood in readiness. The perpetual trophy is the largest of­
fered by ariy campus organizations.Our cart won its heat,
but the timing was slowed by an accident on the track, pre·
He's a Real.PoliteGuy
venting any further victories. That night the Inter-Fra­
ternity Council held its annual semi-formal at the Bermuda He's a real polite guy. That George Dove. Just as he
Palms Hotel in San Rafael.The place was packed, but the
rounded the corner' of Channing and College a 'campus
excellent music soon made the room seem spacious.Satur­
day was a day to sleep late and catch up on the neglected cutie charged around Jro m the opposite direction and they
studying. bumped.


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Teke Band Popular Success Story

VYhen pianist Robin Harris and banjo player Bob Kaes- In keeping with the tradition that Teke should be a well
by left the halls of Tau Kappa Epsilon, many felt that the rounded fraternity with equal emphasis on all phases of
T. K E. jazz band would never be the same. Tlie present college life, Nu Chapter has always been interested in . ,
outfit, under the direction of John Boland, proved this campus politics. Although not generally known as a top-
idea to be false when they appeared in the Axe Review, political house, Teke has had its share of recent campus'
during last big game week. . officers with Bill Lewerenz as senior class.prexy in 1955
The band, clad in new "uniforms" of red shirts, plaid and Bob Collins as Rep at Large in 1953.
hats, string ties and charcoal slacks, gave a splendid per- Our newest addition to the political picture is David
formance that night and walked away with a trophy in the Lowe, a pre-law student interested in public and indus-
small group division. ' trial relations. Dave first came to Cal in 1951· and as a
Th!;) style of the group is built around the splendid piano pledge was the Rally Committee's representative to the'
playing of Brent Warner, and includes Carl McKowan Activities Planning Committee. The following two years·
on the �'gut bucket," Dick Anderson on the trumpe. t, Jack Dave spent as T.KE.s' representative in the Army.
Grouse as the trombonist, Harry Brock on the drums with As a returning veteran in his sophomore year, Dave was
John Boland sllp.plying the .clarinet. . . '
elected president of the Gavel and Quill, the class· activi-.
, The '!;land also hasvgiven jazz concerts at the All U Foot- ties honor society. Also that year he served as executive
bap Rally,' The San Francisco Junior Chamber of Com- assistant to the first vice-presIdent of the student body.
merce, and a Stanford Fraternity dance. Its next public As a) junior Dave was elected to Phi Phi, the junior and
appearance will be at the Soph Week Sing, whep:i they senior men's honor society; also Chapter Hegamon.
will supply the "Intermission Music." .J In November, when elections tolled around Dave de-
All in. all the quality of the band and its repertoire are cided to enter the Rep at Lirge race. A total of nine .calil-
so good that Turk Murphy is getting worried and Frater didates appeared for the three available positions, some
Lawrence WeTh; is afraid his.Champagne Music will be re- of them from the top political houses on campus. Dave
placed by the T. K E. Beer Music. Consult your local pa- and his two campaign managers, Mike Savage and Carl
per for the time and' place the Teke House Ten Minus Anderson fought hard and long during the weeks before
Three will visit your city. elections. The striking posters. drawn by BiHy Fred KQb'9
were thought by many to be the deciding factor.' Dave
H i1n.: "How'd you sleep last night, dearie?" came out 'first in the primary elections �nd second in the
Her: "Lying down." runoffs, thereby winning one of the three open spots.
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