Nu News 1965-11 F

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VCDlurne 64; Number 2' 8er.keley, cal'iJQr.l\'li�c,

' .,;-;: .


-, FLtNT . . VAST S.cH�)JLAl'{S-:r8}]JP· ]MPIR:eV-EM�N,],

After an absence of 30 y-ears, Past Grand

By Nick Boke '67, Hypo,phet�s.
Pl'y.tand,s Ha.'.l"lt01dr P.' "Tex'! Fl!llFl:tarI'iv.ed
. .
illl: SaiLl; Fr:arid�s,co to r.evisit WN' Chiapt.e:r '- '
.. . ' .. . '. ' " ' U; nd el! <-h . c · e InSpIrIng .. · 1 ea-I:,L . .s', h , .J;P
' - of. H'
' t teE) cdi• ant A1J-lil:l!lll
" " ...'3 .''er' ypo-
amd a . 'lIr li d':l:n\lwer :fu'0)lill 0;rll1'll, g .
' .
--ILte :ii : rnarkedl. . '
, . nc "'"-eX· . :, he,tes -- Ke1:dsen ,.'-4-�,_Nu , ;_�Cha .-!,y-_ '---. -

..--�- · 1.:.. ' c.'7 s \..""---'-.Jl -,"", 01 . ,"" 'w!"'>JJl

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, . ;.:Ii t s'c::t.,. .
noJ;aI'sl' J.J.p las '
' 't' s.ex:nester.
' . .-

. ' " 1' 'L.'

a sp , .ec ' Ial! .pilla ; ce�.'l!lIr the :hearts of NlllJ " ; as.. '
" . ' ' ., he ' , . . 'w ' .lht
. i. a' 2· (i) L gra.d , epO-ln� '" <- aver:age, . . we won
the. Cha; '.' pte' r

(,G,-lrand JPrytan];-sj .'Ins.ta;l1ed .


. . . . . ' ·.. e:
, . .. . se ve' ra; ]. a;war d'S '. .. '
ln .1: <9' :l9 aLl i€);,. as tm Ell,. rs:t E : 'xeCl!l,tl. ve Secr . e· - . . " ' '.
. ', . L'- rom ' ' c .tJiJ:e U. nIversIty, . we were ". CI

. wa;s: a; rr'e:q;l!ll

- e ' l1l\ u Vlis,ltor . ..' . dlurllng '

' the
'E" . 1;.. . .

.' . . te'd for.

- ., 13. @' . . moSt' Improve' " d gra'd':epUI.llf. " -<- . F rom nat"lona1,
1920'S.aJID.'cll , ..s •. A :ft.e,r dln:ner . and a tra- · .·· · ' . · ' · · ·· .
' .

d·. ;Itlona'
' 1 I ITex 'F l' '];nt tourII ' o.f,-t,h e C'L.
we won an awar , d f.. or be� . ,t Improve , .
d gr.ade
. l'lfapter ··
. . pOInt . on a large ' campus.'
., . ,

HOll�:e" . 1l.. wryJ.y g·geI've, b' d· t h .

· ' a;;E." ,l:n . .
spate . . ' . .
' 1

. ' " ,
. Ninth on 'carnpus"o�ut 6t 46 h , ouses with
oji. h.l. s' alb's ' en'c:e,. the !neIl. ·of. Nu, . were '
' "do-
. . '
. . ' '·r ,..''' d' on ca.mpus�
' . ' mse,lves ', our p'1e d ' ge class ran . k"In g . . : tl h ..

In:g\ .
tilii.. .J!.' n' s, .ior lr . the ' . that ., I. wo, uJicl:n't . : '. .
g '
' . .

' . , '
, •. , • '"

., . we rna 'd'e a vast Improvement 1n our

. .


hav e, . dre . ; am e'd, .po,sslble . en I wa ;

s .ll; n col-
' . �.

w h

. "

. . , ' . . .
.. . ' .· ili" e '. eVl- sc·ho-t;as t"IC recor , . ds. After we receIve
. .

.' ,'e'r co,mlm.ented' on.

" .
lege" · • H ' e mi f ' : r'th . .
,. " , ml;, 3:J uter,m ' reports, we h',ave ·p1. ans J:..,or a' . ,

dem -l, ',

' f Tn atu., " 1'' 'lf.
ty·,, and " .tIin ' ' " lty h ,e ha , d. '. found ., . .'

· .
. .
.. . ' . . t, an

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.' .

scuo 1l.. 1·arS h· .l . , b an , ql,l.e

' ' d · aye g�ea t h opep

h. . .

.� . >"' .
. ... , . p .
.-,;o . · · " · . · · .' .' " ' 1' b'· ' -
. s ' many . .
In . 'Teke Chapters . ", rece' ntly. .. '.

. ' ·' ' " ouJ;. h'19. h


. ' ' ·t· aIn


.. ., The
' " . , , . . .' .· t..ha t· we WI '. 1 . e able t 0 maIn . . .
' ·

.. next . evelung (October 19);, he was

. . - grade .pOInt. . �,
. . ' j

' Teke" . at a spe-

: "

war�ly greet�<!as If Mr. . .

cial dinner. given for him by the San Fran­
cisceA1u<tnni Chapter. Alumni r-epre­ WHAT'S' NEW WITB: NU ON CAMflUS • • • •

senfting, 7 <;:hapters and-ranging from the

classes" of. 1917 ·to: 1964 heard Tex discus s Teke Ron Jones '66, Fresno, wC\.s �lec:t­
tbe progre�-s of'Teke:dom during the, past ed to the studellt body senate, th�� �eme�­
57 ye'ars, 'a' perfod of histo�ry about which ter by � margirl 9£ 2-1 over h:i,s. oppone:nt.­
he c-ould' speak with unsurpassed autho:ri­ Ron's official title:i,,
& Re:pr e.s�nt.9oti:ve-:9-J,:i
ty' andperso ' riiirkn:owiedge; . large,. H_e is Q-Q-e of 21 permaJq.ept. mer:n. ,"7 '

bers in Cal's student senate.

-. "
. .
. .' It took a� all-out ca� effoJ;t by
member� of the hot;se fO.:r Ron t9 r.eceive'
CaLTeke� we�.�proud to initi�te eight his overwhelrn:i,p.g victory at the polls.
new girls inlo.Daughters 9f Diana o ri
ThurS¢!.ay, Nove'rnber ll., The initiation Frater Jack Redding 166 served as. 1}ig
ceremonies' w',e{re ,foilowe'd by a candle­ Game Week Chairman, in cha.rge of all
light dinner, with a co��t;:Lil party on activities during the week before the Big "
Sunday, NoyeIl)ber 14 . Game. fack was primarily :responsible
The new Dan,ghte-rs of Diana are: for obtaining .. the services of Ella Fitz­
Cam , Ca,r1ette, ..Delta . Gamma; Carol Baker, gerald ap.d the Rallls, ey Lewis Trio £.or
� " . the
De1tci: G�'mrna; Margie S·ta,rrum� Pi Beta Big Game Concert, . November 13.
Phi; AnnaIl)arle Talynas; Alpha Delta, Pi;
Janet Goldb�.:i:g, Delta Epsilon Phi; Penny FIVE NEW INITIATES
. - '

Almquist� 'Alpha Omicro.Q. Pi;, Vicki Kay,


AlphCl;' OrniGron Pi; ,�I.Il;d Jodi Sie�e, Alpha Five new, initiates to Tau �app� 'Ep�iloIl
Ornie-ion 'Pi. . " were honored at a banquet held-:at t�e'house
(continued on page 3)

r Nove:rp.ber� 1965
--;: -

>? .� '-

NWNEWS is publish'ed by the,Tau;Kappa Epsilon Alurimi,i]\�sociation and Nu Chapter

Q!:,!t�:u Kap ' pa Epsilop for alumnia,gd friends. News. photos of intere-st, apd ch�ng§f?
6f;"a(q)·e:s.J3 should be sent to Tau Kappa Epsilon Alumni Records Office, 24�O'C Channft1g
' " :,e ' '

.W'�y;L-:B ,e"fkel:ey �.


, , , I.
Several Tekes participating this
, .
se,rriester in thelng Brother' program
It.\�;J·.�_\:'� . <� '
- : .�.

- ..<:'";_ . - ."�

- .: .
' �
jointly sponsored by theUnivei�sityand '
, ;,i:·:'/: \:i=��t:J) ough n. 9I pr�iriaril y known as a the, Berkeley Police Department.
?j9cl< � ' : hQu�e, / :ra.l.rKappa Epsilon 5s hold- . The aim of the progra'in is te help, young
boys, ages lO,.,16 '," who have been in trou-
2,r ��������k)�t�J��i��*��7� 6��4fRrJig� hIe ' with-Hie la�W O:r· ' who'hav'e "'eXhl-b-ited:-, -�,�'_,
tendencies toward deliquency� In a one.., '

plac,ejn il}t.���uraLspoi , ts, but boasts

no less than -t¥ieiye:Frat�n·s wiio spend to-one relationship, the' boys "partiCipate
. out £or vario,us' in ya,1"ibus activitres with thefr :aig,Bro-
t thei..r, aftern9�as : werking,
' ' thers.c '.I'hrough�this assbCiation, .. it ' is
',vaf�ity' spoit�·: , " ,

, ' ()vr int:r'�:mlJral surge' was, initiated by hoped�that the , boys',will begin to demon..;
a,�lbse second in the sW:irri�eet. ' ' 'the' strate's'bine healthier attitu9,es :and int�.;. ,

, M\�dl�y R�lay te,am �f La:rry" Brehp;" Trent rests'. ,

', ' La:J;�l 1 4\Y, 'C:xreg' Joh��oil' fl,nd $t'eve'Sirlt i p _
Th.ose of the, Fraters' wh.o a;J."e current­
�:i�Hy J99k'"a, '£irst.' Latshaw acc , 6u�ted " ly taking part in;theprogra.m are ,Michael
fo!":-anQthe·¥ !'li:sJ in th,�'50 -:yard Butte,dly, Duffey '65, Pacific: Palisades;Russell '
,v,r1ill" Br,ellrn:,'Cl."clo};e. t,hi.,!<J. :, JohnSQD. ,cap­ Buss; Gary Martone . '65, Modesto;a.nd
I tur:�d- se,cond'in'tlie',50':yardJ:lreast· str
' 'oke , Jack Reding '65" Colorado Springs, . Colch
ahd-the Jr�e efEtyle
' R'e laY,o'f Brehm, 'Lat,. rado.
shaIw, Bnl Schmohl ahd Sriiith gained a '
,third to corne within, two points of the HARD SUMM.ER WQRK PERKS,HOUSE
"" charnp�onship.. Thi:;;wqs�nit the �er­
:vices :oJ' .ace'hac�stioker Guy NewHi�rk .,,� Under the' dii-et:tibn of gods'e, M,anager
" '",wl;();:;was, sick. ' . Bill Schmohl "6.§_��d l?a�t,P;rjtanis Jim '
, ' '

FOQtball h�s'b:eeri a strong point'in our Clardy, '65, rnahy.improvernents :were ,.

rise.' Don'K'e'ldsen and his co: , hor'ts are made �ast slimme' i to the physical plant .c

.' stUi Jbattfing-' for 'first place. ,Nu 's vol- . of the Nu chapter house . . Fraters �tay-
----'-l-eyb�ll :t-ea.m, '{led-hy- �M-ewm-a�r-1:-s->�"-"-:- -. �ing:t:.ahfhe::ho:Ul:t� � ; d.' 1!� r< ;i,I'ig� t-hehE? ,� e T�);:::;<j

worked. and we:fepaid:twoc:dbllars'p ·>�.

uildeJ.ecited in' 'Its' qu�st 'for the 't{tIe. Tekes , . '

. . . ' "

' aTe arso -exc�ning i:ri'tennis, badminton, ,

taole'tenriis: and sq:lia:sh. ·· ' ' First, the lawn was completely dug up
, Nu"i's represe � hted upon several varsity and roto-�illed, then replanted with a,
, squad's this fear., John Beasley i67 holds sturdy genus or' grass: Sev'>ral �rees
, down,an end position on California" s foot ... were planted, and , urider the 'direction
ball�:�am. Pe�e DUffey ·'67 joins brother of Frafer Nick Bo�e' "67 who had sthdied
'Mike"! 66 on-th'e' Bear's f�s6cce'r squad. with a landscape architect, bushes and
Bill Binde ' r' "68"pIa,ys ori the explosive b'rick edging',w�re �a.ded. · · ' ' ,

Bear'water p6!0':team. " Othe,r s are work­ The back yard; w4ichll�<i � p-r�.vious!Y',
ingout dilig'�ri�ly, awaiting the beginnlng , gone unused� 'was c1ean,�d. a:tld)�nhane.e'd
ofthe'�J;"ack seas6n-,- rugby, lacross ' e and by, a large, ' raiich-
, �tyle 'barbe<::\;l(!: 'The ' '
swiinming. ' Fraters built a r,edwood ferice a�ong one' ,
" '
. side ,and planted ivy..

Nu chapter is proud ofspre�ding the.

name o!' our ,ira-terni-ty through athl�tic On the inside, we painted "-tnolding,
en4�a,,y prs .a,Qd .hopes to be as, well recog � wall- papered rooms and cohs'tructed a
nized'in�'tbi:S'fleld as we have become new floor for the sundeck; All this work
' '
schOlas1Xc�tly cmd: sociaily. , put the �house in great shape'fQrfall rush.
November, 1965 NU NEWS Page j


Ten men pledged Nu Chapter during

the fall rush in a year when those regis­
tered for rushing were much fewer than
normally to be expected. Ten men is a
respectable average for the season and
we are sure that those pledged will add
interest and skills to aid the chapter in
achieving its goals.
All of the new pledges are from Cali­
fornia, with both north and south repre­
sented. Their names, class years,
horne towns and course preferences are
listed below:

David R. Allen!67, Buena Park, Pre-Med

Do-ugias· B�- Brown' 68- ,- Woodland., Politi-­
cal Science
Lawrence K. Brehm'68, Fullerton, Ar­
James R.. Buchelster'68, Fullerton, En­
William E. Cosden'67, Piedmont, Busi­
ness Administration
An old landmark began to shine with
Larry P. Church'68, Sacramento, Pre­
new luster this fall when new, powerful
floodlights were installed at the base of
Gregory H. Johnson'68, Redwo.od City,
the Campanile on the Berkeley campus.
The sixteen SqO-watt lamps contained in
Mike J. Malachoski'67, Los Altos, Phy­
four new electrolier units (developing
26,000 lumens each) replace old equip- .
Kenneth E. Mann' 69, Los Angeles, Ita-
ment seldom illuminated in recent years.
Installed by Cal's grounds and buildings
Milton M. Weiss'68, Lakewood, History
department personnel, the lamps vary
from narrow spots at the peak of the tow-'
er to fulL... blown floodlights at the bottom.
The result is a glowing beacon visible on
the evening landscape from points through­
Tlle Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
out the East Bay, San-Fran.cisc;o and Ma_­
lost a dedicated civic leader with 40 yeatrs
rin County, when the lamps are lit at dusk.
of service when Harold W. Wright '24 died
on August 28, 1965.
He is remembered by his peers as a FIVE NEW INITIATES • . . (from page 1)
prime mover in such major city projects
as the inauguration of international air­ on September 25. Frater Soph Goth '18
line service to the city, the achievement attended the cermo·QY and in an after­
of major league baseball status and the dinner speech gave a few words of advice
obtaining of the first national political con­ to the new initiates. A party followed
vention for Los Angeles, the Democratic the banquet.
convention of 1960. The new initiates are listed below, with
Frater Wright was known as a man who class year and horne town:
often worked behind the scenes, letting
others take the credit for civic projects on William F'. Bender '68 Burlingame
which he did a large share of the work. Robert A. Free '68 La Jolla
Besides the above mentioned projects, he 11168 Los Altos
Trenton D. Tatshaw
worked continually to insure an adequate William J. McCalla 1166 Tustin
supply of water and cleaner air for Los Steven Y. Smith 1'168 Oakland
�- �---------------------------====-------------------------��------------------
. ---
. ----------------�

Page 4 NU NEWS November, 1965



FRANI<. : ID: KcUEiNZLY, JR. 1 33, :h; retiring PHJ:LXP L., KE:EFFE '65 g:raduated from
at the'et�.& of'1ilYe yea'r', after 31 ye'ar's.wHh San .Jose: State last August and is now in·
Sherr Che'rriica;l Comp·any,. lC>'O' B'U:sn Sfreet, the m.anag.<enbelll.,t prog:ramat M·ontg.omery
San.: T-ra:n·c'j!·s�{).· 'fIe' e:xpe:cts to move 11 back Ward: fLY·Q'a!kfancli
: . HIe will! 1>e'
: rnarl'ied, in
tc- Qui-.h,·Q'rh'ettri.6'j:ai wllere Mrs; KU'enzlly J;anuary. Hlis ' a<illdres' s is 659: South 9th
and l,wrIf op'en a· shop called! " I'Turn of Stre'et,> Ap a rtrn ent S,: S'an .Jos e.

the . Genfuiyl '(' I> The shop wiit fe'ature
starrips:;·.c:oiii�;7g1ais and: other. artifacts. lLE:E E , M'trrllH:Fl\
•. :· "52' 1s a €nemls;t with E.
'. , y

';- ,.� . ...;.;;::.
I. cl.\il.:Pbwt, cille' NeirUo1illr's,�E'xper,imeI;})tal Sta­
, , . '':; ' . - - -,
" -. "

LOWELL G. �,C:A)r J;:qNI54· �s a�tendQQ:g tion inWitlminguon, D elk�are. H:i!s·­

- '-
. ' . . ;.
: "

Ca]i:fo: l"r£ia sta;te :..Co�lege· at" Fuflle':i.h&%. ·, He dien:ce' is' Gilt ]Jl0'01 :Pennsylvania Avenue' 'in
is· wQ.:rk1ng.�iQ;���dt�a· B� .if� 'p.s'Y9Ili�:t@Jg,i WHm��:gt ; O'lili" .121�a:ware.
. .'

arid a tei'ching: : creden:ti�f.. FOi'hl:'tft'1!·Y·

with Aeroj!ej','G�:netar GOl'poratiO'n'·in:, Sac­ ' RO'!rE:R:T W GRAffI'REE '62 spent .the'

rani'i:m 1io;,, ·.EQwj�l�l·�s,l1'oW lividg: at ]El'8�3 . .

s'�mme·:t' :iirr Washington'" D. C. w}'te':reae.
Wass ;S�h;'eet i"n" j'tr s'tl'Il. · · - w'o'rked! as a law de':rk Io:r'the' lD'e'partInent
-. c:-._

" c" "'__� ... �

of tn:e' ]nte·tio'f'. 1'nlls is his ]as.u yea r' at
HARRY D� RASSMUSSEN 122 recently . Hasting.s L?w CO']]ege in I�:ran F'ra;n,cisco.
returne:d '!ro'iwthree rti'onths: in EUT'Q'Iye., . 1n:e'pe:r'rr:ia:nent adidre'sso] the family is
Sa:ysBar 'iy,I'Norway has the' rrl'ds,t beau-' 3U 8'0 Richmondi' Bou1 evar
, 'd,. Oakland.
tifu:! scenery: l:reIaiTd uh� rnos' t
' : g,r'adou
' s
and hosp�tab�ie peopTe arid No : :tWafya:nd DR. BER l' S. THOMAS 1'16 returned re·­
Den:rna:tk h<ive' the mosf beaut#tiIM:fls,;II G::ently £li'Q,:r;n a th:ree m;ontht'rip tci more'
Retired frdw1x±s position with 3Mnd::tt'd than a dozen Euro'pea ' n: cO'urt:lh-ies
' . When
Oil, he �resides c£t 1685 Che'stnut SHeet, not to'uri-ng,. If PintO" f lives at -1409' 42nd
San Fralfci'sco. Stt'eet, Sacramento.

ROGER J� MACRAY 163 is nowa: liell­

GARY F. C. OD E t63 . has been appointed
teu'ant, servIng with the lZ3rd �:i:grlal the aclm1nis't:t'ative inteli"n for of
battalion: ib.Wti·rzburg·, . German:y. . His Mon:l7'0'via. He is holding the position on
permant addi" es.s' is 4332 west 67th, apajft7'tirne�asis until r¢'ceivipg his
Lawndale. masters aegre'e in Public Adtninistration
f:tom Berkeley next January.
LEG'�AltD�CHLU$&n��L '149"�rtte�: As
�-� �-.--�

1---- "' .. ' ER �LHAKMON '34 went irito the
·' RE·?"T
who1esaie food business right after gra­ of July'I, 1 was appointe.d assistant prin- .
duation and remained until 1962, except cipai for instructional and guidance ser-
for service in the navy' from. 1942-46. In vices at Overfelt High School in San Jo-
1962 he became a tax representative with se. II Len's address is 3315. Burgundy

the California 'State Board· of Equalization nrive,· San Jose.
in Sacramento: Chet
. and his fiirriity live
at 5531 Haskell Avenue, Carmichael. WILLIAM W. McCOMBS '60 has joined
, . .

the staff of the District Attorney of Con-,

tra Costa County. He lives 'at 6279 Vir­
. go Road,> Oakland.
is looking forward to retirement from DONALD A. LAWRIE ' 50 has been with
the service in 1967 and intends to prac� the State;, Divisio� of Highways in Marys-.
tice law in Ca,lifornia. He says, "I'am ville since graduating. He is at present
looking forward to renewing old acquain­ the Assistant District Righ.t of Way Ag'ent
tances. Ii His,. present address is 432 for Highway District 3. The fa)TIily ad­
Nile Street, 'Aurora, Colorado.. dress is 634 Winslow .Drive, Y�ba City .

• ' 1';'� �

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