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Tau Kappa- EpsilonPraternity at. the Un'ivef.sfty ofC lifor1J,i - .'.

� �

Volurne:69, NUITlber 1 California



� __ ""lil- ,,,,�,,-�::-- o:;;=�,",·-."":�� -Sa-t1:1�.4a-�' €}�i;'l9:b-er.� 2--l,!;-:,,f-t�0 12:, �i-"-"-'------'-"-.-.-;, '

- --� . --

$1. 50 for-adults . ch�1,1{e�; r��� �

NO HOST PAR TY -.:. ' t�� edi at � ly f�li 6� ':

ing the gaITle at the Hotel Durant, ROOITl
#227, w here a bar will be .set up�


to see you at the Big GaITle Luncheon
and suggest you stop by the post-gaITle
party on the way to your car!



Monday, De,cember 14
12:00 Noon i
Monday, St. Francis Yacht Clu b , i
�-"-!;J�B� _D���rnt>er 11 _ _ �GJf.;:')_Aill' ___ - --�-- -- - (we-st-end oLth.e�Mar�i-na-,- Sa.n- Fl'a-nf:-hs-c-'

$6. 50(including tax and tip)

You are cordially invited to atteqd

this luncheon and relax in tbis
pleasant settln,g" before the Holiday:
pace. You will meet Iflany fr�end.s

at this.buf'fet luncheon, eat excellent fQo9. an� enjoy the fellowship of Tek e . Now is the
time ;..'; right how -- to return you,r R. S.V. P. carel and mark your calendar ..


If any one will be wantin,g a ride from downtown San Francisco to the Yacht ChIb
please c,all: TOITl Morgiln (415) 982-6420 or Dan Costello (415) 433-6000 , These •.

are busir:?-ss ph on e s .. Please call by, De�ernber 10.


NU NEWS Fall, 1970

MOFFITT LIBRARY---The new undergra�uate library which op e ned this fall is a beauti ­

ful n ew building, set amid a r e -Iandsc�ped northsid e , with rolling green lawns and lamp­
lit footpaths.Well sto cked with books and pl a c e s for quiet study, it is a welcome adjunct
to crowded Bancroft Lib raTY ,


·Despite the son,ewhat
events of recent yeaTs� Berkeley still
draws an enrol1rnent of students which The Teke House ga r n ered its shar(' of
is in e x c ess of the Master P lclnls reconl� new pledge s in Fa 11 R ,Ish ilnd we ] ook fo r ­
mendation of 27,500, University of ward to a highly succl·s;-.;ful Y<:'ar, wit h trJ('
CalifoTnia officials have released enro 11 - addition of these new nler}'

rnent fi g ur e s which show that the current While rnost of the neVi( rncn arc fr01Tl the
school year will find e d ucat ion offered to Bay Area, there are also several frorn
-�tne sec·oncll.l1gliest nu m b e r 10 tnerl1story-­
of the ven e rable carnpus. Their nanles, class years and horn"
The figuTes showed tha t 28,525 students to wns appear below:
had enrolled at the uni v e rsi ty by the
re gi strat i on deadline of October 160 The
h ighest enrollment at Berkeley was in Daniel F. Ackerman :72 R e dwood C ity
1967, wh e n 28,863 students passed to and Carl M. F red ri ckson l72 Santa Cla ra
£To through Sather Gate, Joe Gregory '74 Pie G lnont
The number of students showed an in­ Kevin Korb 174 Palo Alto
crease of 400 over last year, In addition Da vid Lewi s 174 Walnut Creek
some 600 undergraduat e applicants were James C. Megas. 172 San F rancis co
turned away this year and referred to Thomas M. Ni ck e l 172· San Diego
other campuses, a c c ordin g to the report Roger M, Solomon 172 B u rlin game
by university of fi c ials . M alcobn Sa unde r s 174 San Mateo
As a lw a ys , ev e ry area of the state is Lee Shackleford 174 Santa MO:1ica
well represented in the B erkeley enroll-' Donald B. T alma g e 174 Newport Beach
ment for this year,· It :vill be anoth e r B rad V o l p i 174 San Anselmo
busy year for the campus community at Earl A. Wayne
172 Concord
Cal. Jon P. Weber 174 Santa Ana
, NU·NEWS p,age 3

,The. men of Teke House are_proud to report tha:t-,;not\only was last year a success both­
, al1y.<'!.iYd.fratern·iH l y,�-but that it appear-s this year will be.ev·en better.' Ol1;'1' last,
: acaclerrilc
quarterc-Clrctd(?)1?o.lnt Average was 3. 51 o(B plus) for the total hou-se, which places us very
hi g h i n-� tJi € -c:o ve-:r' a::11 standings: for,t hCl:t quarter.
This>y:(fa:T'-cippea'rs �t,o ha--\re':reaHy gotten off to·a good starL' With a total of something
Less than :300 m e n on thenlsh nst, we 'p ledged 14 new members, gi ving o ur house a
total. or 2.?�rnen. This. rnakes the<house' str �nger than it has been i n sorne time. Also,
we are seeiAg a lot of e:nthusiasm:for' gethng together and doing things. The pledges ,
hay;c aJready:n:ad a party for themselves which shows initiative and�spirit All iri' all, the • .

house appears stronger than ever, and, contrary to the future of rnost fraternities '
on the Cal campl1s, rooks as though it will outlast the present fratcTnity dedine.

N ow to talk about upcorriing activities. This year we I ve had a large tu:rnont of alumni

an-d. gutFr:iembers at many of our fun�tions, indicating the present trend oLbuild!n:g enthu-'
·si,:l,5X'rl. At this .point I would, like to invite each and everyone of you to stop by at any time ,
tia vE' diI1pe r and .visit with the rnernbers. I'll guarantee that you I 11 be very pleased with
\�Ihat you see.- �

The 'froot'of the house has been painted, aJl the inside walls that needed It have been
ref:i;"iS'hed and painted, and most important, the house remains very clean all the. time.
-Inrprovements are bein g made continuously.
. (:ontir:lqing,with the activities, we have'the scheduled pledge danc:.c: c�ming:up, vario.u s
exchange s , and we! re trying. to r<? start the Daughters of Diana. But rnost irnpoTtant i n
� the imrn<:;diate future is the Big Game luncheon, All the menlbers are especially looking
forwa I'd to this evento So. d:rop on by and say hello and nreet the new mernbers. '


A,final last note, Brutus is no long with us as of November 30 We found hirn a very
nicehor.:r:iewith lots of lanelrn Sacramento. Last reports were that he was happy w ith his
new horne.:, We. plan later this ye,ar to have a Brutus part,,' ?nd visit him.
� :Se£oreI c1ose Ifc:!]:i, say that the. fraternity wouldn't be the place it is without the
b e l: p 'of all� erilHer·$. people who "ha've helped us especially are Russ Riera., with his ;"
errthus;ia�m"a:-;;q ' party -makingtechrques'" N.1ark Sena vsry with his abi lit y" .t ci rebulld any t-::h�i-I)."""g""-""'·--- ·
araund:,the; John Seamster for his O r g ani z i n g talents. Chris Smith for his music, and
f�rta}Ly; )im Shi:gl}�Yi_ J()hncI;Janc�, Wayne Martinez, Bill Massaraweh, Stephen Hon'eychurch.
, WrHy :8.ead; Mike: Oardn�J," et aI',
-.: ';�- ;;
_ '!:"
' "
> "'
. "�c. �

RAY J. SCHELINE 1l? .. AJbany,
NATHA:�NBR'PWN120, COl'"rt waII; Penna 0 ,
Fe b r u arv 2. 3, 1969
LuneY, 19:69 STEVEN J, DEDINA t 59, San Rafael,
· ,HANSON '33t Oklahorna City ,
HEMRY April 18, 1970
Okla. .'. (Brother Dedina, a Sa.n Francisco attorney,
SIDNEY 'HIGGINS 129, El C e rrito, met his untimely end when his light plane
Janua rV' 2�)' 19'70 ,, - ' crashed in P eac oc k. Ga'p, Marin County;
E,DWIN M:, EI'TSINGER '24,' Alban:y. � , soon after takeoff fronr the San Rafael

De'cernber,.' 19-6'9 a i rpo r-t ; )

, ­

RlCB�'RD 3 0H NB O N 130, G1enslale' >

_Condolence to Seth T. Burdett·' ,)U and

CHARLES H. MILLER '21, San Bernar­
' his son, Steve, for the loss of Lynn
dihO, December 4, 1969
last July.'
lI- '
Page 4 NU NEWS Fall, 1970

What Alumni Are Doing -

WiLLIAM SCHMOHL '66 Bill is a Navy Dental Officer, serving with the
Marines in Okinawa. "Gaad cauntry aver here,"
he reports, "with bec;tutiful skin diving and excel­
lent galf caurses. - Drap by if yau'are in the
neighbarhaad." His address is: Lt. L.W.
Schmahl, DC, USNR, Camp H auge Dentc�) Dept.,
MCB Camp S.D. Butler, FPO Seatttle,- Wash.

SAMUEL S. PEDEN '5 9 "After residing in Redding far six years, it was
nice to. get back to.' the Bay Area, u- writes Sam.
At present, h� is warking far the Internal Reve-
----- ---_ ..-�- ��nJ..W .-SJ�.n?:i.ce_iti.:, .s a.n.:.E. J!a..n.(;: i s_co._ Her
__ his_w,i£.e�a.n.d- -_ .. .�.

three sans, live in Navata at 14 Hillswoad Dr.

-' -

. ERIC J. I.INOBE.RG '61 Eric is awner and manager of his own employ­
ment agency in Atlanta, called Management Re­
cruiters af Atlanta. He has 29 cauncellars and'
twa beautiful new affices and "hape far mare in
the' future." He lives at 2546 Hyde Manar Dr.
N. W. " Atlanta., Ga.

LEONA RD .sCHLUSSEL '49 Brather Schlussel reparts a new pasitian (parallel

transfer) as Assistant Principal far Student Ser­
vices at Silver Creek High Schaal, a brand new
schaal in San Jase. He resides at 3315 Burgundy
Dr., San Jase.
, .
WI,LLIAM E. HE:INKEL '63 Bill has faund that Sauth Sea island. "I am wark­
ing as an Elementary Principal (1-8 grades) af
twa elementar
. y schaals -- ane an the island af
Yap and the ather an Ramung," he writes. "It
gets quite warm here so. we have pretty much
adapted native dress. With the exceptian af ane
---'f>eaee�ps-�a:tj:ve=-a-=rn.i�Wa:}t,. We a ie­
the anly Americans an the twa islarlds, which can
only be reached by baat� If anyane is in the
neighbarhaad, drap in far free faad and ladging.II .
Bill can be reached c/o. Dept. af Edu catian,
,-Calania, Yap, Western Caraline Islands 96943. "
JOHN D. RICI.:IA,R,DSON '55 Jahn, his wife Jaan (Cal '55) and-their six child­
ren live in J3�l:rnant at2713 Camstack Circle.-,
Jahn, a lacal realtor, is representing Brawn &
Kauffmann as sales manager far. their new tawn
hapse develapment in Belmant.

IJQNh.LD G. McCALLUM '61 Don resigned fram the Yalo Caunty District At ...
tarney's affice in order to. apen hi�:F 9Wn law affice
at 2131' Capital Ave., Suite 307, Sacramento.' His
. .i
residepce -is at 6313 pate Palm Way in,the nearby
. suburb af Carmichael"


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