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Mark your calendars now......

March 9, 1977 '
TKE House 7:0Q pm RSVP

Tau Kappa Epsilon - Nu Chapter will host the traditional

FOUNDERS DAY BANQUET on Wednesday, March 9th, starting with cock­
z tails at 7:00 pm. A roast beef dinner will be served at 8:00 pm.
w The cost for the evening { including cocktails) will� be $6.50 per
:J: person. Alumni, wives, and parents are cordially invited to attend.

t­ Since we have a somewhat limited capacity, please return your en-
�losed RSVp s..ard_ with your- checl( a's' soon as you can. If there are

questions concerning the evening, contact George Dove: office 692-

a: 0300, ext. �26, or evenings at 376-4989.

Adding another year will make this the 78th anniversary of the
fraternity and the 58th anniversary of Nu Chapter. Prytanis Craig
o Snider '77 will present a summary of Nu Chapter activities. Frater
Perry �100thart, former Prytanis of Alpha Sigma Chapter, North Dako­

ta, and retired "Senior Resident�Agent" of the FBI in Oakland, will
e::( present an interesting case that was recently solved.
� The Founders Day Banquet will be the great renewal of friend­
::::> ' ships and "talks of the good old times" it has always been. In ad-
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- nrmance-of-tn-e---1':Ntr--B-at:be-rshop�u-a-r-te -e-Lo'",
; -.-----
_� --'-- :
:J: The men of TKE look forward to another' great-tradjtional evening!


Volume 77
Number 1
Our Chapter is passing through the winter quarter with a strong
undergraduate membership of'42. Thirty-six are living i.n the house,
_ February, 1977 and six outside.
Our strength, unitYs and spirit continue to grow as-we succeed
at each new ehdeavor. Mu�h of our success is due �o our strong
California leadership - each of the following named officers has Clemonstrated
responsibility and initiative:
(continued on page 2)

---- T KE

'"-.. '" :
NU N E W S February, 1977


,Grab your rabbit I s foot, With scores 1ike 20;-8,
horse shoe_s, and ·other good 12-0, 14-6, and 18-6, the,
Miles Raphael '79 1uck charms, and try your mighty TKE footba] 1 squad '
GRAMMATEUS--- rolled up victory aft�r vic ..
luck at the fourth annual.
Bob DeNike '77
Casino Nite. Yes, this tory this season, in route
CRYSOPHYLQS--- year �e are holding this to their best year ever.
Dan Di'etderiqh ' 78
great event on no less than Led by scrambling Wes Feucht

HISTOR--- Friday the Thirteenth of May. at QB, sure-:ha_nded Merri11

KeviiJ Clark 79
After l ast year IS eventfu' Miller at wide receiver, and
HY:POPH�TES--- evening, we are looking for- strong line play by Dan Pit-
Kaoru Sakai '79 cock and Tim Worley, the TKE
ward to an even livelier
PYLORTES--- seven cruised easily into,
night this spring.
Bandy Buford '78 • the playoffs. Thanks to the
So �ll al�mni, wives,
parents; and friends, throw Feucht to Miller combination
Jon Kahn '78 that had worked so well all
your superstitions to the

JOCKAMITES--- season ,-we made it' to the
wind and blow on over to

Wes Feucht quarter finals.
. _�Tek� �HOI,l��t1�y_Jl!Q:_,
-SOCIAL-- CHAIRMAN--:":-- . -- In ' soccer-, -after a sha - Ry �:,'
Martin Reidy '79 start, we are 'currently 2-1,
with two overtime-penalty
Terry MC:Donough ' 79
(Alex M.F. Zwissler,
kick victories. Exhibiting
Hegemon, ,Fall
- 176.)
excellent ball cdntpol and
We have continu'e d oUr re-'
I am most happy to report mid-field dominance, the TKE
Ten1:ess efforts to improve
that the associate, (pledges) team appears to be headed
and maintain the house. In members of Fall 176 have been for the playoffs again. The
addition to repainting much duly initiated into TaL! Kappa members, led by Alex Zwissler,
of the doWnstairs/area" the' ,Epsilon. Having recently cbm- a,re: Henry Saunders, Chuck
first floor bathroom was pletea their hO!Jse project, ' Mason, Wes Feucht, Merrill
completed; some new-tile wa� party, ana dinner for the -, .M'iller, oDan Pitcock, -Bill
laid in the kHdien, and por·· active members, the new mem- Logan, and Dan Dietderich.
tions of the living room bers are looking forward to The TKE basketb�11 team
floof �ere refinished. a constructive and success� is stronger than ever. Re�
All in all, the ,house is fu] future here at the house. bounding and a rekindled
i in gr' eat shape and we hope, The new members are: , sense of teamwork have put
I youlll get a chance to see
'aoij appre�iate i� Marth 9th.
us in contention for the
Peter'Barry 178 playoffs this year. 'This

I ' Stan Corriea 180

Martin Cotter Esq. 179
yearls stars �nclude Big Dan
Pitcock, Merrill Mill er, Bill

"I", "=0,-�' ���, ;�����: .,���:��'ne .:�. .u . . "" ..�:� G�����.� �l_,;-,..-_",�>_. ������_tz� ! � ���� � ��� � �
s e �
r. ; ._ , . , _ � ��:
�"'v=H f p! -Tekes"" e -
� __

L d=S mmer Jon Nirenstein 180

, jobs ,to stay - in school. If Mark Parrish 179 Jock-o-mighties

1 you - or your company are

,hiring summer employees we
Brent Rasmussen 180
Frank Schultz 180
Wes Feucht

1 have the best and most Timothy Worley 179 ;

eaget app:licants f' Please NEW PLEDGE
contact Terry McDonough
or Dan Dietderich at the
A BIG BOU,QUET OF TEKE RED No sooner had-we initi­
CARNATIONS to Mrs. Alfred ated our falJ-�ledge'class,
i' TKE H0use (415) 845-9084
ClariCwho recently sent a than we pledged a new mem­
or a45�92g7.
1 check to the TEKE Educat-' ber. He is Michael Wray,
. Our' Warm thanks to Frater
' ional Fund in 'Memory of .
il_ Stansf�ield 151 for hjs son of Andrea and Charles
: '
Frater Alfred C]ar'k 123 "Chip " Wray. We .hope' to
effc}rts in this matter.�
I More A'-umni l:1e'l pc, is ,urgently
who died in May of 1976.
,We appreciate this generous
see Andrea and Chip at the
Founders Day Banquet on
I and worthwhile gift March 9th.

February, 1 977 ; NU N E WS Pa g e 3

Now famous Teke percussion

section jams in the bar.
Left to right: Brent, Tom,
Frank, Alex, Bob and Chuck


REUNION ---- Soph Goth ' 18

Theta Upsilon Chapter at

Sacramento State celebrated
its 15th anniversa- ry satur­
day, January 15th. I at­
tended, the guest of George
Moe and his wife.
This was the largest and
one of the most enjoyable Randy, Bob, and
Teke alumni parties live Van mal<.e Mme
attended. There were 450 -6 c.en.eJLY 06 :thw
Tekes and their wives and own. a:t De.a:th Valley
girlfriends at the party. OVeJL :the ChJr.MtmM
Except for a few other Teke bJz.eal<..
Chapter alumni and several
guest, all in attendance
were members of Theta Upsi­
lon Chapter.
Dr. Bert Thomas and Roy Hig­
gins and their wives were
there. Bert and Roy attended
UC when I was there. Seeing
them again added to my en­
joyment of the occasion.
All in attendance were
- -i-n v- ited -t--o -v-i--s-i-t. the -ch a-pte t"--

house Sunday morn; ng. I was

much impressed with the ac­
tive members of the chapter.

MARCH 9 ...................

Founders Day

MAVI3 ................... .

Casino Night
SiUdeJL' -6 c.ab'[n. a:t DonneJL Lal<.e WM :the -6,{.:te 06
V'ALL COME :the Cha.p:teJL Rwe.a:t he1.d Vec.e.mbeJL II:th a.n.d 1 Z:th.

Page 4 NU NEWS , February, 1977

· -. '

LOREN L. RYDER 124 sent a letter to Soph Goth'iast October saying, "Through the years,
life has been good to me and I hope it has been good to you. Now that I am 76, I guess
Hics -time to 'Y'et4re, 'at ,lea'st a little bit.- In any case, people in Hollywood came
along and wanted to buy Ryder Sound Service, Inc.; they made a liberal offer and I sold.
The Swiss people wanted to buy my New York activity so again I sold. Now I feel like a
retired man with only two active �ompanies. I have been able to keep track of some of
your activities through publications of Nu Chapter. Congratulations to you 4nd thanks
for all you have done in behalf of our "fellow members. II Loren is president of Ryder
Magnetic SalE;,s Corp. and of Ryder & Associates, both of 1 147 N. Vine St., Hollywood,
CA 90038.

JACK SWING 165 dropped us a , note a year ago that he and Sally had returned to Berkeley
after 10 years in Michigan (where. Jack worked with Ford Motor Co. while stlJdying for a
MS from_the .university of Michigan) and in Manhattan Beach (where he was a consultant
in acoustics) . Jack took the position of Sen.lor ,Acoustician when the Calif. Legislature
'created the Office of Nois�'Control in 1975., He now walks to work and teaches at Cal
occasiona lly. Sa lly and his daughter, Carrie Ann, 6, enj oy modern dancing at the "Tem­
ple of the Wings ", an old Isadora Ouncan haunt in the Berkeley hills. They all spend

their spare time remodeling their old house in the North Campus area, and invite all
in the- area to drop by 2530 Hilg,ard, Berkel�y, 94709.
.. � ; "
.. - .

\'JAlTER OLIVER 129 of 4255 Clubhouse Dr., Lakewood, CA 90712, retired in 1972 after
spending' 30 years managing hospitals. He now spends much of his time fishing: 1973
in.N�w Zealand; 1974 in Scotland; Nicaragua in 1975; and in 1976 Argentina, Chile,
aRg'S.cotland. As of last November Walter had, no> fi,rm f·jshing plans for 1977, although

a:"t�; rr�to the8rient is' s-chedur � ancr'1r
� e-cl·tfar-�April"';�--He ' haS"" two'grandda'ugnters- (aged '5' ,
Hvfng in nearby Glendale who talked him, out of his plan to return to the, Bay Area af­
ter retirement.' .
. ' ,

A,?· JAMES McCOLLUM 134 was electe'd,Vice President-Publj,c Relations for PG&E a year ago.
He' �ad been manager ,of tt;,e Pub 1ic Information'Oept. Jim is a veteran newsman who has
served as a reporter, cbllege journalism instructor, advertising man, and newspaper ed­
itor., He joined PG&E in 1946, established its news bureau, and became manager of ad­
vertls-ing and publicitY'in 1955. ' He can be reached through PG&E, 245 Mar!<et St., San
�rariciscQ, �94106. '
' '
" , .' �.

.:;. .

� -.


November, 1975 HillSborough, CA
watsonville, CA

, ' :- -

_ J

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