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“Imagine the life without computers”

People were able to make things more convenient, feasible, and effective
because of technological advancements. People's lives were influenced by technology
in every way. People began to rely more on technology, and the demand for manual
labor began to decline. People began to believe in technology and, as a result,
technology began to affect every part of their lives. Norendra Modi is quoted as
stating, “ Man has created technology. Technology has created man; what we are
today. Electricity is our way of life. Without it many would perish.” Technology has a
big part of our life, but if there is no technology at all? What would modern life look
It's hard to imagine a world without computers. And it's not because we've
always carried a computer with us. Rather, we must account for all of the knowledge
we now possess. It's difficult to fathom a world without computers, given their
widespread appeal and commoditization, and the fact that practically every
household now has access to one, whether at home or in public locations. It's possible
that some people might breathe a sigh of relief if computers were no longer available,
because several trades do not require the use of computers today. To put it another
way, their lives or livelihoods are unlikely to be unaffected in any case.

“In our age, when technology is gaining control over life, when material well-
being is considered the most important goal. When the influence of religion has been
weakened everywhere in the world, a special responsibility lies upon the writer.”
(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn). We wouldn't be able to communicate with each other by
email or chat. It would be quite difficult to live without computers. We wouldn't be
aware of technological advancements or new discoveries. We may acquire
information through a newspaper, television, radio, or other source, but we can get it
in greater detail on computers. Just like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, technology is
gaining control over life.

People would not be able to travel as simply and efficiently as they do now if it
weren't for the computer. There will be far less collaboration, and the world will
appear to be much bigger. Most significantly, there will be a shortage of information,
which will lead to a lack of understanding of diverse cultures and groups. We would
be taking a quantum leap backwards if we didn't have computers. I can't imagine a
life without computers and technology life would be so hard.

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