Favorite Read Alouds

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Ramona the Brave

By Beverly Cleary

This Reader’s Voice Journal belongs

Ramona the Brave Word Bank
Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Ramona the Brave story map

Main character Setting

Introduction – how does the story begin?


Conclusion – How does the story end?
Comprehension Questions
Chapter 1 ~

1. Why is Ramona proud of herself?

2. How did Ramona upset Beezus?

3. Why doesn’t Ramona want her sister to be called Beezus anymore?

4. What do Ramona and Beezus think about Mothers’ Advice?

Chapter 2 ~

1. Where do you think Mother is going when she runs her mysterious errand?

2. What two sayings make Ramona angry?

3. What are the two surprise Mother has to share?

4. Why is Ramona concerned about Mother working?

Chapter 3 ~

1. Describe the difference between Ramona and Howie.

2. Why was Ramona excited about the hole in the wall?

3. Why was it fun to have a hole with flapping plastic at night?

Chapter 4 ~

1. How does Ramona feel about Miss Binney, her kindergarten teacher?
2. What did the class do when Ramona told them about the hole in the house? How

did she feel?

3. Why did Howie say Ramona was a liar?

Chapter 5 ~

1. Why was Ramona angry with Susan?

2. What did Ramona do to her owl, and why?

3. What did Ramona do to Susan’s owl?

4. What was Ramona really running away from?

Chapter 6 ~

1. What makes Ramona feel really bad?

2. What is a conscience? Why does Ramona’s hurt?

3. How did Ramona feel About crumpling Susan’s owl?

Chapter 7 ~

1. Ramona doesn’t like first grade. List three reasons why she is unhappy.

2. How does Ramona feel about her room at night?

3. How did Mr. Cardoza make Ramona feel better?

Chapter 8 ~

1. What did Ramona do with her progress report? What did her progress report

2. Why can’t Ramona change classes?

3. What song does Mr. Quimby sing that make Ramona happy?

Chapter 9 ~

1. Which way did Ramona go to school and why did she do it?

2. Who did she meet?

3. How many shoes did Ramona wear to school and why?

4. What does Ramona want to make?

5. What did Mrs. Miller call Ramona?

Critical Thinking extensions ~

1. Make a Venn diagram and compare Ramona and Beezus. Write about the ways

that they are alike and different.

2. Point of View – from what point of view is the story told? How would the story

be different if it were written from another point of view?

3. Write a book review about Ramona the Brave. What did you like best about the

story? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not?

4. Think about your own family. Are you a pest like Ramona or bossy like Beezus?

Give examples from your life to support your answers.

James and the Giant
By Roald Dahl

This Reader’s Voice Journal belongs to:

James & the Giant Peach Word Bank
Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

James travels from England to New York City in this story. On a globe locate
England and then find New York City. Trace James’s path from Britain to the
United States. What body of water did the peach cross over?
Draw a picture of what the view looked like as the peach was sailing over the

 Describe what you would see:

A Centi – what? . . .
Introducing the Metric System
The centipede brags he has 100 legs (even though centipedes only have 42) In
Europe and many other places in the world they use the metric system to
measure. The prefix “centi” means 100.
Measure some objects in the classroom using inches. Then measure the same
objects using the centimeter side of the ruler.

Object Inches centimeters

Pretend you are riding on the top of the peach with James
and his friends.
Write a letter to your family or friends about your journey.
You may want to write about:

 How you felt when you met the creatures

 How it feels to bob through the sea or fly through the
 What you observe as you are traveling from England to
New York City.

You could also create a postcard with your favorite scene

from the story on the back and a letter to your friends
or family on the front.
Little House in the Big Woods
By Laura Ingalls Wilder

This Reader’s Voice Journal belongs to:

Little House in the Bog Woods Word Bank
Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

The Miraculous Journey of
Edward Tulane
By Kate DiCamillo

This Reader’s Voice Journal belongs to:

Word Bank for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Comprehension Questions
1. How does Abilene feel about Edward? Why do you think
she loves him so much?
2. Why do you think all the adults talk down to Edward?
Do you know someone who talks down to you? How does
that make you feel?
3. Why does the grandmother, Pellegrina tell the story
about a princess who loves no one and is turned into a
warthog by a witch to Abilene and Edward?
4. What is Abilene offended by the end of the story?
How does Edward react to the story?
5. Why does Pellegrina say to Edward, “You disappoint me.”
6. When Lawrence gives Edward to Nellie, his wife, she
confides in him. How does this help her feel better?
7. Why does to matter to Edward that he has been
8. Is there a difference between the love Edward
receives from Abilene at the beginning of the story
and the love he receives from Sarah Ruth?
9. What are some of the life lessons Edwards learns on
his journey?
1. How and why does Lolly react so strongly to Edward?
2. What kind of person is Lolly?
3. What does Edward think of her?
4. What do you think her own parents, Lawrence and Nellie,
think of her?
5. What keeps Edward going and gives him hope when he is
buried under the garbage at the dump?
6. How does his emotion change and what does he learn about
7. At the end of the story, does Edward understand Pellegrina’s
story about the princess who turned into a warthog?

Art Projects
1. Draw a scene or story from the book that was not illustrated.
2. This story is excellent for creating mental images. In your
reader’s voice journal chart your mental images as this story
was being read.
3. Each student can choose a different character form the
story and create a portrait. Label each drawing and write a
description of the character.
4. Design a new set of clothing for Edward when he finally
return home to Abilene.
Mr. Popper’s Penguins

By Richard Atwater

This reader’s voice journal belongs to:

Word bank for Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Make a travel brochure

Mr. Popper had wanted to travel the world, seeing exciting places.

Have your child create a travel brochure trying to convince Mr.

Popper to come visit your town.

What exciting things might one see in your town?

Anything your town is known for?

write brief descriptions and draw pictures, or even use photographs

taken from around your town.


Mr. Popper is a painter, but he really wants to be an explorer.

What would you like to be when you grows up? Why?

Popper Family Calendar

This story begins in September. As you read the book, you will get to spend nine

months with the Popper family. Keep a calendar list for the Poppers.

September October November

December January February

March April May

Comprehension Questions

Chapter One - Stillwater

1. What kind of work does Mr. Popper do?

2. Why was Mr. Popper always absent-minded?

3. How many children did Mr. and Mrs. Popper have?

4. What did Mr. Popper wish he were instead of a house painter?

5. What was Mrs. Popper worried about, come fall?

Chapter Two – The Voice in the Air

1. What did Mr. Popper think was the nicest part of the Antarctic?

2. What kind of pet did the Popper family currently have?

3. Explain how penguins check to see if it is safe to go in the water for food

Chapter three – Out of the Antarctic

1. What was delivered to Mr. Popper’s home?

2. Describe how it was packed.

3. What did Mr. Popper think the bathroom tile reminded the penguin of?

4. What did Mr. Popper name the Penguin?

Chapter 4 – Captain Cook

1. What did the penguin eat that upset Mrs. Popper?

2. Where did the penguin fall asleep?

3. What do penguins make their nests out of?

Chapter 5 – troubles with a penguin

1. What did Mr. Popper pay the serviceman with?

2. What did the serviceman do to the icebox? Explain each step.

3. What happened when the serviceman spotted Captain Cook?

Chapter 6 – More troubles

1. Where did Mr. Popper call to obtain a license for Captain Cook?

2. Act out Mr. Popper’s phone call with City Hall.

Chapter 7 – captain cook builds a nest

1. What was the result of Captain Cook’s trips through the house?

2. From memory, name ten items Captain Cook had in his rookery.

3. What do you think Mr. Popper is going to do with a few yards of clothesline?

Chapter 8 – Penguin’s promenade

1. What did Mrs. Callahan think Captain Cook was?

2. What did the photographer think Captain Cook was?

3. Where did Mr. Popper take Captain Cook to escape the crowds ?

Chapter 9 – In the Barber Shop

1. Was Captain Cook a welcomed guest at the barbershop? Why or why not?

2. What did Captain Cook do on the steps?

3. Why was Mr. Popper all untidy by the time he got home?
Chapter 10 - shadows

1. What were Captain Cook’s symptoms of illness?

2. What did the curator of the aquarium think might be the cause?

3. Who is Greta?
Chocolate Fever
By Robert Kimmel Smith

This Reader’s Voice Journal belongs to:

Word Bank for Chocolate Fever
Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Graphing our favorite condiments
Take a poll of a different class of their favorite condiments.
Make a graph showing the results of your data. What did you
learn about the different condiments that students like?
Number of students

Mustard Ketchup Salsa Soy sauce ranch

Names of the condiments

1, What did you learn from the data?

2. How many students did you poll?

Salsa Fever ?????
At the end of the story Henry decided he loved cinnamon.
What other fevers could you get? What would the symptoms
be? How would be get them and how would you get rid of them?
Make up a new food fever.
The Three Tales of
My Father’s Dragon
By Ruth Stiles Gannett

This Reader’s Voice Journal belongs to:

Word Bank for My Father’s Dragon
Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

Word Picture Word Picture

What a Character!
Create a character web for Elmer Elevator and one for the
baby dragon.

What a Character!
Create a character web for Elmer Elevator and one for the
baby dragon.

Baby Dragon
Making Predictions
Before each chapter make a prediction on what you think is
going to happen. Did what happened in the chapter match
your prediction?

Chapter What I predict will happen What actually happened

Comprehension Questions:
1. Why did Elmer Elevator decide to go to Wild Island?
2. Describe Wild Island. Include 3 details.
3. Name five things Elmer packed in his knapsack for his trip to
Wild Island.. How did he use these things in the story?
4. Name the three reasons the boars thought there was an
invasion on the island.
5. What did Elmer see when he flew away from Wild Island that
he thought was funny.

Comprehension Activities
1. Make a travel brochure about Wild Island. Include famous sights
and dangers on the island.

2. Pack a suitcase – have students brainstorm the items that

visitors would need to pack is they were to visit Wild Island.

3. Art – Reread the description of the baby dragon. DO not show

any pictures. Have the student draw or paint using their
mental image of the dragon.

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