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Assignment for RTBAnalytica

 State the plan of action for lead generation over publisher & advertiser
 Set your goals
 Make use of your data
 Keep your strategy agile
 Develop your format
 Choose the right technology
 Social media strategy for the company profile to grow the audience &

 Plan of action for lead generation:

A programmatic ad campaign uses programmatic technology to target and place ads
automatically, using predefined goals and parameters set by your business. Put
simply, programmatic technology automates the negotiation and buying process
between advertisers and publishers.
With programmatic technology, your business creates the ad campaign, the
objectives, and other variables like maximum spend. Then, you use a demand-side
platform to automatically match your needs, buy inventory, and place these ads with
publishers on the supply side.

 Know your audience & product: The advertising channel depends upon
what is the product as well as who are the target audience . So it should be the first
step to get to know your customers so that it will become easier to know where to go
for lead generation.

 Set your goals : Start where you would start any other marketing campaign; by
setting your goals. You may be looking to increase brand awareness or to lower your
per user acquisition costs. Either way, knowing your goal will help you determine
how to direct your campaign. Once you know your goals, you can set out which
channels to target. As well as create effective metrics to measure the success of your
 Make Use of Your Data : You’ll need to make use of your first-party data.
Knowing your maximum budget is a must. You may also need information like your
current acquisition costs or current website traffic on publisher’s side. This will help
you make decisions like your maximum bid price or which channels to target with
your ads.
 Keep Your Strategy Agile: Don’t be afraid to make changes as you go. You’ll
initially have a lot of decisions to make on scheduling, pricing, who to target, etc. As
you use programmatic software, you’ll learn more about successful ad targeting and
online customer habits. Use this data and adjust your strategy on the go.

 Develop Your Format : Online and social advertising comes in many forms.
You’ll need to decide what formats are right for your campaign. You’ll ideally want
enough creative material to cover multiple formats to allow for a more flexible
strategy. The main formats for online ads are:

1. Display Ads : A display ad, also known as a banner ad, can appear in the header,
footer, or sidebar of a website. Once a viewer clicks on the ad, they will be taken to a
corresponding landing page that you created.
2. Native Ads : Native ads work just like display ads, but there is one major difference.
Unlike display ads which are limited to only three places (header, footer, and
sidebar), native ads can be placed just about anywhere else—including smack dab in
the middle of a webpage’s content!
Native ads are great for longer form pieces of content, such as a blog post or
explanatory articles. The user often gets these ads inside of the written content
they’re already consuming, which means they’re already in the mood for reading.
Native ads allow for a quick and seamless way to introduce your content and
information about your products to your target audience.
3. Video Ads : Programmatic video ads come in all shapes and sizes. They can be
displayed in-stream, pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, out-stream, and even in display ads
i. In-stream ads are shown within a video—like when a YouTuber gives a shout out
to the sponsor of their video.
ii. Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads are similar to commercials and displayed
before, during, and after a video.
iii. Out-stream ads, also referred to as “in-read” video ads, are placed on websites in-
between articles and videos.
iv. In-display ads are clearly identified as ads and appear as “recommended” videos
on content sharing platforms like YouTube.

 Choose the Right Technology

Now you have everything you need for your campaign. It’s time to choose the right
technology. There are many platforms for programmatic ad tech. Choosing the
right DSP (Demand Side Platform) can depend on the needs of your specific
campaign. Make sure the platform you choose supports all ad formats, or at least all
formats you’re likely to use. It’s not unusual to find providers that don’t charge
platform fees and offer effective technical support. Look for these to minimize cost
and confusion. Ensure your platform performs brand safety and security checks to
make sure your media only shows up in appropriate places. You’ll also want a
platform that gives real-time feedback and full access to your advertising data. This
will help you to adjust strategies as your campaigns move forward. 

Let’s take an example to understand the process better:

Let’s say our client wants us to generate video lead for an ad of his female cosmetic
products, so at first we have to know where to place the ad to reach the bigger
audience . As the product is cosmetic & suppose we want to generate lead through
you tube so we will identify the channels that have more views, likes & subscribers in
the field of makeup videos , product review channels etc. Then we have to set the
budget & target that how many people we want to reach in a particular time so that
we can decide the type of format of ad to use to generate leads & finalise it.

 Social media strategy for the company profile to grow the

audience & business:
Almost everyone id using social media now-a-days. There are various social media
platforms available and people are really influenced by the things on social media so
it is a great tool for a company to use to grow its audience & business.

Steps for developing a good social media strategy:

1. Select Relevant and Realistic Social Media Marketing Goals : It

is important that your social media marketing goals need to fit into your business
planning as a whole. Ideally, you will have set strategic goals for how you want
your business to progress. Your social media marketing goals should complement
your overarching business goals.
Make sure that your goals are SMART:
 Specific
 Measurable
 Attainable
 Relevant
 Time-bound

2. Understand Your Social Media Audience : Not all social media

audiences are alike. Different types of people use social media in varying ways. If
you’re going to meet your goals, you need to be using the same social media
networks as your target audience. Similarly, if you intend to engage in influencer
marketing, you need to ensure that you engage influencers whose audience matches
your target market.

3. Establish your most important metrics and KPIs : No matter what

you’re selling, your social media strategy should be data-driven.

What metrics are we talking about, though? Check out the breakdown below:

 Reach. Post reach is the number of unique users who saw your post. How far is
your content actually reaching users’ feeds?
 Clicks. This is the number of clicks on your content or account. Tracking clicks per
campaign is essential to understand what drives curiosity or encourage people to
 Engagement. The total number of social interactions divided by the number of
impressions. This sheds light on how well your audience perceives you and their
willingness to interact.
 Hashtag performance. What were your most-used hashtags? Which hashtags
were most associated with your brand? Having these answers can help shape the
focus of your content going forward.
 Sentiment. This is the measurement of how users reacted to your content, brand
or hashtag. Did customers find your recent campaign offensive? What type of
sentiment are people associating with your campaign hashtag? It’s always better
to dig deeper and find out how people are talking about your brand.

4. Plan the Types of Content You Intend to Share : Of

course, to be successful on social media, you will need high-quality content to
share. Remember, social networks are designed to be social – they were never
intended to be a marketplace for you to sell your products.
Therefore, you need to balance the content you share socially, to be a mixture of
informative and entertaining items, with a small percentage of promotional
material added in. You will also need to like and share other peoples’ content.
This is probably the most significant reason that most influencers gain that status.
They know their audience well and create the perfect content to interest their
followers. As a brand, you need to do the same.

5. conduct competitive analysis to help your content stand out

: Before you start creating content, you should have a good idea of what your
competitors are up to. You can learn a lot from a simple review of competitors’
social presence. The simplest way to find competitors is through a simple Google
search. Look up your most valuable keywords, phrases and industry terms to see
who shows up.

6. Make your social presence as timely as possible : Timeliness is

arguably more important than ever for marketers. Not only are you expected to
put out fresh content on a regular basis, but also always be “on” for your
followers. You need to know what your audience wants to see so see the
feedbacks from your audience & improve , answer their queries more often &
most importantly keep updating the stories on regular basis.

7. Assess what’s working, what isn’t and how to keep improving:

By now you should have a big-picture understanding of your social media strategy.
However, it’s important that you’re able to adapt your strategy as you progress
throughout the year. Without continuously analyzing your efforts, you’ll never
know how one campaign did over another. Having a bird’s eye view of your social
media activity helps put things into perspective.


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