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Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Ulyanovsk State University

F – Working Program of Subject

The decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of
Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture of UlSU
The Protocol No.10/220 of June “22”, 2020
Chairman _________________(Vladimir I. Midlenko)
(signature, signature clarification)
«__22_ » ____June__________________ 2020
approved by department, implementing the subject


Subject Normal physiology

Faculty Medical named after T.Z. Biktimirov
Department Physiology and Pathophysiology
Course Second

Direction (specialty) 31.05.01 General Medicine_________________________

(profile / specialization) ______________________________________________

The form of education ___full-time_________________________________

Date of introduction in the teaching process at Ulyanovsk State University: «1 » september 2020

The program was updated at the Department Meeting: Protocol No.____ of _____/_____/______
The program was updated at the Department Meeting: Protocol No.____ of _____/_____/______
The program was updated at the Department Meeting: Protocol No.____ of _____/_____/______

Information about developers:

Full name Department Position, academic degree, title
Gening T.P. Physiology and Pathophysiology Head of the Department, Dr.Bio.Sci.,
Abakumova T.V. Physiology and Pathophysiology PhD in Biology, associate professor


Head of the Department implementing the Head of the Graduating Department

_______________________/Tatyana P.Gening/ ______________/Marina A. Vise-Khripunova

(Signature) (Full Name) (Signature) (Full Name)

«_18_»___May_____________ 2020 «_22_»___June_____________ 2020

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Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Ulyanovsk State University

F – Working Program of Subject


• The purpose of the Course
- to form students' systematic knowledge about holistic living organism and its parts, the basic
laws of functioning and mechanisms of their regulation of the interaction between each other and
with environmental factors, on the physiological basis of clinical and physiological methods of
research used in functional diagnosis and the study integrative human activity.
• the formation of students ' systematic approach to understanding the physiological
mechanisms underlying interaction with environmental factors and implementation of adaptive
strategies of the human body, the implementation of the normal functions of the human body
from the standpoint of the theory of functional systems;
• the study of the methods and principles of the research assessment of the state
regulatory and homeostatic systems of the organism in the experiment, taking into account their
applicability in clinical practice;
• teaching students methods of evaluation of human functional state, state regulators
and homeostatic in different types of purposeful activity;
• formation bases of clinical thinking based on the analysis of the nature and
structure interorganic and intersystem relations from the position of integrated physiology for
future practical activities of the doctor.


The discipline "Normal Physiology" refers to the basic part of the general professional
program B1.B.09 of the structure of the program of specialty. For its successful development,
knowledge of anatomy, neuroanatomy, histology, embryology, cytology, embryonic
development of body tissues, biochemistry is required. "Normal physiology" forms the
knowledge base for the subsequent study of pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology,
propaedeutics of internal diseases, the basics of functional and laboratory diagnostics,
pathological anatomy, clinical pathological anatomy, pathophysiology of extreme conditions,
anesthesiology, intensive care resuscitation, forensic medicine, surgical gastroenterology and
endoscopy and for state final certification.


The process of studying the discipline aimed at forming skills to the assessment of
morphological and functional, physiological conditions and pathological processes in the human
body for professional applications (GPC-9)
Code and The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline (module), correlated with
name indicators of achievement of competences
GPC-9 Know:
• physical and chemical essence of processes occurring in a living organism at the
molecular, cellular and organ levels;
• quantitative and qualitative indicators of the state of the internal environment of
the organism, the mechanisms of its regulation and protection;
• the role of biogenic elements and their compounds in living organisms, using
their compounds in medical practice;

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F – Working Program of Subject

• basic chemistry of hemoglobin, its part in the gas exchange and the maintenance
of acid-base balance;
• the structure of the functional systems of the organism, its main physiological
functions and mechanisms of regulation.
be able to:
• use educational, scientific literature, electronic resources for the studying of the
• use physical, chemical and biological equipment;
• work with magnifying equipment (microscopes, optical and simple loops);
• perform calculations on the results of the experiment, conduct elementary
processing of experimental data;
• identify and evaluate the results of electrocardiography; spirometry;
thermometry; hematological parameters


4.1. Volume of the discipline is 7 credit units.
4.2. Volume of the discipline by activity types (hours):
Quantity of hours (Full-time attendance)
Training activity types Total number Including semesters
as planned 3 semester 4 semester
1 2 3 4
Students work with the 144 72 72
Auditorium learning:
Lectures 36 18/18 18/18
Practical occupations, 108 54/6* 54/6*
seminars occupations

Laboratory work - - -
(laboratory practice)
Self-guided work 72 36 36
Current control (quantity 8 colloquiums 3colloquiums 5colloquiums
and type: examination
(test), colloquim
(discussion group),
library-research paper)

Term paper - - -
Middle assessment types 36 credit exam
(exam, pass)
Total workload in credit 252 (7) 108/6* 144/6*
* - the number of hours spent in an interactive form
If necessary, you can use in the educational process partially / exclusively distance
educational technologies

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Ulyanovsk State University

F – Working Program of Subject

4.3. Content of the discipline (module). Distribution of hours within the subjects and
the training activity types:
Mode of study: full-time

Types of academic studies Form of

Auditorium learning Training in current
Name of sections Self- knowledge
Total laboratory an
and themes workshops, guided control
lectures work interactive
seminars work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Section 1. Principles of functioning of individual organs and systems

1. Introduction. 10 2 6 2 Interviewing,
General physiology testing,
and biophysics of situational
excitable tissues. problems
phenomena in living
2 Physiology of nerve 16 2 12 1 2 Interviewing,
fibers, nerves and testing,
muscles. situational
3 General physiology 15 2 9 1 4 Interviewing,
of the central nervous testing,
system. Structure and situational
properties of problems
synapses. The
transfer of excitation
synapses. EPSP,
IPSP. Properties of
the nerve centers.
4 Inhibition of the 7 2 3 1 2 Interviewing,
nerve centers. testing,
Coordination of situational
reflex activity. problems
5 Physiology of the 10 2 6 2 Interviewing,
spinal cord, testing,
brainstem and situational
cerebellum. problems
6 Physiology of the 4 - 2 2 Interviewing,
reticular formation testing,

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F – Working Program of Subject

7 Physiology of the 10 2 4 4 Interviewing,

diencephalon, limbic testing,
system and basal situational
nuclei. Physiology of problems
the autonomic
nervous system.
8. Physiology of the 15 4 9 - 1 2 Interviewing,
heart. Methods of testing,
assessment of cardiac situational
activity. problems
9 The regulation of 10 2 6 2 Interviewing,
heart activity. testing,
10. The basic laws of 12 2 6 1 4 Interviewing,
hemodynamics blood testing,
flow regulation. situational
Microcirculation. problems
Regional circulation.
11. The lymphatic 2 - - 2 Interviewing,
system, its structure testing,
and functions. situational
12. Physiology of 8 - 6 1 2 Interviewing,
breth. External testing,
respiration. The situational
mechanism of problems
inhalation and
exhalation. Transport
of gases by blood.
13. Digestion in the 7 - 3 - 1 4 Interviewing,
stomach, duodenum, testing,
small intestine and situational
colon. Motility and problems
14. Physiology of 7 2 3 - - 2 Interviewing,
Metabolism and testing,
energy. situational
Thermoregulation problems
15. Physiology of the 7 2 3 - 1 2 Interviewing,
urinary system testing,
16. Physiology of the 7 2 3 - 1 2 Interviewing,
endocrine glands. testing,

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17. Blood physiology 10 2 6 - - 2 Interviewing,

The body and its testing,
defense system. The situational
factors ensuring the problems
integrity of the
organism. Barriers of
external and internal
environment of the
body. Immunity and
its types. Protective
18. Physiology of 10 2 6 - - 2 Interviewing,
analyzer systems. testing,
Section 2. Functional systems of the human body, their regulation and self-regulation when
exposed to the external environment
19. The doctrine of 4 - - - 4 Interviewing,
functional systems. testing,
20. Transport of 4 2 - - 2 Interviewing,
gases by blood. testing,
Functional system, situational
providing optimum problems
for metabolism level
21. Functional 9 2 3 - 1 4 Interviewing,
digestive system and testing,
the place of digestive situational
processes in it. Food problems
Physiological basis of
hunger and satiety.

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Ulyanovsk State University

F – Working Program of Subject

22. Higher nervous 9 2 3 - 1 4 Interviewing,

activity. Conditional testing,
reflexes. The situational
adaptation of the problems
body to the personal
conditions of
existence. Bioecology
(chronobiology). The
idea of discrete time-
personal processes in
the body. Cyclic
processes. Physiology
of adaptation.
Individual adaptation.
Types, phases and
criteria of adaptation.
Purposeful behavior.
Purposeful behavior
as a form of
behaviour that leads
to the achievement of
the body's adaptive
result. Physiological
basis of employment.
Features of physical
and mental work.
23. The phenomenon 5 - 3 - - 2 Interviewing,
of inhibition in the testing,
higher nervous situational
activity. problems
24. Types of HNA. 5 - 3 2 Interviewing,
The doctrine of the testing,
1st and 2nd signal situational
systems. Memory. problems
25. Physiology of the 4 - - - 4 Interviewing,
reproductive system. testing,
26. Physiology of 4 - - - 4 Interviewing,
pain and pain relief. testing,
27. Practical skills. 5 - 3 2 Interviewing
Total 216 36 108 12 (of 108) 72
8,3% of 144

Used interactive educational technologies

The following educational technologies are used in conducting classroom studies: lectures and
practical exercises. When organizing classes in an active and interactive form, information
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Ulyanovsk State University

F – Working Program of Subject

technologies, computer simulation programs “Virtual Workshop on Human and Animal

Physiology”, situational tasks and tests are used, in discussing the results of which the discussion
technology is used: brainstorming technology is used when studying new theoretical material
before performing practical assignments.

Section 1. Principles of functioning of individual organs and systems

Theme 1.1. Introduction. General physiology and biophysics of excitable tissues.
The contribution of Russian physiologists in the world physiological sciences (A. M.
Filomafitsky, I. Glebov, F. V. Ovsyannikov, I. M. Sechenov, N. A. Mislavsky, I. P. Pavlov, N. E.
Vvedenskii, A. A. Ukhtomsky, A. F. Samoilov, L. A. Orbeli, P. K. Anokhin, K. M. Bykov, E. A.
Asratyan, V. V. Parin, V. N. Chernihivovskiy, L. S. Shtern, etc.). The deepening of the analytical
division. Human physiology and scientific-technical progress. Physiology as a scientific basis for
the diagnosis of health, healthy lifestyle and foresight of functional status and human
performance. A systematic approach to the study of purposeful human behavior in the natural
environment, the conditions of industrial labor, sports and other species of activity. The study of
the influence of social factors on the life processes of a human organism. Cell. Its function. Body
tissues (epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous), the main special features of their
functions. The concept of irritability and excitability. Indicators of excitability, curve "force -
Theme 1.2. Bioelectric phenomena in living systems.
The resting potential (PP). The action potential (AP). Modern ideas about the process of
excitation. The ratio between of excitability phases and phases of PD. The effect of DC on the
tissue. Characteristic of connective tissue with low excitability (connective, bone, cartilage).
Biopotentials of glandulocytes. The secretory cycle.
Theme 2. Physiology of nerve fibers, nerves and muscles.
Fiber type A, B, C. Features of conduction of the excitation along the nerve fibers and at nerve
trunks. The parabiosis (N. E. Vvedensky).
Theme 2.1. Physiology of muscles Functional characteristics of muscle tissue. The mechanism
of muscle contraction. Physiology of smooth muscle.
Theme 3. General physiology of the central nervous system. Structure and properties of
The role of the central nervous system in an integrative adaptive activity of the body. The blood-
brain barrier. Research methods of CNS functions. The reflex principle of the activity of nervous
system. The structure of the reflex arc. Integrative activity of the neuron. Properties of receptors,
the mechanism of their excitation. Functional property of synapses. Features of the structure and
classification. The physiological meaning of the doctrine of the regulation functions for general
medicine and clinical disciplines, for forming concepts about health and healthy lifestyles.
Theme 3.1. The transfer of excitation synapses. EPSP, IPSP. Properties of the nerve centers.
Mechanisms of transmission of excitation. Neurotransmitter theory. Postsynaptic potentials. The
concept of nervous center. Physiological properties of the nerve centers.
Theme 4. Inhibition of the nerve centers. Coordination of reflex activity. Modern views on the
mechanism of central inhibition. The main types of the inhibition and its role. General principles
of coordination. The interaction between the processes of excitation and inhibition as the
coordination of reflexes. The iconic function of the brain: gnosis, praxis.
Theme 5. Physiology of the spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellum.
Characterization of spinal animals. Spinal shock. Bell - Majandi law. The centers of the spinal
cord. Conducting function of the spinal cord. The centers of the medulla oblongata and the pons.
Conducting function of the medulla oblongata. Tonic reflexes of the brain stem Reflex activity of
the midbrain. Cerebellum and its afferent and efferent connections. The interaction between the

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cortex and nuclei of the cerebellum. Anti-gravity function of the cerebellum.

Theme 6. Physiology of the reticular formation
Features of neural organization. Connection of the reticular formation with the conductive paths
of the brain. Upstream and downstream influences of the reticular formation.
Theme 7. Physiology of the diencephalon, limbic system and basal nuclei. Physiology of the
autonomic nervous system.
The thalamus - the collector of afferent pathways. Functional characterization of associative and
non-specific nuclei.
Theme 7.1. Physiology of the autonomic nervous system.
Structural and functional characteristics of the autonomic innervation. Visceral and autonomic
ganglia. The influence of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS to the
innervated organs. Autonomic centers. Patterns of autonomic reflexes. Role of the autonomic
nervous system in the integration of functions in the formation of holistic behavioral acts.
Theme 8. Physiology of the heart.
Physiological properties of cardiac muscle. Cardiac cycle and its phases. Hemodynamic
functions of the heart.
Theme 8.1. Methods of assessment of cardiac activity
The heart tones. Phono- and electrocardiography.
Theme 9. The regulation of heart activity. Autoregulation, neural, humoral regulation. Reflexes
of the heart. Integration of mechanisms that regulate heart function.
Theme 10. The basic laws of hemodynamics blood flow regulation.
The basic laws of hemodynamics. The changes of blood pressure, resistance and velocity of
blood flow in different parts of the bloodstream. Arterial and venous pulse.
Theme 10.1. Blood flow regulation.
Microcirculation. Regional circulation. Methodology of the study of organ blood flow
(occlusive, plethysmography, ultra-sound and electromagnetic flowmetry). Methods of
investigation of microcirculation. Vasomotor center, vasomotor nerves. Neural and humoral
influences on vascular tone. Pressor and depressor reflexes. The base tone. Features and
regulation of capillary blood flow. Functional features of the pulmonary circulation, coronary
blood flow. Factors of a healthy lifestyle, which prevent disturbance of the circulatory system.
Age peculiarities of the circulatory system. The change of organ blood flow during muscular
exertion, eating, pregnancy, hypoxia, stress and other conditions.
Theme 11. The lymphatic system, its structure and functions. Chylopoiesis and mechanisms of
its regulation. The factors for lymph circulation and the mechanisms of its regulation.
Theme 12. Physiology of respiration. External respiration. The mechanism of inhalation and
exhalation. The stages of the breathing process.
The mechanism of inhalation and exhalation. The pressure in the pleural cavity. The elastic
properties of the lungs. Spirometry, spirography, pneumotachography.
Theme 13. Digestion in the stomach, duodenum, small intestine and colon. Motility and
absorption. Digestion in the stomach. The exocrine activity of the pancreas. Regulation of
pancreatic secretion. Role of the liver in digestion. Digestion in the jejunum and the ileum.
Cavity and membrane hydrolysis. Digestion in the large intestine. The significance of microflora
and gas in the intestines. Motility and absorption in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
Theme 14. Metabolism and energy. Physiology of metabolism and energy.
Plastic and energy role of the nutrients. Caloric and respiratory factors. Basal and active
metabolic rate. The concept of water balance. Energy expenditure of the body in different kinds
of work. Age peculiarities of the system of metabolism. Physiological fundamentals of nutrition.
Theme 14.1. Thermoregulation.
Systemic mechanisms of the thermoregulation and heat transfer. Mechanisms of hardening of the
body. Age peculiarities of the system of thermoregulation.

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Theme 15. Physiology of the urinary system

The main processes occurring in the kidney: filtration, secretion. Regulation of urine formation
and urination. Adaptive changes of renal function in different environmental conditions. The
skin as an excretory organ. The functions of sebaceous and sweat glands, regulation of their
activities. Non-excretory functions of the skin. Theme 16. Physiology of the endocrine glands
Physiology of the endocrine glands and their role in the formation of functional systems of the
organism. The mechanism of action of hormones. Methodology of the study of the endocrine
glands. The hypothalamic-pituitary system. Thyroid gland. Parathyroid gland. Endocrine
function of the pancreas. The adrenal glands. The sex glands. The epiphysis. The thymus gland.
Age features of the endocrine system.
Theme 17. Blood physiology
Basic constants of blood and self-regulatory mechanisms of maintaining. Protective functions of
blood. The blood group. RH factor. Mechanisms of blood coagulation. Lymph, its composition,
quantity, functions, physiological significance. Extravascular fluid environment of the body
(interstitial, spinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, liquid medium of the eyeball, slime) and their
role to provide vital activity of the cells of the body.
Theme 17.1. The body and its defense system.
The factors ensuring the integrity of the organism. Barriers of external and internal environment
of the body. Immunity and its types. Protective reflexes.
Theme 18. Physiology of analyzer systems.
The doctrine of I. P. Pavlov about the analyzers. The role of different types of afferentation in
the formation of functional systems of an organism. Classification of receptors. Methods of
studying the excitability of the receptors. Acupressure points and the principle of reflexology.

Section 2. Functional systems of the human body, their regulation and self-regulation when
exposed to the external environment
Theme 19. The doctrine of functional systems.
System organization of functions. Nodal mechanisms of the functional system.
Theme 20. Transport of gases by blood.
Functional system, providing optimum level of gases for metabolism. Transport of gases by
blood. Dissociation curve of oxyhemoglobin. The composition of inhaled, exhaled and alveolar
air. The respiratory center. Automaticity of RC. Peripheral and central chemoreceptors. Impact
of gas composition on RC: pH of blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Regulation of respiration by the
hypothalamus, limbic system and cortex. Functional respiratory system. Age peculiarities of the
respiratory system.
Theme 20.1. Functional system, providing optimum for metabolism level gases. Functional
respiratory system. Age peculiarities of the respiratory system.
Theme 21. Functional digestive system and the place of digestive processes in it.
Food motivation. Physiological basis of hunger and satiety. Digestion in the mouth. Swallowing,
its phases, the methodology of the study, regulation.
Theme 21.1. Food motivation. Physiological basis of hunger and satiety.
Food motivation. I.P. Pavlov about the food centre. Regulation of feeding behavior. Age
peculiarities of the digestive system.
Theme 22. Higher nervous activity. Conditional reflexes.
Objective methods of studying GNI (I. P. Pavlov). Regularities of formation and existence of
conditional reflexes. Mechanisms of formation of temporary connections. Architecture of a
holistic behavioral act (P. K. Anokhin).
Theme 22.1. The adaptation of the body to the personal conditions of existence.
Bioecology (chronobiology). The idea of discrete time-personal processes in the body. Cyclic
processes. Physiology of adaptation. Individual adaptation. Types, phases and criteria of

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F – Working Program of Subject

Theme 22.2. Purposeful behavior.
Purposeful behavior as a form of behaviour that leads to the achievement of the body's adaptive
result. Physiological basis of employment. Features of physical and mental work.
Theme 22.3. The problem of fatigue of the whole organism.
Active leisure (I. M. Sechenov) and its mechanisms. Optimal conditions for work and leisure as
the basis for a long period of high working ability of the body. Age features of purposeful
Theme 23. The phenomenon of inhibition in the higher nervous activity. Types and mechanisms
of inhibition of HNA. Physiology of sleep. Physiological basis of hypnotic states.
Theme 24. Types of HNA. The doctrine of the 1st and 2nd signal systems. Memory.
The doctrine of I. P. Pavlov about the types of HNA. Methods for determination of HNA. The
power relationships law and its changes in different functional states of the organism. Attention.
Perception. Emotions and their biological role. Memory, its types and mechanisms. Thinking.
Consciousness. Speech.
Theme 25. Physiology of the reproductive system.
The stage of reproduction. Anatomical and physiological basis of reproduction. The formation
and mechanisms of sexual motivation. Phase of the sexual cycle in men. Features of the phases
of the sexual cycle in women.
Theme 26. Physiology of pain and pain relief.
The pain as the feeling and condition. Nociception. Antinociception. Physiological mechanisms
of pain and analgesia.
Theme 27. Practical skills.
Determination of the number of erythrocytes in the blood
Determination of hemoglobin content in blood by the method of Sahli
The calculation of the color index of blood
Determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate by Panchenkov`s method
Determination of the number of leukocytes in the blood
Observation of different types of hemolysis
Determination of osmotic resistance
Determination of blood groups
Determination of Rh
Determination of coagulation time
Determination of bleeding time by Duke
Listening to heart tones.
Definition of blood pressure by the method of Korotkov.
The ECG recording.
Palpation of the pulse.
Measurement of the vital capacity of the lungs and its components.
Calculation of basal metabolic rate.
The study of the reaction time.
Assessment of the field of view.
Assessment of visual acuity.
Research methods of taste sensitivity.


Section 1. Patterns of functioning of individual organs and systems
Theme 1. Subject and methods of research in physiology. The basic properties of the living

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F – Working Program of Subject

(irritability, excitability, metabolism). General properties of excitable tissues.

1.1. Acquaintance with the physiological equipment (demonstration).
Purpose: to acquaint students with amplifying equipment, promotional and registration of
equipment used in physiology as an experimental science.
The content of the work: Acquaintance students with existing equipment and explanation the
working principles of the equipment and its possibilities in studies of the functional state of the
Results: mastering the material.
1.2. Preparing a neuromuscular preparation.
Purpose: to prepare the preparation of the gastrocnemius muscle and sciatic nerve.
The content of the work: Immobilize the frog, skin, prepare the two legs preparation, prepared
the one leg preparation, isolate sciatic nerve, calf muscle and thigh.
Results: made neuromuscular preparation and its drawing in the notebook protocols.
1.3. The determination of the threshold of irritation for muscle and nerve.
Purpose: to determine the thresholds of irritation to the muscles and nerve and compare them.
The content of the work: Set the electrodes from the electrical stimulator to the nerve and
choose irritation threshold (indirect irritation of the muscles). Register the contraction of muscle.
Muscle contraction during indirect stimulation reveals the threshold irritation to the nerve.
Transfer electrodes at the same current strength directly into the muscle. Increases stimulus
strength to the muscle contraction (this is the threshold of stimulation for the muscle).
Results: the obtained data bring to the table, analyze and make a conclusion about the
excitability of nerve and muscle.
1.4. The dependence of the height of the muscle contraction from the irritation force.
Purpose: to experimentally prove the existence of dependence in the force of contraction of the
muscle overall on the strength of irritation.
The content of the work: Irritate calf muscle of neuromuscular preparation (directly or through
the nerve) with threshold and suprathreshold current. Record the height of the contraction.
Results: Measure the height of the contraction depending on the strength of the stimulus and
make the conclusion.
1.5. The measurement of rheobase and chronaxie of skeletal muscle of the frog (spec.
Theme 2. Bioelectric phenomena in living systems.
2.1. The first experiment of Galvani.
Purpose: to experimentally reproduce the classic works of Galvani.
The content of the work: Prepare the preparation of the hind legs of a frog (with mandatory
preservation sciatic nerve plexus in spinal region). The copper jaws of the tweezers Galvani
bring under the sciatic nerve in the spinal cord, and the other concern muscle. See the contraction
of the muscle.
Results: The first experience of Galvani was reconstituted.
2.2. Experience of Matteucci (secondary tetanus).
Purpose: to experimentally reproduce the classic works of Matteucci.
The content of the work: Prepare two nerve-muscle preparation of the frog. The nerve of one of
the preparation is applied to the muscle of the other. The electrodes from the stimulator bring
under the first nerve. Stimulate nerve of the first preparation with volleys of rectangular
impulses, achieving a tetanic contraction of the muscles of the second preparation. After the
muscle tetanic contraction, one can observe a tetanic contraction of the first preparation.
Results: The experience of Matteucci was reconstituted.
2.3. Experience of Muller-Kelliker (demonstration-spec. description).
The content of the work: To determine the rheobase, install the electrodes on studied tissue
(nerve or muscle of nerve-muscle preparation) or group of muscles of the animal. The voltage

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applied to the electrodes, infinitely variable from zero to maximum. By changing the voltage
applied to the electrodes in the direction of increasing from zero set rheobase for a given tissue.
Rheobase is evaluated at a constant minimum duration of the stimulus (useful time), then double
the magnitude of the applied voltage (2 rheobase). The scale of the pulse duration is set to zero
and smoothly changing the duration of the feed pulse upward, evaluate the chronaxia.
Themes 3-4. Types of muscular contraction. The contraction mechanism. Physiology of
muscles. Force and muscle work. Exhaustion.
3.1. Recording curve single muscle contraction and its analysis.
Purpose: to perform the registration and the analysis of the curve of a single muscle contraction.
The content of the work: Prepare nerve-muscle preparation of the frog and strengthen it in the
vertical myograph. Using an electric stimulator pick up the amperage at which cause quite a
strong muscle contraction. Registration a single muscle contraction. By means of the curve of
muscle contraction determines the phase of contraction and their duration.
Results: record the curve of a single muscle contraction.
3.2. Summation of muscle contractions.
Purpose: to show that skeletal muscle obeys the power law relationship during contraction.
The content of the work: Registration the contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog
during stimulation with an increasing power.
Results: the greater the stimulus the greater the amplitude of muscle contraction (up to the
3.3. Complete and incomplete tetanus.
Purpose: to registration an incomplete and complete tetanus of the gastrocnemius muscle of the
The content of the work: Registration a single muscle contraction. Increasing the frequency of
irritation to 10-20 Hz, registration incomplete tetanus, further increasing the frequency,
registration complete tetanus.
Results: Complete tetanus is a tetanus in which stimuli to a particular muscle are repeated so
rapidly that decrease of tension between stimuli cannot be detected, and incomplete is a tetanus
in which each stimulus causes a contraction to be initiated when the muscle has only partly
relaxed from the previous contraction.
3.4. The role of the motor end plate in initializing tiredness.
Purpose: to demonstrate that fatigue in the neuromuscular preparation is localized in the
neuromuscular synapse.
The content of the work: Prepare the preparation of the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog.
Write down first muscle contraction by indirect (via nerve), and then by direct stimulation of the
gastrocnemius muscle.
Results: In the indirect stimulation of the muscle we get a curve of fatigue, the amplitude of
muscle contraction is restored by direct stimulation.
3.5. The dependence of the amount of work to the load of the muscle.
Purpose: to determine the dependence of the amount of work to the load of the muscle.
The content of the work: the neuromuscular preparation of the frog stimulate by average
current. Registration a single muscular contraction of the muscle without load and with the
progressive increase of the load. The work of the muscle is calculated by the formula: A=P x l,
where A is the muscles work, P-force, l-size of contraction of muscle.
Results: maximum work is performed at medium loads.
3.6. The determination of muscle power.
Purpose: to determine the maximum value of the load that the muscle is able to raise.
The content of the work: the neuromuscular preparation of the frog stimulate by average
current. Registration a single muscular contraction of the muscle without load with the
progressive increase of the load. Find the maximum value of the load that the muscle is able to

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Results: determine the strength of the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog.
3.7. Recording EMG of skeletal muscle in human.
Purpose: to register the action potentials of skeletal muscles in human.
The content of the work: using the electromyography EMG is recorded on Biopac Student Lab.
Results: the EMG of skeletal muscle of the human.
Theme 5. Properties of peripheral nerves and neuromuscular synapses.
5.1. The speed of conduction of excitation along the nerve (demonstration).
Purpose: to determine the speed of excitation along the sciatic nerve of a frog.
Multimedia task.
5.2. Bilateral conduction of excitation along the nerve.
Purpose: to show the existence of a bilateral conduction of excitation along the nerve.
Responsibilities: Prepare the preparation of hind legs of a frog. Separate the sciatic nerve in the
lower third of the thigh. Cut underneath the muscles and thigh. Irritate the nerve and observe the
contraction of the muscles of the of the thigh and lower leg.
Results: picture of the experience, the conclusion about the existence of a bilateral conduction of
excitation along the nerve.
5.3. Experimental confirmation of the law of the anatomical and physiological integrity
Purpose: to show the necessity of preserving the anatomical and physiological integrity of the
nerve fibers for conducting the excitation.
The content of the work: Stimulate nerve of neuromuscular preparation of the frog legs and see
the muscle contraction. On the nerve for 5 minutes a cotton swab is applied with soaked in 2%
solution of novocaine. Include stimulant and observe the lack of contractions. Wash the nerve
with Ringer's solution, stimulate. Note that the contractions appear again.
Results: for the conduction of excitation the nerve must be anatomically and physiologically
Theme 6. The final lesson on the topic: General properties of excitable tissues. Neuromuscular
Theme 7. Reflex as the basic form of nervous activity. The reflex arc. Its analysis.
7.1. Analysis of the reflex arc.
Purpose: to prove that after the violation of the integrity of any part of the reflex arc, reflex is
not carried out.
The content of the work: the spinal frog hung on the tripod. Stimulate the thigh of the hind legs
of a frog with filter paper moistened with a solution of sulfuric acid and observe the reflex.
Observe the lack of reflex on acid irritation when you turn off the separate links of the reflex
circuit. Cut off the skin receptors, skinning. Exclude afferent fibers, blocking novocaine or
cutting the sciatic nerve. Turn off nerve centers, destroying the spinal cord.
Results: integrity of all parts of the reflex arc is necessary to implement the reflex.
7.2. Measuring the reflex time by Turk and its dependence on stimulus.
Purpose: to measure the time of spinal reflex in frogs by Turk and to establish the dependence
of the reflex time on the strength of stimulus.
The content of the work: the spinal frog hung on the tripod. Dip the fingertips of one of the
back legs of frog in a beaker with 0.1% solution of sulfuric acid and determine the time to onset
of response. Wash the foot with water. I repeat the definition of the reflex time three times.
Calculate the average reflex time. To determine the dependence of the reflex time from stimulus
irritate the same foot over strong sulphuric acid solutions.
Results: the higher strength of the stimulus (higher concentration of acid), the shorter the time of
reflex by Turk.
Theme 8. Features of the conduction of excitation and the general principles of coordination in
the central nervous system.

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8.1. Summation of excitation in the nervous centers.

Purpose: to verify the ability of the nerve centers to the serial and spatial summation of
The content of the work: Stimulate the thigh of spinal frog with current of variable frequency.
Results: reflex response is not caused by one stimulus, only by several stimuli.
8.2. Central Sechenov inhibition.
Purpose: to reproduce the experience of I.M. Sechenov demonstrating intracentral descending
inhibition effects in the central nervous system.
The content of the work: Determine the reflex time by Turk before and after the deposition of
salt crystals in the region of the optic tubercles of frog.
Results: the reflex time by Turk becomes longer after stimulation of the region of optic
8.3. Reflexes of Golts. Reciprocal inhibition of reflexes.
Purpose: to show that the reflex time becomes longer after simultaneous stimulation of multiple
receptive fields.
The content of the work: Determine the reflex time by Turk during the stimulation of the frog
receptors of the abdominal cavity.
Results: the reflex time by Turk becomes longer.
8.6. Poisoning frogs by strychnine (demonstration).
Purpose: to demonstrate the phenomenon of hyperreflexia when blocking inhibition in the spinal
The content of the work: After the injection strychnine to the frog, frog is placed under the
Results: after a while, observe generalized reflexes with a slight irritation.
Theme 9. Spinal cord, the medulla oblongata and their functions.
9.1. Spinal shock.
Purpose: to reproduce spinal shock after the removal brain of the frog.
The content of the work: Remove the brain of the frog and measure the time from the time of
removal till the time of occurrence of reflex.
Results: determine the time of spinal shock in frog.
9.2. The segmental nature of reflexes.
Purpose: to demonstrate the segmental nature of the spinal reflexes.
The content of the work: Stimulate different receptive field with filter paper moistened with
Results: observe various motor reflexes.
9.3. Spinal reflexes in humans (special description)
9.4. Unipolar irritation of the medulla oblongata in frogs (special description).
Purpose: to demonstrate that centers of blinking and swallowing are in the medulla oblongata.
The content of the work: remove bone plate of the brain of the frog, draw out the structure of
the brain. In the medulla oblongata electrode 1 (1 - 2 mm) insert, and the second electrode (base)
fix on the foot of the frog and choose the current a bit more than subthreshold so that on closing
the circuit the frog was observed in the act of swallowing and blinking.
Results: observe blink and swallow reflexes.
Theme 10. The midbrain, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, their functions. Physiology of the
autonomic nervous system.
10.1 Unilateral destruction of the cerebellum in the frog.
Purpose: to show the role of the cerebellum in the regulation of the tonus of the skeletal
The content of the work: Destroy one side of the cerebellum in the frog.
Results: Watch manege movements of the frog in the pan of water.

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10.2. Tonic reflexes at the turn of the head.

Purpose: to demonstrate that by changing the position of the head relative to the torso arise
postural-tonic reflexes.
The content of the work: change posture of the Guinea pig.
Results: observe static reflexes aimed at the restoration of the body in a natural position.
10.3. Stato-kinetic reflexes (lift reactions).
Purpose: to show that when a body moves with acceleration, the tone of skeletal muscles
The content of the work: A Guinea pig on a special board sharply was raised and sharply was
Results: see "lift" reflexes.
10.4. Observation of eye nystagmus in humans.
Purpose: to demonstrate stato-kinetic reflex during movement with the angular acceleration.
The content of the work: Person in a special chair is rotated around its axis at a rate of 1
revolution per second.
Results: see head and eye nystagmus.
Theme 11. The final session on the theme: Physiology of the central nervous system.
Theme 12. Physiology of blood circulation. Basic properties of cardiac muscle.
12.1. Graphic registration of the contractions of the frog heart.
Purpose: to record the cardiogram of frog.
The content of the work: In spinal frogs open the chest cavity to reveal the heart, pick up at its
top and record its contractions.
Results: cardiogram of frog.
12.2. The analysis of the conduction system of the heart (the experience of Stannius).
Purpose: to show the existence of gradient of heart automaticity.
The content of the work: Apply I, II and III ligature of Stannius, sequentially counting the
number of heartbeats.
Results: after each ligation the heart rate decreases consistently.
12.3. Features of excitability of the heart and extrasystoles.
Purpose: to show that after an extraordinary stimulation in early diastole extrasystole occurs.
The content of the work: Record the cardiogram of frog in the norm and after causing irritation
at the beginning of diastole.
Results: after the extrasystole, ventricles receive compensatory pause.
Theme 13. Physiology of blood circulation. Regulation of cardiac activity.
13.1. The influence of irritation of vagosympathetic nerve on the heart activity of the frog.
Purpose: to demonstrate the negative tropic effects in the heart by the increased tone of the
The content of the work: Record the cardiogram of frog before and after stimulation of short
branch lets of vagosympathetic trunk.
Results: during stimulation, get slowing up to stop the heart.
13.2. Exogenous reflexes on heart (reflexes of Goltz, reflex of Danini-Aschner).
Purpose: to demonstrate the associated vagal reflexes.
The content of the work: Irritate the receptors of the abdominal cavity (reflex of Goltz) and
receptors eyeballs (reflex of Danini-Aschner).
Results: observe the slowing of the heart rate.
13.3. The effect of temperature on the activity of the heart.
Purpose: to show that when the temperature changes, in the area of the sinus node the frequency
of heart contractions changes.
The content of the work: Count the number of heartbeats in spinal frogs at the norm; after
heating and after cooling to 10 degrees region of the SA node.

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Results: observe respectively increase and decrease of heart rate.

13.4. The effect of temperature on the activity of the heart.
Purpose: to show that when the temperature changes, in the area of the sinus node the frequency
of heart contractions changes.
The content of the work: Count the number of heartbeats in spinal frogs at the norm; after
heating and after cooling to 10 degrees region of the SA node.
Results: observe respectively increase and decrease of heart rate.
13.5. Influence on the heart activity of potassium and calcium ions.
Purpose: to observe the humoral regulation of the cardiac activity.
The content of the work: Count the number of heartbeats in spinal frogs in normal, after adding
via cannula CaCl2 and after washing – KCl.
Results: observe the gain and, consequently, a slowing of the heart rate.
Theme 14. Physiology of blood circulation. Phases of the cardiac cycle. Research methods of
cardiac activity.
14.1. Percussion and auscultation of heart tones of a human.
Purpose: to familiarize with the technique of listening to heart tones of a human.
The content of the work: With a phonendoscope on certain areas of the chest listen to the heart
tones. The mitral valve is heard at the location of the cardiac impulse in the fifth intercostal
space, on the finger medial to the nipple line. The tricuspid valve is heard at the lower end of the
sternum. The semilunar valve of the pulmonary artery is heard in the second intercostal space,
somewhat to the left of the left edge of the sternum. The semilunar aortic valve is heard in the
second intercostal space on the right, near the edge of the sternum.
Results: note the first tone – deaf and long, it coincides with cardiac impulse (systolic tone).
Second tone – more short and sharp (diastolic).
14.2. The finding of a cardiac stimulus in humans.
Purpose: to determine the cardiac impulse in humans.
The content of the work: the cardiac impulse can be to hear or see in the bulging form in the
region of the fifth intercostal space to the left of the midclavicular line.
Results: identified the cardiac impulse.
14.3. ECG recording and its transcript.
Purpose: to familiarize with the principles and techniques of electrocardiography.
The content of the work: the testee lay on the couch. Electrodes applied in accordance with the
types of overlap with bipolar leads and simultaneously fix the electrode on the right foot. Record
the ECG. Indicate on the ECG curve the tines and spacing.
Results: recorded in three standard ECG leads.
14.4. The counting pulse and the measure of duration of the cardiac cycle in humans by heart
Purpose: to familiarize with the methodology to determine the duration of the cardiac cycle.
The content of the work: Find the pulse of the radial artery in a man. Count the number of pulse
beats in 5 seconds several times for 3 minutes. 5 divide into each number, thereby calculating the
duration of one cardiac cycle. Calculate the average duration of the cardiac cycle. Then
determine the number of pulse beats per 1 minute, 60 is divided by the number found and find
the average duration of the cardiac cycle.
Results: compare the results of two methods of counting.
Theme 15. Physiology of blood circulation. Blood pressure. The regulation of vascular tone.
15.1. Measurement of blood pressure in humans.
Purpose: to familiarize with the method of measuring the blood pressure according to the
method of Riva-Rocci and according to the Korotkov method.
The content of the work: Define systolic and diastolic blood pressure by auscultatory Korotkov
method: apply the cuff to the shoulder, put a stethoscope on a throbbing brachial artery, inject

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the air into the cuff, releasing the air listen to the vascular tones. The time of occurrence of tones
corresponds to the systolic pressure, and the time of disappearance - the diastolic.
By palpatory method of Riva-Rocci determine the maximum pressure. Pressing the radial artery,
inject the air into the cuff on the shoulder until there is no longer a pulse. Watching the pressure
in monometer, releasing the air. When the pressure in the cuff is a little less than systolic, pulse
Results: a measurement of blood pressure in two ways.
15.2. The definition of BP during exercise.
Purpose: to determine the BP by method of Korotkov during exercise.
The content of the work: Define the BP at rest and after 20 squats.
Results: after exercise, systolic blood pressure increases.
15.3. The effect of vasoconstrictor nerve fibers of the sciatic nerve in the regulation of vascular
tone of the capillaries of swimming membranes of the frog.
Purpose: to show that the size of the lumen of the vessels depends on nervous influences.
The content of the work: Under the microscope observe the blood flow in the vessels of
swimming membrane of the frog in norm and after transection of the sciatic nerve.
Results: observe vasodilation.
15.4. Observation of the capillaries of the skin.
Purpose: study of capillary circulation.
The content of the work: as the observations use capillary loops of skin, covering the base of
the nail. Assess the blood flow in the capillaries in the norm and after compression of the veins
of the arm by cuff of sphygmomanometer.
Results: in the total pressure of artery by cuff, blood flow in the capillaries ceases.
Theme 16. The final lesson on the topic: Physiology of blood circulation
Theme 17. Physiology of respiration. External respiration. Gas exchange in the lungs. Transport
of gases by blood.
17.1. Pneumography in humans.
Purpose: to obtain a pneumogram of person in different physiological states (hyperventilation,
hypoventilation, while reading aloud).
The content of the work: using Biopac software, sensors of respiratory effort and a temperature
sensor in the man register a pneumogram at rest, hyperventilation, hypoventilation, while reading
aloud. Analyze the breathing pattern (depth, frequency, duration of respiratory phases).
Results: after hyperventilation as a result of hypocapnia breathing slows, after hyperventilation,
an increase in the breathing rate is observed, arbitrary regulation of respiration is observed when
reading aloud.
17.2. Spirometry. Definition of tidal volume, vital capacity of the lungs (VCL). Calculation of
properly VCL and maximum ventilation (MV). The dynamic spirometry.
Purpose: to determine a person lung volumes.
The content of the work: to determine tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory
reserve volume, and VC using a dry spirometer.
Results: determined lung volumes.
17.3. Random delay of breathing under different conditions with ECG registration (sample on
the inhale and the exhale, with ECG, with counting).
Purpose: to evaluate the effect of CO2 on the respiratory center.
The content of the work: Define a random delay of normal breathing at rest, after
hyperventilation in the lungs and after exercise.
Results: the minimum random delay of respiration was determined after exercise.
Theme 18. Physiology of respiration. Control of breathing.
18.1. The role of the vagus nerves in the regulation of respiration in warm-blooded animals.
Purpose: to examine the effect of transection of the vagus nerve in rats on breathing pattern.

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The content of the work: perform a bilateral ligation of the vagus nerve of the animal under
anesthesia, and compare the frequency and depth of breathing with intact animals.
Results: breathing becomes deeper and more rare.
18.2. Localization of the respiratory center.
Purpose: to determine the structure of the central nervous system, where is the respiratory
The content of the work: In warm-blooded animal perform the transection between the middle
and the oblong brain and observe the breath. Rhythmic breathing is observed. After a transection
between the dorsal and the oblong brain breathing quickens dramatically, and then completely
stops, because the impulses from the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata to the motor
neurons of the respiratory muscles are absent.
Results: the respiratory center is localized in the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata.
Theme 19. The final lesson on the topic: Physiology of respiration.
Theme 20. . The physiology of digestion. Methods of study of the gastrointestinal tract.
Digestion in the oral cavity.
20.1. Enzymatic properties of saliva in humans.
Purpose: to study experimentally the composition and properties of human saliva.
The content of the work: collect the saliva in a test tube and filtered. Add saliva to the solutions
of the starch paste, acidified starch paste, raw starch. In one of the test tubes mix the boiled
saliva and starch paste. To control, starch paste is mixed with distilled water. The tubes were
incubated for 5-10 min in an incubator at 37-38 degrees. One of the tubes with saliva and starch
paste placed in a container with snow. The contents of all tubes is divided into two parts and add
Lugol's iodine solution (for determination of starch) in one tube and carry out Trommer's probe
(to determine the presence of sugar) in another.
Results: α-amylase is most efficient in conditions close to the physiological conditions in the
oral cavity (weakly alkaline medium, the temperature is 37 degrees).
20.2. Reflex salivation.
Purpose: to master the method used for mass research of summary salivation in humans, to
mention hard-reflexive nature of the work of the salivary glands in humans.
The content of the work: in the oral cavity with gauze collect saliva released in 2 minutes at
rest, with breath delay, with telling about the sliced lemon, when kneading cranberries in the
bowl. Wipes impregnated with saliva are weighed.
Results: regulation of salivation is subject of conditioned and unconditioned reflex influences.
Theme 21. The physiology of digestion. Digestion in the stomach and intestines. The function of
the pancreas and liver.
21.1. The composition and properties of gastric juice.
Purpose: to study experimentally the composition and properties of gastric juice.
The content of the work: Put equal portions of chopped fibrin in 10 tubes, in 11-13 tubes -
chopped egg white, a piece of raw meat, and a piece of boiled meat, respectively. Pour the
contents of the tubes with artificial and natural gastric juice and incubate at different acid and
temperature conditions. Carry out the biuret reaction to check for protein in solution.
Results: the gastric juice works in an acidic environment.
21.2. Bile and its role in the digestive process.
Purpose: to study experimentally the composition of bile and its role in the digestive process.
The content of the work: Carry out the reaction of Pettenkofer for bile acids, Gmelin's reaction
for bile pigments. Observe the action of bile on fats (bile emulsification of fats, the influence of
bile on filtering fat).
Results: we determined the composition of bile (bile acids, bilirubin) and its effect on fats
(emulsification, filtration acceleration).
21.3. Enzymatic properties of intestinal juice.

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Purpose: to investigate the action of enzymes of the intestinal juice on the digestion of products
of the cleavage of proteins and carbohydrates.
The content of the work: Pour 3 ml of intestinal juice into 4 vials , one of them is boiled. Add
in 1 and 2 vials a solution of peptone, 3 – a piece of fibrin, 4 – washed exposed film. Incubate for
45 minutes at 39 degrees. Divide the contents of the tubes into 2 parts and conduct the biuret
reaction and the reaction of tryptophan with bromine water.
Pour 3 ml of 5% sucrose solution into 3 test tubes, add in them the intestinal juice, boiled
intestinal juice and water respectively. Incubate for 30 minutes at 39 degrees. Carry out with
them and the control test tube with sucrose solution Trommer test.
Results: intestinal juice has alkaline pH, cleavages peptones on dipeptides and amino acids, and
sugars to hexoses.
Theme 22. The physiology of digestion. The motility of the gastrointestinal tract and its
regulation. The physiology of digestion. Absorption in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
22.1. The effect of epinephrine and pilocarpine on the motion of an isolated loop of intestine.
Purpose: to determine the effect of epinephrine and pilocarpine on the motion of an isolated
loop of intestine.
The content of the work: Isolated loop of intestine of rabbit is placed in a glass of warm
Ringer's solution. Record with kymograph the contractions of the intestine in normal and while
adding epinephrine and pilocarpine.
Results: when exposed to adrenaline, intestine contrations is reduced as when the sympathetic
impact, under the influence of pilocarpine (analogue of acetylcholine) – become more frequent
as when the parasympathetic influence.
22.2. Motor function of the digestive tract of warm-blooded animals.
Purpose: to study the characteristics of various motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
The content of the work: Fix an anesthetized animal on a wooden board, open the abdominal
cavity. Dip in warm ringer's solution up to the shoulder.
Results: the stomach and intestines float freely in solution, preserving all kinds of motor
22.3. Parietal digestion in the intestine.
Purpose: to prove the stimulating effect of a piece of the intestinal wall to the hydrolysis of
starch by amylase in the intestinal juice.
The content of the work: Pour into 10 tubes 3 ml of the starch paste and 1 ml of Ringer's
solution with hood from the jejunum wall. In test tubes, except 5 control tubes, drop a piece of
washed small intestine and incubate at a temperature of 38 degrees. Extract from the thermostat
by a single vial of the experimental and control series every 3 minutes. Perform the Trommer
Results: samples of Trommer are more intensive in test tubes, which are longer were treated and
contained a piece of the intestinal wall.
22.4. Study of the mechanism of absorption of various solutions in an acute experiment. (The
experience of Heidenhain).
Purpose: to study experimentally the absorption in the intestine of a mammal.
The content of the work: Open the abdominal cavity of an anesthetized rat and expose the
intestines. Isolate the section of the small intestine with a length of 10-15 cm. At both its ends
inject cannules, one of which is connected to a graduated burette, and the second to the bypass
tube. Wash the system, clamp the outlet tube and fill the system with isotonic NaCl. Measure the
amount of the dose of the solution absorbed within 10 min. The same perform with hypo- and
hypertonic NaCl solutions.
Results: in hypotonic solution, the rate of absorption increases, and in hypertonic reduces,
compared to isotonic.
Theme 23. The final session on the theme: Physiology of digestion.

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Theme 24. Blood physiology. Hemocytes. Physiology of red blood cells. Respiratory function of
the blood.
24.1. Technique of blood sampling for counting erythrocytes.
Purpose: to learn the technique of blood sampling for counting erythrocytes.
The content of the work: Wipe the fourth finger of the left hand with cotton wool moistened
with alcohol, then ether. Squeeze the pulp of the terminal phalanx laterally, and pierce the skin
by sterile scarifier with quick and sharp movement. Remove the first drop of blood, use the
following for analysis. In drop immerse the tip of the melangeur for red blood cells, gain blood
to the mark of 0.5 so that the capillary was almost out of air. Carry the tip of the melangeur in a
3% solution of sodium chloride and gain it to the mark 101, i.e. dilute blood 200 times.
Results: get the blood, diluted 200 times, to count red blood cells.
24.2. The counting the number of red blood cells.
Purpose: to learn how to count the number of red blood cells.
The content of the work: Cover the Goryaev's chamber by a glass, apply a drop of blood
diluted 200 times on the average area of the camera at the edge of the coverslip. The Goryaev's
chamber is placed under the microscope. Count the cells in 5 large squares on the diagonal.
Calculate the number of red blood cells by the formula: X=A*4000*200/80, where X is the
desired number of erythrocytes, A - the number of red blood cells in 80 small squares.
Results: the results of the counting of red blood cells is compared with the their number in
24.3. Measuring the amount of hemoglobin.
Purpose: get acquainted with the method of measuring the amount of hemoglobin in the blood
according by the method of Sahli.
The content of the work: In a test tube of gemometr mix 0.1 N HCl solution (to the label) and
0.02 ml of blood. After 5-10 minutes add distilled water until the color will match the color of
standard. The figure, standing at the level of the resulting solution, indicates the concentration of
Results: get the value of the quantity of hemoglobin in the blood and compare with the indicator
in normal.
24.4. The calculation of the color index.
Purpose: to familiarize with the method of calculating the color index of blood.
The content of the work: Calculate the color index by the formula: CIB=(H*3)/e, where H is
the haemoglobin content, e – the number of red blood cells.
Results: get the colour index and compare it with the indicator in normal.
24.5. Measuring the ESR.
Purpose: to master a Panchekov method for measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate
The content of the work: Wash the capillary with a 5% solution of sodium citrate, get the
solution up to the mark with P and pour onto a watch glass. Twice gain the blood to the level K,
the two portions release at the hour glass. Received blood with sodium citrate gain in the
capillary up to the mark O and put in a tripod. An hour later determine the height in mm of the
resulting column of plasma – erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Results: get the value of the ESR and compare it with the indicator in normal.
Theme 25. Blood physiology. Physiology of leukocytes. Physico-chemical properties of blood.
25.1. Counting the number of leukocytes.
Purpose: get acquainted with the method of counting the number of leukocytes in the blood.
The content of the work: Dilute blood with acetic acid (5% solution dyed at Türk's method) 20
times. Fill the counting chamber with the drop of blood. Perform counting in 25 large squares.
The number of cells calculate by the formula: X=(B*4000*20)/400, where X is the number of
white blood cells, B – the number of white blood cells in 25 large squares.

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Results: calculate the number of leukocytes in the blood and compared with the indicator in
25.2. Estimation of osmotic resistance of erythrocytes.
Purpose: to become familiar with one of the methods for the study of osmotic resistance of
erythrocytes. To determine the minimum and maximum resistance of red blood cells.
The content of the work: In 12 tubes with sodium chloride solution of decreasing concentration
contribute to 0.02 ml of blood, shake and leave in stand for 1 hour.
Results: note, at what concentration of sodium chloride partial hemolysis occurs - it is the
minimum resistance of red blood cells. The maximum resistance is determined by the
concentration of sodium chloride in the first test tube, where there is no draught and liquid is
intensively colored.
25.3. Types of hemolysis.
Purpose: to show that hemolysis can be caused by various factors, having different mechanism
of action.
The content of the work: In 4 tubes with saline, distilled water, 0.1% hydrochloric acid solution
and 5% solution of ammonia add 2 drops of blood. Tubes with citrated blood put in the freezer
for 1 hour and thaw in hot water.
Results: observe osmotic (in a test tube with distilled water), chemical (in test tubes with
hydrochloric acid and the solution of ammonia) and thermal (in the test tube from the freezer)
types of hemolysis.
25.4. Estimation of the viscosity of blood.
Purpose: to explore the method of estimation of the blood viscosity.
The content of the work: In the capillaries get water and blood to the mark "0". Gain blood
level up to the mark "1". Note what division the water level stop.
Results: the viscosity of blood is equal to the amount of distance, traveled by the water, divided
by the amount of distance traveled by the blood.
Theme 26. Blood physiology. Coagulation of blood. The doctrine of the blood groups.
26.1. The duration of bleeding.
Purpose: to get acquainted with one of the methods for estimation of the bleeding time.
The content of the work: Pierce the finger of the test subject, speaking a drop of blood with
wool. Every 30 seconds the bleeding point of the finger is applied to the filter paper so that in
each sector the imprint of only one drop was, until the blood won't stop. Count the number of
tracks of blood drops.
Results: calculate the bleeding time, compare it to the norm.
26.2. The influence of oxalate and Ca2+ on the speed of blood clotting.
Purpose: to determine the effect of calcium on blood coagulation.
The content of the work: On the slide drip a drop of blood and determine the rate of
coagulation. Mix a drop of blood with a drop of a solution of sodium oxalate, and then a drop of
blood with a drop of solution of calcium, measure the speed of blood clotting.
Results: when adding sodium oxalate, clotting speed is slowed down because sodium oxalate
binds calcium ions, and when adding calcium, clotting speed is increased because calcium is one
of the coagulation factors.
26.3. Determination of blood groups.
Purpose: to master the methods of determination of blood groups, to determine your own blood
The content of the work: On a glass slide put on a drop of cyclones (anti-A, anti-B, anti-AB).
Glass stick make to each drop of blood from a finger. Stir and look at the agglutination reaction.
Results: define group I (O) by the absence of agglutination in all drops, II (A)group - by
agglutination with serums with anti-A and anti-AB, group III (B) - by agglutination with anti-B
and anti-AB. Group IV (AB) - by agglutination with all three drops.

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26.4. The definition of the RH factor.

Purpose: to master the technique of definition of the RH factor, to determine your own RH
The content of the work: mix a drop of blood with an anti-D cyclone. Look at the reaction of
agglutination of red blood cells.
Results: agglutination occurs if the blood is RH positive, agglutination does not occure, if the
blood is RH-negative.
Theme 27. The final session on the theme: Physiology of blood.
Theme 28. Metabolism and energy. Basal and active metabolism.
28.1. Estimation of basal metabolism by the Harris and Benedict's tables.
Purpose: to get acquainted with methods of evaluation of basal metabolism.
The content of the work: using a stadiometer and scales determine the height and weight of the
test subject. In the tables of Harris and Benedict find the values corresponding to the weight, age
and height of the test subject. Sum up the numbers from tables.
Results: a calculation of the basal metabolic rate.
28.2. Drafting of food rations.
Purpose: to study and master the basis of preparation of diets for adults and children.
The content of the work: Take the daily requirement for calories, protein, fats and
carbohydrates and divide these values into parts corresponding to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
From the table, which lists the caloric content of food, choose the required products and take the
necessary number of them.
Results: the diet for a person of a particular gender and age.
Theme 29. Physiology of the endocrine glands.
29.1. The action of adrenaline on pupil of the frog's enucleating eye.
Purpose: to determine the effect of epinephrine to the pupil of the frog's enucleating eye.
The content of the work: 2 enucleated eyes of the frog place in a Petri dish and put on a bright
light. Measure the diameter of each pupil. In one cup add 3 drops of epinephrine solution 1:1000.
After 25-30 minutes measure the diameter of the pupil.
Results: the pupil of the eye, placed in a solution with adrenaline, considerably bigger than the
pupil of the second eye.
29.2. The action of adrenaline on the contraction of the muscles of the small intestine.
Purpose: to determine the effect of adrenaline on the contraction of the muscles of the small
The content of the work: Register a contraction of the muscles of the small intestine before and
after application of a solution of adrenaline.
Results: the motility of the small intestine becomes weaker after application of a solution of
29.3. Insulin effect on white mice.
Purpose: to observe the effect of excess insulin on white mice.
The content of the work: Inject 1 unit of insulin under the skin of hungry mouse and place the
mouse in a separate glass jar. Monitor the status and behavior of the animal. Inject 1 ml of 10%
glucose solution intraperitoneally.
Results: after injection of insulin signs of hypoglycemic shock occur, injection of glucose in a
few minutes leads to the restoration of normal condition.
Theme 30. Physiology of excretion. Clinical methods of research of function of kidneys.
Regulation of kidney function.
30.1. Study of sweating. Experience of Minor
Purpose: to master Minor's method of studying of sweating.
The content of the work: Dry moisten the palm and wipe with a solution of iodine. Powder
oiled plot with starch. Dip the other hand into hot water. Observe the color change of the starch.

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Results: in the place of sweat black spots form.

30.2. Observe of the process of urination in acute experiment.
Purpose: to observe the process of urination in mammals.
The content of the work: Open the abdominal cavity of an anesthetized rat. To the incision in
the bladder injected a cannula connected to a polyethylene tube filled with tinted saline solution.
Fix the bladder walls to the tube. The amount of urine output is evaluated by the displacement of
the liquid level in the plastic tube. In the course of experience evaluate the basic diuresis,
diuresis after a water load and after injection of antidiuretic hormone.
Results: after the water load, diuresis increases, and after injection of antidiuretic hormone
reduce, compared to the main diuresis.
30.3. Monitoring the cleansing ability of the kidneys.
Purpose: to demonstrate the cleaning ability of the kidneys by the experimental method.
The content of the work: Intravenously inject a solution of Evans blue to the rat.
Results: after some time observe a blue urine.
Theme 31. The final session on topics: Metabolism. Endocrinology. Thermoregulation.
Theme 32-33. Physiology of analyzers.
32.1. Visual analyzer.
32.1.1.Reflex reactions of the pupil.
Purpose: to identify the reflex reaction of the pupil to light.
The content of the work: The test subject sits face to the light. Close his eye with a black paper
and observe the reaction of another pupil. Quickly remove the paper and observe the reaction of
both pupils.
Results: when closing one eye, there is dilation of the pupil of the second eye. When removing
the paper, both pupils narrow.
32.1.2. Accommodation of the eye.
Purpose: to ensure that there is an accommodation of the eye.
The content of the work: Through the thin gauze look at printed text located at a distance of 50
cm from the eye. Fix a sight on the threads first, then letters.
Results: the accommodation is reflected in the fact that while fixing gaze on the letters, the
threads of the gauze is not visible, and vice versa.
32.1.3. Definition of visual acuity.
Purpose: to master the method of evaluating visual acuity.
The content of the work: The test subject sits at a distance of 5 m from standard tables and
covers one eye with a special shield. The experimenter specifies the test subject on the letters
from the top row and falling down, and asked to name them.
The content of the work: calculate the visual acuity by the formula: V=d/D, where V is the
visual acuity, d is the distance from the test table to the test subject, В - the distance from which
the normal eye should clearly see this line.
32.1.4. Measuring the field of view.
Purpose: to master the technique of measuring the field of view
The content of the work: The test subject sits with his back to the light, putting his chin in the
notch of the tripod Foster’s perimeter. The test subject fixates with one eye on the white circle in
the center of the arc of the perimeter, and closes the other eye with his hand. Move the white
mark on the inner surface of the arc perimeter from 90 to 0 degrees and the test subject is asked
to indicate the time when the mark will be visible a fixed eye. Note the angle. Thus studying
several medians.
Results: draw a perimeter shot field of view.
32.1.5. The detection of the blind spot.

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Purpose: to verify that when the projection of the object is in the blind spot of the retina, the
object becomes invisible.
The content of the work: On a sheet of paper draw a circle and at a distance of 1 cm from it -
the cross. The test subject covers the left eye, and look with right eye at the picture, zoom in and
removing it until the image of the cross disappears.
Results: measure the distance from the drawing to the eye.
32.1.6. Binocular vision.
Purpose: to verify the presence of binocular vision.
The content of the work: At a distance of 20-30 cm from the eye fix a pin, and at a distance of
2-3 m – tripod.
Results: when the test subject fix his gaze on the pin, the tripod seems to be a double and vice
32.2. Auditory analyzer.
32.2.1. The hearing test (audiometry).
Purpose: to master the methods of audiometry, to evaluate the hearing threshold.
The content of the work: using the audiometer, in the headphones of test subject transmit a
signal of a certain frequency and volume.
Results: the results of the study are recorded on audiometric form.
32.2.2. Bone and air conduction of sound.
Purpose: to verify the presence of bone conduction of sound.
The content of the work: To determine the bone conduction, the stem of sounding tuning fork
is applied to the middle of the crown of the test subject. Repeat the experience with a cotton
swab in the ear. The stem of the tuning fork is applied to various bones of the skull. To compare
bone and air conduction, perform the Rinne test (the stem of the tuning fork is applied to the
mastoid process of the temporal bone to the disappearance of sound, then transferred to the ear,
measure the time of hearing the sound).
Results: from the laid-ear sound seems to be stronger, bone conduction of different bones are
32.2.3. Binaurally hearing.
Purpose: to verify the binaural nature of the hearing.
The content of the work: the tips of the tubes of the stethoscope insert into the ears of the test
subject, from the back of the test subject sounding tuning fork bring to the stethoscope. Ask
which side a sound is heard. Replace one tube of the stethoscope with the longer one.
Results: sound is heard from the side of the short tube of the stethoscope.
32.3. Skin analyzer.
32.3.1. Verification of the law of Weber-Fechner.
Purpose: in experimental conditions to test the law of Weber-Fechner and to establish the limits
of its applicable.
The content of the work: glass plate, warmed to body temperature, put on the wrist. On the
plate put plummet weighing 1 gram, add weights to 0.1 g until the test subject will mark a time
of increasing pressure. The same is repeated for the plummet of other mass. The obtained data
bring to the table.
Results: define a constant for each weight by the Weber formula: ΔI/I=K, where ΔI is the
increment of irritation, I – irritation, K is a constant.
32.3.2. Tactile sensitivity
Purpose: to determine the frequency location of tactile dots and a spatial threshold of tactile
sensitivity for different body parts.
The content of the work: the eyes are closed. Touch the skin with Weber’s compass with the
greatest kept tips. Gradually extending the compass by 1 mm, continue touching, until the test
subject feels two points of touch. The experiment is performed with different areas of skin.

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Results: spatial threshold depends on irritated skin areas.

32.3.3. Detection of thermal and cold spots in the skin.
Purpose: to prove the separate existence of two types of temperature receptors and determine
their approximate number in an area of 1 cm3.
The content of the work: On the skin apply the stencil and touch alternately cold and hot rod of
thermesthesiometer. Counting the points at which there is a feeling of cold/heat produced by
zigzag lines in a square of stencil.
Results: counts of cold and heat spots in various parts of the skin.
32.3.4. The experience of Aristotle.
Purpose: to verify the value of life experience in the process of perception of objects of the
surrounding world.
The content of the work: Roll the ball index and middle finger. Then cross over the fingers and
roll the ball again.
Results: in the first case feel one ball, two in the second.
32.4. Taste analyzer. Measuring threshold sensitivity of taste perception.
Purpose: to measure threshold sensitivity of taste perception to sour, salty, sweet and bitter.
The content of the work: On the tongue of the test subject, according to the topography of taste
fields, pipette a drop of solution of a substance, starting with the lowest concentration and
increasing to values at which the test subject will determine the taste of the substance.
Results: empirically found concentrations compare with normal sensitivity thresholds.
Theme 34. HNA. Functions of the cerebral cortex. Methodology the elaboration of a conditioned
reflex. Cortical inhibition. Higher mental functions.
34.1. Develop defensive blink reflex.
Purpose: to develop defensive blink reflex of the test subject.
The content of the work: After the beep, direct a jet of air in the eyes of the test subject,
causing blink movement. After a few repetitions leave only the sound.
Results: blink movement emerges at the sound – reflex has developed.
34.2. The study of mobility of nervous processes (Tapping test).
Purpose: to become familiar with one method of studying the mobility of nervous processes.
The content of the work: the test subject in the most rapid pace causes dots with the pencil in
squares 1, 2, 3, 4. The transition from the square to the square takes place every 10 seconds.
Results: the stability or increasing of the number of points – good indicators of the functional
state of the nervous system, its decreasing shows a weak of the mobility processes.
34.3. The evaluation of the capacity of short-term memory.
Purpose: to evaluate the capacity of short-term memory of test subject.
The content of the work: Before the test subject lay out 10 cards. After a minute take them out
and ask the test subject to recall them. With the number of recalled cards calculate the
capacity of short-term memory.
Results: compare the obtained value with the norm.
34.4. The study of attention, correction samples.
Purpose: to investigate attention.
The content of the work: the test subject deletes from the correction table specific letters for
some time.
Results: the attention is judged by the number of errors per unit time.
Theme 35. The final session on topics: GNI. The analyzers.
Theme 36. Test session on practical skills.
1. Determination of the number of erythrocytes in the blood
2. Determination of hemoglobin content in blood by the method of Sahli
3. The calculation of the color index of blood

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4. Determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate by Panchenkov`s method

5. Determination of the number of leukocytes in the blood
6. Observation of different types of hemolysis
7. Determination of osmotic resistance
8. Determination of blood groups
9. Determination of Rh
10. Determination of coagulation time
11. Determination of bleeding time by Duke
12. Listening to heart tones.
13. Definition of blood pressure by the method of Korotkov.
14. The ECG recording.
15. Palpation of the pulse.
16. Measurement of the vital capacity of the lungs and its components.
17. Pneumography.
18. Calculation of basal metabolic rate.
19. The study of the reaction time.
20. Dynamometry.
21. Assessment of the field of view.
22. Assessment of visual acuity.
23. Research methods of taste sensitivity.





Competence № Task conditions (task statement)
Index task
GPC-9 1. Subject of physiology and classification of physiological
2. Relation of physiology with other sciences.

3. Value of a normal physiology course for medicine.

4. Notion of excitability.

5. Excitability indicators.

6. Law of the power relations.

7. Law “everything or nothing”.

8. Membrane potential, its origin and properties

9. Action potential, its origin and properties

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10. Local respond and its characteristic

11. Curve of excitability and origin of its phases

12. Effect of a direct current on tissue

13. Concept about a motor and neuromotor unit.

14. Physiological properties of muscles.

15. Irritation of muscles and ways of registration.

16. Single muscular contraction.

17. Change muscle fiber excitability at its reduction.

18. Summation and tetanus. Optimum and pessimum of muscular


19. Modern theory of muscular contraction and relaxation.

20. Force and muscle work.
21. Exhaustion of the isolated muscle and exhaustion in the whole
22. Adaptation and trophic influence of sympathetic nervous system on
skeletal muscles.
23. Heat generation at excitement and contraction of muscles.
24. Physiological features of smooth muscles.
25. Differences of the smooth muscle from the skeletal muscle.
26. Classification of nervous fibers.
27. Distribution of excitement on myelin and non-myelin nervous

28. Laws of excitement conduction on nervous fibers.

29. Synapse. Structure, classification. Excitement transfer mechanism.

30. Concept of the central nervous system. Definition of a reflex.

31. Structure of a reflex arch.
32. The neuron is a structurally functional unit of CNS`.
33. Features of excitement emergence in neuron.

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34. Mechanisms of excitement emergence in receptors.

35. Definition and types of inhibition in CNS`.
36. Postsynaptic inhibition.
37. Presynaptic inhibition.
38. Sechenov Central inhibition.
39. Simple inhibition chains.
40. Spinal cord. Conduction and reflex functions.
41. Functions of ventral and dorsal roots of a spinal cord.
42. Segmental and intersegmental principle of a spinal cord.
43. Spinal shock.
44. Medulla. Bulbar animal.
45. Conduction function of a medulla oblongata.
46. Reflex function of a medulla oblongata.
47. Tonic reflexes of the brainstem.
48. Reticular formation of the brainstem.
49. Midbrain. Conduction function of midbrain.
50. Reflex activity of midbrain.
51. Cerebellum and its function.
52. Hypothalamus. Hypothalamus participation in the regulation of
autonomic functions.
53. Thalamus. Functional characteristics of major nuclear groups.
54. Comparative characteristics of the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The
synergy and antagonism of their relative influence.
55. Definition of the analyzer according to I.P.Pavlov. Functions of the
56. Visual analyzer

57. Receptor apparatus. Photochemical processes in a retina

58. Conduction part of the visual analyzer

59. Cortical representation of the visual analyzer

60. Accommodation. Visual field. Visual acuity

61. Acoustic analyzer. Structure. Functions.

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62. Vestibular analyzer. Structure. Functions.

63. Somatosensory analyzer

64. Taste analyzer

65. Olfactory analyzer

66. Concept of reflex. Classification of reflexes.

67. Rules of development of conditioned reflexes.

68. The scheme and mechanisms of short circuit of temporary

communications at development of conditioned reflexes

69. Types of higher nervous activity. The doctrine about the first and
second alarm systems.

70. Inhibition in HNA.

71. Concept of dominant (A.A. Ukhtomsky).



Competence Task Question
index number

GPC-9 1 The main stages of development of physiology.

2 The contribution of I. P. Pavlov in the development of the russian
3 Features of the modern period of physiology development.
4 The reflex principle of nervous system activity (R. Descartes, P.
Prochazka), its development in the works of I. I. Sechenov, I. P.
Pavlov, P. K. Anokhin.
5 Analytical and systematic approaches to the study of body functions.

6 Humoral regulation, characteristics and classification of

physiologically active substances. The relationship of the nervous and
humoral mechanisms of regulation.
7 The Anokhin’s theory of functional systems and self-regulation of
functions. Nodal mechanisms of the functional system.
8 Irritability, excitability as the basis of tissue responses to
stimulation. Stimuli, their types and characteristics.

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index number

9 Modern ideas about the structure and function of membranes. Active

and passive transport across membranes.
10 Electrical phenomena in excitable tissues. The history of their
11 Membrane potential and its origin.
12 The action potential and its phase. The ratio of phases of excitability
with the phases of the action potential.
13 Excitability, methods of its evaluation.
14 Single contraction and its types. Tetanus. The factors that influence
its value. The optimum and pessimum irritation.
15 Tetanus and its types.
16 The modern theory of muscle contraction and relaxation.
17 The evaluation of the force of muscle contraction. Dynamometry.
18 The spread of excitation on non-myelinated and myelinated fibers.
Features of their excitability and lability.
19 Features of the structure and functioning of smooth muscles.
20 The structure and classification of synapses. The mechanism of
conduction of excitation in the synapses (electrical and chemical).
21 Features of the structure and conduction of excitation in nerve-
muscle synapses. Neurotransmitters, their synthesis, secretion,
interaction with receptors.
GPC-9 22 Neuron as structural and functional unit of the CNS, its
physiological properties and relationship to glial cells.
23 Features of the conduction of excitation in the synapses of the CNS.
Excitatory synapses and a variety of mediators in the CNS (EPSP).

24 General principles of coordination of activity of the central nervous

25 Properties of the nerve centers.
26 Structural-functional features of somatic and autonomic nervous
27 Inhibition in the CNS (I. M. Sechenov), its types and role. Modern
concepts of the mechanisms of central inhibition.
28 The main principles and peculiarities of propagation of excitation in
the central nervous system. Convergence, divergence, unilateral
29 Characterization of spinal animals. Spinal reflexes.
30 The medulla oblongata and the pons, their participation in the
processes of self-regulation functions. The centers of the medulla
31 Decerebration rigidity and the mechanism of its occurrence.

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index number

32 Physiology of the cerebellum, its influence on the motility and

autonomic functions of the body.
33 Reticular formation of brain stem. Ascending activating effects on
the cerebral cortex (G. Magoun, D. Moruzzi).
34 The hypothalamus. Characteristics of the main nuclear groups. Part
of the hypothalamus in regulation of autonomic functions and in the
formation of emotions and motivations.
35 The thalamus. Functional characterization of the major nuclear
36 Comparative characteristics of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the synergy and the relative
antagonism of their influence.
37 A stereotactic method and its importance for the study of the
functions of the central nervous system.
38 The theory of I. P. Pavlov about the analyzers.
39 Characteristics of the visual analyzer. Receptor apparatus.
Photochemical processes in the retina by the action of light.
40 Adaptation of analyzers, its peripheral and central mechanisms.
GPC-9 41 Auditory analyzer. The mechanism of occurrence of the receptor
potential in hair cells of the spiral ganglion. Theory of perception of
sounds (G. Helmholtz, G. Bekesy).
42 Features of conductor and cortical parts of the auditory analyzer.
43 Receptor apparatus of analyzers. Classification, functional properties
and features jf receptors
44 The vestibular analyzer.
43 Conductive part of the visual analyzer. Features of chiasm optic
46 Theory of color perception (M. V. Lomonosov, G. Helmholtz,
47 Biological significance of pain. The modern idea of the nociception
and central mechanisms of pain. Antinociceptive system.
48 Methods of studying the function of the visual analyzer (visual field,
visual acuity, color vision).
49 Classification of reflexes. Reflex path. Reverse afferentation. The
concept of the adaptive result.
50 Alteration of motor function in lesions of the cerebellum in humans.

51 Physiological mechanisms of conditioned reflexes formation, their

structural-functional basis. Development of ideas of I. P. Pavlov on the
mechanisms of formation of temporary connections.

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Competence Task Question

index number

52 Conditioned reflex as a form of adaptation of animals and humans to

the changing conditions of existence. Classification of conditional
53 The mechanism of formation of conditioned reflexes.
54 Conditioned reflex. Development of ideas of I. P. Pavlov on the
mechanisms of formation of temporary connections.
55 The doctrine of I. P. Pavlov on I and II signalling systems.
56 The doctrine of I. P. Pavlov about the types of higher nervous
activity. Types of inhibition.
57 The modern idea of localization of functions in the cerebral cortex
of the brain. Polyfunctionality of cortical regions.
58 Functional asymmetry of the brain.
59 Congenital form of behavior (unconditioned reflexes and instincts)
and its importance for adaptive activities.
60 Dynamic stereotype, its physiological nature, importance.
61 Physiological mechanisms of sleep. Sleep phases. Sleep theory.
62 Modern ideas about the functional organization of the brain.
GPC-9 63 The concept of metabolism in the body. The processes of
assimilation and dissimilation of substances. Plastical and energy role
of nutrients.
64 The heat production. Metabolism as a source of heat production.
The role of individual organs in the heat production.
65 The heat transfer. Methods of heat transfer from the body surface.
Physiological mechanism of heat transfer.
66 Basis of preparation of diets.
67 Methods for determining energy expenditure. Direct and indirect
68 Definition of respiratory quotient, its value for calculation of power
69 The basal metabolic rate and importance of its calculation for the
70 Chamber (closed) methods for evaluation of energy expenditure (N.
71 The energy balance of the body. Active metabolism. Energy
expenditure of the body in different kinds of work.
72 The value of mineral substances, microelements and vitamins in the
73 Digestion in the mouth. Composition and physiological role of
saliva. Salivation, its regulation.
74 Methods of research of the gastrointestinal tract in animals and

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75 Ignition (delicious) gastric juice and its value.

76 Methods of study of bile formation and biliary excretion.
77 Digestion in the stomach. The composition and properties of gastric
juice. Regulation of gastric secretion. Phase separation of the gastric
78 Motor and evacuation function of the stomach, its regulation.
79 The absorption of substances in different parts of the
gastrointestinal tract. Types and mechanism of absorption of substances
through biological membranes.
80 Cavity and membrane hydrolysis of nutrients in different parts of the
small intestine.
81 Food motivation. Physiological basis of hunger and satiety.
82 Role of the liver in digestion. The production of bile and its role in
83 Methods of study of salivation in animals and humans (I. P. Pavlov,
N. I.Krasnogorskyi).
GPC-9 84 Digestion in duodenum. The exocrine activity of the pancreas.
Regulation and adaptive nature of the pancreatic secretion to the types
of food and food rations.
85 Features of digestion in the colon.
86 The composition and properties of intestinal juice. Regulation of
secretion of intestinal juice.
87 Endocrine function of the gastrointestinal tract.
88 Methods of investigation of motor function of the gastrointestinal
tract in humans and animals.
89 Hormones of the pituitary gland, its functional connectivity with the
hypothalamus and role in the regulation of activity of endocrine organs.

90 Physiology of the adrenal glands. The role of hormones of the

adrenal cortex in the regulation of body functions.
91 Methods of studying the functions of the endocrine glands.
92 Physiology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
93 The composition of the blood. Basic physiological constants of
blood and the mechanism of their maintenance.
94 Electrolyte composition of blood plasma. The osmotic pressure of
blood. Functional system, ensuring the constancy of the osmotic
pressure of blood.
95 Principles of manufacturing a blood-substituting solutions.
96 Humoral regulation of erythro - and leukopoiesis.
97 The concept of hemostasis. The process of blood clotting and its
phases. Factors accelerating and slowing blood clotting.

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98 Characterization of the formed elements of blood (erythrocytes,

leukocytes, platelets), their role in the body.
99 Methods for counting erythrocytes and leukocytes.
100 The blood group. RH factor. A blood transfusion. Blood-substituting
101 Plasma proteins, their characterization and functional significance.
The oncotic pressure of blood and its role.
102 The concept of the blood system, its properties and functions.
103 Method for the determination of the RH factor.
104 Oxygen transport in the blood. Dissociation curve of
oxyhemoglobin, its description.
105 The transport of carbon dioxide by the blood. The importance of
carbonic anhydrase.
PC-9 106 Calculation of color index of blood.
107 Leukocytes and their types. Leukocyte formula. The functions of the
various types of leukocytes.
108 The red blood cells, their functions. Types of hemoglobin and its
compounds, their physiological significance.
109 Functional system that supports the constancy of acid-base balance.

110 Coagulation, anticoagulation and fibrinolytic systems of blood, as

main functional units of the system maintain its liquid state.
111 Determination of ESR.
112 Study of osmotic resistance of erythrocytes.
113 Lymph, its composition, functions.
114 Regulation of the level of glucose in the blood.
115 Physiological properties and characteristics of the myocardium.
Automatism of the heart. Modern ideas about substance, the nature and
gradient of automatie.
116 Heart, the value of its chambers and valve apparatus, the pressure
variation and blood volume in the cavities of the heart in different
phases of the cardiac cycle. Systolic and minute volume of blood.
117 Electrocardiography. Vectorcardiography.
118 The ratio of excitation, contraction and excitability of the heart in
different phases of the cardiac cycle. The response of cardiac muscle to
additional irritation. Extrasystoles.
119 Heart sounds and their origin.
120 Regulation of cardiac activity (myogenic, humoral, nervous).
121 Humoral regulation of heart activity.
122 Reflex regulation of the heart activity. Characterization of the effects
of parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers on the heart.

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123 Principles of analysis of the electrocardiogram.

124 Electrocardiogram and its clinical significance.
125 Phase analysis of the cardiac cycle.
126 Blood pressure in different parts of the circulatory system. The
factors that determine its magnitude. Types of blood pressure.
127 Reflex regulation of systemic blood pressure. The value of vascular
reflex zones. Vasomotor center.
128 The basic laws of hydrodynamics and using them to explain the
movement of blood through the vessels. The factors responsible for the
movement of blood through the vessels.
GPC-9 129 Capillary blood flow and its features. Microcirculation and its role in
the mechanism of fluid exchange and different substances between
blood and tissues.
130 Reflex regulation of vascular tone, vasomotor center.
131 Arterial and venous pulse, their origin. Analysis of sphygmogram
and phlebogram.
132 Hormones of the adrenal medulla.
133 Bloodless method of determining blood pressure (S. Riva-Rocci, I.
S. Korotkov).
134 Breath, its main stages. The mechanism of external respiration.
Biomechanics of inhalation and exhalation.
135 Methods of determining lung capacity. Spirometry, spirography.
136 The mechanism of respiratory failure in pneumothorax.
137 Basic physiological mechanisms of respiratory changes during
climbing to an high altitude.
138 Gas exchange in the lungs. Partial pressure of gases O2 and CO2 in
the alveolar air and the tension of gases in the blood.
139 Functional system that provides constant gas composition of blood.

140 Reflex regulation of respiration. The mechanism of change of the

respiratory phase.
141 Regulatory influence on the respiratory center from the higher parts
of the brain (the hypothalamus, the cortex).
142 The role of humoral factors in the regulation of respiration. The role
of carbon dioxide. The mechanism of the first breath of a newborn
143 The pressure in the pleural cavity, its origin and significance in
different phases of the respiratory cycle.
144 Definition of minute ventilation of the lungs in different conditions.

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Competence Task Question

index number

145 The respiratory center (N. I. Mislavsky). Modern views on its

structure and localization. Nervous and humoral regulation of the
respiratory center.
146 Nephron structure, blood supply. The mechanism of formation of
primary urine, its composition.
147 The formation of the final urine, its composition and properties.
Reabsorption in the tubules, the mechanism of its regulation. The
processes of secretion and excretion in the renal tubules.
148 The formation of primary urine.
149 The process of urination, its regulation.
GPC-9 150 The regulation of activity of the kidneys. The role of neural and
humoral factors.
151 Endocrine function of the kidneys.


Form of education Full-time

Independent work is made up of preparing for classes on questions for each lesson and
preparation for intermediate control on questions for offset and examination. The following
educational technologies are used in the organization of independent work of classes:
Auditorium independent work on the discipline is performed on practical exercises under the
direct guidance of the teacher and on his instructions. The workshop on normal physiology
contains various experimental tasks in accordance with all the main sections of the theoretical
course and is independently carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Physiology,
equipped with laboratory equipment. As part of the course, students solve virtual problems - this
is a simulator for independent work. Outside classroom independent work is performed by the
student on the instructions of the teacher, but without his direct participation. The main types of
independent work of students without the participation of teachers are: the formation and
assimilation of the content of lecture notes on the basis of textbooks recommended by the
lecturer, including information educational resources (electronic textbooks, electronic libraries,
etc.); preparation for practical work, their design.

Name of sections and Type of independent Volume in hours Form of control

topics work (study of (verification of problem
educational material, solving, essays, etc.)
problem solving,
abstract, report, test,
preparation for the test,
exam, etc.)
Section 1 Principles of functioning of organs and systems
Theme 1. Introduction. Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
General physiology and educational material, problem solving check.
biophysics of excitable preparation for the

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tissues. delivery of the

Periods of development colloquium, test and
of the human body. examination.
Age peculiarities of the
formation and
regulation of
physiological functions
1. Cell. Its functions.
2. Body tissues
(epithelial, connective,
muscular and nervous),
the main features of
their functions.
3. Features of low-
excitable connective
tissue (connective,
bone, cartilage).
Theme 2. Bioelectric Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
phenomena in living educational material, problem solving check.
systems. preparation for the
1. Biopotentials of delivery of the
glandulocytes. The colloquium, test and
secretory cycle. examination.
Topic 2. Physiology of
nerve fibers and the
nerves conductors.
Physiology of muscles.
Features of the
physiology of nerves
and synapses in
2. Physiology of nerve
fibers and nerves.
3. The parabiosis (N.E.
4. Electromyography.
Theme 3. General Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests,
physiology of the CNS. educational material, problem solving check.
Structure and preparation for the
properties of synapses. delivery of the
1. The blood-brain colloquium, test and
barrier. examination.
2. The glia, its function.
Methods of research of
functions of the central
nervous system.
3. The physiological
meaning of the doctrine

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of regulation functions
for general medicine
and clinical disciplines,
to form concepts about
health and healthy
Theme 4. Inhibition of Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
the nerve centers. educational material, problem solving check.
Coordination of the preparation for the
reflex activity. delivery of the
1. Features of processes colloquium, test and
of excitation and examination.
inhibition in children
2. The iconic function
of the brain: gnosis,
Theme 5. Physiology Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
of the spinal cord, educational material, problem solving check.
brainstem and preparation for the
cerebellum. delivery of the
1. The brain stem. colloquium, test and
Theme 6. Physiology Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
of the reticular educational material, problem solving check.
formation preparation for the
1. Features of neural delivery of the
organization. colloquium, test and
Theme 7. Physiology Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests,
of the diencephalon, educational material, problem solving check.
limbic system and basal preparation for the
nuclei. Physiology of delivery of the
the autonomic nervous colloquium, test and
system. Features of examination.
physiology of the
Central nervous system
of the developing
organism. Features of
the autonomic nervous
system in children
1. Physiology of limbic
system and basal
2. The thalamus is a
collector of afferent
Theme 8. Methods of Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,

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evaluating cardiac educational material, problem solving check.

activity. preparation for the
1. Ballisto-, echo-, delivery of the
vectorgraphy colloquium, test and
Theme 9. The Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
regulation of heart educational material, problem solving check.
activity. preparation for the
1.Integration of delivery of the
mechanisms regulating colloquium, test and
the functioning of the examination.
Theme 10. The basic Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests,
laws of hemodynamics educational material, problem solving check.
1. Regional circulation. preparation for the
2. Methodology of the delivery of the
study of organ blood colloquium, test and
flow (occlusive, examination.
ultrasound, and
3. Methods of research
of microcirculation.
4. Functional features
of the pulmonary
circulation, coronary
blood flow.
5. Factors of a healthy
lifestyle that prevent
the disturbance of the
blood circulation
6. Age features of the
circulatory system.
7. Change of organ
blood flow during
muscular exercise, food
intake, pregnancy,
hypoxia, stress and
other conditions.
Theme 11. The Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
lymphatic system, its educational material, problem solving check.
structure and functions. preparation for the
Features of blood delivery of the
circulation in the fetus colloquium, test and
and in children. examination.
1. Chylopoesis and

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mechanisms of its
regulation. The factors
supplying the flow of
lymph and the
mechanisms of its
Theme 12.Physiology Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
of breathing. External educational material, problem solving check.
respiration. The preparation for the
mechanism of delivery of the
inhalation and colloquium, test and
exhalation. Transport examination.
of gases by blood.
1. Transport of gases
by blood.
Theme 13.Digestion in Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests,
the intestine. Features educational material, problem solving check.
of the digestive system preparation for the
in children. delivery of the
1. The importance of colloquium, test and
microorganisms and examination.
gas in the intestines.
Theme 14.1. Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
Thermoregulation. educational material, problem solving check.
1. Peculiarities of preparation for the
thermoregulation in delivery of the
children. colloquium, test and
2. Temperature- examination.
3. System mechanisms
of thermoregulation
and heat transfer.
4. Mechanisms of
hardening of the body.

Theme Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,

14.2.Metabolism educational material, problem solving check.
preparation for the
delivery of the
colloquium, test and
Theme 15. Physiology Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
of the excretion. educational material, problem solving check.
Features of the preparation for the
excretory system in the delivery of the
fetus and children. colloquium, test and
1. Adaptive changes of examination.

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renal function in
different environmental
2. Skin as an excretory
organ. The function of
sebaceous and sweat
glands, regulation of
their activities. Non-
excretory function of
the skin.
Theme 16. Physiology Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
of the endocrine educational material, problem solving check.
glands. preparation for the
1. Epiphysis. Thymus. delivery of the
colloquium, test and
Theme 17. Blood Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
physiology. educational material, problem solving check.
1. Lymph, its preparation for the
composition, quantity, delivery of the
functions, colloquium, test and
physiological examination.
2. Extravascular fluid
of the body (interstitial,
cerebrospinal, synovial,
pleural, peritoneal,
liquid medium of the
eyeball, slime) and
their role in supplying
the vital activity of
body cells.
3. The factors that
maintain the integrity
of the body. Barriers
external and internal
environment of the
body. Immunity and its
Theme 17.1. The
organism and its
protective systems.
1. Protective reflexes.
Theme 18. Physiology Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
of analyzers. educational material, problem solving check.
1.Acupressure points preparation for the
and the principle of delivery of the
reflexology. colloquium, test and

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Section 2. Functional systems of human organism, their regulation and self-regulation when
exposed to the external environment
Theme 19. The doctrine Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests
about functional educational material,
systems. preparation for the
1.System organization delivery of the
of functions. colloquium, test and
Theme 20. Functional Elaboration of 2 Interview, tests,
system providing educational material, problem solving check.
optimal level of preparation for the
metabolism of gases. delivery of the
colloquium, test and
Theme 21. Functional Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests
digestive system and educational material,
place it in the digestive preparation for the
process. delivery of the
colloquium, test and
Theme 22.1. The Elaboration of 4 Interview, tests
organism's adaptation to educational material,
different conditions of preparation for the
existence. delivery of the
1. Higher nervous colloquium, test and
activity in children. examination.
Antenatal and neonatal
2. Biorythmology
(chronobiology). The
idea of the discreteness
of various processes in
the body. Cyclical
3. Physiology of
adaptation. Individual
adaptation. Types,
phases, and criteria of
Theme 22.2. Purposeful
1. Purposeful behavior
as a form of behavior
leading to achieving the
body adaptive result.
2. Physiological basis of

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labour activity.
Theme 22.3.The
problem of fatigue of
the entire organism.
1. Leisure (I. M.
Sechenov) and its
2. Features of physical
and mental work.
3. The optimum
conditions for work and
rest as the basis for a
long period of high
efficiency of the
Theme 23. The Elaboration of 2 Interview
phenomenon of educational material,
inhibition of HNA. preparation for the
1. Types and delivery of the
mechanisms of colloquium, test and
inhibition of HNA. examination.
2. The physiology of
3. The physiological
basis of hypnotic
Theme 24.The types of Elaboration of 2 Interview
HNA. The doctrine of 1 educational material,
and 2 signal systems. preparation for the
Memory. Thinking. delivery of the
Consciousness. colloquium, test and
Language. examination.
Theme 25. Elaboration of 4 Interview
Reproduction. educational material,
1. Reproduction stages. preparation for the
2. Anatomical and delivery of the
physiological basis of colloquium, test and
reproduction. examination.
3. The formation and
mechanisms of sexual
4. Phase of the sexual
cycle in men. Specificity
of phases of the sexual
cycle in women.
Theme 26. Physiology Elaboration of 4 Interview
of pain and pain relief. educational material,
1. Pain as a sensation preparation for the

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and condition. delivery of the

2. Nociception. colloquium, test and
Antinociception. examination.
3. Physiological
mechanisms of pain and
Theme 27. Practical Elaboration of 2 Interview
skills educational material,
preparation for the
delivery of the
colloquium, test and
Form of knowledge control on the independent study of the subject: a colloquium, credit and

Practical skills
For self-study the students are recommended basic and additional educational literature and
educational and methodical manuals, published at UlSU. Workshop on normal physiology
contains various experimental tasks in accordance with all the main sections of the theoretical
course and independently performed in the laboratory of the Department of physiology, with
laboratory equipment. In this course students solve virtual problem - it is the simulator for
independent work.

Form of control of knowledge by self-guided study of the subject: the colloquium, a credit
and an examination.


a) Recommended literature list

principal literature
1 Gening T.P., Abakumova T.V., Mikhailova, Kadysheva E.N. Normal physiology. Part I.
Physiology of excitable tissues, muscles, CNS, analyzers, HNA. Second Edition Ulyanovsk State
University. 2018 104 p.
2 Gening T.P., Abakumova T.V., Mikhailova, Kadysheva E.N. Normal physiology. Part II.
Physiology of Cardio-vascular system, Breath, Digestion, Excretion, Endocrine glands,
Metabolism and Energy, Blood. Second Edition Ulyanovsk State University. 2018 135 p.

additional literature
1. Cardiac Biomechanics in Normal Physiology and Disease/Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular
Research and Medicine 2018, Pages 411-419
2. Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research - OMICS International

educational literature
1. Workshop on normal physiology: methodological guidance for students of medical faculty. /
T.P.Gening, T.V.Abakumova, S.O.Gening. – Ulyanovsk: UlSU, 2019. – 35 p.

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Ulyanovsk State University

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2. Gening T. P., Abakumova T. V., Mikhailova N. L., Kadysheva E. N. Normal physiology :
education guidance for students of medical faculty. P. 1 : Physiology of excitable tissues,
muscles, CNS, analyzers, HNA / T. P. Gening [et al.]; Ulyanovsk State University, Insitute of
Medicine, Ecology and Physical culture. - Ulyanovsk : ULSU, 2017. - 88 .
3. Gening T.P., Abakumova T.V., Mikhailova, Kadysheva E.N. Normal physiology. Part II.
Physiology of Cardio-vascular system, Breath, Digestion, Excretion, Endocrine glands,
Metabolism and Energy, Blood. Ulyanovsk State University. 2017. 112 p.
4. Human physiology [Э е ы е ] : education guidance for students of medical
faculty. Part 1 : Physiology of excitable tissue, muscles, CNS, analyzers / T. P. Gening [et al.];
Ulyanovsk State University, The Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture. -
Ulyanovsk : UlSU, 2016.

__________________________ /_____________________/ ________________/ ___________
The position of an employee Full name signature date
of the scientific library

b) Professed data base, directory and search systems:

SPS Consultant Plus
The electronic library system IPRBooks
System " Antiplagiat.HIGHER EDUCATIONAL»
"My Office Is Standard"

________________________/_____________________/ ________________/ ___________
Employee of the Department of information Full name signature data
technology and telecommunications


Object name, Material support, the The address (location) of the
lecture hall availability of logistics, with a object confirming the
list of basic equipment availability of material and
technical support (indicating the
number of such an object in
accordance with the technical
inventory documents)
Classroom 310 for lecture Technical means: Ulyanovsk
classes, with a set of 1. Multimedia projector 1, Universitetskaya
demonstration equipment to 2. Interactive whiteboard Embankment str., Building 4.,
ensure the presentation of 3. Board classroom room 310
illustration material on the 4. Workplace of the teacher
discipline in accordance with
the work program.
The room is equipped with a set
of student furniture for 400

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Ulyanovsk State University

F – Working Program of Subject

Classroom No. 209 for lecture Technical means: Ulyanovsk, 2/1, Arch.Livchak
classes, with a set of 1. Multimedia projector Str., room 209
demonstration equipment to 2. Interactive whiteboard
ensure the presentation of 3. Board classroom
illustration material on the 4. Educational visual aids
discipline in accordance with 5. Workplace of the teacher
the work program.
The room is equipped with a set
of student furniture for 186
Classroom number 204 for Technical means: Ulyanovsk, 2/1, Arch.Livchak
lectures, practical group (1/2 1. Multimedia equipment (TV, Str., room 204, S=54,97m2
groups) classes with a set of laptop)
demonstration equipment to 2. Interactive whiteboard
ensure the presentation of 3. Board classroom
illustration material on the 4. Shelving with educational
discipline in accordance with aids
the work program. 5. Workplace of the teacher
The room is equipped with a set 6. The device for
of student furniture for 36 seats. electrophysiological research in
humans Biopac Student Lab
7. A computer for conducting a
virtual workshop on many
topics of the course according
to the work program
8. 2 working laboratory tables
for educational equipment
(perimeter, electrocardiograph,
9. Couch
10.Electric hand dryer
11. Electrical stimulator
12. Fridge
13. Fume hood
14. Curbstones on wheels
15. Laboratory tools (scissors,
tweezers, dissecting needles,
Galvani forks, pharmacy scales,
scalpels, etc.)
16. Computer table
17.Table laboratory washing
SLM-1N (ecoline)
Classroom number 203 for Technical means: Ulyanovsk, 2/1, Arch.Livchak
lectures, practical group (1/2 1. Classroom board Str., room 203,
groups) classes with a set of 2. A stand for educational S=41,5 2
demonstration equipment to visual aids
ensure the presentation of 3. Workplace of the teacher
illustration material on the 4. A computer for conducting a
discipline in accordance with virtual workshop on many

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the work program. topics of the course according

The room is equipped with a set to the work program
of student furniture for 26 seats. 5. Apparatus for
electrophysiological studies in
humans Biopac Student Lab.
6. Computing station for data
processing for analysis of PCR
results in dir. real time (to
Biopac Student Lab)
6. Working laboratory table for
educational equipment
(perimeter, electrocardiograph,
7. Electrical stimulator
8. Curbstones on wheels
9. Computer table
10. A computer for conducting
a virtual workshop on many
topics of the course according
to the work program
11 Laboratory tools (scissors,
tweezers, dissecting needles,
Galvani forks, pharmacy scales,
scalpels, etc.)
Classroom №205 for lectures, Technical means: Ulyanovsk, 2/1, Arch.Livchak
practical group (1/2 groups) 1. Classroom board Str., room 205,
classes with a set of tables to 2. A stand for educational S=42,5 2
ensure the presentation of visual aids
illustration material on the 3. Workplace of the teacher
discipline in accordance with 4. A computer for conducting a
the work program. virtual workshop on many
The room is equipped with a set topics of the course according
of student furniture for 26 seats. to the work program
5. Working laboratory table for
educational equipment
(perimeter, electrocardiograph,
6. Electrical stimulator
7. Curbstones on castors
8. Computer table
10. Distiller DE-4-2M
11.Centrifuge TsG-2
12 Laboratory tools (scissors,
tweezers, dissecting needles,
Galvani forks, pharmacy scales,
scalpels, etc.)
13. Washing laboratory table
SLM-1N (ecoline)

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14.GP-20 sterilizer


№ Name Count Planned to be
1 Electrocardiograph EK – 1 1 1
2 Electrocardiograph one/three-channel EC1Т-1/3-07 "Axion" 1 1
3 Electrocardiograph one/three-channel "Axion" 1 1
4 Distiller DE-4-2M 1 1
5 Audiometer 1 1
6 Sterilizer GP-20 1 1
7 Fridge 2 2
8 Centrifuge OPN-8 1 1
9 The stereotactic radiotherapy SEG-5 1 1
10 Centrifuge hematocrit. TT-2 - 2
11 Microscope Lumam 1 1
12 The stereoscopic microscope Leica EZ40 1 2
13 The microscope MICMED 2 2
14 Electrostimulator SP-01-AP 3 3
15 Recorder type H-3031 – 1 channel 2 2
16 A set of pipette 8 8
17 Neurological hammer 3 4
18 Spring clips – serpinas 10 10
19 The Engelmann’s levers 4 4
20 Scales VK 150,1 (from 0.005 to 150 g) 1 1
21 Libra pharmacy 4 4
22 The weights from 1 mg to 500 g 1 4
23 Mechanic tonometer LD-71 6 6
24 Water thermometer 2 2
25 Phonendoscope 10 10
26 The forked electrodes 4 4
27 Polygraph for electrophysiological studies MF30 (Biopac 1 1
Student Lab), expanded.
28 Hardware-software program complex "Valenta" for research 1 1

29 "Neyrovizor" system for registration and analysis of EEG, 1 1

evoked potentials and physiological parameters
30 TV Daewoo 20Q3M 1 1
31 Videoplayer 1 1
32 DVD-player United 7062 4 4


The autonomic nervous system - 1 part.
Higher nervous activity. Types of GNI. - 4 parts.
Analyzers (auditory, gustatory). - 2 parts.

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Compensatory and adaptive function. - 2 parts.

Renal excretory function - 1 part.
Bladder dysfunction. - 2 parts.
Blood cells. - 2 parts.
Thermoregulation - 1 part.
Adaptation of the organism. - 2 parts.
Transfer of blood gases. - 1 part.
Hormones - 1 part.


If necessary, students from among persons with disabilities (at the request of the student) may be
offered one of the following options for perceiving information, taking into account their
individual psychophysical characteristics:
- for persons with visual impairment: in print in large print; in the form of an electronic
document; in the form of an audio file (translation of training materials into audio format); in
printed form in Braille; individual consultations with the involvement of a tiflos sign language
interpreter; individual tasks and consultations;
- for persons with hearing impairment: in printed form; in the form of an electronic document;
video materials with subtitles; individual consultations involving an interpreter; individual tasks
and consultations;
- for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: in print; in the form of an electronic
document; in the form of an audio file; individual tasks and consultations.
If it is necessary to use partially / exclusively distance educational technologies in the
educational process, the organization of work of the teaching staff with students with disabilities
and disabled people is provided in the electronic information and educational environment,
taking into account their individual psychophysical characteristics.

Developer _____________ ________________________ _Tatyana P.Gening__

signature position name

Developer _____________ ________________________ _Tatyana V.Abakumova

signature position name

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