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GED 106: Purposive Communication
30 seconds


25 5

20 10

In selling technique, a sales presentation or sales
GET TO KNOW pitch is a line of talk that attempts to persuade
someone or something, with a planned sales
Product pitch is also known as elevator pitch for presentation strategy of a product or service
the product or invention. Your initial pitch designed to initiate and close a sale of the product
should last less than a minute when you explain or service.
it to someone. It’s called an “Elevator Pitch”
because it describes the challenge: “How would
you explain your product and make a sale if
fate placed you in an elevator with your dream
prospect and you only had the time it takes to
get from the top of the building to the bottom?”
It's typically about 30 seconds, the time it takes
people to ride from the top to the bottom of a
building in an elevator.
The attention span of the average person is just
30 seconds before their mind starts wandering.
The other reason is people have less time
today. You need to grab them quickly or lose
them forever.
Sample Elevator Pitch
Group Introduction (Leader)

Hi, my name is Martin Salvatierra,

a student of mechanical
engineering from Mapua University
and with me are my group mates,
Anton, Bixby, and Caryl. Today is
our big product pitch challenge.
And please allow us to present our
proposed product innovation using
the NABC approach.
1. NEED: State the problem with a NEED: Introduce the proposed product
The good news? Our proposed product will end
Has this ever happened to you? You’re this agony and provide you the solution
rushing to get out the door in the morning
so you can get to the office on time and not
be late for an important meeting—and then
you realize that you can’t find your car keys?
Did you know that one of the biggest
challenges facing employees these days is
rushing up to work on time? But rushing up
sometimes causes more delay if you forget
your car keys. This happens all the time to
everyone. In fact, did you know that the
average suburban professionals misplace
their keys more than five times per month?
That’s more than 600 million times per year!
Thus, we need to do something!
Lock, trunk-open and unlock functions are
2. Approach: Brief Description of the Product arranged vertically on the opposite side.
design, parts and functionalities Rubberized plastic also speaks to the fob's
quality, as it makes gripping easier.
To get rid of this problem, we’ve created a low cost
key fob using Bluetooth technology that helps
people find their keys and other lost items in
record time, making it easier to get out the door
on busy mornings.
Key fobs are an integral component of a keyless
entry system. Locking and unlocking a car with a
remote key fob is as easy as pushing a button..
Contains a short range radio transmitter, and must
be within a certain range, usually 5 to 20 meters,
of the car to work. When a button is pushed, it
sends a coded signal by radio waves to a receiver
unit in the car, which locks or unlocks the door

3. Benefits: How will your Target audience
be benefitted from your product? BENEFITS
For active men and women who drives their own
cars on their way to the office, those who often
rush and forget their keys. Our product is designed
to help solve the problem. It provides the
breakthrough capability with new case, new
switches, and new batteries.
Has a built-in authentication used to control and
secure access to mobile devices, computer
systems, network services and data.
The transmitter's controller chip has a memory
location that holds the current 40-bit code. When
you push a button on your key fob, it sends that
40-bit code along with a function code that tells
the car what you want to do (lock the doors,
unlock the doors, open the trunk, etc.).
4. Competition: How can you beat the
competition? What words will you use?
Our key fobs are entirely different from those
offered in the market. Easy to use and today's key
fobs are fashionable and distinctive. The reason?
Automotive manufacturers see fobs as a new way
to enhance the customer experience and
differentiate their products from the competition.
Automakers recognize that key fobs are a tangible
aspect of the car ownership experience, valued by
drivers for both their tactile and eye-catching
qualities. According to Lexus Product Planning
Manager Ben Mitchell, company research
discovered that "especially with young people, keys
do make a statement. The key is brought out and
plunked down in various places, making it highly
visible to others.“

Slogan/Ending Statement: (All

What are you waiting for? Do you

want to make things easy?
Press a button on the key, the car
doors unlock.
Press another button, the car locks.
Own a personalized key fob now…

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