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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

11 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

First Quarter- Module 16:
Social Science Ideas:
The Role of Social Science in the Real World

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
Development Team of the Module
Writer/s: Dave A. Fuentes
Editor: Florence S. Gallemit
Evaluators: Perga A. Cadiente
Florence S. Gallemit
Dr. Jephone Yorong
Illustrator: Name of illustrator/Photographer
Layout Artist: Peter Alavanza, Name of layout artist
Management Team: Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, CESO III
Dr. Eugenio B. Penales
Sonia D. Gonzales
Dr. Ella Grace M. Tagupa
Dr. Jephone P. Yorong
Florence S. Gallemit
Good day students! Welcome to our new lesson in DISS 11. This
module is prepared for you to learn in defining culture and society from the
perspective of Social Science ideas upon following the instructions and doing
the activities on the succeeding pages.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

A. Analyze the practical use of Social Sciences in addressing social

concerns and phenomenon.
Before we proceed to our lesson, I want you to answer this activity.
Direction: Identify what corresponding Social Science Ideas is being
emphasized in each item. Choose the letter of your correct answer from the box.

A. Pantayong Pananaw B. Pilipinolohiya

C. Sikolohiyang Pilipino

_________1. Intellectual discourses among Filipino scholars

_________2. Past historical events is used as basis for internal logic

_________3. A response to academic imperialism or rich Western nations

_________4. Collective Indigenous cultural form discussion

_________5. Application of western concepts, theories and research tools, and

subsequently embarked upon researches on Filipino concepts



The social sciences, like the physical or biological sciences, are intellectual
subjects, directed primarily toward understanding, rather than action. It would
of course be a curious kind of “understanding” that had no implications for
action, and this is perhaps especially true for the social sciences. Nevertheless,
there is a difference between enlarging one’s understanding of human behavior
and society on the one hand and trying to solve a social problem on the other.
The social sciences are distinct from social problem solving, but each can
contribute to the other.

During the last few years there has been a significant change in popular attitudes
and expectations in the Philippines regarding social change and social problems.
A renewed determination to ameliorate certain long-standing, as well as recently
developed, ills of the society has arisen along with a sense of power and
confidence in its ability to do so.
v The ideas in social sciences are important because they create better
institutions and systems that affect people’s lives every day. Creating
frameworks for understanding the origins and effects of regime type, the
purpose of political parties, the reasons for polarization, the structure of
social networks, the goals and structures of government agencies, or the
challenges and opportunities faced by service providers and nonprofits are
all attempts to make sense of structures that have real and profound on-
the-ground impacts.
v Importantly, social scientific approaches, whether they immerse
researchers in new perspectives or systematically analyze and compare
institutions and phenomena, often challenge “common-sense” or
prevailing understandings. These studies provide a better evidence-based
grounding for evaluating our social and political world. Clearer evidence
and greater knowledge can help strengthen institutions by providing data
for policy outcomes and better mechanisms for promoting civic
participation and engagement.
v Just as significant, beyond building more accurate and functional general
understandings of the world and its institutions and social and political
systems, social science helps individuals better understand how to engage
with these systems both for their own and society’s benefit. In a
democracy, this understanding is crucial.

We recognize the importance of the natural sciences in investigating the physical

world, including personal health, space travel, and improved transportation.
However, the actual prevention of disease or the adoption of a new and improved
public transit system is a political problem, requiring an understanding of
political institutions, public management, and policy implementation. Thus,
social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social world—
how to influence policy, develop networks, increase government accountability,
and promote democracy. These challenges, for many people around the world,
are immediate, and their resolution can make a vast difference in people’s lives.

While many social science disciplines are important in helping people to

understand and engage with the wide variety of institutions that shape their
lives, political science is particularly valuable in helping people learn to be
citizens. Through participating in government at all levels, holding lawmakers
accountable, and upholding democratic norms and values, individuals must
have the resources to understand how government works and how laws and
regulations are made; evaluate policies and outcomes based on effectiveness and
values; make informed decisions about policy preferences; and, especially,
understand the importance of participating in government, from voting to
protesting. Political scientists are essential in providing these resources, in
classrooms and in the public sphere.

Consequently, political science, through teaching and research, provides a solid

framework for understanding the political and social systems that shape our
lives. Social science research tells us that effective public services, active
participation in public policy, and engagement with local community
organizations are very challenging if the government is not transparent and
accountable and citizens are not sufficiently engaged. Thus, social science is
important because it provides an evidence-based foundation on which to build a
more effective government and democracy.
Public policy issues in the application of Social science

Some questions of public policy are raised by research and development

activities in the social sciences. For example, what should be the public policy
toward deliberate social experimentation, especially toward concealed
experiments, in which the subjects are not aware that they are involved in an
experiment? There are scientific reasons for concealment but the public policy
problem is whether the probable gains from conducting such an experiment
outweigh the ethical undesirability of acting in a less than open fashion. There
is something repugnant about concealment of purpose, even when the motives
for it are disinterested and no one is harmed. There is something upsetting about
discovering that what one thought was a real and natural flow of events was
instead a carefully contrived sequence of moves deliberately planned to
accomplish a preconceived purpose.

There are several purely scientific difficulties in applying social science
successfully to the solution of social problems. Their importance is such that
they must at least be mentioned, however, and they require persistent scientific
effort in order to improve the capacity of the social science disciplines to cope
with social problems.
There are three major scientific issues: so-called “Hawthorne effects” or
changes in behavior which result from the fact that individuals are subjects in
an experimental study; the inadequacies of existing data about social problems
and individual behavior and the defects of indirect data; and finally the
manipulability of social factors that are variables in social scientific analyses of
problems. These are difficult scientific problems, but not impossible of solution.
Furthermore, much headway can be made in applying social science without
fully solving them.
Direction: Using the concepts learned from what you have read above, complete
the organizer below.

Social Concerns/ Impact/ Effect to Practical Use of Social

Phenomena Society Sciences
1. Prevention of

2. Political

3. Policy

4. Cultural

Direction: Analyze the article below and answer the question that
Poverty rate in PH seen falling by 2020
Adapted from Filipino Times website
Starting 2020, poverty incidence in the Philippines is projected to fall below
20 percent.
According to the World Bank, poverty rate is seen declining at 19.8 percent
next year and 18.7 percent in 2021.
By the end of 2019, the poverty incidence rate is expected to be around 20.8
This is more than five percent down from the 26 percent in 2015, more than
four percent in 2016, more than three percent in 2017, and more than one
percent in 2018.
The medium-term poverty projections were based on the lower middle-income
poverty line of $3.20 (Php 163.78) per day.

A report from the Macro Poverty Outlook for East Asia and the Pacific was
released this week during the sidelines of the Washington-based lender’s
annual meeting.
The report also cited the contribution of the government’s conditional cash
transfer program or the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

It said that the scheme helped “cushion the impact of negative shocks”.

The declining trend of the poverty incidence was attributed to the continuous
expansion of non-agriculture wage employment, rising real wage, the
continuation of social programs, and stabilizing inflation.

How will the Philippines continue this rate?

World Bank says the country needs to foster high-quality job creation and
boosting human capital investment that would enhance the impact of
economic growth on poverty reduction and shared prosperity.

It also advise that targeted investments and supportive business regulations

are needed in industries and sectors that generate high-quality jobs in order
to increase the growth impact on poverty and inequality.

For workforce to stay competitive in a fast-changing global work

environment, the report said human capital investments in education and
health must be fortified, including training and skills development.

The latest poverty incidence figure is equivalent to 23.1 million poor Filipinos,
which is more than five million down from the 28.8 million below the poverty
threshold three years ago.

Guide Questions:
1. How did the article explain the poverty in the Philippines?
2. What were the main reasons for the increase in poverty incidence in the
3. How can the different discipline of the social sciences can help explain
and address the increasing poverty incidence in the Philippines?

Give your understanding on the following terms:

A. Poverty

B. Job sourcing

C. Natural Disaster
D. Hazard & Criminalities

E. Unemployment

F. Public transit system

Directions: From the social issue focus on the news article in the previous
activity, how can it affect the following approaches in Social science.
Write your answer in the organizer below.

Philippines Poverty

Historical Approach Psychological Approach Anthropological Approach


v Social Science has a great impact in the development of communities

because it helps people understand and engage with the key political and
social institutions, thus benefiting individuals and society as a whole.

v Social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social
world—how to influence policy, develop networks, increase government
accountability, and promote democracy. These challenges, for many
people around the world, are immediate, and their resolution can make a
vast difference in people’s lives.

True/ False
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct. If incorrect, write False.

__________1. Multidisciplinary approaches are important in understanding and

addressing social problems.
__________2. One field in social sciences will not be able to understand the
nature and extent of the social problem unless a multifaceted
approach is used to understand the problem and its solution.
__________3. Social problems are not integrative and it can be addressed
through the disciplinal approach.
__________4. Poverty can be solved through the use of a multidisciplinary
approach using the approaches from economics, history, sociology,
anthropology, psychology and political science.
__________5. Interdisciplinary social science approach or interdisciplinary
involves the analysis, synthesis, and coordination between and
among the different disciplines to understand and address a
__________6. Social conditions in the different sectors in the society that needs
solutions refer to social problems.
__________7. Persistent scientific effort is not required in order to improve the
capacity of the social science disciplines to cope with social
_________8. “Hawthorne effects” deals with the inadequacies of existing data
about social problems and individual behavior and the defects of
indirect data.
_________9. Insufficient evidence and greater knowledge can help strengthen
institutions by providing data for policy outcomes and better
mechanisms for promoting civic participation and engagement.
________10. Research provides a solid framework for understanding the political
and social systems.

Additional Work
ACTIVITY 1. “Covid 19 Response”
Directions: Analyze the photo below, refer to the situation that follows;
With our adversities in this pandemic, make a plan indicating your
point agenda that may serve as a solution to covid19 response in your
own community . You may include here the concept that you learned from
the previous lessons in Social science Ideas and approaches.
Rubric to be Use:
Satisfactory Excellent (5
Poor (2pt) Good (4pts)
(3pts) pts)

Well organized
Some relations of
Serious and logical in
lapses in terms, few
errors in all areas,
organization lapses in
Organization organization, concepts and
that effect organization
difficult to links are easy
coherence but overall it
follow to follow and
and unity is easy to
read and

shows well
ideas are
Ideas are ideas (terms
Ideas are extensive,
somewhat and
minimal, establish
Ideas random, concepts),
inappropriate purpose and
minimal, or enough to
or random show all
repetitious establish
elements of
purpose of
the topic
concept map

terms are terms and

with very few some linked to
Connections multiple concepts are
connections multiple
connections that link other terms showing
to relate multiple multiple
terms ideas relationships
concepts and

shows a solid
knowledge of shows
shows some the topic, extensive the
shows very
knowledge some minor topic - links
little overall
Knowledge of the topic, gaps in show an
gaps are knowledge, excellent and
the topic
evident missing or comprehensive
misconnected data

A. Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross, et. Al. Discipline and Ideas in the Social
Sciences,pp. 121-175, Phoenix Publishing, house, Inc. 2016.

B. Tatel, Carlos P. Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences 1st edition,
pp. 104-116, Rex Printing Company, Inc., 2016.


Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land

Here the trees and flowers bloom Gallant men And Ladies fair
Here the breezes gently Blow, Linger with love and care
Here the birds sing Merrily, Golden beams of sunrise and sunset
The liberty forever Stays, Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX
Hardworking people Abound,
Here the Badjaos roam the seas
Every valleys and Dale
Here the Samals live in peace
Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
Here the Tausogs thrive so free
Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos,
With the Yakans in unity
All of them are proud and true
Region IX our Eden Land
Region IX

The Footprints Prayer Trees by Joyce Kilmer

One night I had a dream. I dreamed I think that I shall never see
that I was walking along the beach A poem lovely as a tree.
with the LORD.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
In the beach, there were two (2) sets Against the earth’s sweet flowing
of footprints – one belong to me and breast;
the other to the LORD.
A tree that looks at God all day,
Then, later, after a long walk, I And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
noticed only one set of footprints.
A tree that may in Summer wear
“And I ask the LORD. Why? Why?
A nest of robins in her hair;
Why did you leave me when I am sad
and helpless?”
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
And the LORD replied “My son, My Who intimately lives with rain.
son, I have never left you. There was
only one (1) set of footprints in the Poems are made by fools like me,
sand, because it was then that I But only God can make a tree.

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