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MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is system that assign students to their alternative department based
on the criteria and their placement choice, and the system do the placement of the student
according to the criteria and student placement choice automatically so it decrease the waiting
time of the student. The system is proposed, where the student information in the college with
regard to placement is managed efficiently. It intends to help fasten procedures in placement
related activities and ensures to maintain the details of the student. The key feature of this project
is that it is one time process
1 . 1 S t at e m e n t of P r o b l em
 There are several problems with the existing system, one is that assigning the students to
specific department takes a lot of time because it is done manually and it requires a lot of
man power.
 The manual work makes the process slow and other problems such as inconsistency and
ambiguity on process.
 During the placement wrong assignments may occur if accidentally one student got
assigned to wrong department then to correct this error the whole placement process
needs to be done repeated.
 Data may be lost and high cost because it is paper based.
 During the process It needs a lots of man power and it takes a lot of time to complete.
1 . 2 L i m i t at i o n s
 Our system is design only for college of engineering.
1.3 Objective of Project
1.3.1 General Objective
The main objective of this project is change the manually work placement of the current system
to the automated placement system

1.3.2 Specific Objective
 Reduces the manual works.
 Saves the time of placement officer and faculties.
 Intends user- friendly operations which may resolve ambiguity
1.4 Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is essential to evaluate the cost and benefits of the project. Based on the
feasibility study decision is taken on whether to proceed, pivot, iterate or cancel the project.
Aspects of technical, operational, and economical feasibility are discussed as follows.
1.4.1 Technical Feasibility
As the system in question is a practical area with a real work environment, it would prove to be
challenging in investigating and developing the system which manages the student placement
work environment after assessing and determining which aspects of the work can potentially be
used computerized and integrated into a web application. The proposed project will entail the use
of web development in developing an integrated system that can attain the given objectives.
Thus, it is technically feasible to develop the described system with achieving the goals in mind
and practicality.
The system is fully web based. We use some of the web technologies, both frontend and backend
and we will use language frameworks if necessary. The tools and technologies used are:
All the above tools and technologies are free to use.
1.4.2 Operational Feasibility
Operationally speaking, the project tends to bring about a product that places the students easily
to different departments in college of engineering. The system would then be available for
different colleges, proven and tested that it holds general standards and qualifications. As it is a
goal to develop an operation-capable product that can potentially and successfully perform in the

workplace, it can be said that the project is operationally feasible in terms of attaining the
objectives outlined.
1.4.3 Economic Feasibility
Costs of developing the product along with the entire procedures of the project would not be very
high, as the development uses a systematic study of different system modules, practical
background knowledge in database design, web development, and system development with
readily available hardware and software as well as open-source materials; compared to the
various and significant resources that are being wasted and spent there now daily the proposed
system will bring about a great change and difference with what is being used now. The product
would immensely reduce overall time waste and difficulty of the work that are done now in an
old way.
1 . 5 S i g n i f i c a n c e of t h e p r oj e c t
The main significance of the system going to be developed is digitalizing student placement
system to help the workers to easily access the files and help the students to easily find out
whenever there is new information.
The output of this project is expected to benefit the departments, the colleges, overall the
engineering college and the students.

Chapter Two

Current system
2.1 Description of existing system
The existing system describes the features of the previous working model and their drawback.
Existing system does all process manually. Placement officers register the information of
students. If any modifications or updates are required in the profile of any student, it has to be
done manually.
2.2 Limitation of existing system
This is tedious and time consuming, lack of security of data, took more man power, and
consumes large volume of paper and space. This process is so difficult when number of student’s
increases. Students choose a specific college where the placement will be held, there is a need to
maintain all these papers, causing large amount of space. It is manually done, chances of
missing, difficult to handle the details of student.

Chapter three

Proposed system
The aim of the proposed system is to develop a system with improved facilities. The proposed
system can overcome all the limitation of the existing system, such as student’s information is
maintained in the database, it gives more security to data, ensures data accuracy, reduces paper
work and save time, only eligible students get chance, it makes information flow efficient and
paves way for easy report generation, reduce the space. Proposed system is cost effective.

3.1 Methodology used for the proposed system

3.1.1 Data collection methodology

Data collection methodologies are used for gathering and analyzing information. There are
different types of data collection methodology among those we used the interview method to
collect necessary information that we need for the project.

3.1.2 System Development methodology

Waterfall model: The waterfall model is a sequential development approach in which
development is seen as flowing steadily downwards through several phases, typically:

 Requirements analysis: resulting in a software requirements specification It is a

statement that identifies a necessary attribute, capability, characteristic, or quality of a
system for it to have value and utility to our team. Requirements show what elements and
functions are necessary for the particular project.
 Software design: is the process by which an agent creates a specification of a software
artifact, intended to accomplish goals, using a set of primitive components and subject to
constraints. Software design may refer to either "all the activity involved in
conceptualizing, framing, implementing, commissioning, and ultimately modifying
complex systems" or "the activity following requirements specification and before

 Implementations: a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing
problem to executable computer.
 Software testing: is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information
about the quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an
objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and
understand the risks of software implementation.
 Integration: Systems integration is the process of linking together different computing
systems and software applications physically or functionally to act as a coordinated
whole. If there are multiple subsystems.

3.1.3 System Analysis and Design Methodology

In the analysis and design of our project we are going to use object oriented analysis and
designing methodology. The methodology that we will use is prototyping because this
methodology enables us to do analysis, design and implementation concurrently.
For the above reason we will use prototyping and UML for analysis and design respectively.

C h a p t e r f ou r
I m p l e m e n t a t i o n a nd D e v e l o p m e n t T o o l s
Development tools that are going to be used for the implementation of the system are categorized
Tools for front end development
Tools Purpose (used for)

HTML 5 To design the web

CSS To edit the layouts, to decorate the content of the pages

Java Script Used to validate forms, and used with CSS to make the page more

Tools for back end development

Tools Purpose (used for)

XAMPP Server Used as a Database server that works with the php

Angular js Used as server-side scripting language

Phyton, panda library

Other tools

Tools Purpose (used for)

Sublime text 3, Visual Text editor used in writing HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
studio code
MS-Word Used for writing the documentation of the software we are developing.
Google Chrome This is the browser we used to debug JavaScript, and to design the web
browser pages of the system.
Operating system Windows 10, 7, 8
Edraw max Software used to design diagrams such as class, sequence, use case,

activity diagram an so on.

Task and schedule

Phases of the execution:
Phase 1: team acquiring
Phase 2: work breakdown
Phase 3: requirement gathering phase
Phase 4: documentation writing
Phase 5: designing phase
Phase 6: coding
Phase 7: testing

Phases Days
Day Day Day Day Day Day Day
Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Phase 6

Phase 7

This phase and time table may change according to the requirement gathered, and scope of the project.


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