Problem Slovers Challenge: Presented by Group 4

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Presented by Group 4
Marwa Aburahman
Anjeia Jillian Tanquezon
Aisha Haya Mohammad

Is it possible for oil and

water to combine?


Background Research


Why they dont mix?
Oil and water? It is impossible to mix water and oil. They're said to be
incorruptible. This is due to the fact that water is a polar
And why they dont mix molecule, which means that one end of the molecule has a
positive charge while the other has a negative charge. The
positive end of one water molecule attracts the negative
end of another, causing water molecules to cling together.

But what if its possible?

What if its possible to mix oil and water together would it
even be still liquid or what? Because its common sense that If
you put oil and water in a container, the water molecules will
bunch up together and the oil molecules will bunch up
together, forming two distinct layers. though our group will
see if its really possible to combine it together throught
Explanation What do we need for it to mix togther?
Oil and water can be mixed together without the use of any
additives. However, mixing something with the oil and water to
help them mix together would be much easier. Emulsifiers are
large, bulky protein molecules found in foods like egg yolks and
mustard. When these molecules are coupled with fats, such as oil
or butter, and watery components, such as vinegar, lemon juice,
and, of course, water, they get in the way, making it difficult for
like molecules to find and connect to one another.

An emulsifier is a substance that aids in the mixing of two
liquids. In a glass, for example, water and oil separate, but an
emulsifier helps the liquids mix together. Egg yolks and mustard
are two examples of emulsifiers. A water-loving hydrophilic head
and an oil-loving hydrophobic tail make up an emulsifier
One of the examples of an emulsifier that can help oil and
water combine together is mustard. ingredient like mustard
has a chemicals in it that are called surfactants or emulsifiers
which helps oil and water to combined and what an emulsifier
means is it's a chemical that has a hydrophobic end and a
hydrophilic end so the hydrophilic end is attracted to the
water and the hydrophobic end is attracted to the oil

Egg yolks
Another additive that can help with oil and water to combine is
egg yolks. even use egg yolks as an emulsifier so egg yolks have
something in them called lecithin and the lecithin acts as an
emulsifier and keeps the oil separated in the water so that's why
eggs help out and baking things with oil in them because the
eggs can actually help the oil mix in with the water

But how can we do it without an additive?

You need degassed water and in order to make the water
degassed is by getting a vacuum chamber then mixing the
degassed water and oil, shake it for a few times and if the
water looks foggier then it's a sign that it has been mixed.
Background Research
Study how hydrophopic and hydrophilic
particles work such as:
- When suspended in water, hydrophobic
particles prefer to interact with other
hydrophobic particles rather than with water. The
oil droplet is a good example of this.
- And a hydrophilic molecule or portion of a
molecule is one that interacts more favorably
with water and other polar substances than with
oil or other hydrophobic solvents from a kinetic

In conclusion, all we need to do is add an

emulsifier to the oil and water to make them
mix together. It is possible to do it without
any additives but that would require
somthing like a vacuum chamber to make it
possible to mix it without any additives. So
our final answer is yes! it is possible for oil
and water to mix!!

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