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- A small number of young women were consisdered to be Acilla Cuna.

"the chosen people"

- The incas held the empire - most incas were farmers

together wuth highky - some uncas were weavers
organized systems of who made exellent clothes
government, and pottery
communication, and - incas had no schools but
transportation they did train young men of
the noble class
- They kept records on knotted strings called quipus
Most of the people lived in adobe houses Payment were made in cacao beans, deer

hides, conch shells, and bolts of cotton
The sons of nobles, aged 15 began to

study at the house of youth. The Aztecs did not destroy tribes they

The aztecs had many gods to belive in


Aztec only had one ruler known as the

The Aztec economy was based on
emperor. He was chosen by a group of
agriculture and trade.
nobles and priests to lead to war.
- They were farming people

- They constructed channels that they used to drain excess

water. This methood supported the food like maize
- They belived in life after death, The rich practiced
cremation, the poor buried their dead under their houses

- They also developed an accurate calendar of 18 months

and 20 days each, with 5 additional days at the end of the
year for religious festivals

- Society was rigidly divided

- They were very skilled in mathematics and they also

developed a system of writing called ideographic system

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