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CSR/Sustainability Report

Student’s Name

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Professor’s Name



Corporate responsibility (CSR) is a type of activity in which businesses work to improve

social responsibility. Companies engage in ethical philanthropy initiatives to enhance their

brand's image.


CSR efforts have a good impact on a company's brand image, which may attract

additional investors. It is critical to understand what most people think about a firm to build a

successful brand. Customers choose businesses that are socially conscious and concerned about

social issues. Companies that are concerned about the environment, social issues, and the ethics

of the country in which they operate attract more customers than profit-driven businesses.


A company that participates in CSR activities regularly demonstrates strong corporate

citizenship. The corporate culture is evolving away from profit-making and toward CSR



Today's employees prefer employers who are professionally active and engaged in CSR

initiatives. It offers customers a sense of security, knowing that a business that cares about the

environment and its employees would equally care about them.


CSR is practiced by the majority of Fortune 500 organizations and start-ups. Companies

often form alliances based on their CSR initiatives and shared values. When doing CSR

activities, the company considers its stakeholders' social and environmental demands.

CSR or Sustainability Values


Because of the growing rate of global warming, the environment has become one of the

most pressing concerns worldwide. Companies are now attempting to create environmentally

friendly items. These include production methods that produce little or no waste to the

environment. NH Hotel Group concentrates its efforts on lowering its carbon impact to the

greatest extent possible. This will help not only civilization but the entire planet. Apple products,

which are usually built from ecologically friendly materials, are a fantastic example of

environmental CSR. They just announced that its offices and data centers are now powered

entirely by renewable energy.

The philanthropy of Corporate social responsibility

Companies are becoming increasingly interested in philanthropic efforts. They are

contributing in the form of cash, goods, and services. Philanthropic efforts are carried out by the

NH Hotel Group, which gives millions of dollars to charity each year. Other companies such as

Apple are also involved in several humanitarian endeavors and help people living with AIDS

through its red product line.

Labour Practises of Corporate social responsibility

The NH Hotel has become more conscious of their workforce and people. Laborers are

now subject to health and safety regulations. Participating companies in CSR follow ethical and

social norms. This is especially true in the case of international corporations. They must comply

with the country's labor laws in which it operates.

Carol's four-part definition of CSR


Organizations are obligated to support the general community economically, which is an

essential condition of their reality. Some people consider this obligation weird, but it is actually

quite essential for the NH Hotel Group and has come with incredible returns.


Organizations are authorized as financial institutions by society, which has likewise

characterized the guidelines they should follow according to the law. These crucial standards,

which incorporate regulations and guidelines, mirror's how society might interpret "classified

morals.". in the process of conducting business, organizations are committed to following all the

commitments and required guidelines as stipulated by the law.


Most social orders' regulating assumptions keep up those rules are essential yet not

adequate. Society believes that organizations should flourish and direct their tasks morally,

notwithstanding what is required by regulations and guidelines. Taking on moral obligations

shows that organizations will embrace such exercises, standards, guidelines, and standard

practices, notwithstanding how they are not written in regulation.


The NH Hotel Group has a philanthropic policy where there is a variety of gifts that the

organization gives out annually worldwide (CSR annual reports, NH Hotel Group). These gifts

range from donations, price waivers, and involvement in community projects. Through this

program, the company can maintain a good relationship with the people, maintain a good image,

and thus attract more clients.

Structure of CSR Report

The NH Hotel uses the current environment, ESG criteria, analysis of international

developments, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and the United Nations 2030

Agenda; 26 relevant matters have been identified for this year's report. An examination of trends

that illustrates the influence of COVID-19 on the Company has been introduced as a new feature,

in keeping with the present situation wherein the company finds itself.

Stakeholders the hotel identifies with

Employees: The hotel fosters an ethical culture that incorporates CSR Policies and the

mission statement into daily activities.

Customers: NH Hotels provides outstanding service and a unique offer and includes

them in the NH Hotel Group's socially responsible efforts.

Community: NH Hotels encourages social programs in the regions where the company

operates and positive local impact by forming appropriate alliances with institutions and NGOs,

employee participation as volunteers in accountable projects, and patronage efforts, among other


How the hotel handles issues

Dividend payment

The NH Hotel Group ensures that the shareholders are happy with a consistent and fair

dividend payment. The company has been enjoying increasing profits and thus increased

dividends for the shareholders.

Company culture

For long-term success, the company's culture must be in sync with its plan. This culture

also allowed NH to expand from a management strategy to a leadership strategy that integrates

the values that govern its workers' day-to-day actions and can be stated in eight beliefs.

Strategic Plan

The Group has a wide presence around the this necessitates the creation of a well-thought

strategy which is exactly what the company has done.


CSR Annual Reports | NH Hotel Group. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2022, from


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