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read 1 juz' a day

memorize a new surah
learn tafsir of 1 surah
read quran after fajr


I want to: EXAMPLES:

I want to stop: i want to start waking up for fajr

i want to stop using bad words
i want to get up for fajr prayer


pray taraweeh each night
pray tahajjud last 10 nights
do 100x dhikr every day
give sadaqah (charity) last 10 nights
30 DAY
Ramadan Challenge
Pick one good deed to do each day of Ramadan. There are 32 deeds to choose from. Feel free to cross each
one off when complete, write it into your blank calendar, or even cut these out and stick it onto your blank
calendar, if you're feeling crafty!

Stay up
Make Cook Read a Watch an Make
Pray Read one juz' after fajr
1000x Iftar for story about islamic duaa for
Taraweeh of Quran and read
istighfar someone a Prophet lecture someone

Smile at
no social Learn 10 Share a
Memorize a Give Make 1000x everyone Make 1000x
media all names of duaa with
new Surah sadaqah alhamdulillah you meet subhanallah
day Allah someone

Volunteer Pray all Compliment Spend 10

Learn a new Pray Read two
somewhere prayers at each person mins reading Pick up
duaa from Sunnah juz' of
(in person the beginning you speak Quran after trash
the Quran prayers Quran
or online) of their time with today each prayer

Make duaa Make

Spend Refrain Invite Don't
Donate Pray for the Morning +
more time from someone overeat at
clothes Tahajjud muslim Evening
in prayer arguing for Iftar Iftar
ummah Dhikr

Track the days you've fasted by marking them off or coloring
them in. This will help you keep track of how many fasting
days you need to make up later!















Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Ramadan Meal Plan
Morning Dhikr Evening Dhikr
‫أذكار الصباح‬ ‫أذكار المساء‬

‫ َوِبَك َنْحـيا َوِبَك َنُمـوُت َوِإَلـْيَك الَمِصْير‬،‫ َوِبَك َأْصـَبْحنا‬،‫الّلُهـَّم ِبَك َأْمَسـينا‬ ‫ ال إلَه إّال َأْنـَت‬،‫ الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َبَصـري‬،‫ الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َسْمـعي‬،‫الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َبَدنـي‬
‫ َوِبَك َنْحـيا َوِبَك َنُمـوُت َوِإَلـْيَك الّنـشور‬،‫ ال إلَه إّال َأْنـَت الّلُهـَّم ِبَك َأْصـَبْحنا َوِبَك َأْمَسـينا‬،‫ الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َبَصـري‬،‫ الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َسْمـعي‬،‫الّلُهـَّم عاِفـني في َبَدنـي‬ Allahumma ‘afini fi badani, O Allah, grant my body health, O Allah,
Allahumma ‘afini fi badani, O Allah, grant my body health, O Allah, Allahumma bika amsaina O Allah, by You we enter the evening
Allahumma bika asbahna O Allah, by You we enter the morning Allahumma ‘afini fi sam’i, grant my hearing health, O Allah, grant wa bika asbahna wa bika and by You we enter the morning, Allahumma ‘afini fi sam’i, grant my hearing health, O Allah, grant
wa bika amsaina wa bika and by You we enter the evening, and Allahumma ‘afini fi basari my sight health. None has the right to nahya wa bika namutu wa and by You we live, and by You we Allahumma ‘afini fi basari my sight health. None has the right to
nahya wa bika namutu by You we live, and by You we die, la ilaha illa anta be worshipped except You. ilaika al-maseerr die, and to You is the Return la ilaha illa anta be worshipped except You. (x3)
(x3) (x1)
wa ilaika an-nushur and to You is the resurrection (x1)
‫ ال إلَه إّال َأْنـَت‬،‫ َوَأعـوُذِبَك ِمْن َعذاِب الَقـْبر‬،‫ َوالَفـْقر‬،‫الّلُهـَّم ِإّنـي َأعـوُذِبَك ِمَن اْلُكـفر‬ ‫ ال إلَه إّال َأْنـَت‬،‫ َوَأعـوُذِبَك ِمْن َعذاِب الَقـْبر‬،‫ َوالَفـْقر‬،‫الّلُهـَّم ِإّنـي َأعـوُذِبَك ِمَن اْلُكـفر‬
‫الَّلُهَّم َما َأْصَبَح ِبي ِمْن ِنْعَمٍة َأْو ِبَأَحٍد ِمْن َخْلِقَك َفِمْنَك َوْحَدَك َلا‬ ‫الَّلُهَّم َما َأْمسـى ِبي ِمْن ِنْعَمٍة َأْو ِبَأَحٍد ِمْن َخْلِقَك َفِمْنَك َوْحَدَك‬
Allahumma inni a'uthubika O Allah, I take refuge with You from disbelief Allahumma inni a'uthubika O Allah, I take refuge with You from disbelief
minal-kufri wal-faqri,wa and poverty, and I take refuge with You from
‫َشِريَك َلَك َفَلَك اْلَحْمُد َوَلَك الُّشْكُر‬
minal-kufri wal-faqri,wa
a'uthu bika min athabil-
and poverty, and I take refuge with You from
the punishment of the grave. None has the ‫َلا َشِريَك َلَك َفَلَك اْلَحْمُد َوَلَك الُّشْكُر‬ a'uthu bika min athabil- the punishment of the grave. None has the
qabri, la ilaha illa anta right to be worshipped except You (x3) Allahumma ma amsa bi min O Allah, whatever favours You have qabri, la ilaha illa anta right to be worshipped except You (x3)
Allahumma ma asbaha bi min O Allah, whatever favours You have ni’matin aw bi ahadim min bestowed upon me and all other
ni’matin aw bi ahadin min bestowed upon me and all other
khalqika fa minka wahdaka creations is only from you. You are ،‫ َوَجمـيَع َخْلـِقك‬،‫ َوَمالِئَكَتك‬،‫ َوُأْشـِهُد َحَمَلـَة َعـْرِشـك‬،‫الّلُهـَّم ِإّني َأْصَبـْحُت ُأْشـهُدك‬ khalqika fa minka wahdaka creations is only from you. You are ،‫ َوَجمـيَع َخْلـِقك‬،‫ َوَمالِئَكِتك‬،‫ َوُأْشـِهُد َحَمَلـَة َعـْرِشـك‬،‫الّلُهـَّم ِإِّنـي َأْمَسْيـُت ُأْشـِهُدك‬
la sharika laka fa lakal One, You have no partners. Praise
la sharika laka fa lakal One, You have no partners.
hamdu wa lakash-shukru Praise and thanks be to You (x1) ‫ َوَأَّن ُمَحّمـدًا َعْبـُدَك َوَرسـوُلـك‬،‫َأَّنـَك أْنـَت اللُه ال إلَه إّال َأنـَت َوْحـَدَك ال َشريَك َلـك‬ hamdu wa lakash shukru and thanks be to You (x1) ‫ َوَأَّن ُمَحّمـدًا َعْبـُدَك َوَرسـوُلـك‬،‫َأَّنـَك َأْنـَت اللُه ال إلَه إّال َأْنـَت َوْحـَدَك ال َشريَك َلـك‬
Allahumma inni asbahtu ush- O Allah, verily I have reached the Allahumma inni amsaitu ush- O Allah, verily I have reached the
‫ِبْسِم الَّلِه اّلِذي َلا َيُضُّر َمَع اْسِمِه َشْيٌء ِفي اْلَأْرِض َوَلا ِفي الَّسَماِء َوُهَو الَّسِميُع اْلَعِليُم‬ hiduka wa ush-hidu hamalata morning and call on You, the bearers ‫ِبْسِم الَّلِه اّلِذي َلا َيُضُّر َمَع اْسِمِه َشْيٌء ِفي اْلَأْرِض َوَلا ِفي الَّسَماِء َوُهَو الَّسِميُع اْلَعِليُم‬ hiduka wa ush-hidu hamalata evening and call on You, the bearers
'arshika, wa malaa'ikataka of Your throne, Your angels, and all of 'arshika, wa malaa'ikataka of Your throne, Your angels, and all of
wajamee'a khalqika, annaka Your creation to witness that You are Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru In the name of Allah with whose wajamee'a khalqika, annaka Your creation to witness that You are
Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru In the name of Allah with whose ma’as-mihi shai’un fil-ardi name nothing is harmed on earth
Antallaahu laa ilaaha illaa Allah, none has the right to be Antallaahu laa ilaaha illaa Allah, none has the right to be
ma’as-mihi shai’un fil-ardi name nothing is harmed on earth Anta wahdaka laa shareeka worshipped except You, alone, wa la fis-sama’i, wa nor in the heavens and He is The Anta wahdaka laa shareeka worshipped except You, alone,
wa la fis-sama’i, wa nor in the heavens and He is The laka, wa anna Muhammadan without partner and that Muhammad Huwas-Sami’ul-‘Alim All-Seeing, The All-Knowing (x3) laka, wa anna Muhammadan without partner and that Muhammad
Huwas-Sami’ul-‘Alim All-Seeing, The All-Knowing (x3) 'abduka wa Rasooluka is Your Servant and Messenger (x4) 'abduka wa Rasooluka is Your Servant and Messenger (x4)

‫َرِضيُت بالَّلِه َرّبًا َوِباْلِإْسَلاِم ِديَنًا َوِبُمَحَّمٍد َنِبّيًا‬ ،‫ َأْصِلـْح لي َشـْأنـي ُكَّلـه‬،‫يا َحـُّي يا َقّيـوُم ِبـَرْحَمـِتَك َأْسَتـغـيث‬ ‫َرِضيُت بالَّلِه َرّبًا َوِباْلِإْسَلاِم ِديَنًا َوِبُمَحَّمٍد َنِبّيًا‬ ،‫ َأْصِلـْح لي َشـْأنـي ُكَّلـه‬،‫يا َحـُّي يا َقّيـوُم ِبـَرْحَمـِتَك َأْسَتـغـيث‬
‫َوال َتِكلـني ِإلى َنْفـسي َطـْرَفَة َعـين‬ Raditu billahi Rabba,wa bilislami I am pleased with Allah as my Lord,
Raditu billahi Rabba,wa bilislami I am pleased with Allah as my Lord,
Deena, wa Bimuhammadin Islam as my Deen and Muhammad ‫َوال َتِكلـني ِإلى َنْفـسي َطـْرَفَة َعـين‬
Deena, wa Bimuhammadin Islam as my Deen and Muhammad
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom bi O Ever Living, O Ever Sustaining, by Your (SAW) Nabiyyan (SAW) as my Nabi (x3) Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom bi O Ever Living, O Ever Sustaining, by Your
(SAW) Nabiyyan (SAW) as my Nabi (x3) rahmatika astagheeth, aslih mercy I seek assistance, rectify for me all rahmatika astagheeth, aslih mercy I seek assistance, rectify for me all
lee sha’nee kullahu wa laa of my affairs and do not leave me to lee sha’nee kullahu wa laa of my affairs and do not leave me to
‫َحْسِبـَي الّلُه ال إلَه إّال ُهَو َعَلـيِه َتَوَّكـلُت َوُهَو َرُّب الَعْرِش الَعظـيم‬ takilni ilaa nafsi tarfata ‘ayn myself, even for the blink of an eye (x1) ‫َحْسِبـَي الّلُه ال إلَه إّال ُهَو َعَلـيِه َتَوَّكـلُت َوُهَو َرُّب الَعْرِش الَعظـيم‬ takilni ilaa nafsi tarfata ‘ayn myself, even for the blink of an eye (x1)
HasbiyAllahu laa ilaaha illa Allah is Sufficient for me, none has
HasbiyAllahu laa ilaaha illa Allah is Sufficient for me, none has ‫ َوَأنا َعلـى َعْهـِدَك‬،‫ َخَلْقَتنـي َوَأنا َعْبـُدك‬،‫الَّلُهـَّم َأْنَت َرِّبـي ال إلَه إّال َأْنَت‬ huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa the right to be worshipped except ‫ َوَأنا َعلـى َعْهـِدَك‬،‫ َخَلْقَتنـي َوَأنا َعْبـُدك‬،‫الَّلُهـَّم َأْنَت َرِّبـي ال إلَه إّال َأْنَت‬
huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa the right to be worshipped except
huwa Rabbul arshil-adheem Him, upon Him I rely and He is ‫ َأبـوُء َلـَك‬،‫ َأعـوُذ ِبَك ِمْن َشـِّر ما َصَنـْعت‬،‫َوَوْعـِدَك ما اْسَتـَطْعـت‬ huwa Rabbul arshil-adheem Him, upon Him I rely and He is ‫ َأبـوُء َلـك‬،‫ َأعـوُذ بَك ِمْن َشـّر ما َصَنـْعت‬،‫َوَوْعـِدَك ما اْسَتـَطْعـت‬
Lord of the exalted throne (x7)
Lord of the exalted throne (x7) ‫ِبِنْعـَمِتـَك َعَلـَّي َوَأبـوُء ِبَذْنـبي َفاْغفِـْر لي َفِإَّنـُه ال َيْغـِفُر الُّذنـوَب ِإّال َأْنَت‬ ‫ِبِنْعـَمِتـك َعَلـَّي َوَأبـوُء ِبَذْنـبي َفاْغفِـْر لي َفِإَّنـُه ال َيْغـِفُر الُّذنـوَب ِإّال َأْنَت‬
،‫ الّلُهـَّم ِإِّنـي أْسـَأُلـَك َخـْيَر هـذا الـَيْوم‬، ‫َأْصَبـْحـنا َوَأْصَبـْح الُمـلُك لَّلِه َرِّب العـاَلمـين‬
Allahumma anta rabbi la ilaha
illa anta, khalaqtani wa-ana
O Allah, You are my Lord, none has the
right to be worshipped except You, You ،‫ َفْتَحهـا‬،‫َأْمَسْيـنا َوَأْمسـى المـلُك لله َرِّب العـاَلمـين الّلُهـَّم ِإِّنـي أْسـَأُلـَك َخـْيَر هـذِه الَّلـْيَلِة‬ Allahumma anta rabbi la ilaha O Allah, You are my Lord, none has the
illa anta, khalaqtani wa-ana right to be worshipped except You, You
‘abduk, wa-ana ‘ala ‘ahdika created me and I am Your servant and I
‫ َوَأعـوُذ ِبـَك ِمـْن َشـِّر ما فـيِه َوَشـِّر ما َبْعـَده‬،‫ َوُهـداُه‬،‫ َونـوَرُه َوَبـَرَكَتـُه‬،‫ َوَنْصـَرُه‬،‫َفـْتَحُه‬ wawa‘dika mas-tata‘t, a‘oothu abide to Your covenant and promise as ‫ َوَأعـوُذ ِبـَك ِمـْن َشـِّر ما فـيهـِا َوَشـِّر ما َبْعـَدهـا‬،‫ َوُهـداهـا‬،‫ َونـوَرهـا َوَبـَرَكَتـهـا‬،‫َوَنْصـَرهـا‬ ‘abduk, wa-ana ‘ala ‘ahdika
wawa‘dika mas-tata‘t, a‘oothu
created me and I am Your servant and I
abide to Your covenant and promise as
bika min sharri ma sana‘t, best I can, I take refuge in You from the evil
aboo-o laka bini‘matika ‘alay, of which I have committed. I acknowledge Amsaina wa-amsal-mulku We have reached the evening and bika min sharri ma sana‘t, best I can, I take refuge in You from the evil
Asbahna wa asbahal-mulku We have reached the morning and aboo-o laka bini‘matika ‘alay, of which I have committed. I acknowledge
lillahi Rabbil-‘alamin. at this very time all sovereignty wa-aboo-o bithanbee, faghfir Your favor upon me and I acknowledge lillahi Rabbil-‘alamin. at this very time all sovereignty
lee fa-innahu la yaghfiru- my sin, so forgive me, for verily none Allahumma inni as’aluka belongs to Allah, Lord of the wa-aboo-o bithanbee, faghfir Your favor upon me and I acknowledge
Allahumma inni as’aluka belongs to Allah, Lord of the (x1) lee fa-innahu la yaghfiru- my sin, so forgive me, for verily none
khayra hadhal-yawmi: worlds. O Allah, I ask You for the thunaba illa ant can forgive sin except You khayra hadhihil-layla: worlds. O Allah I ask You for the (x1)
thunaba illa ant can forgive sin except You
fat'hahu wa nasrahu wa good of today, its triumphs and its fat'haha wa nasraha wa good of tonight, its triumphs, its
‫ُسْبحـاَن اللِه َوِبَحْمـِدِه‬ Ayat Al-Kursi (x1) ‫آَية اْلُكْرِسي‬ nuraha, wa barakataha, wa victories, its light and its blessings
nurahu, wa barakatahu, wa victories, its light and its blessings ‫ُسْبحـاَن اللِه َوِبَحْمـِدِه‬ Ayat Al-Kursi (x1) ‫آَية اْلُكْرِسي‬
hudahu, wa a’udhu bika and its guidance, and I take refuge SubhanAllahi wa-bihamdihi Surah Al-Ikhlas (x3) ‫سورة اإلخالص‬ hudaha, wa a’udhu bika and its guidance, and I take refuge
min sharri ma fihi wa sharri in You from the evil of today and How perfect Allah is and I Surah An-Nas (x3) ‫سورة الـناس‬ min sharri ma fiha wa in You from the evil of tonight and SubhanAllahi wa-bihamdihi Surah Al-Ikhlas (x3) ‫سورة اإلخالص‬
ma ba’dahu the evil that follows it praise Him (x100) Surah Al-Falaq (x3) ‫سورة الـفلق‬ sharri ma ba’daha the evil that follows it How perfect Allah is and I Surah An-Nas (x3) ‫سورة الـناس‬
(x1) (x1)

praise Him (x100) Surah Al-Falaq (x3) ‫سورة الـفلق‬

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