How Our Choices Help Us Grow: New Curve When We Are at Our Peak

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How our choices help us Grow

When standing at Point A, an individual is presented with two confusing and opposing vistas.
When one looks back along the sigmoid curve, they see success, growth and satisfaction. But
The sigmoid, or S-shaped, curve charts the trajectory of every successful human system. at Point A, one can also look the other direction and see over the horizon of the curve and
There is always a first period of experimentation and learning which is followed by a time of see the fall towards Point B. The opportunity is to openly look at what Point B tells you, to
growth and development. Ultimately, however, every curve turns downward. The only thing see the trends that can lead from A to B, but then to use this information to design a
that varies is the length and duration of each part of the curve. pathway from the current Point A, to the Point A on the next sigmoid curve - a pathway of
uninterrupted success.

Most people do not change until they get
frightened, at Point B. This is often too late. By
then they have lost traction, resources are
depleted and the energy for creative thinking is
New curve when we
To keep on growing, an individual must are at our peak
develop a second curve out of the first.
The new curve, however, must start
before the first one peaks, at Point A,
when all the evidence is that there is no
need for change.

The challenge of the second curve is to find a way to start that curve while still building upon the success, learning and maturity gained from the first curve.

However, to start a second curve at point A requires us to stretch, and manage a additional load of maintaining our current success, and investing time and
effort in starting new ones.

All of us, who have enrolled into this program are hopefully at point A, and building our future growth curve. If we crib, we will be stressed, focus on
passing only, and will not really learn anything because we will be already at point B.
However, if we focus on learning, and accept that stretch of 2 years will present unmatched learning and enrichment to ourselves, we will never have to
reach point B.

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