User Guide For Epson RIP Software Colorburst (AD-Internal)

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User Guide for Epson RIP Software Colorburst

1. Download the RIP software from the Linkage.

2. Open file then double click the “Avery_Label_Rip Rev. 11.0.7” application.

Please note the ZIP has both a Full Installer and an Updater. The Updater can be used
to update an existing install without losing its Workflows, Files and ENVs. A Full
Installer has only two sample Workflows - it does not have any of the existing Files,
ENVs or Workflows.

3. Pls follow the instructions for Printer setup and software installation. For license
Code assignment (pls fill the located information and email to Barton.Cao/
Elaine.Liang). Before doing this, pls refer to File for special requirements.
3.1 For computer recommends:
3.1.1 Intel i5 CPU with a 7200 rpm disk and 8 gigs of memory.
3.1.2 A 4 CPU - Multi-core system is a mandatory minimum.
3.2 For Printer Firmware required version is - CAI32706 or above(if sites need
to upgrade the firmware, please contact your local distributor).
3.3 AES version:1.0.7534.26772(copy the EXE file to replace the one in the
local folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Avery Dennison\Agnostic Encoding System”).
3.4 FF firmware version: 3.03.05 or above

4. Pls find the icon from the desktop after the installation is finished.

5. Double click the software ,you can get the screenshot below. There are 4
Modules.( Here is the Linkage for the screenshot of RIP setup)

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

Job list -- The Job is ready to print
Please always keep the RIP on and the right side at the same conversation, and
the “Receive on hold” option needs to be checked. Otherwise the job will be
released to the printer automatically after it is loaded into the RIP software.

Done list -- Here it will show up all the Jobs which have been completed.

Message -- Monitor the Jobs status

It has a selection on the Toolbar , if you want to display the status , pls click it .
Message icon at the Toolbar

Message window:

5.1. Print definitions -- It has add/edit/remove functions.Pls select the currently

connected printer before production.

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

5.2 Choosing below printer setting icon in the Toolbar.

5.2.1. For the General tab - It’s allow to adjust the printing position through
Offset upper left corner of page:
- In means the Horizontal direction;
- Down means Vertical direction.

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

After changing the values, please click the “OK”, any changes are immediately
saved to the Workflow Environment (ENV) that is currently selected. An ENV is
selected when a file is loaded from a Workflow. This allows for adjustments to a
file to be immediately kept and used with the Jobs that are in the Job List. It's
recommended to only work on files from one Workflow at a time. If you load files
from different Workflows, they point to different ENVs.

5.2.2 Expect to rectangle in blue should be a fixed value or selection, pls follow
your actual situation to create and save the recipes(Branding reduction means it
will have to leave a blank on the label). Then click ok to save.
Ps:Matt 1 is for CMYK color ( it should be defaulted as Matt 1)
Matt 2 in driver is only for RGB color with a spot color table.

5.3 Choosed the Preferences which under the Options .

5.3.1 Suggest to follow as belows:

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

Immediately after printing - that means the job will be moved to OUTPUT folder
when printed.(expect to used this selection, only 1 job always ready to be
selected under the workflow)
Keep most recent files - means it will be kept at least one job under the done list,
it also means that perhelp it will have 2 jobs in the workflow ready to be selected.

Log files: input the Path for log file is must.

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

Workflow: input the path as below
1 Workflow path: C:\Avery_Label-RIP\Workflow
2 Backup path: C:\Avery_Label-RIP\ENVBackup
3 Move to “Output’’: about deleting files and moving them to the Workflow -
Output folder. You can specify how many deleted files to keep in each of the
Output folders. Once that amount is exceeded, the oldest files are deleted

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

5.3 Change Media - Depends on the actual material width, changing it

5.4 Select jobs to print

5.4.1 Click “Select jobs to print” and “save as” to save a new ENV, then name
the new EVN and click ok. (recipe includes media width / printer setting);

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

5.4.2 Pls click load to get the corresponding recipe before printing.

5.5 Color adjustments:

5.5.1 Ink Density: Values should be set as default but can be adjusted slightly
based on the printed samples.

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

5.5.2 Ink Curves - changing the Brightness. Set it as default.

5.5.3 Download the “ Avery Spot Matt1.spt” Spot file in this link, then place into
the path “C:\Avery_Label-RIP\Spot” to replace the existing.
Open the spot color table, click the “Select Spot file” button, and select the “
Avery Spot Matt1.spt” file.

All the color recipes for the colors listed in the “spot color name” are the default
values but can be adjusted slightly based on the printed samples.

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

The OK button is directly recording the changes to the Spot File whatever you
Add, Edit or Delete and its updating the ENV at the same time.
If you want to have a new Spot file Name, for a different ENV (customer) - click
Save Spot File and enter the new Name. This will save to the new Name and
save the ENV at the same time. Be sure to do this from the ENV that you want to
update by selecting a Job from that Workflow folder first. Selecting a Job loads
the ENV to be the current ENV.

5.6. Through AES software to transfer the data from Rip to printer .UA-FW
5.6.1 There is a new AES version required.
New features for the new AES version:
-Add Leading Character for Barcode Value:
-Stop by SKU : FF will be stopped between SKU .
-Stop And Restart By SKU - Auto Restart Delay(second) : How long will you
prefer the time stopping.
-Enable Cutter - Enable Skip Cut : How many pieces cut into a sheet.
Enable Cut by Sku : cut between SKUs
only allow cutting between SKUs.
5.6.2 Flexfinisher Firmware version : Linkage

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

5.6.3 Pls must to click the “Use Navigator” functions and input the path
C:\Avery_Label-RIP\Workflow\UA FW(key point)

5.7. After that ,pls go back to the load file interface to select the Job as usual for

Classification: Avery Dennison - Internal

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