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LW201 – LAW OF CONTRACT I - 2022

Topic 1: Introduction to contract

Tutorial & Discussion Forum 1

Question 1 – Definitions

1. What are the two types of contract?

2. Why do we classify contract?
3. Explain the following contract law terminologies.
a) A simple contract
b) A contract under seal
c) A bilateral contract
d) A unilateral contract
e) An illegal contract
f) A void contract
g) A voidable contract
h) An unenforceable contract

Question 2 – Case summary

Prepare a case summary of Vaioleti v Cross and Commodities Board [1990] TLR 108.

Question 3 – IRAC

Professor Hughes was tired of students coming late to class, so he made an announcement in writing on
Moodle that all students who came to class on time for every single class over the whole semester
would be entered into a prize draw for a new laptop computer.

Joe really wanted a new computer so he started making a big effort to be at class on time. One day
there was a bus accident and everybody got caught in traffic, including Professor Hughes. That day the
class started 10 minutes late. This was the only day that Joe was not in class on time, although he was
there 5 minutes later, and before the class started.

At the end of the semester Professor Hughes announced that there would be no prize draw as
everybody had been late at least once.

Joe wants to know if Professor Hughes can be required to hold the prize draw.

The End

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