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WORKSHEET – FA2 2016-2017

Science - Physics
1) Magnetism of a magnet can be lost if
(a) it is kept inside a pencil box.
(b) it is wrapped in paper.
(c) it is hit with a hammer.
(d) it is stuck to a metal door.
2) List three uses of electromagnets.
3) Which of the magnet is stored in pairs, horse shoe
magnet or bar magnet?
4) Name any two items in home which has magnet in them.
5) Which property of magnet is used in a compass?
6) Which is preferable for storing magnets, whether a box
made of non-magnetic material like cardboard or
magnetic material like iron
7) Give one word for the following.
(a) Iron or steel pieces that connect the poles of a
magnet while storing it.
(b) Device used by sailors to find directions
(c) A bundle of light rays.
(d) Bouncing of light rays from object and reaching our
(e) Property of light to travel in straight lines.
(f) Dark shape formed when opaque objects block light.
8) The shadow of a flag post at noon will be
(a) Longer
(b) Same size
(c) Shortest
(d) None of the above.
9) Explain why we are able to see a pencil box though it
does not give out its own light.
10) Classify the following objects as transparent,
translucent and opaque.
Butter paper, cardboard, Glass, water, air, tissue paper,
polythene, book, metal sheet, groundnut oil, ground
glass or frosted glass, brick wall, stone.
11) On what basis do we classify the objects as
transparent, translucent and opaque?
12) What are the three essential things required to
observe a shadow?
13) Name two natural sources of light and two man
made sources of light.
14) The sun in the early morning can cause a building to
form a shadow. The shadow will be
(a) Fat
(b) Long
(c) Thin
(d) Short
15) There is light on earth even on a dark, cloudy day.
This is because clouds are
(a) Opaque
(b) Transparent
(c) Translucent
(d) Luminous
16) Which of the following characteristics is not
exhibited by the shadow of an object?
(a) Right side up
(b) Same color as object
(c) Formed on a screen
(d) Can be bigger than the object
17) As the sun rises in the sky, the shadow of a building
(a) Lengthens
(b) Shortens
(c) Widens
(d) Darkens
18) State the principle behind shadow formation.


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