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Reference: 064-PF0063 Scharlau Microbiology - Technical Data

Product: WORT AGAR

Medium for cultivation and enumeration of yeast and mold.
30 Prepared Filtration Plates Packaging Details Shelf Life Storage
55mm Filtration Plates - Double Wrapping 1 box containing: 6 plastic bags with 5 plates of 55 6 months 2-25 ºC
with: 9 ± 1 ml mm/ bag.

Composition (g/l):
Malt extract......................................15.00
Casein peptone............................... 0.75
Dextrin............................................. 2.75
Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate...1.00
Ammonium chloride........................ 1.00
Glycerol........................................... 2.00

Description /Technique
Wort Agar is used for the cultivation, isolation and enumeration of yeast and moulds.It is particularly well adapted for counting osmophilic
yeast in butter, sugar and syrups, in lemonade and more generally in sweet or soft drinks.

Collect, dilute and prepare samples and volumes to be filtered as required according to specifications, directives, official standard
regulations and/or expected results.
Filter the sample through a 0.45 μm pore membrane and apply it onto the surface of the agar.
Incubate the plates right side up aerobically at 20-25ºC for up to 5 days.
(Incubation times greater than those mentioned above or different incubation temperatures may be required depending on the sample,
on the specifications,...)
After incubation, enumerate all the colonies on the surface of the membrane.
Calculate total microbial count per ml of sample by multiplying the average number of colonies per membrane by the inverse dilution
factor. Report results as Colony Forming Unit (CFU’s) per ml along with incubation time and temperature.
Each laboratory or industry must establish their own monitoring programme and evaluate its results according to their specifications.

Quality control
Physical/Chemical control
Color : Straw-coloured yellow pH: 5.0 ± 0.2 at 25ºC
Microbiological control
Membrane Filtration; Practical range 100 ± 20 CFU. min. 50 CFU (productivity).

Microbiological control according to ISO 11133:2014/A1:2018.

Analytical methodology according to ISO 11133:2014/A1:2018; A2:2020

Aerobic.Incubation at 22.5 ± 2 ºC until 5 days (moulds and yeast).

Microorganism Growth
Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC® 16404, WDCM 00053 Good (≥70%)
Candida albicans ATCC® 10231, WDCM 00054 Good (≥70%)
S. cerevisiae ATCC® 9763, WDCM 00058 Good (≥70%)
Sterility control
Incubation 48 hours at 30-35 ºC and 48 hours at 20-25 ºC: NO GROWTH.
Check at 7 days after incubation in same conditions.

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Reference: 064-PF0063 Scharlau Microbiology - Technical Data
Product: WORT AGAR

· ATLAS, R.M., L.C. PARKS (1993) Handbook of Microbiological Media. CRC Press, Inc. London.
. ISO 11133:2014/ Adm 1:2018. Microbiology of food, animal feed and water. Preparation, production, storage and performance testing of
culture media.
· MBAA (2002) The Practical Brewer. 3rd ed. Masters Brewers Association of the Americas. Saint Paul. Minnesota.
· PASCUAL ANDERSON. Mª.Rº. (1992) Microbiología Alimentaria. Díaz de Santos, S.A. Madrid.
· RAPP, M. (1974) Indikator-zusätze zur Keimdifferenzierung auf Würze und Malzextrakt-Agar. Milchwiss. 29:341-344.
· SCARR (1959) Selective media used in the microbiological examination of sugar products. J. Sci. Food Agric. 10:678-681.

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