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1. A paratrooper is falling down with uniform velocity and also rotating with a constant
angular velocity of 0.2 rad/sec. The body satisfies__________
A. First condition of equilibrium but not second
B. Second condition of equilibrium but not first
C. First and second condition of equilibrium
D. Neither first nor the second condition of equilibrium
2. Two forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction and not acting along the same
constitute a couple. The movement of this couple will be:
A. Dependent on the location of the origin
B. Independent of the location of origin
C. Zero
d. Scalar product
3. Identify the example/s of spin motion
I. The motion of planets around sun
II. The motion of electrons round the nucleus
III. Rotation of fly wheel about its axes
IV. Rotating top
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. III and IV only
E. I, II, III and IV
4. A body at rest or moving with uniform velocity has zero acceleration. From Newton’s
law of the motion the vector sum of all forces acting on it must be zero. This is -----------
condition of equilibriums
a. 1 st

b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
e. 5th
5. Which of the following best describes the center of gravity of an object ?
(a) the geometrical center of the object
(b) the point about which the total torque is zero
(c) the point at which the weight of the object may be considered to act
(d) the point through which gravity acts
6. Which of the following about forces that give rise to couple is not true
(a) they act on in opposite directions

(b) they both act on the same point

(c) they both act on the same body
(d) they both have the same magnitude
7. 3kg stone falls from 20m platform. Find its falling speed at 10m height
(a) 196 m/s
(b) 14 m/s
(c) 10 m/s
(d) 100 m/s
8. The work done in holding a weight of 40N at a height of 3m above the floor for 2 sec is,
in joules :
A. 0
B. 40
C. 80
D. 120
E. 240
9. A 1000 kg car can accelerate from rest to a speed of 25 m/s in 10s, what average power
must the engine of the car produce in order to cause this acceleration? Neglect friction
A. 61.25kW
B. 57.66kW
C. 42.69kW
D. 31.25kW
E. 67.1kW
10. when a force acts at right angles to the displacement the work is :
(A) negative
(B) positive
(C) zero
(D) first positive then negative
(E) first negative then positive
11. A woman is standing in an elevator that goes up with constant positive acceleration.
Which of the following is (are) true of the push she exerts on the floor of the elevator?
I. It is equal to her weight
II. Its value depends on the elevator’s acceleration
III. It is equal to less than her weight
IV. It is equal to more than her weight
(A) I, II and III only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and IV only
(D) IV only
(E) I, II , III and IV

12. Weightlessness experienced in a spaceship is due to

(a) absence of inertia
(b) absence of gravity
(c) absence of accelerating force
(d) free fall of the spaceship
13. The intensity of the earth’s gravitational field is maximum at
(a) the centre of the earth
(b) the equator
(c) the poles
(d) none of the above
14. There is no atmosphere on the moon because
(a) it is close to the earth
(b) it revolves round the earth
(c) the escape velocity of the gas molecules is less than their r.m.s velocity on the moon
(d) the escape velocity of the gas molecule is more than their r.m.s. velocity on the moon
15. A moving body need not have
(a) kinetic energy (b) momentum
(c) potential energy (d) velocity
16. Two spheres of the same size, one of mass 5 kg and the other of mass 10 kg, are dropped
simultaneously form a tower. When they are about to touch the ground, they have the same
I. momentum II. kinetic energy
III. velocity IV. acceleration
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) IV only (d) III and IV only (e) I, III and IV
17. A car weighing 1 ton is moving twice as fast as another car weighing 2 tons. The K.E. of
the one-ton car is
(a) less than that of the two-ton car
(b) same as that of the two-ton car
(c) more than that of the two-ton car
(d) impossible to compare with that of the two-ton car unless the height of each car above the
sea level is known
18. A child on a swing is 1 m above the ground at the lowest point and 6 m above the
ground at the highest point. The horizontal speed of the child at the lowest point of the
swing is approximately
(a) 8 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 12 m/s (d) 14 m/s
19. Energy required to accelerate a car form 10 m/s to 20 m/s compared with that required
to accelerate is from 0 to 10 m/s is
(a) twice (b) three times (c) four times (d) same
20. A light body A and a heavy body B have equal kinetic energies of translation. Then
(a) A has larger momentum than B
(b) B has larger momentum than A
(c) A and B have same momentum
(d) nothing can be said about their momentum relationship unless actual masses are known

21. A body is moving with a Kinetic energy of 200J, if the momentum of a body is increased
by 50%, then its K.E will be
(a) 100J (b) 250J (c) 500 J (d) 200J
22. Work is always done on a body when
(a) a force acts on it
(b) it moves through a distance
(c) its momentum changes
(d) it experiences an increases in energy through a mechanical influence.
23. A body is thrown vertically upward from ground can reach to height of h, find the point
above the ground in term of h, when body has lost 1/3 of initial K.E
(a) h/3 (b) 2h/3
(b) 3h/4 (d) 3h/2
24. A body is moving with a velocity V and can be stopped by applying force F at distance
x, if now same body is moving with speed 2V now can be stopped at distance ______,
by applying force 4F.
(a) x (b) x/2 (c) 2x (d) 4x

25. The weight of the body near the surface of earth is 1000N, what will be its weight on the
surface of new plant whose density is four times the density of earth and its radius is half
the radius of earth.

(a) 4000 N (b) 8000N (c) 2000N (d) 500N

26. Under the action of central force

(a) angular momentum is conserved

(b) linear momentum is conserved
(c) both are conserved
(d) neither linear nor angular momentum are conserved
27. When conservative forces are acting on body ______
(I) K.E remains constant
(II) PE remains constant
(III) No acceleration is produce
(IV) Total Mechanical energy is conserved
(a) I & III (b) III & IV
(c) IV only (d) II only
28. A rock of mass 5.0 kilograms is dropped from a height of 10 meters. What is the kinetic
energy of the rock when it reaches the halfway point of its descent?
(A) 15 J
(B) 25 J
(C) 50 J
(D) 250 J
(E) 500 J

29. A person having a mass of 60 kilograms exerts a horizontal force of 200 newtons in pushing
a 90-kilogram object a distance of 6 meters along a horizontal floor. He does this at constant
velocity in 3 seconds. The work done by this person is, in joules,
(A) 540
(B) 1,080
(C) 1,200
(D) 3,600
(E) 5,400

30. The gravitational force between two masses is 36 newtons. If the distance between the
masses is tripled, the force of gravity will be
(A) the same
(B) 18 N
(C) 9 N
(D) 4 N
(E) 27 N

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