Perilite Exposure Jueco

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Name: Sancho Mikhael C. Jueco Grade:__________________

Year and Section: BSN - 2C Date: February 28, 2022

1- Excellent
2- Very Satisfactory
3- Satisfactory
4- Needs Improvement
5- Poor

DEFINITION: Application of dry heat to perineal area in order to provide comfort and increase blood circulation
and hasten wound healing.

PURPOSE: 1. To dilate blood vessels of surrounding tissues thus promote circulation

2. To keep area dry thus promote healing.
3. To promote diaphoresis.

MATERIALS: 1. Perilite lamp/ gooseneck lamp/heat lamp

2. Blanket
3. Perineal flushing set
4. Incontinent pad
5. Clean hand towel

1. Review physician's order. To make sure that this procedure
is advice for the client.
2. Gather equipment and check it for safety To be prepared and prevent any
Factors. accidents which can harm the
3. Bring equipment to patient’s room. To prepare things for this
4. Explain procedure to the patient. Provide the patient with
knowledge about the purpose of
the procedure.

5. After getting the approval, let patient void It reassures the patient and
first. ensures accurate documentation.

6. Wash hands. To prevent cross-contamination

of microorganisms
7. Provide bed screen and arrange beddings to To give the patient their privacy.
expose only the body part to which treatment
is to be given.
8. Assist patient into a dorsal recumbent proper position in this procedure
position. can make the client feel
9. Check and assess the condition of the After removing the ointment and
perineum. Remove any ointment or dressings bandages, the perineum can be
if present. exposed to the light of the
perineum to determine the
condition of the perineum.

10. Provide bedpan and render perineal flushing. To prevent spreading of waste.
11. Dry perineum thoroughly with clean hand Drying the area is most likely to
towel/dry cotton balls and remove bedpan. have less microorganisms.
12. Place incontinent pad under patient’s This helps to absorb moist in the
perineum. area.
13. Place heat lamp under the blanket about 18 To provide comfort, facilitate
24 inches from the perineum and connect wound healing, and increase
electricity. blood circulation.

14. Leave the lamp according to the prescribed To ensure the safety of the
duration and check patient twice during the patient.
treatment procedure is administered for any
discomfort, burning reaction or untoward
15. Instruct patient not to change position nor To prevent patient from getting
touch lamp during the entire procedure. burned by the lamp
16. Disconnect electricity and remove lamp after To prevent patient from getting
15 minutes or as ordered by the physician. burned by the lamp
17. Assess the surrounding area that receives the To determine the condition of the
treatment and reposition patient comfortably. perineum. For the benefit of the

18. Do after care. To make sure that you’re done

* Disinfect the lamp by wiping it with alcohol. doing the perilite exposure with
* Return equipment to store room. the client.
* Dispose soiled dressings to infectious waste
19. Do documentation: To validate that you’re done
● Time treatment done. doing the procedure and for
● Part exposed. references for other nurses.
● Duration of treatment.
● Condition of part or of patient.
● Amount and character of drainage if any.
● Signature of nurse.


20. Accept constructive suggestions and To help increase knowledge
criticisms. about this procedure.
21. Assumes accountability. To know that the student is
accountable for their actions.
1x ____________ = __________
2x ____________ = __________
3x ____________ = __________
4x ____________ = __________
5x ____________ = __________
Total divided by no. of items = __________

Student’s Signature over Printed Name

Clinical Instructor’s Signature and Date over Printed name

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