Passive TB

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activity / homework write a 60-second acceptance speech for one ofthe prizes for acientifcrescere. They Uesuibe ter experiment theirinvestigation. They could read it out to each other in fer studentsto the Workbook, page 47. Grammar in context p72-73 je passive before you teach these sentences on the board and ask students to fil each witha suitable word, invented in 1885. . doning_ invented in 1902. jf everyday inventions are__ researched. student are familar withthe form and use ofthe passive, jcould quickly move through the exercises eliciting answers students in open class Bentence 4 ioast smote) Stucents choose the corect alternative to make the rues. : 2 continow Gs Students look atte sentences in 1a and answer the questions 2 111 present simple passive 2 present perfect passive 3 past simole passive 4 past sale S future passive 6 present continuous pasive 2 Theverb tobe 3 y fer students tothe Grammar eference on page 80, ECCI students look a the sentences and decide which words are stressed in each sentence. Eli the words andl ask students to explain why they ae stressed, o 1 The gadget was invented lst year 2 The new phones ar sald hee 3 lenorves wer given. 4 The disc wasinserted 5 Emails are sent everyday 2b @ 240 students steno check the answers Eel what hanpens tothe verb abe The vet tbe not stressed, the words carit be heard clear. 2 @ Ploy the CO agen fr ster to stn and repeat the sentence Tel them to pay atetion tothe sesin each sentence EE Rhythm Plactve te suesy-tinred nature of English by wrting these numbers on the board, Clap outa rhythm and ask students to say the numbers to the beat Add another word In and then bractice saying it tothe same rhythm. Add more words in but keep the sare beat, Students wil clearly see how the function word are cid mare quickly te kap the rhythm, | 1234 {und 2nd ens anda 2anda 3anda4 and then a2 and then a 3and then a4 3 Students choose the correct alternative inthe sentences. @ Lis 3 discovered 2 owe. 6 being med 3 hasbeen 7 beenspen 4 vs 8 being decided Extra activity Students markin the stressed words and practise saying these sentences 4 Students add one word in eau seater ty eke @ comet passive sentence. Then students indicate which tense each sentence isin Focus students‘attention on the example sentence. = 1 The Theory of Rolativty was developed by Einstein. (past simple) 2. Mary inventions have been created by women. (pe perfec) 3 Alot of people think most jobs will be done by robots in a feo years. fare wth wih 4 ele penicilin an the microwave oven wee invented by xxi. pant Sipe) 5 Mlions of dlrs ate spent on CDs and DVDs every yea, le) 6 Footvals watched by thousands of professionals and amateurs each weekend (present simple) 7.1968 was written by Georae Orwell (oast sole) 8 Walt Disney's creations have Been seen by milions of children «around the world present per a1 5 Students change the sentences from active to passive. @ 1 Dynatuwe was vented by fed Nobel n i807 2. The rst Nabe prizes were given in 1901 3 Thefistelectic-powered washing mauine wes produced by the Hurley Machine Company of Chicago in 1908 This invention has been used since 130. Ths invention is beng used rant now Pethaps electricity wor't be used inthe future The frst photo was taken by Joseph Nieace n 1828, Alot af photos 2etakan on holidays By + agent In sentences 2, 4,5, 6and 8 we can leave out the agent e.g ‘by people. Many English passive sentences do nat contain by "agent after the verb, Cncourage students to omit the agent Wherever possible. In many cages hy + agant caund wang ‘and edds no extra information tothe sentence, eg. This + invention has ben used since 1908 (the agent completely unnevessay) {6 Students complete the text withthe passive o active form of ‘the verbs given Key @ bused was made J. isbeng used hy atemade 9 wasthrown kent put © use fh havebeen sold 1 willbetrvented di wasinvented i buy sm donit make invented ‘Ta ESGEIILG Students discuss the questions with a partner and s00 if they know the answers @ 1 Sir Alexander Fleming : 2. Cervantes 3 Peter Jackson ‘7b tn pais students prepare questions fora quiz using the words inthe table and ther own ideas. 7e Students take it in tums to ask and answer the questions with ‘another pair of students. Extra activity ‘Students could prepare more questions for homework to ack: cach otherat the beginning of the nex esson. > Resource materials: See Unit 6 Grammar Worksheet on page 193 Homework. Refer studentsto the Workbook, page 48 92 > Developing vocabulary p73 Prepositional phrases with adjectives. ‘1a Students decide what preposition we use ater each adjective In this exercise. Tl students to na the aajectves ana prepositions in the text on page 71 and check their anewers, dierent fom interested in EEA Using prepositions ‘A pepostion inks nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces I called the object of the preposition. A prepositional phrase is made up of the preposition, its object, and any associated adjectives or adverbs, lit some common preposition (about, after, againe along, at by, down, fr, om, In. te, of of on, onto, out, over, to, up et). Remind students that we use a noun ora gerund ater prepositions. A gerundis ‘verbal form that ends in-ing and functions asthe object of the preposition 2. Students match the adjectives with the prepositions they usually go with and check they understand the meaning, 1 2h Sbo 71 9 gdh 2dy 4 ab Gee 8 ve 3 Students complete the sentences with the correct prepositions 1a 5 with 9 about 2 in 6 fo 10 for 3 of ro wath 4 of 8 tafom 4 EEGIIIIG Students take it in turns to askand answer their partner's questions from 3. Focus students‘attention onthe ‘model dialogue Elicit from students iftheir answers were the same or diferent and why. Homework > ler suse othe Workbook, page > Click onto ... Robotics p74 ‘Warmer In pics or small groups students Liston the nas uf famous robots fom fms or books. Cross-curricular - Science: The world of robots 1 Inpairs, students write a definition forthe word robot. When they have finished, ask them to compare their definition with ‘other students and discuss it they are the same,

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