Choosing A Bath Fluid: Application Note

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Choosing a bath fluid

Application Note

by Steve Iman

Fluke’s Hart Scientific Division protective clothing to prevent

manufactures a large number of accidental injury.
constant temperature baths that
cover a temperature range from 4. Use adequate ventilation for
–100 °C to 550 °C. However, the fluids at elevated temperatures.
usable range of each bath highly (See Figure 1).
depends on the fluid chosen. 5. Never operate a bath on or
Hart’s definition of “usable range”, around combustible materials.
is the temperature range over
which the fluid will provide the 6. Provide safety training for all
best performance. The ideal bath personnel who will either use
fluid would have a low viscos- the baths or be around them.
ity, high heat capacity, very low 7. Abide by federal and state
vapor pressure, and a high flash laws regarding storage and
point. It would also need to cover disposal of any hazardous or
a very wide temperature range. flammable liquid.
Unfortunately, no single fluid has
all of these attributes, so care
must be taken when choosing a 2.0 Terms and Definitions
bath fluid. From both an opera- Now that you have the data
tional and safety standpoint, some sheets, what do all those terms
considerations are: safety precau- mean?
tions, flash points, viscosity, heat
capacity, thermal conductivity, 2.1 Flash point
fluid expansion, specific gravity, This is the temperature at which
vapor pressure, gel time, usable an adequate mixture of fluid vapor
life and storage. and air will ignite if in the pres-
Figure 1 Ventilation system for removing oil vapors.
ence of an open flame or spark.
1.0 Fluid Safety It is important to note that if the
says >101.1 °C, this is just stating
fluid is nonflammable it’s only the
Always obtain data sheets and/ that the flash point is greater than
vapor that will burn and not the
or material safety data sheets for 101.1 °C. This is just used to clas-
fluid. There are two units of mea-
the fluids that will be used. It is sify the material (ie. flammable or
sure for flash point.
important to read and understand combustible, etc. for the hazard
all safety requirements. When it 1. Open Cup (oc). As the term profile, not as an actual value).
comes to safety, Hart strongly rec- implies, the air and fluid vapor It’s like saying how old are you?
ommends the following: are not enclosed. In an open Then giving you choices of >15,
cup, there is a higher ratio of >25, >35, etc. So when it comes
1. Have the appropriate fire extin- air to fluid vapor.
guishing equipment nearby in to the flash point definitely go
case of a fire. 2. Closed Cup (cc). The mixture with the product data sheet.
of air and fluid vapor are
2. Never mix fluids or put any contained in an enclosure. In
2.2 Viscosity
chemicals into the fluid. Doing Viscosity is the unit of measure for
this instance, the ratio of fluid
so may cause contamination or the thickness of a fluid at 25 °C.
vapor to air is higher.
an adverse chemical reaction. Generally it is a constant consis-
When specifying the flash tency under fixed pressure and
3. Always exercise caution when point, fluid manufacturers only temperature. Ideal fluids offer no
working around extremely have a list of options to pick from. resistance to shear and have zero
cold or hot bath fluids. Wear They do not have open text fields consistency. Viscosity dimensions
that they can fill in. So when it are force per area x time. The unit

F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w. f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y
of viscosity is the poise (P) = 1g/ molecule to another. This can be
(cm) (sec) and is a measure of determined by: The specific gravity of water is
mass flow of a liquid. One poise
is equal to 0.1 Pa.s in SI units. To calculate an unknown specific gravity:
Where Pa.s is the Pascal-second, Where:
the SI unit for viscosity, equaling λ = thermal conductivity
1kg(m.s) or 10 poise. T = temperature
A common unit of measure
with bath fluids is kinematic vis- a = diffusivity of material
cosity. This differs from viscosity
in that it is the measure of volume cp = specific heat
flow of a liquid, defined as a stoke Figure 2 Calculation of an unknown specific gravity.
p = density
(st). A stoke equals 1 cm2/sec or The better the heat transfer, the
10–4m2/sec. A centistoke, cst = temperature control more difficult.
quicker the fluid will heat or cool. These fluids generally are only
0.01 St = 1 mm2/sec. Kinematic Better thermal conduction will
viscosity can be converted to vis- suitable for low temperature use.
help with bath uniformity. With some liquids, the pro-
cosity (poise) by multiplying by
the density of the fluid. cesses of condensation and evap-
2.5 Coefficient of Volume oration can be delayed, which is
Since bath fluids generally are Expansion
used at more than one tempera- referred to as supersaturation and
All fluids have a thermal expan- superheating, respectively. A good
ture, the viscosity will change sion coefficient. This unit of mea-
when it is heated or cooled. example is adding ethylene glycol
sure tells how much the fluid will to water. This raises the boiling
Because the viscosity changes, either expand or contract with
each fluid will have a “viscosity point of the water as well as the
changes in temperature. Unless vapor pressure.
temperature coefficient.” Example: the bath is equipped with an
Over a range of 0 °C to 100 °C, overflow device, it must be con- 2.8 Gel Time
VTC = 1–(viscosity@100 °C/ sidered, otherwise the bath may Gel time is usually associated
viscosity@0 °C). Thus the lower overflow. with silicone oils when used at
the VTC, the less change there
elevated temperatures. This is
will be in viscosity over the range. 2.6 Specific Gravity the time that it takes silicone oil
Hart baths generally perform The specific gravity is a specifica- to gel or polymerize. Oxidation of
the best with a viscosity that does tion of the density or weight of a the oil is the root cause. When
not exceed 10 cst. But in the real fluid as compared to that of water. this occurs, it’s a molecular chain
world, the viscosity will change The specific gravity of water is 1. reaction that happens instantly
with temperature. So viscosities A cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 and can cause the fluid to nearly
that do not exceed 50 cst will pounds. double in volume. Polymerization
work satisfactorily. Any higher The higher the specific grav- is a metrologist’s worst night-
than this, and the stability and ity, the more the fluid will weigh. mare; the oil will either turn to
uniformity may be very poor. In If the fluid is too heavy, it may a jelly-like substance or even
addition, if the viscosity is too not work well in a bath equipped worse, a “molasses in winter”
high, it will put too much of a with a pump mechanism or goop! It can be very difficult to
load on the stirring motor. This circulator. remove from the bath and its
may cause it to overheat or to
parts. Fortunately, Dow Corning
stop altogether. 2.7 Vapor Pressure/Volatility makes a solvent that can be used
The temperature at which a liquid
2.3 Heat Capacity to remove polymerized oil. The
is on the verge of vaporization
The specific heat capacity of a solvent is called OS-2 and can be
is called vapor pressure. At this
solid or liquid is defined as the purchased from an authorized dis-
temperature, the vapor pressure
heat required to raise a unit of tributor of Dow Corning fluids. It
of the liquid is equal to that of
mass or substance by one degree will require approximately 2 gal-
ambient pressure. Another way
of temperature. lons of OS-2 for every 7 gallons of
of saying this is that the vapor
polymerized oil.
DQ = mcDT and ambient pressures are at
Polymerization of silicone oil
Where: equilibrium. If the temperature is
in an open system may not be
below this point, the vapor will
∆Q = heat applied to fluid. avoidable. However, there are
condense into liquid. Conversely,
steps that can be taken to prolong
m = fluid mass. if the temperature is above this
the oil’s life.
point, the liquid will vaporize. A
c = specific heat capacity. fluid that has high vapor pres- 1. Keep the time that the bath
sure such as alcohol will evapo- is at high temperatures to a
∆T = rise in temperature. minimum.
rate quickly and require frequent
replenishment. Furthermore, rapid 2. If the bath isn’t being used,
2.4 Thermal Conductivity evaporation at the fluid surface
Thermal conductivity is a fluid’s either turn it off or set the
will have a cooling effect, making
ability to transfer heat from one
2 Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Divisions Choosing a bath fluid
idling temperature below its 4.1 Water and will eventually cause the oil
oxidation temperature. Water is one of the most com- to gel or polymerize. When the
monly used bath fluids. It is an color changes from light honey
3. Avoid cross-contamination of to a darker color, this is a sign
ideal fluid over its usable range.
oils. that oxidation has taken place.
It’s inexpensive, has a low vis-
4. Keep oxidizers such as bath cosity, and good thermal char- The oxidation rate also depends
salts out of the oil. acteristics. The drawbacks are on contaminates. Bath salts are a
limited temperature range, hard heavy oxidizer; so avoid getting
5. Change the oil if it becomes water deposits, and the forma- them into the oil
too dark in color, to viscous, or tion of algae. Water generally To minimize oxidation, turn
there is a notable difference in has a usable range from about the bath off when it’s not in use
bath stability. 5 to 60 °C but its upper limit or, keep it at low idling tempera-
6. Keep a cover on the bath. Drill depends on atmospheric pressure. ture. To avoid polymerization, it’s
holes in the cover to put the The elevation at Hart Scientific recommended that the oil be
probes through. Keep the holes is about 4500 ft above sea level, changed any time it becomes too
not in use plugged. so here water has a higher vapor dark or the temperature becomes
pressure. This limits the usable less stable.
Some silicone oils are
3.0 Fluid Life and Storage upper temperature to about 40
to 45 °C. Higher temperature set- designed for low-temperature
The life of a fluid depends on how tings will cause instability due use. However, at low tempera-
it is used, at what temperature to the rapid cooling effect from tures condensation will form. In
it is used, and the length of time evaporation. The vapor pressure locations where the humidity is
at that temperature. Generally, can be reduced using a 50/50 particularly high, more moisture
most bath fluids will have a long mix of Ethylene Glycol and water. will condense. As with many oils,
life as long as their limitations In Utah, this will raise the usable water and oil remain separated.
are not exceeded. Unused liquids high temperature to about 75 °C. At cold temperatures, the water
should be left in their original To eliminate hard water depos- and oil will pass over the cool-
unopened container. If storage life its, we recommend using either ing coils or cooled tank walls.
is a concern, please check with distilled or deionized water. To Generally, the water will freeze to
the fluid manufacturer for specif- reduce the growth of algae, use a these parts of the bath. As the ice
ics about shelf life and storage good algaecide. thickens, it will reduce the heat
requirements. transfer between the cooling coil
4.2 Silicone Oils or plate and the liquid. This will
4.0 Choosing a Fluid Silicone oils have unique proper- prevent the bath from reaching
ties because they are not petro- cold temperatures.
Having a bath for each tempera-
leum or organic based. They were
ture or fluid type is the “ideal.” 4.3 Cooking Oils
the first and only polymer prod-
However, this may not be within Hydrogenated vegetable oils and
ucts made from inorganic chemis-
your budget, so more than one coconut oil can be used, but they
try. Silicone oils vary in viscosity
fluid may be needed. There are have a limited temperature range
and cover a broad temperature
many bath fluids on the mar- and tend to fume more at high
range. (See Table 1.) They have
ket that may work well for the temperatures than do silicone oils.
good thermal characteristics and
temperature range of interest. Please note that vegetable and
low flammability.
As stated earlier, a single fluid coconut oils are subject to gelling,
Even with their good quali-
may not be available to cover just as silicone oils are.
ties, there are a few disadvan-
the desired temperature range.
tages. At high temperatures,
So try to choose fluids with the 4.4 White Mineral Oil
fuming occurs and cleanup will
widest range, lowest viscos- White mineral oil is a good choice
require a solvent. Because baths
ity, and the highest flash point. for resistor baths. It is inexpen-
are “open” systems, prolonged
There may be some overlap in the sive, and has good thermal and
use at high temperatures cause
temperature ranges of each fluid, electrical resistive properties. Over
the thinner properties to boil off.
but this is fine. It is probably bet- time however, the electrical resis-
As the hot oil comes in contact
ter to have some overlap rather tivity may decline. Generally this
with air, the oil will oxidize. The
than being right on the “fringe” is due to water contamination.
oxidation accumulates over time
of a fluid’s minimum or maximum
To avoid cross-contamination Table 1 A few silicone oils and their characteristics.
of fluids, thoroughly clean all Hart Model # Description Usable Range Flash Point
wetted parts before putting in 5010 Silicone oil Type 200.05 –40 to 130°C 133°C
the next fluid. Another source for
5012 Silicone oil Type 200.10 –30 to 209°C 211°C
cross-contamination is moving
thermometers from a salt bath to 5013 Silicone oil Type 200.20 10 to 230°C 232°C
an oil bath without cleaning off 5014 Silicone oil Type 200.50 30 to 278°C 280°C
the salt. 5017 Silicone oil Type 710 80 to 300°C 302°C

Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division Choosing a bath fluid 3

4.5 Perfluorocarbons
Perfluorocarbon fluids are excel-
lent for low temperature baths.
They are thermally and chemi-
cally stable, nonflammable, and
have low levels of toxicity. They
have a high dielectric strength
and non-solvent characteristics,
which make them ideal for elec-
tronic control testing. Cleanup is
easy, as they leave practically no
residue. The disadvantages are
evaporation and cost.

4.6 Alcohols
Ethanol and methanol are excel-
lent cold bath fluids especially
where the ambient humidity is
high. All alcohols absorb mois-
ture, which can be an advantage. Figure 3 Cooling coil coated with ice. The fluid is pure methanol (no water added).
Unlike oils where the water and
oil remain separated, ice will not
form on cooling coils or tank walls Table 2 Usable temperature range for alcohols
like it will with oils. However,
Type Temperature Range (°C) Flash Point
alcohols can become overly satu-
Isopropyl –10 to 20 11.7°C
rated with water. When satura-
tion is reached, the mixture forms Ethanol –80 to 10 11.1°C
a slurry of ice and alcohol. At Methanol –100 to 10 (add 5% water by volume for < –90°C) 12.8°C
this stage, the stirring will be
impeded resulting in poor stability
and uniformity. When the alco- stored in a cabinet designed for 5.0 Conclusion
hol becomes too saturated with flammable liquids.
If alcohol is left in the bath, the Bath fluids are an integral part of
water, it must be changed. constant temperature baths. It is
Normally methanol freezes temperature should be maintained
at 0 °C or lower to minimize important to know their advan-
at –98 °C, but by adding water tages as well as their limitations,
it will lower the freezing point. evaporation.
so that you can get the maximum
This is called the “freezing point benefit from their use. It is our
depression.” If water is not added 4.7 Bath Salts
Tempering A heat transfer salt is hope that by sharing our knowl-
for –100 °C operation, the metha- edge and experience, that we
nol will freeze to the bath cooling very stable and experience has
shown that in the absence of can help you make the right fluid
coils as shown in Figure 3. When choices. Should you have any
ice forms on the cooling coil, the contaminants, it can give many
years of service if used at tem- questions, please call or email us.
bath will not reach temperature. We are more than happy to be of
By adding 5% water by volume, peratures of 454 °C and below.
Salt is usable from 200 °C to service.
–100 °C may be achieved.
Methanol is very volatile, 550 °C, but at temperatures above
454 °C, the salt undergoes a slow Fluke. Keeping your world
has a low flash point, and has up and running.®
a high degree of toxicity which thermal decomposition. This is
can be absorbed through the accompanied by a gradual rise in Fluke Corporation
skin. Ethanol also is very vola- the freezing point. Tempering salt Hart Scientific Division
799 E Utah Valley Drive
tile, but unless ingested it is less is somewhat hygroscopic, so it is American Fork, UT 84003
toxic. Isopropyl is not as toxic or recommended that it be stored
Tel: 801.763.1600
volatile as methanol, but it can in a dry place to prevent caking. Fax: 801.763.1010
become highly viscous at low Organic chemicals and combusti- E-Mail:
ble materials should not be stored
temperatures because it tends to
be more hydroscopic. Because in the same area. Fluke Eurpoe B. V., Hart Scientific Division
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven
of alcohol’s high volatility and Bath salt can be easily The Netherlands
low flash points (see Table 2), all removed from thermometers by Tel: +31 (0)40 2675 403
alcohols should only be used for rinsing it off with warm water. Fax: +31 (0)40 2675 404
E-mail: Hart.Logistics@Fluke.NL
low temperature work. When not NEVER allow water to come in
All other countries:
in use, alcohols should be kept contact with molten salt! Tel: +1 801.763.1600
in an appropriate container and Fax: +1 801.763.1010
©2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
7/2007 3091355 A-EN-Rev B

4 Fluke Corporation, Hart Scientific Division Choosing a bath fluid

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