Uncharted - Film Review

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CNA Mossoró

Student’s Name: __________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________________________

RomaN Holiday - movie activity

1. Read the film review. Does the writer answer all these questions? Check and tick (✓)
1. What is the title of the film? 7. Who stars in the film?
2. What genre is it? Release
8. date:
October 3, 1953 (BR)
3. What is it about? 9. Who is your favourite character in the
4. Is it based on a book? Starring:film?
Audrey Hepburn as Princess Anne, Gregory Peck as
5. Where is the film set? Joe Bradley,
10. What Eddie Albert
kind of as Irving Radovich
person & Tullio
would like thisCaminati
6. When is the film set? as Gen. Provno.

Plot: On a diplomatic visit to Rome, Anne escapes her royal

retainers and scampers incognito through the Eternal City. She
happens to meet American journalist Joe Bradley (Gregory
Film reviewPeck), who, recognizing a hot news story, pretends that he
doesn’t recognize her and offers to give her a guided tour
The Theory of Everything of Rome. Naturally, Joe hopes to get an exclusive interview,
Biographical drama, 2014 while his photographer pal Irving (Eddie Albert) attempts to
sneak a photo. And just as naturally, Joe falls in love with her.
The Theory of Everything is about the scientist Stephen Hawking. The film is based on a book,
the sentencesto Infinity:
and My writeLifeT with
(true) Stephen’ by his wife, Jane Wilde Hawking. The film is set in
or F (false).
( ) Princess Annand
is onstarts
a worldintour
theandearly 1960s.
she visits It tells the story of Hawking’s relationship with Jane, the
diagnosis of his motor
( ) She likes being a princess. neuron disease and his success as a physicist.
( ) She can do anything she wants as a princess.
I love
( ) Joe theis acting
Bradley in this
an Arnerican film. Eddie Redmayne stars as Hawking and Felicity Jones plays the role
of Jane. My favourite
( ) He lives and works in Rome. character is Stephen Hawking because he is very clever and brave.
( ) His boss is Mr Hennessy.
I think this is an ideal film for people who like true stories. It is a bit sad at times but the story is
( ) He is happy because Joe is on time for work.
very interesting and there is a lot of action. I give The Theory of Everything
( ) Joe promises Mr Hennessy a very good news story about Princess Ann.
★★★★. Go and watch it soon!
( ) Mr Hennessy gives Joe $100 once the story is finished!
( ) Princess Ann is very upset, so she takes some medicine to relax.
( ) She sleeps in hergood!
★★★★Really palace that evening.
( ) Her
★★★ newOKname is Sarah Smith.
( ) Joe
★★ Bad give Anya money.
( ) Anya goes out alone.
★ Terrible!
( ) Joe follows her.
( ) Irving Radovich is a journalist.
( ) Joe and Irving are with Anya in Rome.
( ) Liars lose their hand when they put it in the Mouth of Truth.
( ) Joe
2. gives
Followthe photos of Anyatotowrite
the steps his boss Mr Hennessy.
your own film review.
( ) Irving and Anya fall in love.
04. In your 1. Think
opinion,of the
a what
filmyou have
is watched,
like? Would UNCHARTED.
you like to visit it one day?
2. Make notes for each of the questions in Activity 1.
3. Write your review using the your notes and the model text. Use some of the words and
phrases in bold. Write between 100 and 150 words.
05. Write a short paragraph expressing your thoughts about the movie.

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