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PLANE A plane is a surface such that a line segment joining any two points on it li
wholly on it.
NORMAL TO A PLANE A straight ine which is perpendicular to every line luino on a
normal to the plane.
plane is called a
All the normals to a plane are parallel to each other.

General Equation of a Plane in the Cartesian Form

THEOREM1 Every equation ax + by + cz +d=0 of the first degree in x, y, z always
represents a plane. Also, a, b, c are the direction ratios of the normal to
this plane.
PROOF Let us consider a surface represented by the equation
ax +by+ cz +d = 0
Let A(x y1, Z1) and B(x2, y2 z2) be any two points on the surface
represented by (i). Then,
ax +by1+ CZ1 +d =0 .(i)
and, ax2 + by2 + Cz2 +d=0 . (ii)
Multiplying (ii) by ) and adding to (i), we get
ara+ x)+ b(hy2 + 1) + c(hz2 +z1) +da + 1) =0

a 1 a+1
AX +X1, y2 +h, A2Ties on surface (i), when A#-.
+1 +1 +1
But, these are the general coordinates of a point which divides AB n
the ratioa:1.
Since may take any real value other than 1, it follows that every
point of AB lies on (i).
Hence, ax +by +cz+d 0
represents a plane.

To Show that a, b, c are the

Direction Ratios of the Normal to a Plane
Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
al-1)+ by2- y1)+cz2-z) =0
a line with direction ratios a, b, c is line
on plane (i) : -x),perpendicular
AB taken to an arbitrary
y2-yd), (22-Z1) are d.r. s ot nD)
Tne P a n e

perpendicular to the plane (i)

d.r.'s a, b, c is
a line with
direction ratios
of the normal to the plane (i).
the direction

b, c are the
a, , b,
0 d = 0 represents
a plane, and a,
nce. ax +by +cz+ plane.
this pl
normal to
n o r m a l


a Given Point
Plane Passing through
quationofa is
a point P(x1, y1, Z1)
passing through
The equation of plane
+ + C(z- Z1) = 0, where a, b, c are

equation of a plane is
The general ... (i)
ax +by + Cz +d =0
through the point P(X y, Z1)
If this plane passes .. (ii)
ax +by1 + cZ +d =0
we get
Subtracting (i) from (i),
+ by -y1) +c(z- z1) =
a(x-x1) the point
This is the general equation
of a plane passing through
P(x y1, Z1).


the points A(2, 3, 4),

EXAMPLE1 Find the equation of the plane passing through
B(-3, 5, 1) and C(4, -1,2). the point
The general equation
of a plane passing through
A(2,3, 4) is given by . (i)
a(x-2) + b(y 3) +c(z-4)

B(-3, 5, 1) and C(4, -1, 2), we

Since it passes through the points

=0 5a +2b- 3c = 0 (ii)


3)+ c(1 4)
3)+(2- 4)=0 » 2a-4b 2 c 0 =

a(4-2) + b(-1 - a-2b- c = 0 .(ii)

(1i) and (ii), we have

Cross multiplying
(-2-6) (-3-5) (10-2)

- i*i-`=k (say)
a=k, b=kandc=-k.
k, b=kand c = - k in (i), we get
Substituting a

k(r-2) +k(y-3) -k{z-4)

(r-2)+-3)-(z-4) =0
=*+y-Z-1 =0.
Hence, x+y - z = 1 is the required equation of the plane.

Given Points are Coplanar

To Show that Four
to show that four points A, B, C, D are coplanar
Suppose, we have
in the following steps:
1. Find the equation of the plane passing through any three (say A, B,
the given four points. ,C)of
2. Show that the fourth point D satisfies the equation obtained in sten 1

EXAMPLE2 Show that the four points A(3, 2,-5), B(-1, 4,-3), C(-3, 8,-5)
D-3, 2, 1) are coplanar. Find the equation of the plane containing them
SOLUTION The equation of the plane passing through the point A(3, 2,-5) is
a(x - 3) + by - 2)+ c(z + 5) = 0

If it passes through B(-1,4, -3) and C(-3, 8, -5), we have

a(-1-3) + b4 2) +c(-3 + 5) = 0 -4a +2b+2c =0
2 a - b - c =0
a(-3-3)+ b8 -

2) + C(-5 + 5) = 0 -

6a +6b +Oc =0
a-b- Oc =0 ii)
Cross multiplying (iü) and (ii), we get
a b C

(0-1) (-1-0) (-2+ 1)

i =k(say)
a=k, b =k,c=k.
Putting a =k, b k and c k in (i), we get

k (x -3)
+k(y -2) +k(z+5) 0 =

(r-3) +(y-2) +(Z +5) =0

Thus, the equation of the plane passing through the ints
A(3,2,-5), B(-1, 4, -3) and C(-3,
8,-5) is x
Clearly, the fourth point D(-3, 2, 1) also +y+z=0.
Hence, the given four satisfies x+ y+z=u
points are coplanar, and the equation
plane containing them is
x+ y+z=0.
ta Plane inthe Intercept Form
E q u a t i o no f

a plane makes
intercepts of lengths a, b, c with the
xazis, y-axis and
ris respectioely, the equation
of the plane is =1
be the origin, and let the ICBSE 2004C]
Let O
coordinate axesat
the Z
A,B, C respectively such that
OA =a, OB = b and OC=c.
Co, 0, c)

So, the coordinates of these points

are A(a, 0,0), B(0, b, 0) and

C(O,0, c). Y
Let the equation of the given O00,0,0) B(0, b, 0)
plane be
Ax +By + Cz+D =0 i) A(a,0,0)
does not x
Since the given plane
pass through O(0, 0, 0),
Also, since (i) passes through A(a, 0,0), B(0, b, 0) and C(0, 0, c), we have
Aa +D =0 A=

Bb+D=0 > B=-

Cc+D 0»C=
Putting these values in (i),
we get

-Dx DyDz+D=0b
a b C
by -D].
on dividing throughout
=1 in the intercept
This is the required equation of the plane the
3,-4 from
plane which
cuts offintercepts 6,
LE3 Find the eguation of the
axes of coordinates. off intercepts
which cuts
equation of a plane
NWe know that the z-axis respectively,
y-axis and
a, D, c from the x-axis,

1 "b*
and c =-4.
Here, a 6, h =3

of the plane
Hence, the required
i 1 2r+4y-32=12.
in such a way that the sum ofthe.
A variable plane moves
interceptson the
coordinate axes is constant. Show that #POcals
Show that procals of it
the plane passe
through a fixed point.
SOLUTION Let the equation of
the variable plane be

Then, it makes intercepts a, b,c with the coordinate es.

1442=k, where k is a constant (given)

a b


Hence, the given plane passes through a fixed point

1. Find the equation of the plane passing through each set of points givenbelow:
(1) A(2, 2, -1), B(3, 4, 2) and C(7, 0,6)
i) A(0,-1,-1), B(4, 5, 1) and C(3,9, 4) ICBSE 20
(ii) A(3,-1, 2), B(4, -1, -1) and C(2,0, 2)
(iv) A(1,-2, 5), B(0, -5,-1) and C-3,5, 0)
(v) A(-2, 6,-6), B(-3, 10, -9) and C-5,0,-6)
2. Show
that the four points A(0, -1,-1), B(4, 5,1), C3,9, 4) and D-44
are coplanar. Find the equation of the plane containing them.
Show that the four points(-1, 4, -3), (3, 2,-5), (-3, 8, -5) and (-3,2,1)e
the same plane. Find the equation of the plane containing them.
4. Write the equation of the plane whose
intercepts on the coordinatea
2,-4 and 5 respectively.
5. Reduce the
equation of the plane 3x -

the intercept o
4y +z= 9 to
hence find the
intercepts made by plane with the coordinatea
6. Find the equation of the plane passing through the point 3,5)a
making equal intercepts on the coordinate axes. centroidof
7. A plane meets the coordinate A, C such that the
A ABC is (3, 4,-6). Find the equation of the B,
axes at
8. plane.
Show that the four points A, B, C, D with
position vecto
posiuo are

(4i+5j+k), -(j+k), (3i+9j+4k) and 4(-i+j+k) respSE 20 2006

coplanar. I C B S E

,44) 4
HINT: Show that the
points A(4, 5,1), B(0,-1,-1), C(3,9, 4) and D
5x+2y-3z= 17 (i) 5x-7y+11z+4 =0 (ii) 3x+3y +Z=8
1. (i)
3x+y-7*4=0 (V) 2x-y-2z =2
3. x+y+z=0 4. 10x-5y + 4z =20
5x-7y+ 11z+4 =0
6. x+y+Z= 10
7. 4x +3y-2z
Plane in the Normal Form
Equation ofa
Vector Form
a given plane, directed from the origin to the
THEOREM 1fnis a unit vector normal to the
plane, andp is the length of perpendicular drawn from the origin to
the plane then the vector equation ofthe plane is r n=p.
let ON be the perpendicular drawn from O to
PROOF Let O be the origin, and
the given plane. Let ON = p.
Let n be a unit vector along OÑ. N
Then, ON =pn.
Let P be an arbitrary point on the plane, and ph
let the position vector of P ber.
Then, OP=. A
Since NP lies on the plane, NP is perpendicular to n.
N n =0
(OP-OG).n =0
(r-pn) .n=0
rn-pn n=0
of the plane is r n =p.
Hence, the required equation
at a distance p
from the origin and
EMARK The equation of a plane which is A
which is perpendicular to
n is r n=p.
normal to a given plane
then r n=qrepresents aplane.
OLLARY f nisa vector
rn=p, where p
But, r n=p represents a plane.

Tn=q alsorepresents a plane.

Cartesian Form
THEOREM 2 Ifa, b, c be the directionm ratios of the normai to a given plane,
, and p be the
length of the perpendicular drawn from the origin to the
the equation of the plane is ax + by + cz= p.
given plane then
PROOF We know that the vector equation ot a plane in the normal form
A is
T n=p
Taking T= xi+yj+zkand n = a i+bj + ck, equation () become

(xi+yj+zk)- (ai+bj+ck) =p
a x +by + Cz =p, which is the required equation of the plane

Reduction of the General Form of the Equation of a Plane to the Normal Fom
Let the general equation of the plane be ax + by + cz +d = 0. Then,

ax + by +cz + d =0
-ax- by-cz=d
-ax - by CZ

Na+b+c2 Va+b2+c a+b+c2 Na+b+

lon dividing () throughout by V(-a)+(-b)'+(-01
l x +my + nz =p, where
- a
12b* Na +b2+ c2
C d
n= and p
Va+b+ cz ?+b+c*
Here l, m, n are the d.c.'s of the normal to the plane and p is the length ot tne

perpendicular from the origin to the plane.


AMPLE1 Find the vector equation of a plane which is at a distance of 6uis from
the origin and which has j as the unit vector normal to it.

SOLUTIONN Clearly, the required equation of the plane is r-j=6.

EXAMPLE 2 Find the vector equation of a plane which is at a distance of 7u
the origin
amd which is normal to the vector (i+2j-2k).
Here, =(i+2j-2X) andp=7.
. nT
n =

Hence, the required equation of the plane is

The vector equationof a plane is T(2i-j+2k)=9. Reduce it to the

normal form, and hence find the length of the perpendicular from the
origin to the plane.
The equation of the given plane is

Fn=9, where n=(2i-j+2k).

I l =V22+(-1)?+22 =3.
Now, r n=9

P2i-j+2X) 3

3 is the required equation

of the plane in
Thus, r
the normal form.
from the origin to the plane is
The length of the perpendicular
3 units.
r (2 i-3j+6k) + 14 =0.
EXAMPLE4 Find a unit vector normal
to theplane
The equation of the given
plane is
F 2 i - 3 / + 6 X ) + 14=0


7(-2i+3/-6X) =14
rn=14, wheren= V-2)+32+(-6)=7

I i =

4 , where

72i+3f-6) 14
Hence, the unit vector normal to the given plane is
EXAMPLE5 Find the direction cosines of the
perpendicular from the rigin to the plane
SOLUTION The given equation may be written as
7 (6i-3j-2k)=-3
rn3, wheren=(-6i+3j+2k)
T-= -where I nl =
V(-6)* +32+2=7
= 766i+3j+2k)_3
7 7
Hence, the direction cosines of the normnal to the
plane are
EXAMPLE 6 Find the vector equation of a plane which is at a distance 5 units
of from
the origin and which has -1,2, 2 as the direction ratios
of a normal to it
sOLUTION The direction ratios of the normal to the plane are -1,2,2. So, the
normal vector is given by n =-i+2+2k.
I =V-1)2 +22+22 =3
Hence, the required equation of the plane is
r n
=5, i.e.,?
EXAMPLE7 Find the Cartesian equation of a plane whose vector equation
7(2i+5j-4k) =3.
P(2i+5-4k)=3 A
(*i+yj+zk) (2i+5j-4k)=3
2x+5y -4z = 3.
Hence, the required equation is 2x +5y-4z =3.
The Plane
EXAMPLE8 F Eind the vector equation of a plane whose Cartesian equation is
i+yj+zk): (5i-7j+2h)=4
T(5i-7j+ 2X)=4.
Hence, the required equation is r (5i-7j+2k) =4.
EXAMPLE 9 Find a vector normal to the plane x + 2y+3z-6 0.
sOLUTION We have
X+2y+3z =6
(ri+yj+zk) -(i+2j+3X)=6
r(i+2j+3k) =6.
Hence, the vector normal to thegiven plane
x-2y + 2z-9=0 to the normal to forrn,
EXAMPLE 10 Reduce the equation of the plane the perpendicular from the origin the
and hence find the length of the plane.
direction cosines of the normal to
plane. Also, find the
is x-2y+2z =9
SOLUTION The equation of the given plane
V1+(-2)+2, ie, by 3, we get
Dividing throughout by
normal form.
r-y+z=3, which is the required
from the origin to the plane
the perpendicular
The length of
= 3 units.
tothe plane
cosines of the normal
The direction
to the normal
12x-3y +4z +52 =0
Reduce the equation
of the plane from the origin
to the
EXAMPLE11 oftheperpendicular
find the length
form, and hence the direction cosines of
the normal to the plane.
plane. Write
SOLUTION The given equation
4z + 52
12xr-3y +
12x-3y + 4z=-52 ... ()
-12r+3y-42= 52 we get
(-4)4, ie, by 13,
throughout by
Dividing (i)
+ nz=p.
form, Ir +1my
This is
in the
it The length of the perpendicular from the
origin to this plane
4 units.
The direction cosines of the normal to the
plane are
EXAMPLE 12 The coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn
plane are (4,-2,-5). Find the equation of the plane.
from the origin to a
[CBSE 2007
SOLUTION Let O be the origin, and let N(4, -2,-5) be the foot of the
perpendicular drawn from O to the given plane.
Let P(x, y, z) be an
arbitrary point on the plane. Then, the dr's of
NP are (x-4), (y + 2), (z+5).
The d.r.'s of ON are 4,-2,-5.
Also, ON 1 Ne
ON N=0
4x-4)-2y +2)-5(z +5) =0
4 x - 2 y - 5z - 45 = 0.
Hence, 4x -2y 5z -
= 45 is the required
equation of the plane.
EXAMPLE13 Find the Cartesian form of the equation of the plane
r= (s-2)i+(3- )j+
(25 +) k.
r (s-2t) i+ (3-t)j+ (2s +
t) k
(xi+yj+zk) (s -21) i+ (3-)j+(2s+t) k
*=s-2t, y= 3-t and z =2s +t
x-2y =(s-6) and y +z =(3+2s) [eliminating t1
x-2y+6 5 (y+z-3) [equating the values of s]
2x-4y +12 =y +z-3
2x-5y -z+15=0.
This is the
required Cartesian form of the equation of the given plane
. Find the vector
equation of a plane which is at a distance of 5 units ro
the origin and which has k as the unit
vector normal to it.
2. Find the vector and Cartesian e
equations of the plane which is at a dista
of 6 units from the origin and which has a normal
with direction ra
Find the vector equation of a plane which is at å distance of 4 units from
doin and which has (2i-3j+6k) as the normal vector.
he vector equation of the
plane whose Cartesian equation is
4 Fin 12.
5x-7y +3z =
the Cartesian equation
ad of the plane whose vector equation is
F(3i-5j+7k) +8 =0.
Find the direction cosines of the normal to the plane 3x -6y +2z =7.
7Find a unit vector normal to the plane x - 2y +3z +9 = 0.
s The length of the perpendicular from the origin to a plane is 9 units and the
direction ratios of the normal to the plane are 12, -3,4. Find the vector and
Cartesian equations of the plane.
direction cosines of the perpendicular from the origin
to the plane
9. Find the
of a plane which is at a distance of 3V3 units from the
10. Find the equation coordinate axes.
which is equally inclined to the
origin and the normal to
the point (1, 2, 1) and
11. Find the equation
of the plane passing through
(1,4, 2) and (2, 3, 5).
perpendicular to the line joining from the plane.
distance of the origin
Also, find the perpendicular and
A and B are (3i+j+2k)
vectors of two points
12. The position of the plane passing
Find the vector equation
(i-2j-4k) respectively. [CBSE 2002]
to AB.
through B and and B(1, -2,-4).
The given points are
A(3, 1, 2) 6.
HINT: (2+4), ie., 2, 3,
AB (3- 1), (1 +2),
The d.r.'s of are
plane is =0
of the required 2x+3y +6z +28
The equation 0 »
2) + 6(z + 4) 6k) +28 =0.
2(x-1)+3(y+ 7(2i+3j+
passing through
of the plane
equations direction
ratios 2, 3,-4.
and line with ICBSE 2005C]
3. Find the
perpendicular to the
Point (1, 2, 3)
+ 3 ( y - 2 ) - 4 ( z - 3 )
is 2(x - 1)

+4 =0 r 2 i + 3 j - 4 k )
+4 =0.
18,2 - y - 2 z
2. (5i-7j+3k) =12
1. k 5
7(2f-3f+6k) =28
5. 3x 5y +

, N N
1 11

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