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Cloud and Big Data

Big Data and Covid-19

Team Members
Shivani Dalal- 21021241141
Arijit Saha- 21021241192
Shubham Arora- 21021241147
About Big Data
Big data are complex data sets that
traditional data processing systems
cannot efficiently and economically
store, manage, or process. Compared to
traditional data, big data has five “V”
characteristics: volume, variety, velocity,
veracity, and value. In the digital
economy era, data are a fundamental
strategic resource for countries,
enhancing the government’s social
governance capacity and public service
levels. Big data technology supports a
wide range of health care functions,
including clinical decision support,
population health management, and
disease monitoring.
In the prevention and control of
infectious diseases, all research on the
application of big data technology has
mainly focused on the application of big
data technology for COVID-19 warning
and monitoring, prevention of the
disease’s rapid spread and reduction of
its impact on society are currently the
most pressing challenges for the
application of big data technology
during the COVID-19 pandemic. After
the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, the
all government and nongovernmental
organizations actively used big data
technology to prevent, contain, and
control the spread of COVID-19.
India has used big data technology to

prevent and control COVID-19 in a

timely manner. To prevent and control

infectious diseases, countries must

collect, clean, and integrate data from

a wide range of sources; use big data

technology to analyze a wide range of

big data; create platforms for data

analyses and sharing; and address

privacy issues in the collection and use

of big data.
How big data help in prevention

In the process of the prevention and

control of COVID-19 in China, big data
technology has played an important role
in personal tracking, surveillance and early
warning, tracking of the virus’s sources,
drug screening, medical treatment,
resource allocation, and production
recovery. The data used included location
and travel data, medical and health data,
news media data, government data, online
consumption data, data collected by
intelligent equipment, and epidemic
prevention data.

We will discuss the data collection methods and key

data information that existed in India before the
outbreak of COVID-19 and how these data contributed
to the prevention and control of COVID-19. Next, we
discuss India’s new data collection methods and new
information assembled after the outbreak of COVID-19.
Based on the data and information collected in India,
we will analyze the application of big data technology
from the perspectives of data sources, data
application logic, data application level, and
application results. In addition, we will analyze the
issues, challenges, and responses encountered by
China in the application of big data technology

Pre–COVID-19 disease prevention and control data from government, commercial and public

welfare sources and websites, academic papers, public reports, institutional reports, and fieldwork

Location information data Travel data

• Telecommunication operators • Ticket purchase information
Government data
• Mobile payment • Toll station vehicle information • Tax data
• Takeaway • Taxi software
• Electricity data
• Online shopping • Map data
• Courier • Card swipe information data • Legal data
• Internet Protocol address

Medical health data Internet Data

• Electronic medical
• Consumer data
records • News data
• National Health
• Social data
Commission • Retrieve data

Newly added data collected in India after the outbreak of COVID-19 from government, commercial and

public welfare sources and websites, academic papers, public reports, institutional reports, and


Location information data

Consumption data
Reservation data
Travel data
Patient data
Health status data
Treatment data
revention and control materials data
Data of designated
Conceptual structure chart of prevention and control of COVID-19 with big data technology.
Issues and Challenges in

COVID-19 Big Data

 Data Collection and Access During a

 Data use depends heavily on

visualization, and data mining

techniques were found inadequate

 Data Sharing
 Data Protection

Data Collection
Data Use and
Data Security

and Access Sharing Innovation and Privacy

data collection should have been
The value and efficiency

more timely, comprehensive,

Data use and sharing
Privacy issues are

of big data use can be

and accurate. To improve data

require the integration

improved by making full

collection and access, electronic

of data sets and the

use of big data mining

questionnaires should be
strengthening of data

and data analysis

promoted to conduct
sharing. requirements
information surveys,
In India, major data technologies have demonstrated their

Conclusion power to contain, suppress, and control COVID-19, with the

Indian government and non-governmental organizations
making full use of big data information from major medical
institutions, telecommunications providers, Internet
companies, departments government. , commercial companies,
and AI equipment. By analyzing the large data technology to
prevent and control COVID-19, we found that high data
technology played an important role in epidemic monitoring
and early warning, virus monitoring and personal monitoring,
community health intervention planning, drug testing and
medical monitoring. treatment, strengthening community and
regional responses to epidemics, and directing social and
economic resilience in the post-epidemic period
We also saw gaps in the use of big data technology to prevent
and control COVID-19, including problems with data acquisition,
data usage, data distribution, and data protection. The use of
big data technology in the prevention and control of
communicable diseases such as COVID-19 requires further
advancement in the collection, analysis, dissemination, and
confidentiality of personal and public information.

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