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Regis, Hanna Shane M.



Activity 1 Identification.

Direction: Identify the following statements correctly by writing the answer on the space
provided before the number.

Father Leoncio Lopez 1. The old parish priest of Calamba who fostered Rizal to value intellectual
honesty and scholarship.
“Sa Aking Mga Kabata” 2. The first native poem written by Rizal when he was eight (8) years old.
Leon Monroy 3. An old man and former classmate of Rizal's father who taught Rizal Spanish and
Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda 4. The complete name of our Philippine National Hero.
Father Rufino Collantes 5. The priest who baptized Rizal in the Catholic church in Calamba on June 22,
Protacio 6. The name that was taken from the catholic calendar which was a practice during
Spanish time, that when a child is born, he/she is named after the saint of the day
San Jose (St. Joseph) 7. The name of the saint whose feast day is celebrated every March 19 that gave
the mother of Rizal to derive his name.
Doña Teodora Alonso Y Realonda 8. A woman of refined culture and character, who studied at Colegio
de Sta. Rosa, with
exemplary literary talents, with business ability and was considered the great mother of Rizal.
Don Francisco Mercado Rizal 9. A great man who took Latin and Philosophy at the Colegio de San Jose,
became a tenant farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda, hardworking and independent minded.
Dr. Austin Craig 10. A well-known Rizalist who was the first to trace Jose Rizal's family roots and
discovered the Chinese ancestry of Rizal
Activity 2 True or False

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE It Otherwise.

TRUE 1. Of all the stories told by Doña Teodora to Rizal, the story of the moth made the profoundest
imprint on in.

TRUE 2. Both of Rizal's parents greatly influenced his character. "From his father he inherited a profound
sense of dignity and self-respect; and from his mother, the dreamer, bravery for sacrifices and literary

TRUE 3. The sacrifices and wisdom of Jose Rizal for the country gave him the title of the Greatest

FALSE 4. The Rizal surname was given by Doña Teodora Alonzo which is closer to the Spanish word
"Ricial which means "luntiang bukirin” related to his work as hacienda owner.

FALSE 5. At the age of four (4), Rizal joined religious processions, novena in the church and at the age of
five (5), he was able to read the Spanish Bible with the help of his mother.

TRUE 6. Doña Teodora was the first teacher of Rizal and by three (3) years old, Rizal learned the
alphabet, and also how to read and write in Spanish.

TRUE 7. The Rizal family belonged to the "Principalia", the aristocratic section of a town composed of
distinguished families.

FALSE 8. Josefa was the most beloved sister of Rizal who was next to him and died at the age of 3 and
for the first time he shed tears for love, grief and said to be his first sorrow.

FALSE 9. Jose Rizal was the 8th child of the Rizal family, was born on June 19, 1861 Wednesday between
11:00 and 1200 night in Calamba, Laguna.

FALSE 10. When Rizal was nearly seven (7) years old, his mother took him for a pilgrimage to Antipolo in
order to fulfill the vow his mother made when Jose Rizal was born.
Activity 3 Matching Type.

Direction: Match Column A with Column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on the

space provided before the number.

b 1. The youngest in Rizal's Family. a. Teodora

j 2. The eldest child of the Rizal b. Soledad
children and married to Manuel Hidalgo c. Josefa
n 3. The greatest Filipino hero, genius d. Trinidad
and pride, whose nickname is Pepe. e. Narcisa
l 4. The second child and brother f. Lucia
of Jose Rizal who convinced Rizal to study g. Concepcion
in Europe without their parent's permission. h. Melchora
g 5. Rizal’s sister who died at the age of i. Olimpia
three (3) and her death was considered as j. Saturnina
the first sorrow. k. Maria
d 6. An old maid sister of Rizal whose l. Paciano
nickname was ‘Trining’ and died at m. Jesusa
the age of 83. n. Jose
e 7. A School teacher in Morong Bataan whose o. Ambrosio
nickname is ‘Sisa’ and married to Antonio Lopez.
k 8. The sister of Rizal whose nickname is ‘Biang’
And blessed with 5 children with her partner.
i 9. Sister of Rizal who was married to Silvestre
Ubaldo, telegraph operator from Manila.
c 10. An old maid sister of Rizal whose nickname
Is ‘Panggoy’ and died at the age of 80.
Activity 4 Essay

1. Enumerate and explain briefly the importance and similarities of your family and parents to
Rizal’s family and parents.
The Rizal family was regarded as one of the most respected and well-known family at
their time. The Rizal family were wealthy, which explains why Jose Rizal was able to travel and
study in other countries. His parents were descended from Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Malay,
and Negrito ancestors. Rizal’s father, Don Francisco Mercado Rizal and his mother, Doña
Teodora Alonso Y Realonda was a very religious person as well as a businesswoman. Rizal’s
character reflects how much his parents influenced him. Rizal’s family had a simple, contented
and happy life and was intimately close. His first teacher, his mother together with his uncles,
and other brother first molded him to become the person he is known today. Jose Rizal became
a man of incredible intellectual power, with amazing artistic talents as well. He excelled at
anything that he put his mind to. Through the influence of Rizal’s parents, he grew up to be
religious, prayerful, and a god-fearing person.
Jose Rizal’s family and my family have a lot in common. One of them was growing up
with kind parents who supported and provided for my basic needs on a daily basis. My mother
was also my first teacher, she taught me how to count and I was able to familiarize the alphabet
through her help. I was also taught how to act in a respectable manner. My family taught me the
importance of being mindful in making decisions. Don Francisco and Doña Teodora loved their
children, but they never spoiled them. They were strict parents and they trained their children
to love God, to behave well, to be obedient and to respect people especially the elder. When
Rizal and his siblings did something wrong, they were given a punishment. Just like Rizal’s
parent, my family also taught me values and whenever I did something wrong, my parents have
their own way of correcting me.
The role of the parents in a family very important. Their job is to encourage, assist, and
give us task like doing house chores that allow the child to practice and develop skills. The family
has the greatest influence on a child’s learning and socializing because the family is their primary
social group. Our family give us unlimited love, laughter and a feeling of belongingness. It is the
first source of love we receive in our lives. Family influences our values which are a reflection of
who we are, that’s why it is very important to have a family who teaches good values, support
your decisions and love you unconditionally. Family is the one that will bring out the best in you
even if you cannot see it for yourself.
2. Explain the important lesson that we can learn from “the story of the moth” particularly in
dealing with our parents’ advice and reminders.

The story of the moth was an inspiring and a life changing story that teaches us plenty of
moral lessons. The story was about an old moth who warned her daughter to stay away from
the flame, despite of its alluring beauty, it is fatal and deceitful for it destroyed whoever came
too close. The frightened young moth promised to obey but eventually found reasons why she
should do it. She was interested to see what would happen if she tried to get any closer. At first,
she only felt pleasantly warm which encouraged her to flew closer and closer until at last,
dazzled by flame, fell and perished in it. Her disobedience led in losing her precious life.
The moth story is more than just a tale, it also has valuable lesson that everyone should
learn. One lesson to be learned from the story of moth is to always obey people who are older
than us, particularly our parents, because they knew what’s best for us. In the story, the young
moth perished because he defied his parent and go too close to the flame, which burnt him to
death. We humans likewise act in this manner, when we are advised not to do certain thing, we
tend to disobey and end up doing it. Listening to our elders who are more experienced than us is
usually the best option. That’s why as much as possible, let’s try our best not to disobey them.
The story also shows how our eyes may deceive us. We should constantly make good decisions
and try to anticipate what will happen because regret is the last thing we want to experience.
The story of the moth has a great flow of events that teaches numerous moral life
lessons especially to the teens of the present and future generations. It will serve as a guide for
the youth to always obey the elders because the lessons they teach us are already things they
have experienced in life. I also noticed that we can learn a lesson by observing our surrounding
and relating it to our everyday life, just like Rizal staring at the moths roaming around the

3. Explain the message of the poem, “To My Fellow Children” giving importance to nationalism and
national identity.

“To My Fellow Children” is a poem written by Dr. Jose Riza at the age of eight. A poem
about the love of one’s native language written in tagalog. Where it is primarily intended to
convey the importance of youth and their potential to affect the destiny of our motherland.
Rizal wrote it to encourage the youth to be proud for who they are and use their talents to be
the best they can be. The poem directly addresses the youth and the future generations to
remind us the importance of one’s national language and how it is our responsibility to take care
of it.
The major purpose of Rizal’s poem “To My Fellow Children” is to boost the Filipino spirit
in adoring our own language, because loving and using one’s native language was one of the
characteristics of a true patriot. He wrote this poem in order to tell the importance of one’s love
and appreciation to his language, for it is a bridge connecting people to each other. The Filipino
people to acquire education regarding our own language for us to be able to achieve our goals
and improve our beloved nation. The poem provoked the youths to be more proud of our
nationality and identity, and by enriching our language we could show our sense of pride as
Filipinos. The poem strengthens the nationalistic heart of the Filipino people by conveying a
message that the youth should use their capabilities, talents and skills to raise our motherland
and be proud of who we are.
After reading and understanding the poem, “To My Fellow Children” I felt the sincerity
and the emotion of a person who wishes for a better tomorrow. The poem is indeed a work
from the heart with no pretention and an eye-opener to those who degrade our language. I am
proud that we have Dr. Jose Rizal, a good example for all the youth that we should never be
ashamed for who we are, but instead be proud of who we are as a Filipino.

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