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Module 1


A Match the words to form collocations.

1 camp a assistant
2 storm b counsellor
3 shop c driver
4 flight d chaser
5 police e officer
6 sports f attendant
7 taxi g coach

B Look at the questionnaire and fill in the gaps, using the words below.

shifts, hours, training, salary, well, team, outdoors

At New Jobs we make it our business to find you a position which suits your skills,
education and ambition. Please take a few moments to fill out this questionnaire so
that we can match you to your perfect job!
1 Name: Simon James
2 Age: 21
3 NewJobs ID: S. Jones 15
4 What is the most important thing for you about work?
 Doing an interesting job
 Earning a high 1) …………………………………………
5 Do you work better
 on your own?
 as part of a 2) …………………………………………?
6 Do you mind working long 3) …………………………………………? Y/N
7 Can you work at the weekend? Y/N
8 Can you work night 4) …………………………………………? Y/N
9 Do you like working 5) …………………………………………?
For example, on a construction site or as a tour guide. Y/N
10 Which of the following statements is true of you personally?
 Earning a lot of money is important to me. I don’t really care what I do, as long as I
am 6) …………………………………………-paid.
 It doesn’t matter how much I earn as long as I am doing a job I enjoy.
Note: Some jobs require new employees to do tough 7) ………………………………,
which can be difficult if you are not fit and healthy. Please tick here if you do NOT
want to hear about these jobs. 

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
C Fill in: apply, put out, look after, supervise, obey, operate.

1 Mike works for the police and his job is to make sure people ………………………
the law.
2 The flight attendants ……………………… the passengers on an aeroplane.
3 Firefighters use special equipment to ……………………… fires.
4 Lisa works in a hospital. She is a surgeon and her job is to ……………………… on
5 Judges ……………………… the law in a court.
6 The camp counsellors are here to ……………………… the children.

D Read the adverts and fill in the following qualities: brave, organised,
creative, caring, polite, fit, patient.

Train to be a Firefighter
• Are you 1) …………….. enough to handle dangerous situations?
• Are you fast enough to deal with emergencies?
• Are you 2) …………….. enough to complete difficult physical training exercises?

If you answered YES to the above questions, call your local Fire Department NOW
and start a new career as a firefighter TODAY.

Camp Counsellor Needed!

We are looking for a friendly person with experience of working with children to join
us at Greenfields Summer Camp this year.

You will need to be 3) …………….. in order to think of fun activities for the kids to
do. You also have to be 4) …………….. because you have to take the children to all
their different activity stations on time. Finally, you must be 5) …………….. because
some children may get upset if it is their first time away from home.

If this sounds like you, then check our website for more information:

Secretary wanted for Smith & Smollett Law Firm. Must be 6) …………….., as will
be speaking to the public both face-to-face and over the phone. Also needs to be
7) …………….. and able to deal with difficult clients without getting annoyed.
Experience in a similar role is preferred. If interested, please call 020 7895 2316.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1

E Fill in: meteors, sightings, spot, witnesses, fascinated, information, devices,

enthusiastic, hotspots, take up.

Are you 1) …………….. by the unknown? Do you want to know what’s

really out there? Why not 2) …………….. UFO spotting and see for

Members of UFO Spotters investigate 3) …………….. of strange lights

in the sky and interview 4) …………….. who have seen mysterious flying
objects. Often these turn out to be aeroplanes or 5) …………….., but
some of them are true UFOs. We use everyday 6) …………….., such as
mobile phones and cameras, to record 7) …………….., so there’s no
need to buy special equipment.

So, if you’re 8) …………….. about finding life out in space, join us this
Wednesday at 11 pm at Cradle Hill in Warminster, one of the UK’s top
UFO 9) …………….. . Hundreds of UFOs have been seen at this
location over the years. Who knows? You might just 10) ……………..
one yourself!

For more information, or to join UFO Spotters at a DISCOUNT PRICE of

£15 for the whole year, call Dom on 07911 236547.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Part-time jobs

F Fill in the correct word.

a pay, earn, spend

1 Diane found a part-time job as a waitress to ........................ some extra money.

2 Joshua works at the weekends to get money to ........................ on textbooks
for college.
3 Leon has to work in the evenings because he needs money to help
........................ his university fees.

b wages, salaries, internships

1 The hospital offers ................................ to students who are studying Medicine.

2 It is a well-paid job, but you do have to pay for your accommodation out of your
................................ .
3 Surgeons and lawyers both earn high ................................ because their jobs
are highly skilled and very stressful.

G Match the words to form collocations.

1 average a student
2 waiting b service
3 cashier c wage
4 customer d firm
5 medical e campus
6 research f board
7 room and g assistant
8 university h tables
9 law i work

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Adventure sports

H Complete the sentences with the sports you see in the pictures.

1 Mark’s favourite sport is ............ 5 Sara is a world champion at ......

.................................................. . .................................................. .

2 ................................................... 6 .............................................. is
.......... is a very dangerous sport. a more thrilling sport than skiing.

7 ...................................................
3 They often go ............................
is an adventure sport which
........................ at the weekends.
involves floating through the air.

4 ...................................................
8 ...................................................
is an exciting but very tiring sport.
............. is a popular water sport.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
I Match the words to form collocations.

1 deep a life
2 air b campaign
3 world c breath
4 busy d record
5 environmental e tank

J Fill in: take, hold, shrink, double, come, train, set in the correct form.

1 A free diver’s lungs ……………….. to the size of a lemon on the way to the bottom of the
2 The famous paraglider is planning to ……………….. a new world record by staying in the air
longer than anyone else.
3 The diver always ……………….. a deep breath before diving into the pool.
4 As free divers swim towards the surface, their lungs ……………….. in size.
5 Ryan takes part in windsurfing competitions and he ……………….. hard almost every day.
6 Diving ……………….. naturally to Helen as she has been swimming since she was two
years old.
7 Cathy already ……………….. two records for speed skiing.

 Voluntary Work

K Fill in: volunteer, charity, orphans, community, opportunity, wildlife, difference, effort.

The children’s 1) …………………. Start Smiling is giving you the chance to be a(n)
2) …………………. in Malawi this summer. Spend 6 weeks in a traditional African
3) …………………. helping to take care of the village’s 4) …………………. – young
children who have no parents to look after them.

Free time
Volunteers work Monday to Friday. On your days off, you can go on organised trips into
the savannah and see African 5) …………………., such as lions, elephants and buffalo,
so don’t forget to bring your camera!

Get involved
This is a wonderful 6) …………………. to experience life in an African village at the same
time as making a real 7) …………………. to the lives of the children who live there. It
only takes a little bit of time and 8) …………………. from you to change the way these
children feel and to help them to Start Smiling again!

If you’re interested, email us now at

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
L Match the words to form collocations.

1 non-profit a programmes
2 endangered b group
3 educational c species
4 learning d organisation
5 conservation e experience

 Student jobs

M Match the jobs from column A to their definitions in column B.

1 dishwasher a sb who pretends to be a customer to judge a store’s service
2 video game tester b sb who looks after children when their parents are out
3 lifeguard c sb whose job is to take things to people
4 dog walker d sb who washes dishes for a living
5 babysitter e sb whose job is to tend to gardens
6 secret shopper f sb whose job is to take dogs for walks
7 delivery person g sb who plays video games to test them
8 gardener h sb who helps swimmers in danger of drowning

N Fill in: read, fight, analyse, graduate, bark, present, volunteer, develop, participate, give,
conserve, monitor in the correct form.

1 Michelle ………………….. a TV show about wildlife every Saturday morning.

2 John is going to ………………….. in the mountain biking race.
3 This training course helps people ………………….. their skills and become better teachers.
4 The sports coach is ………………….. Charlie’s progress and he thinks he’s ready to play for
the school team.
5 The neighbour’s dog is always ………………….. . Every morning he wakes me up.
6 We should do something to help ………………….. endangered species.
7 Lewis can’t ………………….. a map – he is always getting lost.
8 The emergency services are still ………………….. the fire at the shop.
9 Paula wants to be a medical researcher after she ………………….. from university.
10 The UFO spotters are going to ………………….. the information they gathered last night on
their laptops.
11 Amy spends her summers ………………….. in Africa, where she looks after orphans and
teaches them English.
12 Mr Stevens was kind enough to ………………….. me the opportunity to work as a clerk in his
law firm this summer.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1

O Fill in: suit, describe, comfort, solve, agree, come up.

1 The best way to ............................a problem is to think carefully about all your options and
then decide what to do.
2 You’re very good at Maths and Science, so a job in scientific research would ........................
your skills.
3 We all had different ideas, so we found it hard to ............................on a solution.
4 Would you ............................yourself as organised and practical?
5 Emma is trying to ............................with an idea for her Geography project, but she hasn’t
thought of anything yet.
6 When Phil was upset, we all tried to ............................him and make him feel better.

 Easily confused words

P Fill in the correct word.

1 devices / objects
a UFO hunters use modern electronic ............................, such as camcorders and
cameras, to record evidence of sightings.
b Several mysterious flying ............................ were seen over the village last night.

2 volunteer / unpaid
a The work is ............................, but your room and board is provided.
b Lucy is taking part in a(n) ............................ programme in Chad this summer.

3 offers / involves
a Being a secretary often ............................ working long hours.
b The company ............................ new employees a good wage, as well as long holidays
and a company car.

4 career / profession
a As a university graduate and a fluent speaker of three languages, Jason has multiple
............................ opportunities.
b Jobs in the medical ............................ are often well-paid.

5 charity / non-profit
a The club is a ............................ organisation – all the money it raises goes to help build
schools in Tanzania.
b Our community centre is organising a ............................ event to raise money for the

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 8 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
6 research / project
a Environmental organisations do wildlife ............................ all over the world.
b We have to do a ............................ on adventure sports for homework.

7 developing / improving
a The charity’s work means that the lives of millions of people are ............................ .
b Harrison is ............................ a new system for tracking UFOs.

8 enthusiastic / fascinating
a Bella is ............................ about tornado chasing – she talks about it all the time.
b Freediving is a(n) ............................ sport – it’s amazing that the divers can hold their
breath for so long!


Q Fill in: work, area, fiction, deliveries, metal, applicants, service, mask.

1 Firefighters wear a face ............................, a helmet, gloves and boots to protect themselves
from the flames.
2 I like doing cashier ............................ because I can chat to the customers while they are
paying for their shopping.
3 Daniel uses a van to make ............................ to shops all over the city.
4 I can see smoke over there – we should call the fire ............................!
5 You need special equipment to go ............................ detecting.
6 Dean likes reading science ............................ stories about aliens and other worlds.
7 There were over 100 job ............................ for the position of video games tester.
8 Hikers discovered the remains of a mysterious craft in a remote ............................ 10 km
from the nearest town.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 9 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1

R Fill in the correct preposition.

1 All the students in my class are participating ................. the school concert.
A on B in C at D with

2 Paul and Simon couldn’t agree ................. which film to see.

A with B to C in D on

3 Jerry likes being ................. himself.

A by B with C on D to

4 Mark is a very logical and down-.................-earth person.

A to B in C on D at

5 As a member ................. a team, Mary knows how to share things.

A of B for C with D by

6 She’s waiting in the queue with her money ................. hand to buy a concert ticket.
A at B by C in D on

7 Janet babysits in the afternoons to help pay ................. university.

A about B for C at D to

8 Carla wants to apply ................. the position of research assistant.

A for B to C on D in

9 There’s a variety of jobs to choose ................. .

A of B to C in D from

10 Thanks ................. the volunteers, the lives of the people in the village are improving.
A of B at C from D to

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 10 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Phrasal verbs

S Underline the correct participle.

1 When she heard the terrible news, I thought Mandy would break up/down and cry, but she
managed to hold back her tears.
2 An argument broke out/up between Chris and Tom about whose turn it was to use the
mountain bike.
3 We must carry away/on in spite of the difficulties we face.
4 He is trying to bring me about/round to his point of view.
5 Julie is trying to find out/about information on internships at the computer lab.
6 Someone broke up/into their house yesterday and stole all their valuables.
7 He broke a piece away/off the bar of chocolate and gave it to the little child.
8 They want to bring up/on their children in France.
9 The last government brought out/about many changes in our legal system.
10 A firefighter’s main job is to put out/off fires.

 Word formation

T Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 She is working as a dog ………………………. to earn some extra money. (WALK)

2 James is a camp ………………………. and looks after children on holiday. (COUNSEL)
3 ………………………. are protesting against global warming issues in the city centre today.
4 The famous ………………………. is performing at the Sydney Opera House tonight.
5 The talk show host asked the ………………………. many personal questions. (INTERVIEW)
6 The shop ………………………. politely told the customers that the shop would close in 10
minutes. (ASSIST)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 11 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1


A Underline the correct word.

1 A: I hear the rock climbing class is fully booked.

B: Yes, but luckily / lucky I managed to get a place!
2 A: How was the last day of summer camp?
B: Great! We put on a show and all the children sang and danced beautiful / beautifully.
3 A: I had a wonderful / wonderfully time volunteering in Greece.
B: You were helping to conserve wildlife in Zakynthos, weren’t you?
4 A: Do I need a telescope to go UFO spotting?
B: No, simple / simply meet us at Cradle Hill – all the equipment is provided.
5 A: You must have enjoyed the sunshine and warm / warmly weather in Africa.
B: Yes, of course. But the best part was helping the orphans learn to read.
6 A: There is a terrible fire blazing in a shop downtown.
B: Yes, but teams of firefighters are tackling it very brave / bravely as we speak.

B Read the email and fill in the gaps with an adverb formed from the
adjectives in brackets.

Hi Laura!
You know I 1) …………………… (usual) spend my summers in Scotland. Well,
guess what? This year I’m in Calcutta, India! I am taking part in a summer
volunteering programme, teaching English to children who live in the slums.*
The kids in my group are all excellent students – they are always on time and
they learn very 2) …………………… (fast).
Most people here are 3) …………………… (terrible) poor, but they are
4) …………………… (incredible) friendly. I have been able to make friends 5) ……………………
(easy) with the local women – they are all so pleased that I am teaching their children English
because it will give them a better chance in life.
I’ll be back in the UK at the end of August. When I get home, I’ll call you 6) ……………………
(immediate) – I have so much to tell you about Calcutta!
Hope you’re having a good summer, too.

*slums – areas of a city without proper housing or sanitation, where people live in poverty

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 12 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Present Simple

C Read the facts about Esther. Write questions and answers, as in the

Name: Esther Jones

Home: Bristol
Job: nurse
Free time activities: rock climbing, playing hockey, going to the
cinema with friends
Favourite item of clothing: designer jeans

1 Esther / live / Manchester?

A: Does Esther live in Manchester?
B: No, she doesn’t. She lives in Bristol.

2 she / work / as a nurse?

A: ..........................................................................................
B: ..........................................................................................

3 she / play netball / in her free time?

A: ..........................................................................................
B: ..........................................................................................

4 she / like going to the theatre / with friends?

A: ..........................................................................................
B: ..........................................................................................

5 she / like wearing / smart trousers?

A: ..........................................................................................
B: ..........................................................................................

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 13 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Present Continuous

D Read Paul’s agenda. In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the


Sunday Monday
9 am Visit Susan
11 am Go for bike ride with Ben
1 pm Meet Steve for lunch
5 pm Watch football match
8 pm English lesson

1 go / for bike ride / with Ben / Sunday / 9 am?

A: Is Paul going for a bike ride with Ben on Sunday at 9 am?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s going for a bike ride with Ben on Sunday at 11 am.

2 watch / hockey match / Sunday / 5 pm?

A: ........................................................................................................................................
B: ........................................................................................................................................

3 visit / Susan / Sunday / 9 am?

A: ........................................................................................................................................
B: ........................................................................................................................................

4 meet / Steve for lunch / Monday / 1 pm?

A: ........................................................................................................................................
B: ........................................................................................................................................

5 have / English lesson / Monday / 5 pm?

A: ........................................................................................................................................
B: ........................................................................................................................................

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 14 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Present Simple vs Present Continuous

E Put the verbs into the correct form of the present simple or the present

1 A: ...................................................................................... (Ryan / live) in Knightsbridge?

B: No, but he ................................................................ (go) there tonight to visit his aunt.

2 A: What time ..................................................................................... (the library / open)?

B: It ................................................................. (open) at 9.00, except for Sundays when it
………………………………………………. (not / open) at all.

3 A: ............................................................................ (you / come) to play football outside?

B: No, I ................................................................................ (do) my homework right now.

4 A: ................................................................................. (you / walk) to college every day?

B: Yes, but tomorrow I ................................................................ (take) the bus because I
.................................................................... (have) a dentist appointment before class.

5 A: What .................................................................................. (you / do) in the evenings?

B: I ............................................................................... (usually / watch) TV, but tonight I
......................................................................................... (chat) with my friends online.

F Read the letter and fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets using the
present simple or the present continuous.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 15 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
Dear Sir/Madam,

I 1) ………………………….. (write) to apply for the position of part-time shop assistant at your
fashion boutique, which was advertised in last week’s Hampton Press.

I 2) …………………..……………….. (study) Fashion and Design at college and I

3) …………………..……………….. (consider) a career in the clothing industry. As I am a student,
I 4) …………………..……………….. (usually / shop) in affordable stores like New Look and
Topshop, but I am very knowledgeable about high-end designers too. I 5) …………………………..
(read) a lot of fashion magazines and I 6) ……………………………….. (know) all the latest styles.

I consider myself to be good with people and I am also hardworking and enthusiastic. I
7) …………………..……………….. (believe) I would be a good choice for the position of part-time
shop assistant. In addition, I 8) …………………..……………….. (live) very close to your store, so I
would be available to work at short notice.

Please find enclosed a copy of my CV. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Jenny Cole

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 16 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Stative Verbs

G Complete the sentences using the verb given in the present simple or
present continuous.

1 think
a I ..................................................................................... the new student is from Spain.
b Carl .................................................................................. about taking up windsurfing.

2 see
a I .................................................................................................... what you mean, but I
still don’t agree with you.
b I ......................................................................................... my doctor after class today.

3 have
a He .......................................................................................... lunch in the office today.
b He ............................................................................................... a new mountain bike.

4 smell
a Your room ............................................................................................................. nice.
b The cat ............................................................................................................. its food.

5 taste
a Brenda ............................................................................ the cake to see if she likes it.
b This carrot cake ................................................................................................... great!

6 fit
a They ............................................................................................ new kitchen cabinets.
b That dress .............................................................................................. Julie perfectly.

7 appear
a Sam ...................................................................... to be happy about his job interview.
b Our teacher ............................................................................ on television this week in
a programme about protecting endangered species.

8 enjoy
a Linda really ...................................................................................... white-water rafting.
b I ............................................................................................ this mug of hot chocolate.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 17 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1

H Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective / adverb in brackets,
adding any necessary words.

1 I can’t understand you, could you speak a bit ……………………………… (slowly), please?
2 This is ……………………………… (sad) film I have ever seen.
3 Liam is a lot ……………………………… (hardworking) you.
4 This is by far ……………………………… (bad) book I have ever read.
5 James isn’t as ……………………………… (sociable) his sister.
6 That car is too small for our family. We need something much ………………………………
7 Her cooking skills are getting …………………………… and …………………………… (good).
8 This is ……………………………… (expensive) dress I have ever bought. It cost £100!
9 December is ……………………………… (busy) month of the year for most shops.

I Read the email and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective in
brackets. Add any necessary words.

My new part-time job

Hi Jim,

I’m writing to tell you about my new part-time job as a lifeguard at the
1) ……………………….. (beautiful) beach on this stretch of coast. The water
here is 2) ………………………….. (clear) and 3) …………………………..
(clean) than anywhere else and the sand is golden. It’s much
4) ………………………….. (good) than the job I had last summer in that stuffy
office! It’s also 5) ………………………….. (close) to where I live, so I can walk
to work instead of catching the bus. I don’t get paid 6) …………………………..
(much) as I did for my old job, but the people I work with are
7) ………………………….. (friendly). We talk a lot because the beach is fairly
quiet at the moment, but from next week it will be 8) …………………………..
(busy) because the school holidays start. You should come and visit –
spending summer here at the beach is far 9) ………………………….. (relaxing)
than staying in the city, and we can hang out when I’m not working. It will be
10) ………………………….. (good) holiday ever!

Call me soon,

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 18 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Infinitive / -ing form

J Put the verb in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form.

1 A: Do you fancy ……………………………………………. (go) out tonight?

B: To be honest, I would prefer …………………………………………. (watch) a film at home.

2 A: I really like ……………………………………………. (work) outside.

B: Then you should ……………………………………………. (apply) for that part-time job as
a gardener.

3 A: Sarah is willing ……………………………………………. (drive) us to the airport at 5 am

on Saturday.
B: Well, as a nurse she is used to ……………………………………………. (wake up) early,
because her shift at the hospital starts at 6 am.

4 A: Where are you going ……………………………………………. (spend) your summer

B: I would like ……………………………………………. (go) abroad, but I haven’t booked
anything yet.

5 A: I have decided ……………………………………………. (do) more exercise.

B: Well, ……………………………………………. (swim) is good exercise – you can come to
the pool with me this evening.

6 A: Don’t waste any more time ……………………………………………. (play) on the

computer – you need to write your cover letter.
B: I know, but I’m having difficulty ……………………………………………. (think) of how to

7 A: In English exams, I’m good at ……………………………………………. (answer) the

written questions, but I find the speaking part difficult.
B: You had better ……………………………………………. (practise) speaking then – your
exam is next month!

8 A: We’re pleased ……………………………………………. (inform) you that you got the job.
B: Thank you. I look forward to ……………………………………………. (work) with you all.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 19 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
K Put the verb in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form.

1 Did you remember ……………………………………………. (bring) a camcorder with you?

2 I stopped ……………………………………………. (feel) nervous about five minutes after the
interview started.
3 She regrets ………………………………………. (leave) university before finishing her course.
4 I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean ……………………………………………. (drop) your phone.
5 I remember ……………………………………………. (start) my internship – I was so excited
on the first day.
6 On his way to college, Evan stopped ……………………………………. (buy) a new notebook.
7 Amy forgot ……………………………………………. (enclose) a copy of her CV with her
application form.
8 If Paul gets the job in Coventry, it will mean ……………………………………………. (drive)
for over an hour to get to work.
9 We regret ……………………………………………. (say) that, although your qualifications are
impressive, you don’t have enough experience to do this job.
10 Try ……………………………………………. (study) for half an hour, then take a break for
five minutes before you go back to work.
11 I’ll never forget ……………………………………………. (volunteer) in Ghana – it was an
incredible experience.
12 The free diver tried ……………………………………………. (break) the world record, but he
couldn’t swim deep enough.

 Tenses of the infinitive

L Put the verb in brackets into the correct infinitive form.

1 A: How are you going to pay for your holiday?

B: I plan ……………………………………………. (find) a part-time job as a babysitter.
2 A: Chris seems ……………………………………………. (search) in that field with his metal
detector for hours.
B: Yes, he thinks there is something valuable buried there.
3 A: It says here that the mountain biking competition will ………………………..……………….
(hold) in the hills of northern Greece.
B: That’s a long way away! Hopefully they will show it on television, too.
4 A: I have always wanted to be a sports coach and now my dream has come true!
B: You are so lucky ……………………………………………. (work) in a job that you enjoy.
5 A: Did you know Barry’s hobby is storm chasing?
B: Yes, and he claims ……………………………………………. (see) over fifty tornadoes!
6 A: Jenny is amazing at water sports.
B: Yes – she’s the only woman ever ……………………………………………. (give) a place
on the windsurfing team.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 20 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1
 Key Word Transformations

M Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Use two to five words to complete each

1 He doesn’t drive fast because he has only just passed his driving test.
He .............................................................. he has only just passed his driving test.

2 Terry is more organised than Mike.

Mike .............................................................. Terry.

3 Her plane leaves for New York tomorrow morning.

She .............................................................. tomorrow morning.

4 I don’t know anyone more creative than Kelly.

Kelly is .............................................................. person I know.

5 The nurse helped him regain consciousness after he fainted.

The nurse .............................................................. after he fainted.

6 She says that she has seen several UFOs.

She claims .............................................................. several UFOs.

7 I worry that the car will suddenly stop working in the middle of nowhere.
I worry that the car will ...................................................... in the middle of nowhere.

8 I find it difficult to understand Maths.

I have difficulty .............................................................. Maths.

9 I have an appointment with the dentist this afternoon.

I .............................................................. this afternoon.

10 Rob is working in London now, but his home is in Cardiff.

Rob is working in London now, but ................................... in Cardiff.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 21 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1

Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Leo Houlding is on a remote island in the Arctic Circle. For two weeks, he climbs a steep cliff
face nearly 1 mile high. At night, he sleeps in a hammock hanging from the rocks. When he
reaches the top, he puts on a parachute, jumps off and flies back down. Soon after, he starts again,
but this time he doesn’t stop and finishes the climb in just 24 hours.
There’s no wonder that 30-year-old Leo is one of Britain’s top adventurers! After starting
climbing at the age of just 10 and becoming a champion at 15, Leo now climbs the most difficult
cliffs and peaks in the world such as Mount Everest and Half Dome and El Capitán in the USA’s
Yosemite National Park. He often breaks speed records, finishing climbs that usually take a week
in just one day!
All this can be very risky, though. Leo bravely climbs up vertical cliffs using just his feet and
fingertips and tiny cracks in the rock. He often faces severe storms, extremely cold temperatures
and rock falls. So does Leo ever get scared? “Yes, absolutely!” he says. “But you can’t imagine
how wonderful it is waking up on a big wall, thousands of feet above a glacier.”
These days, Leo is still climbing, but he also makes documentaries about his adventures,
appears in adverts and on TV shows and gives talks to young people to encourage them to
challenge themselves in life. All in all, Leo never stops looking for the next thrilling adventure!

1 In the first paragraph, what is 4 What is Leo’s attitude to the dangers

different about the second time Leo of climbing?
climbs the cliff? A He finds danger exciting.
A his speed B He worries a lot about safety.
B his equipment C He rarely feels afraid.
C how he gets down D He thinks climbing is worth the risk.
D where he sleeps
5 According to the text, which of the
2 Compared to other climbers, Leo following is true about Leo?
often A He’s a risk taker who prefers to be
A climbs much faster. alone.
B chooses more difficult climbs. B He really wants others to become
C takes more risks. interested in climbing.
D climbs more cliffs. C Above all, he enjoys feeling afraid.
D He likes doing challenging activities.
3 How does Leo climb?
A He jumps from rock to rock.
B He puts his hands and feet into
small spaces.
C He climbs up a rope hanging from
the top.
D He looks for large foot and
handholds in the rock.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 22 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

Module 1

Listen and match each person (1-5) to the activity (A-H) they are doing at
a summer sports camp today. There are two extra activities.

People Activities

0 B Dan A mountain biking

1 Tony B windsurfing

2 Diana C football

3 Luke D scuba diving

4 Ruth E sailing

5 Sue F basket ball tournament

G rock climbing

H white-water rafting

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 23 Matura Prime Time Plus Intermediate

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