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Involuntary and voluntary

actions : Skeletal Muscle

Voluntary actions
Actions that we are
conscious of and done on
our own will
Controlled by the cerebral
cortex Both actions
neurone, and an
effector organ

Actions that occur automatically

and occurs without us being
Controlled by the medulla oblongata
and hypothalamus
Voluntary act. involving
Skeletal Muscle
Voluntary actions such as walking and talking
are concious actions
The involuntary action pathway is
demonstrated below
The cerebrum
interprets the nerve
impulse to be sent to
the effector
The receptor receivesthe sensory
stimulus and transmits the neurone
nerve impulse to the
cerebrum thru sensory
Stimulus occurs
when the

The effector
muscles) receives
The pupil raises the information
his hand to
answer the
Involuntary act. involving skeletal muscles:
reflex response

Three-neurone reflex arc

Several situations require immediate and spontaneous action

A reflex action is a fast response a stimulus without being controlled by
the brain
the nerve path way is called reflex arc
The reflex action of moving the finger from the sharp pin involves three
neurones and communication between the neurones in the peripheral
nervous system and the spinal cord

Importance of reflex actions

Produce spontaneous responses without waiting for instructions from the

The brain can focus on higher-level thinking
The additional time that is needed by the brain to analyse information
before triggering a response can lead to serious injuries.

Two neurone reflex arc

Another reflex action is the knee jerk or the
patellar reflex
This reflex uses the nerve pathway that involve
two neurones
Sensory neurones and motor neurones

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